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@*mollie* posted:

yes, she really does't seem to appreciate what her staff have done in the time the have...

Exactly ….plus her mum had them doing silly things like the bed ….and didn’t she change things at the beginning as well

@*mollie* posted:

when I looked for autumn prices the bigger rooms were over £400!

Good grief Who the heck will pay that price to go there ….you can get a weeks all inclusive holiday abroad for that


That happened to me when I was front receptionist for a big company , in a new building! It was where I met Mr B ….cos his builders set off the fire alarm when the big cheeses were holding an important meeting…..I was not a happy bunny .

Last edited by Baz
@Baz posted:

That happened to me when I was front receptionist for a big company , in a new building! It was where I met Mr B ….cos his builders set off the fire alarm when the big cheeses were holding an important meeting…..I was not a happy bunny .

but alls well that ends well as you met your lovely hubbie..


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