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So I have really high blood pressure which is being monitored by my GP and the Heartless Heartlands Hospital in Brum.  It's been rising enough for my GP to get me an emergency appointment to see the consultant earlier than I should be seeing them.


Anyhoo the appointment dropped through the door last week telling me which clinic, Dr's name and what time - nothing else.  I had 4 phone calls from the booking office making sure I was going to attend    So I arrived 10 minute before my appointment, was booked in and told to wait.  When I was called I was told I needed to have my arm measured for a blood pressure cuff for a 24 hour monitor to be fitted.  Now I have bilateral lymphoedema which means I can't have needles for blood pressure cuffs on my arms (a fact that has been noted for 3 years with this clinic).  Any thing like this has to be done on my leg.  The nurse who was going to do the measuring fair shouted at me that I should have told clinic before I came that this was the case.  I calmly told her that this was the first time I was aware I would be fitted to any monitor and had I been advised it was to be fitted to my arm, I would of course have told them.


She then tells me to sit down while she went out to make a phone call (one I could hear) where she tells person on the end of the phone that she's unable to do the monitor because I hadn't advised them of my lymphoedema before hand.    When she came back into the room she said she couldn't do it.  I then said it wasn't my fault as I wasn't aware any monitor was to be fitted and that they had my records clearly stating that I can't have needles/BP cuffs on arms.  Furthermore, there was nothing on the appointment letter nor was there an enclosed leaflet advising me of what might happen at today's appointment.  Snotty cah said that the person booking the appointment wouldn't be aware of my particular problem.  Fair enough I said, but why is it my fault. She asked if I had another appointment coming up soon (it's on Monday) and she then patronisingly tells me that she never said I was at fault.  Flounced out of the room and got back on the phone to whoever and said that she couldn't deal with me because I was very cross and that she hoped it wouldn't blow up again when I attended my appointment on Monday 


I went out to the corridor where she was on the phone and asked her if she was insinuating that I was being aggressive?  She just said she didn't want to deal with me.  So I said fine, I'm leaving and when I get home I'll be making a complaint about my treatment.


Just to say I absolutely was not aggressive towards her nor did I even raise my voice.  My body language, facial expression and tone of voice would be enough to tell people I wasn't happy but I felt that not only was she blaming me for the situation, but she was hinting that I was being aggressive as well   I was annoyed, mostly at her for blaming me for the situation and then latterly because I felt her attitude was self-preservation because she knew a complaint was coming rather than any concern for her patient i.e me.


My blood pressure is through the roof atm and I'm trying to calm down (hence venting here)  but do you think I'm being overly sensitive??  I've also not had my monitor fitted and I'm concerned that there will be repercussions on Monday whereby I could be unfairly labelled an aggressive patient when I'm not. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bloody Nora, Pengy! 


My blood pressure rose just reading that! 


No, you're not being overly sensitive. She sounds like she was being totally unprofessional and you must report her behaviour. I'll bet she's had other complaints against her, so maybe she'll get sent on a 'Behaving Like a Decent Human Being' course, or something. 


Yeah... like Croc says -  PALS if you need something to be sorted out... 


but if you just want to complain (& you really should complain)..  then write all this in a letter and address it to the Cheif Exec of the Hospital.   It will then become an official complaint & strict reporting procedures will have to be adhered to...   you will receive an acknowledgement...  & then they will look into it... & then you will get an apology & perhaps an explanation.



I hate rude nurses..      I refused to let one near my son once in A&E cos she was such a cow.    


Its unacceptable Pengy..    the rudeness...   EVEN IF IT HAD BEEN YOUR OVERSIGHT (which it wasn't)


and... your condition should have been on your records..  they should have known anyway.





Most of the time in situations like these the member of staff concerned will have already had complaints against them, and those working with them probably know what an idiot she don't worry about the appointment on Monday


My older sister has suffered with an eating disorder for years but when she became pregnant she worked really really hard to overcome it. When her daughter was born she decided to breast feed her, and on one of the weekly weigh-in appointments with the midwife her daughter had put on weight but not quite as much as she should. The nurse was vile to her! Practically told her she was a bad mother, that she should eat more because she was risking the health of her child (at this point my sister was eating very well!!! ). She reduced my sister to tears and her husband (who was a violent arsehole), then subjected her to hell all week because of it. At the following weeks appointment she had a different nurse....and she explained to her what had happened, and she was told the evil nurse had a well known reputation for treating first time mums really badly.


Anyway, moral to the story.....the people around her will KNOW what she is like Pengy, and the more people complain, the more likely something will be done. 

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Get onto the PALS office at the hospital....they're usually pretty good in cases like this.

Funnily enough my neighbour told me to do this and I've just got off the phone from them.  They are sending one of their officers to go with me and hold my hand at my appointment on Monday just to ensure that my appointment goes in her words "efficiently and as smoothly as possible" 


You have to report her Pengy, These people get away with crap like that because people go home and then can't face complaining once they are away from the situation.

Make sure that you chase up your complaint too. The last time I complained about about a gyney appt the complaints desk just filed it in the bin and I had to them complain about that too!


You are not the unreasonable one here but them and for them to have such an unsympathetic person on causing people with high blood pressure more stress which then raised their BP is unacceptable

Poor you

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Get onto the PALS office at the hospital....they're usually pretty good in cases like this.

Funnily enough my neighbour told me to do this and I've just got off the phone from them.  They are sending one of their officers to go with me and hold my hand at my appointment on Monday just to ensure that my appointment goes in her words "efficiently and as smoothly as possible" 



PALS are usually very good...   they are one of the few departments that can operate independently of the hospital management

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Get onto the PALS office at the hospital....they're usually pretty good in cases like this.

Funnily enough my neighbour told me to do this and I've just got off the phone from them.  They are sending one of their officers to go with me and hold my hand at my appointment on Monday just to ensure that my appointment goes in her words "efficiently and as smoothly as possible" 

I'd still fire off the letter of complaint, Pengy.

The next person she is rude to (and she will be again) might not be able to stand up to her as well as you did.

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Get onto the PALS office at the hospital....they're usually pretty good in cases like this.

Funnily enough my neighbour told me to do this and I've just got off the phone from them.  They are sending one of their officers to go with me and hold my hand at my appointment on Monday just to ensure that my appointment goes in her words "efficiently and as smoothly as possible" 



Yay! Good news Pengy. Glad you got this sorted quickly.....cos now you don't have to worry about it all weekend

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

 These people get away with crap like that because people go home and then can't face complaining once they are away from the situation.




Every single time me or mine have been in our local hospital there has been cause for complaint...  a couple of times, serious cause for complaint..    but, by the time we'd recovered we'd just want to forget about it all.


Years later when I worked for the hospital I realised how detrimental this is....  


(still won't go to my local hospital though... especially after working there    We go to the one in the neighbouring town..     its not a foundation trust hospital..   it doesn't always get the best inspection reports..    but its bloody fab!    I went in there last year and not one person was anything but respectful & caring towards me...    cos they actually focus on doing their jobs, not putting on a shiny veneer for the inspecting bodies & the board of directors)


NHS rant over 


Thanks Peeps    I am still going to write a letter of complaint over the weekend when I'm calmer and can formulate sentences that don't have expletives in them


I did think mebbe it was me but you're right, she might get away with it again if I don't complain   and it will be to the Chief Executives Office so they can't bin it

Originally Posted by Pengy:

Thanks Peeps    I am still going to write a letter of complaint over the weekend when I'm calmer and can formulate sentences that don't have expletives in them


I did think mebbe it was me but you're right, she might get away with it again if I don't complain   and it will be to the Chief Executives Office so they can't bin it


tis the best way! 




Bloody hell Pengy  My cousin actually complained about one of our local GP's the other week, she was given an appropriate apology from the doctor in a letter.... Stick to your gums Pengy, there's no need for rudeness or finger pointing, especially for something that you had absolutely no idea about 



If you don't get any satisfaction I'll ask my cousin for the best course of action if you like, she was head of patients complaints for over 20 years...the local GP was rude to the wrong person me thinks 


Amazes me that people enter a "caring" vocation, without realising that it is not just "medicine" or "medical treatment" that makes people "Feel better".


I know they may, and do, have to put up with a few antisocial people, but there is no excuse for treating you like an idiot Pengy...xx


Glad you complained, that is the last thing you need with High Blood Pressure...


Pengy, that's shocking treatment , and all the more maddening as she's playing " victim" here to try to cover up her own unprofessional and unacceptable behaviour.. Glad you're making a complaint. You've pretty much written the letter in your post, just maybe edit out a couple of " snotty cahs" and you're done!  


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Pengy, that's shocking treatment , and all the more maddening as she's playing " victim" here to try to cover up her own unprofessional and unacceptable behaviour.. Glad you're making a complaint. You've pretty much written the letter in your post, just maybe edit out a couple of " snotty cahs" and you're done!  




@ her Dameship *bows*   I'll see how it goes on Monday and if I'm not satisfied, I may take you up on that offer 


Thanks again everyone 

pengy I couldn't agree more with everyone, follow through with your complaint, and i too am certain that the staff there will have received complaints about her before too, it's not right what she did, and she should be pulled up on it. I'm really glad you have someone going with you on Monday, well done for ringing pals Meanwhile, try to relax this weekend and if you do find yourself stressing try this simple calming breathing technique- 4:2:4:2 that's inhale for the count of 4, hold for 2, exhale for the count of 4, hold for 2 and then start again. A couple of minutes of this will calm you, and you can do it anytime, anyplace- I've even done it on occasions while cutting hair! I hope you feel better this morning, come rant anytime
~Sparkling Summer~

I hate hospitals *shudder* and each time ive had any dealings with them ive had cause for complaint. Once i swear i had a Beverly allitt type nurse. However last week i had to go into hospital and for the first time ever I can say that every single person, nurse, doc or other i came in contact with where brilliant. I couldn't praise them enough.

Originally Posted by Ducky:

How did it go Pengy?


The lady from PALS didn't turn up   so I braved it myself.  Luckily that nurse was on a different clinic.  The nurses didn't seem their usual cheerful selves towards me (mebbe I imagined it but I felt so).


Anyhoo they took my BP readings - 220/120 <----- very high and 200/118  <--- also very high - in fact these are some of the highest readings I've had for a couple of years.  Despite this the Doctor said I was stable and didn't need to be seen again any time soon so they are giving me an open appointment which translates to 'we don't want to see you again'.


I think I'm going to make my complaint soon and also have a word with my GP to see if he can send me somewhere else 


@ Gypsie - you were lucky these days I can't see the care for the patient 


awwww Pengles


sorry you have had such a bad experience, you really should make that complaint and also do go to your own doctor if you are not happy, you know best


i really can't believe the PALS lady didnt show


and also agree with Gyspie, i was so well looked after during my recent hospital stay, it was a scary experience ( i have not been in hospital myself since I was 3 ), i was in for almost 2 weeks and everyone I saw (and believe me there were a lot of them   ) were wonderful, put me at ease as much as they could, and despite the situation, they made my stay as pleasant as it possibly could have been

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Aww Pengy, I don't know what to say.

It's shocking that the PALS lady didn't turn up to support you.

Is there any way your GP could send you to different consultant for a second opinion?

The only other hospital is my local one but I point blank refuse to be treated there unless I'm on the point of death    Here comes a long and horrible story.


A couple of years ago I had surgery and was let home.  12 hours later my wound burst open and I recognised the exudate was sweet smelling - so I knew I'd picked up MRSA for the 3rd time   anyhoo got taken back into hospital in an ambulance.  Kept in A & E like a leper for 6 hours until a single room could be found for me.  It was filthy.  No curtains on the window and the ones round the bed were missing too.  I wasn't allowed to use the toilets so had a commode and with no curtains, it meant I was overlooked by another ward so couldn't go if you know what I mean.  Despite being barrier nursed, people kept walking into my room without putting gloves and an apron on  (is it any wonder it spreads)  Wound was packed but they didn't have the proper dressings so they sent my chart down pharmacy to get the right ones prescribed.  Thing was I wasn't given any pain killers for the whole 48 hours I was there, nor did I get my dressing as my chart never materialised again.  I was supposed to see a Tissue Viability nurse who was on 2 weeks holiday - so that was no use as I wasn't going to wait 2 weeks for her.  Lastly they initially kept  me nil by mouth to send me down to have wound debrided and restitched, then changed their minds about surgery.  They didn't remove it from my charts so I wasn't fed for the entire time I was there.


In the end I packed my bags and left and told them to expect a complaint which I did.  I paid to have a copy of my hospital notes and I was shocked and angered to find a post script note that I was in their words 'psychologically disturbed' but they couldn't stop me from leaving the ward   


Luckily one of the consultants at that hospital had moved to another hospital in Brum and my GP begged him to take me on - he even came out and treated me at home  as well as fabulous District Nurses and I'm still under his care - so they're not all bad but bad luck with hospitals seems to follow me around 


I seriously don't like going unless I'm at the point that I can't function any more 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Aww Pengy, I don't know what to say.

It's shocking that the PALS lady didn't turn up to support you.

Is there any way your GP could send you to different consultant for a second opinion?

The only other hospital is my local one but I point blank refuse to be treated there unless I'm on the point of death    Here comes a long and horrible story.


A couple of years ago I had surgery and was let home.  12 hours later my wound burst open and I recognised the exudate was sweet smelling - so I knew I'd picked up MRSA for the 3rd time   anyhoo got taken back into hospital in an ambulance.  Kept in A & E like a leper for 6 hours until a single room could be found for me.  It was filthy.  No curtains on the window and the ones round the bed were missing too.  I wasn't allowed to use the toilets so had a commode and with no curtains, it meant I was overlooked by another ward so couldn't go if you know what I mean.  Despite being barrier nursed, people kept walking into my room without putting gloves and an apron on  (is it any wonder it spreads)  Wound was packed but they didn't have the proper dressings so they sent my chart down pharmacy to get the right ones prescribed.  Thing was I wasn't given any pain killers for the whole 48 hours I was there, nor did I get my dressing as my chart never materialised again.  I was supposed to see a Tissue Viability nurse who was on 2 weeks holiday - so that was no use as I wasn't going to wait 2 weeks for her.  Lastly they initially kept  me nil by mouth to send me down to have wound debrided and restitched, then changed their minds about surgery.  They didn't remove it from my charts so I wasn't fed for the entire time I was there.


In the end I packed my bags and left and told them to expect a complaint which I did.  I paid to have a copy of my hospital notes and I was shocked and angered to find a post script note that I was in their words 'psychologically disturbed' but they couldn't stop me from leaving the ward   


Luckily one of the consultants at that hospital had moved to another hospital in Brum and my GP begged him to take me on - he even came out and treated me at home  as well as fabulous District Nurses and I'm still under his care - so they're not all bad but bad luck with hospitals seems to follow me around 


I seriously don't like going unless I'm at the point that I can't function any more 

What a complete nightmare Pengy, no wonder you don't want to go back there.

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

How did it go Pengy?


The lady from PALS didn't turn up   so I braved it myself.  Luckily that nurse was on a different clinic.  The nurses didn't seem their usual cheerful selves towards me (mebbe I imagined it but I felt so).


Anyhoo they took my BP readings - 220/120 <----- very high and 200/118  <--- also very high - in fact these are some of the highest readings I've had for a couple of years.  Despite this the Doctor said I was stable and didn't need to be seen again any time soon so they are giving me an open appointment which translates to 'we don't want to see you again'.


I think I'm going to make my complaint soon and also have a word with my GP to see if he can send me somewhere else 


@ Gypsie - you were lucky these days I can't see the care for the patient 

Oh no Pengy  Like the others have said, it terrible that the PALS lady never turned up  And I don't you putting in a complaint.... the hospital have treated you very badly..... Is there another hospital within easy distance????


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