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Tina .............just take some time out. I did recently and I'll not hesitate to do it again if the mood/vibe isn't right for me.


This forum has it's ups and downs like all places. Deleting your account is a bit final .........of course only you can decide.


I do hope I've not upset you ............I have an uncanny knack of doing that but it's never intentional.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Aww Tina please stay  I'll miss your posts and hearing about your family.

If someone has upset you, please have a word with the mods?


You could always take a break and come back...

I second all that Pleaseeee don't go Tina  

I third it! I love seeing your pics and hearing about your lovely family.

Please reconsider Tina.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Aww Tina please stay  I'll miss your posts and hearing about your family.

If someone has upset you, please have a word with the mods?


You could always take a break and come back...

I second all that Pleaseeee don't go Tina  

I third it! I love seeing your pics and hearing about your lovely family.

Please reconsider Tina.

So do I Yogi  

Originally Posted by Saint:

What do you miss?

Maybe we could try to bring it back

There's no call for sarcasm just now. Tina has been through a harrowing time in RL - her daughter was diagnosed with cancer and she posted about it very movingly here. 


Sometimes someone posts something which is intended as harmless joshing but it just gets under your skin. Thats the way forum life is.


Refrain from insensitive comments about Tina's departure please Saint. Many of us hope she'll come back and comments like yours would only serve to make her feel uncomfortable.


Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Saint:

What do you miss?

Maybe we could try to bring it back

There's no call for sarcasm just now. Tina has been through a harrowing time in RL - her daughter was diagnosed with cancer and she posted about it very movingly here. 


Sometimes someone posts something which is intended as harmless joshing but it just gets under your skin. Thats the way forum life is.


Refrain from insensitive comments about Tina's departure please Saint. Many of us hope she'll come back and comments like yours would only serve to make her feel uncomfortable.


I didn't think he was being sarky.


I domiread thing at times ut ........I don't think that was ment to be unkind.

Soozy Woo

Tina, if someone has said something on here and it has hurt you then I don't suppose it was meant that way.  We are all guilty of being thoughtless or insensitive at times


You have a lot of friends on here who love to hear about you and your family and it would be a great pity if you felt you couldn't post on here any more.


Please re-consider

Madame Arcati

Hope you ok today , Tina. I know you and your family have been through so much, and sometimes a chance remark can upset. I have felt like leaving myself a few times, when i have been down. But you have good friends here. Take the positive, and ignore the negatives . You have helped me, in a way, with the strength you have, and what a lovely family you have brought up. Sorry if this sounds very mushy but the truth . Hope to see you back soon, when you are ready 


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