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This is just disgusting and the ages of the attackers make it worse.

I thought all this shit was dying down. I was out with some friends who are gay on Saturday night and we were drinking in a place called The Village in Brum, brilliant place to be, no hassle except off this bloke who would not accept I was married, but still...  I had a guy I'd never met before rubbing my arms because I was cold and him and his partner making me laugh. 

I really hate this kind of thing and worry for my friends when I read it.

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we've rescued many a straight bird from a bloke and his 'bi girlfriend' who are trying to be 'friendly'
I've never had that happen thank goodness, but this bloke Saturday didn't care who he tried it on with, we were watching and laughing out the back in the smoking area, where the bloody heaters weren't working AND there was nowhere to sit!!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
God does that shit still happen hard to believe i'm sorry but im glad i don't live in England anymore as much as i miss my family and mates and of course the bullring shopping, oh and the nhs yes we have to pay to see a doctor, and cheap food
but wish there was more ladies loos -
in the olden days it was a blokes pub-they had to 'adapt'

my bro took me to the fountain one day/evening
now THAT place scared the living shit out of me-the toilets (men and ladies) you have to go through a 'dark room' to get there lol-i made him hold my hand to get there
JESUS CHRIST!!! I am sitting here boiling mad. I'm afraid that if I was to vent my true feeling  I would be banned. That poor young man, I hope he recovers and that those effing, feral aholes are found and locked up.
JESUS CHRIST!!! I am sitting here boiling mad. I'm afraid that if I was to vent my true feeling I would be banned
I'm speechless too. Looks like we are heading back to the seventies, when basically you just had to be "different." I hope this is just a coincidence after Nick Griffiths said he found  gay people creepy.
Garage Joe
Reference:24d29006d5@fz.jpg" title="crossy" width="50" />
hope this is just a coincidence after Nick Griffiths said he found  gay people creepy.
Strange you should put that Joe, because those were my exact thoughts last night.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Wel people get too hung up about imigration and forget thatv the people he was knocking about with in the early 70's were beating up people for having long hair, the wrong fashions, being gay, as  well as having the wrong skin colour. I should know.
Garage Joe

I can't believe what's going on at the moment, what with pond life like Jan Moir and Nick Griffin calling homosexuals unnatural and creepy, and homophobic attacks on the increase. I really thought we'd left this sort of crap back in the eighties. I'm completely pro-free speech but when things like this happen it does make me wonder how much damage giving publicity to these vile opinions is doing.

Queen of the High Teas
homophobic attacks on the increase
Are they actually on the increase?  Or just reported more now the police have been 'fixed' over their own attitudes?    At one point, it wasn't worth reporting it as victims were often treated very badly by the police for being gay.

There's still a lot of homophobia around.
I read about this today and there is a sick aspect to these beatings.  This young Policeman might not make it.  It's horrifying to read that they stamped on his face and kicked his head, simply because he is gay.  Another gay man, in his 60s, was beaten to death by feral teenagers not so long ago. 

No wonder Quentin Crisp (RIP) moved to the USA, because he was being subjected to this self-same victimisation in the 60s-70s.  One wonders too if the same prejudiced and blinkered thinking regarding homosexuality really hasn't changed that much since Oscar Wilde's time, when he was sentenced to two years hard labour in Reading Gaol for being gay.  But that was nearly 113 years ago now, and things are just as blinkered and prejudiced today if this young man's life is in danger.
Twee Surgeon
How can children of this young age know enough about life to know what they are truly doing? They have not got the life experience. They possibly don't have much brain-power either or emotional intelligence and empathy.
Have they picked it up from homophobic adults I wonder?

Children (or anybody for that matter) showing such hatred and intolerance is sad, sad, sad. It makes me so angry.
Reference: brisket
Have they picked it up from homophobic adults I wonder?

Until kids are taught about homosexuality in schools, during sex education, there will always be some kids growing up feeling it is normal to hate it.

I hate the fact that the word 'gay' is now being used derogatively again. That can't help.
Thankfully he is now on the mend and has been speaking to his family

Understandably there is a big uproar in the area, with marches planned about this

what a sorry world we live in
As has been already said, the most worrying think is that it's kids again..just like that Panorama racism thing. Are we sitting on a lost generation of young people who think it's acceptable to treat anyone who is different in this way?
Teddy Bleads
Reference: Blizzie
I hate the fact that the word 'gay' is now being used derogatively again. That can't help.
I do agree Blizzie.

(**brisket ponders about how nice it must be to be both wise and funny like Blizzie**)
Reference: brisket
(**brisket ponders about how nice it must be to be both wise and funny like Blizzie**)

*** ponders whether brisket could convince my kids that they should laugh at my jokes AND listen to my wisdom ***

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