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I've cooked it for Mr Woo before when we were holidaying in France years ago. He wanted to try it so I cooked it .....................didn't make a particularly good job of it - it was a mobile home holiday and I didn't follow a recipe.


If I discovered that I'd eaten it without realising it really wouldn't bother me at all TBH but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it. I had Frogs Legs for the first time a few weeks ago .....they were lovely.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I've cooked it for Mr Woo before when we were holidaying in France years ago. He wanted to try it so I cooked it .....................didn't make a particularly good job of it - it was a mobile home holiday and I didn't follow a recipe.


If I discovered that I'd eaten it without realising it really wouldn't bother me at all TBH but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it. I had Frogs Legs for the first time a few weeks ago .....they were lovely.

I've cooked frog legs before. . had eaten them loads in restaurants in the days I could do such things and found one where they were cooked so yummilly and moistly   I asked for the recipe and served them up as a starter at the next dinner party we had. .


hardest part was getting hold of them.. I had a Harrods account back then so phoned them first as they went under the 'we sell everything' banner and also would deliver to my office.. . . they didn't sell them tho . . so they lied. .anyway a Fishmongers in Mayfair near my Office at the time is where I got them in the end..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I don't eat a great deal of meat so I'm not an expert. But horse seems the wrong sweet taste, colour, and texture. It is the parsnip of the meat world.

Parsnips are lovely IMO. Couldn't stand them as a child - my mujm used to sneak them on my plate and tell me they were potatoes. I dug my heels in and refused to eat them an adult I discovered that they really are nice.


I think the only three things I can't/wont eat are liver, kidneys (any offal really) and butter beans.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yeah, I'd give it a go.  Have eaten frogs legs, snail, kangaroo & ostrich.  Bizarrely though when I bought beef cheeks to cook I just couldn't physically bring myself to eat it, I think it was because it was the thought of eating it's face.

I had Kangaroo a few months ago - it was lovely. Mr Woo had Zebra - not that nice.

Soozy Woo

I used to go to the pie and mash shop in Coldharbour Lane (amongst many others).  Love my pie and mash with liquor and a side order of hot eels.  Anyway, next door - waaaaaay back in the day, there was a horse meat shop.  It fed many a poor Londoner during the war and I bet that's what goes into pie and mash.


Doesn't bother me:  I like frog's legs too, and snails.

Never eaten guinea pig but that's because I've not been to Peru.

Originally Posted by slimfern:

Absolutely Not!!
We don't have to eat everything out there...just cos it's there!

And personally I think..whilst there are those of you out there that will 'have a try', then the slaughter of innocent/endangered animals will go on 

I agree that we don't have to eat it just 'cos it's there, but why the (shocked?) emphatic rebuttal?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The first lambs are about on our cycle route (we cycle through a couple of farms) They are delightful. However if people didn't eat them, then they wouldn't be there, like most of the other animals and fifty per cent of the beasts. Quite a dichotomy isn't it, though but?

Its odd - we eat sheep but there are millions of them.

We don;t eat snakes but they are endangered

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Absolutely Not!!
We don't have to eat everything out there...just cos it's there!

And personally I think..whilst there are those of you out there that will 'have a try', then the slaughter of innocent/endangered animals will go on 

I agree that we don't have to eat it just 'cos it's there, but why the (shocked?) emphatic rebuttal?

The !! was to emphasise my disgust at the very thought of eating horsemeat.

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The first lambs are about on our cycle route (we cycle through a couple of farms) They are delightful. However if people didn't eat them, then they wouldn't be there, like most of the other animals and fifty per cent of the beasts. Quite a dichotomy isn't it, though but?

Its odd - we eat sheep but there are millions of them.

We don;t eat snakes but they are endangered

We breed sheep for eating...whereas our greed to take over the planet by pulling down rainforests & the like endangers many species!

We don't need to eat meat at all....

They do great tasty food 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

Thing is though, rainforest a are pulled down to make way for farm land to grow crops too, so it's not all the fault of us eeebil meat eaters

Yes especially to grow palm oil.

They'll probably grow protein in a petri dish soon so we can eat erm... "burgers" without worrying.

And you no doubt know that it's all done for the benefit of the likes of BK & MacDonald's and not for the local inhabitants barring a few bob...


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