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I don't understand why people seem to think Sam is great but John James isn't. They have both been unforgivably nasty, particularly to the female housemates. I'd have thought you would either love both or hate both.
Spidey, I think the reason why I some people, myself included like Sam, is because there was a certain smug satisfaction from JJ1/JJ2/Monk Dave and Josie..

JJ1 seemed to point the finger, Josie loaded the gun and Monk Dave fired the bullets... whilst  Uber bore JJ2 seemed to be just there for decoration.. and to massage JJ1's ego even further.

The house had become boring..All the big characters were leaving week after week, whilst the boring smugs were acting as if they owned the house..

Sam came in knocked Josie off her self appointed Queen Bee perch, and just said what we the viewers have wanted to say for weeks...

Sam Pepper might not be everybody's idea of a BB winner, but he sure is mine..
Senora Reyes
what Senora said ^^^^ up there - JJ is BORING - what has he ever done in the house that you can remember?  Crab-eyes and farmer giles now believe they're in the money, freakin fraud thieving pervy Dave made a good move a few weeks back with hanging out with the 'cool' guys whilst knifing his 'mate' Ben in the throat - THAT is the only reason he is still there - the rest of them might as well feck off - walk out by the door to the right to get a bit of exposure...

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