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I was housebound for months and have only recently been allowed out of the house again, only problem is I seem to be catching every blinkin bug going I was fine earlier today, but tonight felt crap so went off to bed, have now woken up feeling absolutely rotten and have been getting worse for the last 2 hours. Now have a temperature of 102, cant stop coughing and feel like cack. (Sorry, the boy's in bed, the dog aint interested and I've got no-one else to moan at)

I've been run down lately aswell and have been on a cocktail of meds these last few months for one thing and another, anyone know what I can do to build my immune system up again?

(And please dont suggest a loaded gun - that option is already on the radar - ta )

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I've heard really good things about green tea. I am a major tea drinker (coffee hardly ever - it's an Irish/Scottish thing). It's just every time I go out the ruddy door lately I'm ending up with some kind of bug and it's driving me mental. But surely to help build up my antibodies I have to keep going out? (aswell as taking the stuff you have all suggested)

I was so fed up earlier I was adamant that I would start wearing a tea towel round my face when I went out in future (a la Michael Jackson) - although look where he ended up - so maybe not a great idea after all.
But surely to help build up my antibodies I have to keep going out? (aswell as taking the stuff you have all suggested)
Yeah you do  and although getting the bugs is a pain at least you know as long as your body is putting a fight (and it is because you have a temp) you are building a new immune system.

And yes jackson green tea makes you pee, but it also gives you incredible amounts of energy, makes your hair shiny, your skin clear, your nails strong and it speeds your metabolism up as well as filling your body with antioxidants.
I have a compromised immune system and I was advised by consultant to increase my intake of Selenium either by tablets or one of the best ways is by eating Brazil nuts but not to take too much as it could be toxic.  Echinacea is supposed to help but I've never found any benefit from it but each to their own I guess
And yes jackson green tea makes you pee, but it also gives you incredible amounts of energy, makes your hair shiny, your skin clear, your nails strong and it speeds your metabolism up as well as filling your body with antioxidants.

Friggin eck That's all I'm gonna drink between now and end of March (when I have my soiree thingy)
I've found Zinc is the best stuff for helping my immune system. If I take a tablet a day it stops me getting cold sores which I am plagued with when my immune system is low.
Just don't take them on an empty stomach or they can make you feel nauseous.
Oh and steer clear of Holland and Barrett stuff if you can - it is really sub standard. Vega or Quest are the best for supplements I've found - try your local health food shop
Feel better soon

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