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Isaac telling Bea it was none of her business.
Siavash pleading with housemates to stop mentioning his indiscretion.
Noirin telling Bea it is none of her business.

How silly of them.
Without people talking about each other we have no show.
One of the foundations is that people clash.
If they didn`t you bet BB would soon ensure that they started.
None of them are so special and important that they have special permission to NOT be discussed.
They know what the programme is about. Perhaps they think special exceptions will be made because they are in it.

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Originally posted by paace:
People get all excited getting rid of someone who has not behaved as they would wish and rightly so, but there will be a major gap in the show when Noirin departs. BB will have lost one of its biggest talking points since the programme started.

Vive la diffÃĐrence, but I much prefer to see people get on with each other. Smiler

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