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I think it wold be best if Karly goes this week for a number of reasons.

Firstly, what has she done in that house? Aside from constantly bitch and moan and follow Lisa around, she has done nothing. She is permanently glued to the bus stop and all she does is whinge and be nasty about others.

But from a house dynamics viewpoint, I think she needs to go. Mainly because that will shock Lisa to the core. She will be left in no doubt that she will be gone as soon as she goes up. And she will know she has been rumbled. It will also throw everything else up in the air as Dogface and Charlie will then HAVE to spend more time with the rest of the group. Lisa will be on her own smoking herself to death at the bus stop. I think it could bring the fun element back into the house as well. As Chralie, Rodrigo and Dogface all float between everyone but always end up back with Lisa and Karly.

Also it will be really interesting to see how Noirin will handle Lisa, and how Lisa will behave when she hasn't got her hideous little sidekick around all the time.

It did amuse me last night when Lisa and Karly were harping on and moaning about the two different groups and the divide in the house and blaming Marcus and Halfwit, when it was so obviously Lisa and Karly that created the divide in the first place.

Oh I just remembered, she does actually walk around in ridiculous high heels all day. IMHO as she said in her promo vid, all she wants is magazine deals and to be a footballers wife. Well if that's what the shallow, materialistic little bint wants, then we should let her have it. Fingers crossed. Big Grin

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What about Sophie? Shes's been a fully paid -up member of Lisa's gang since its inception and she's just as much a follower a Karley.

Karley may not be a very likable character but she's more interesting than Sophie whose sole contribution to the series so far has been the odd fumble with Kris and a trail of hair extensions. removing her makes the same impact on the voting numbers as taking out Karley and she's much less interesting.

Sophie won't be nominated again and if she stays this week will sail through to the final like the vacuous flotation aid that she is.

Besides, if we get rid of Karley, Lisa has no partner-in-bitch and it will end up a rather lack-lustre last few weeks. Keeping her allows more time for Lisa to dig her own grave whilst watching her support dwindle.

In summary, no.
Teddy Bleads
Originally posted by captain marbles:
The only downside of Snarly going is that the group dynamics will leave the Marcus/Siavash/Freddie group pretty much in control and with Lisa likely to go next. Without any conflict it's going to be pretty damn dull with only Marcus's pursuit of Noirin the rabbit gazelle to spark any interest.

But we might have new HMs! Nod
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
The only downside of Snarly going is that the group dynamics will leave the Marcus/Siavash/Freddie group pretty much in control and with Lisa likely to go next. Without any conflict it's going to be pretty damn dull with only Marcus's pursuit of Noirin the rabbit gazelle to spark any interest.

But we might have new HMs! Nod
Trust you to complicate things. Big Grin
captain marbles
Originally posted by Teddy Bleads:
What about Sophie? Shes's been a fully paid -up member of Lisa's gang since its inception and she's just as much a follower a Karley.

Karley may not be a very likable character but she's more interesting than Sophie whose sole contribution to the series so far has been the odd fumble with Kris and a trail of hair extensions. removing her makes the same impact on the voting numbers as taking out Karley and she's much less interesting.

Sophie won't be nominated again and if she stays this week will sail through to the final like the vacuous flotation aid that she is.

Besides, if we get rid of Karley, Lisa has no partner-in-bitch and it will end up a rather lack-lustre last few weeks. Keeping her allows more time for Lisa to dig her own grave whilst watching her support dwindle.

In summary, no.

A very good argument for Sophie leaving too. However, if Sophie were to be evicted over Karly, Lisa and Karly will think that it's because the public want her to get back with Kris and do magazine deals and all that.

Granted, Sophie hasn't done much, and she is pretty much wallpaper. I do think that by Karly leaving, it will make a bigger impact on Lisa and her control in the house.
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
The only downside of Snarly going is that the group dynamics will leave the Marcus/Siavash/Freddie group pretty much in control and with Lisa likely to go next. Without any conflict it's going to be pretty damn dull with only Marcus's pursuit of Noirin the rabbit gazelle to spark any interest.

But we might have new HMs! Nod

Yes, my hope is that when the newies go in, Lisa tries to get her claws in them, succeeds and they live on to fight her legacy until again they're all taken down Ninja Nod

I am a bit concerned about the next few weeks being a bit boring if all the conflict is gone. I know conflict doesn't make a BB, but there's got to be something going on. And I want some hateful HMs so that I'm not gutted when each eviction roles 'round and someone I like goes.
Originally posted by langster:
I think it wold be best if Karly goes this week for a number of reasons.

Firstly, what has she done in that house? Aside from constantly bitch and moan and follow Lisa around, she has done nothing. She is permanently glued to the bus stop and all she does is whinge and be nasty about others.

But from a house dynamics viewpoint, I think she needs to go. Mainly because that will shock Lisa to the core. She will be left in no doubt that she will be gone as soon as she goes up. And she will know she has been rumbled. It will also throw everything else up in the air as Dogface and Charlie will then HAVE to spend more time with the rest of the group. Lisa will be on her own smoking herself to death at the bus stop. I think it could bring the fun element back into the house as well. As Chralie, Rodrigo and Dogface all float between everyone but always end up back with Lisa and Karly.

Also it will be really interesting to see how Noirin will handle Lisa, and how Lisa will behave when she hasn't got her hideous little sidekick around all the time.

It did amuse me last night when Lisa and Karly were harping on and moaning about the two different groups and the divide in the house and blaming Marcus and Halfwit, when it was so obviously Lisa and Karly that created the divide in the first place.

Oh I just remembered, she does actually walk around in ridiculous high heels all day. IMHO as she said in her promo vid, all she wants is magazine deals and to be a footballers wife. Well if that's what the shallow, materialistic little bint wants, then we should let her have it. Fingers crossed. Big Grin

I totally agree..... and I thought their sarcastic reaction to Rodrigo's suggestion that maybe having two distinct groups was not such a good idea, said it all! They are arrogant, and ignorant, and I can't wait to see them get their comeuppance!
I don't agree with the Sophie going argument at all. Personally I think Sophie has been a bit smothered (all her own doing) by Kris and now by Lisa. She shows in the diary room that she does have her own opinions, but they are deep down as she often follows her little crowd. Maybe because she is frightened of going against the group?

I personally think that she will lighten up if she stays, the more time she spends with Rodrigo and co the better. She has had some very funny and quite witty moments when she is away from Lisa and Karly, who IMHO just drag her down. I am not overly fond of her, but I do think she could come into her own and certainly provide more humourous entertainment than the nasty bitchy viewing you get from Karly.

Also, let's not forget the 4 new housemates going in. They will definitely shake things up, so yet another reason we don't need little miss foul mouthed bint Karly.
Perhaps I've missed Sophies interesting Diary room chats, I certainly can't bring any to mind, though I can remember Karley's numerous visits.

There is a lot of ifs and buts in the keeping Sophie arguments. She May come into her own, new housemates Might shake things up. I'd like to put one definate into the mix...she won't be up again.

If she's not out this week she will be in the final, another coaster who got there because we had bigger fish to fry.

I really do understand why karley's head is on the chopping block and I'm in no way defending her actions but she's been a much bigger part of the show than Sophie. My concern is we are getting rid of the bigger characters and keeping the dull ones. Previous experience tells us this is not good news.

Many of the same objectives will be achieved by evicting Sophie, Lisa is still loosing her supporters ( and be in no doubt Sophie is one of them) but we keep a level of conflict, and there will be plenty more opprotunities to get the others out in the weeks to come.

That said I was quite impressed with Sophie's dog impression.

Bye the Bye, I know the likelyhood of this happening falls into the slim-to-none bracket but I feel duty bound to state it for the record anyway.

As you were,


I'm here all week, try the fish.
Teddy Bleads

Fair enough Smiler It's only our opinion anyway. None of us can guess what will happen.

I am kind of torn with what I want from the show. It's always the same, get the nasty ones out, but they always create more conflict and entertainment for the viewers. But do I really enjoy shouting at the telly and getting annoyed because of how nasty some people are?

It's a bit like watching the auditions for Britains Got Talent and laughing at how bad and deluded some people are, even though you know in yourself that they are socially inept and sometimes actually mentally ill or unstable.

To be honest, I would prefer it to be like series 2 when you had Bubble and Brian winding everyone up all the time, and tasks like the 72 hour fire task (best ever imho) where you really got to know the housemates and the house was filled with interesting views and conversation and interesting personallities, rather than the selfish, nasty, materialistic, deluded fame hungry wannabee's that we get now.

Karly's constant talk about magazine deals and getting "papped" (by the papperazzi) just winds me up tbh.

Saying that though, I do genuinely like Siavash and Freddie and can tolerate Marcus as even though he is deluded about himself, he really does seem genuine when he says he went on for the laugh and not the fame.

Anyway we will just have to wait and see. Smiler
Originally posted by captain marbles:
The only downside of Snarly going is that the group dynamics will leave the Marcus/Siavash/Freddie group pretty much in control and with Lisa likely to go next. Without any conflict it's going to be pretty damn dull with only Marcus's pursuit of Noirin the rabbit gazelle to spark any interest.

I cant believe how you folks forget THE NEW HMTs. Only week 6 out of 14 you know. wavey
Reality Junkie
Personally I'm warming to Rodders more and more as the show progresses, though a boy that pretty really should be illegal.


I like him, but he really is quite immature and very set in his ways (like most of us) but his conversation with Freddie about weed really showed me how everything is either black and white in his world and there is no gray area. Hopefully he will be the one contestant this year who goes on a "journey" and comes out of it with having learnt more life skills.
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Must have missed that.. why, was he dead against it? He is very cut and dry for a bisexy. You'd think he'd be more laissez faire.

Yeah, he just wouldn't listen to anything Freddie was saying about it. To him, it was ILLEGAL so therefore there was no argument.

I wish Freddie had brought up the facts about homosexuallity (and gay rights that are still nearly non existent in many countries) I thought that would have been the best comparison to show him about grey areas and the stupidity of some laws. Or he could have mentioned Holland, but he kind of got stumped at the rigidness of Rodders beliefs.

Freddie was just saying about alcohol and tobacco being more harmful etc, but he just wouldn't have it. It's illegal and that's all there is to it.
Originally posted by langster:
It did amuse me last night when Lisa and Karly were harping on and moaning about the two different groups and the divide in the house and blaming Marcus and Halfwit, when it was so obviously Lisa and Karly that created the divide in the first place.

Lisa and Karly moaning about the divide but as soon as Rodrigo said he wished for more `togetherness` Lisa panicked and said she was quite happy where she was.

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