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So there's a secret mission. All the old housemates are aware of the new housemates having something secret to do. Bea's hinted at it enough times this morning. And both Kenneth and Tom have said there is something that they 'can't talk about'. But what could it be?

Gathered around the dining table Siavash, Marcus and Noirin decided that whatever the mission was, it wasn't right, and they wouldn't stand for it.

In a unique show of solidarity the housemates plotted to work out a way to beat Big Brother's secret mission. Don't they know that Big Brother always wins?

"I know what I'm going to do when I go in there. I'm not going to nominate," said Charlie. "If I do that, they'll probably make an example of me or something."

"If they throw you out Charlie, I'll walk," said Marcus. Funny, we can't remember these two being so close before?

Between them Siavash, Charlie, Marcus, Noirin and Dogface agreed to not nominate when called in to the Diary Room. But not everyone liked the plan. While talking about the plan in the Bedroom, Rodrigo looked a bit upset.

"The way you speak about this, I feel pressured," he told Noirin.

"I'm not pressuring you, I'm just tellling you about what we're going to do," she said "I said this is what is going to happen."

"But you don't tell me, Big Brother tells us," he said.

"It's what we all agreed out there. You weren't there. I'm just letting you know. Next time I won't tell you," she replied.

Whatever happened to all for one?

Interesting Big Grin.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Just wondering ..... IF they do all stick by the refusal to nominate, that would theoretical mean that Noirin and Halfwit are up for eviction, so would that mean that only the orig HMs and NOT the new ones would face the public vote? Or did the task specifically say that Noirin and Freddie had to be nominated? Coz if they're not nominated but end up facing eviction without nomination, surely BB would have to stick by the outcome of the task, therefore only the newbies would face the public vote? Confused
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
oh charlie will back down as soon as big brother threatens him with being put up for eviction...he's such a wimp Roll Eyes
Reminds me of when he was doing his faffing about during the first noms saying it was to hard etc. He soon found a couple of names as soon as he was threatened with being put up for eviction.
captain marbles
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Lets see how quickly they cave in when threatened with being put up for eviction Big Grin

Hahaha reminds me of the time when Kitten was evicted and they protested cos they wanted her to stay, then as soon as the cash was going down they shoved her out the door. Laugh
HAHA yes that was so funny.
brilliant, can I just say that I said this is what they SHOULD do about 2 days ago and again this morning,
providing they ALL stick together on this BB would have to put them ALL up n thats what the public WANT anyway so they can get rid of the wicked witch of the west (midlands)
COURSE it all goes tits up if that spoiled little brat goes ahead and nominates cause they would just put the 2 he noms up, but then they would all KNOW he nomed em so it would be an uncomfortable few days for arselicker and he would certainly be up next week,
interesting !!!!!
old hippy guy

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