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Originally Posted by frodo:


did you say you worked with disabled people ....a wonderful occupation where?

 asking because my best mates partner died day before shuck told her she was mithering 


could not care If  I  get told off or whatever you darling shite

Yes i work with disabled adults at present.

I work in Sunderland

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

Thing is though, rainforest a are pulled down to make way for farm land to grow crops too, so it's not all the fault of us eeebil meat eaters

Yes especially to grow palm oil.

They'll probably grow protein in a petri dish soon so we can eat erm... "burgers" without worrying.

And you no doubt know that it's all done for the benefit of the likes of BK & MacDonald's and not for the local inhabitants barring a few bob...

I'll quote Michael Parenti again as it seems appropriate..


''the essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and capital,the live green earth is turned into dead cold bricks,with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many.The glittering mansion overlooks the vast sprawl of shanty towns,wherein a desperate,demoralised humanity is kept in line with drugs,televison and armed force''


So unless you are anti capitalist, and shun the trappings of capitalism, then you are part of the problem rather than the solution.







Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I can tell that we are heading for the pig with a wooden leg joke.

Or the chicken specially bred for a family of four with four legs. No one knows what it tastes like cos the haven't managed to catch it yet ............***boom tish***


I don't know the pig with the wooden leg joke tell ..or is it a bit lame?

Originally Posted by frodo:

You need to change your attitude can I ask where  you work talking about Harvey ...your attitude makes me sick 

...why do do you speak of napp-ies and you are rude

By "Harvey" i can only assume you mean Katie Price's son and a convo which occured about a month ago

I have never said anything derogatory about him.

So i'm at a loss (once more)

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

Thing is though, rainforest a are pulled down to make way for farm land to grow crops too, so it's not all the fault of us eeebil meat eaters

Yes especially to grow palm oil.

They'll probably grow protein in a petri dish soon so we can eat erm... "burgers" without worrying.

And you no doubt know that it's all done for the benefit of the likes of BK & MacDonald's and not for the local inhabitants barring a few bob...

I'll quote Michael Parenti again as it seems appropriate..


''the essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and capital,the live green earth is turned into dead cold bricks,with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many.The glittering mansion overlooks the vast sprawl of shanty towns,wherein a desperate,demoralised humanity is kept in line with drugs,televison and armed force''


So unless you are anti capitalist, and shun the trappings of capitalism, then you are part of the problem rather than the solution.







Though I agree with you, we don't have a choice. We can't go all live in the woods or something  

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

And that is the problem Rog, us  and our greed, Capitalism is out of control,  we chose it.Not that we ever really choose anything of importance,all attempts at finding an ideology that would work and the human race can live with, will never happen because there will always be the greedy ones.

Depressing but true. 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

Thing is though, rainforest a are pulled down to make way for farm land to grow crops too, so it's not all the fault of us eeebil meat eaters

Yes especially to grow palm oil.

They'll probably grow protein in a petri dish soon so we can eat erm... "burgers" without worrying.

And you no doubt know that it's all done for the benefit of the likes of BK & MacDonald's and not for the local inhabitants barring a few bob...

I'll quote Michael Parenti again as it seems appropriate..


''the essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and capital,the live green earth is turned into dead cold bricks,with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many.The glittering mansion overlooks the vast sprawl of shanty towns,wherein a desperate,demoralised humanity is kept in line with drugs,televison and armed force''


So unless you are anti capitalist, and shun the trappings of capitalism, then you are part of the problem rather than the solution.







Though I agree with you, we don't have a choice. We can't go all live in the woods or something  

No but we can stop buying & eating everything in sight...

You wouldn't believe the stuff we get donated at the charity shop I run in the least half of it has never been open, used or worn.
When there are folk in this country that are feeding from the modern style soup kitchens...I find it quite disgusting tbh.
And then there are the countries where pretty much all the wealth is harboured within four palace walls almost...or ferreted elsewhere.

I like my luxuries as well as anyone else don't get me wrong, but I do despair at times to the waste we create & the mess of the world as a result.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Eating meat is a very labour intensive and expensive way to feed  humans, if we stopped feeding all the grain to the animals and ate that instead  we could probably wipe out world hunger.


Course we'd have to kill all the food animals, but we could keep a few  in  a zoo for folks to look at and give the kiddies rides.

Have you ever tried to ride a cow? neither...a Camel? Yes....and fell off!

We could stop breeding 'food stock' gradually, till we are left with natural born animals.
But like you posted earlier, there are those humans out there that are just plain greedy, and unfortunately they seem to be multiplying at a vast rate  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by frodo:

For heavens sake what Is odd ...I am me  so an individual 

I am off for a beer your loss It you do not get folks Saint ///night all 




my animals do wooooooooof to all night x

 No worries Frodo, but don't upset yourself. If you don't get along with someone you can block them.

Nah don't block....just let it go for now 
Different day...different mood...different conversation 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
You would not believe how many rabbits we saw today. In these days of food banks I 'm surprised that people don't come into the country and get a few. I can still skin and prepare a rabbit, but wonder if it's a dying art.
The rape has started flowering, I'm sure that is the earliest yet.

I don't suppose there are many who would know how to go kill, skin & cook a rabbit GJ.
And probably even more that wouldn't want to 
My Uncle turned up at my front door the day I got home with my new born daughter, with a couple of rabbits hanging from a rope....couldn't think of a more inappropriate gift tbh.....I was polite & then promptly hid them outside the back door.
Didn't waste them though, as my brother will eat anything going 


My nan used to skin rabbits and my dad used to go shooting for them; I'm not sure I'd have the skill to skin one but I could easily prep it.


Like Joe, I'm no fan of factory farming and I certainly will not buy any meat from a supermarket.  Ditto veg & fruit.  I get all my fish fresh off of the boats too.  But then, I know I'm lucky and also in a position to spend an extra hour doing my shopping, but is it really so hard to pop into independent high street shops...?  


Supermarkets are evil (sorry!) 


Someone bought Mr Woo a couple of rabbits in to the shop where he works. He put them in a bag and into the chiller.


As he was leaving at the end of the night he asked the young lad who works for us (just happens to be our next door neighbour) to get the rabbits out of the chiller. He came back and said - there aren't any rabbits in there. Mr woo said 'yes there are - they're in a bag'.


The boy said - 'No ......there's just a bag with some teddies in the chiller.'


Awwwwwwww - I'll cook rabbit for Mr Woo but I'm not that keen myself - a bit bland and bony for my liking.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

I heard that rabbits are so low in calorific value, you expend more energy preparing and cooking them than you get from eating them?


Curious about what they taste like though... would love to try rabbit pie!

Wabbit pie is ace, Rog..!  Or, should I say, my nan's was.

They use rabbit in paella (you knew that though );  I think it's a vastly under-rated meat.


I suppose the pet bunny 'thing' puts a lot of people off of trying it.

Originally Posted by frodo:



where do you live ?  high streets cosy shops are nil around here .the town centre is dead have to go to the retail worlds for shopping etc or online 


many people do not have that luxury ... to be honest although I can afford to shop for groceries online I'm scared

Why??? It's a whole new world of lovely stuff right in your lap.


I'd be lost without online shopping. We bought some beautiful Limousine Beef and fillet steaks from Ireland a while ago ..........absolutely beautiful.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by frodo:



where do you live ?  high streets cosy shops are nil around here .the town centre is dead have to go to the retail worlds for shopping etc or online 


many people do not have that luxury ... to be honest although I can afford to shop for groceries online I'm scared

Why??? It's a whole new world of lovely stuff right in your lap.


I'd be lost without online shopping. We bought some beautiful Limousine Beef and fillet steaks from Ireland a while ago ..........absolutely beautiful.

Loads of farms sell their goods online, like you said Soozy.


I can't say I always shop in my nearest high street, but I definitely give the independents first 'dibs' before anyone else.  Use 'em or lose 'em as they say.


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