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Originally Posted by Cinds:

Well I thought I'd posted a video ^^


Anyway it was with regards to the Lebanese government protesting that Homeland was depicting Beirut as an unsafe city and it might deter visitors.  Then a day or so later a huge bomb goes off in Beirut.  Note to Lebanese government:  I think you might find it's these sort of things and not fictional TV programmes that put people off visiting.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've just watched last weeks episode this afternoon.  Can't wait for tonights instalment.

And me ,it's one of if not thee best show on the box.

i agree... and I only watched series one a few weeks ago - can't believe I dismissed it first time around as something I didn't fancy. 


'Homeland' recap: 'State of Independence

The Homelandwriting team has wasted no time this season in reassuring viewers who worried that more episodes would mean overstretched plotlines, or punches being pulled. The entire season could have passed without Saul discovering the truth about Brody, but instead it happened last week. That being done, they could easily have stretched things out by having Saul conceal his discovery from Carrie, but come the end of this episode that ship has sailed too.
Homeland S02E03: 'State of Independence'
Everything that could have taken half a season is taking a single episode, and while it's tempting to worry that the writers can't sustain this breakneck pace forever, the ride's just too damn exhilarating to care. 'State of Independence' was simply the best episode of Homeland yet.
Quite apart from boasting some of the most individually powerful scenes in the show's history (Brody's rain-drenched grave-digging, the three stages of Carrie's mental collapse), toying masterfully with its viewers (we're personally going to need several rounds of therapy), and taking all four of its major characters into genuinely new emotional terrain, this episode was a master class in how to turn a scene completely on its head.
Take the opening, in which it looks as though the Lebanese authorities have confiscated that crucial memory chip from Saul, except that Saul is of course much, much too clever for that. Hands up: who else let out a little "woop!" when that bait and switch was revealed?
Meanwhile, Brody continues to outdo himself in the field of unbelievably awkward multi-tasking. If you thought texting terrorists from the Pentagon was bad, try smothering the man you've just accidentally impaled while simultaneously getting a lecture from your wife over the phone. It was a brilliantly farcical moment on one level, but also horrifying in its demonstration of just how out of control Brody is, and how violent he's capable of being in a pinch. And again, it's a stunning mid-scene reversal - Brody goes from desperately struggling to keep the tailor alive to snapping his neck.
Homeland S02E03: 'State of Independence'
Back in DC Carrie does a similar last-minute zigzag, yanking herself back from the brink of death with a couple of well-placed fingers down the throat. The whole sequence is agonising, watching Carrie first slip back into old patterns with the one-night stand garb, then stop short of the door and decide to self-destruct in a more literal and final way.
It looked from the premiere as though she might be reinstated in the CIA with disappointing ease, and while we're glad it hasn't been that simple from a storytelling point of view, it's heartbreaking to watch how crushed she is by their rejection. It doesn't help that the news is delivered with characteristic anti-charm by Estes, although he does at least try (patronisingly) to offer her some praise at the same time.
It's no surprise at this point to see Claire Danes be wrenching and brilliant, but Homeland's other leading lady Morena Baccarin was also given her moment in the sun this week. Jess has been ever so slightly sidelined since mid-season one, reduced largely to nagging and/or playing the dutiful wife except for that one Quaran- throwing incident, but her speech here was a poignant reminder of just how much she's suffered.
Baccarin's delivery was spot on: quavery and breathless, gradually shifting into something steadier. This felt for every moment like a real person, who's terrified at the prospect of public speaking yet determined to step up to the plate, and relieved to finally be talking semi-openly about just how strange and frightening her husband's become. It's a shame her hold on the moral high ground was slightly compromised by Brody catching her hand in hand with Mike, in a weird parallel to Dana walking in on the two of them in the kitchen. Awkward.
Homeland S02E03: 'State of Independence'
Saul's total absence from the episode following the opening only made his bookending reappearance all the more powerful, because as soon as Carrie opens the door we know exactly what she's about to be told, and how close Saul came to being too late. What a richly rewarding moment of resolution that was - after Carrie's devastated speech about being wrong last week and the humiliation she suffered yet again from Estes, she now gets to say "I was right." And we're left to wonder where on earth the show can go from here.

Take the opening, in which it looks as though the Lebanese authorities have confiscated that crucial memory chip from Saul, except that Saul is of course much, much too clever for that. Hands up: who else let out a little "woop!" when that bait and switch was revealed?

  I watched the scene where they took the chip from him like this  and then I said 'oh well done Saul!'  to the telly    


It really does draw you in eh?  

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I semi-missed part of that scene, but was thinking 'Oh come on, they can't possibly be finding anything remotely interesting.' Then when we saw the 'switch scene' I'm going 'Ah, that's more like it.'


Have I seen too many spy movies?

Probably -I never watch stuff like this, I'm like a kid at christmas!

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
I'm still hoping Supes or Ells tell me where I can watch Season 1 online - I've tried looking but I'm getting nowhere.

Sorry Kaffs, I was away, and I really can't remember where I found it, just googled, it was obviously a US link because I watched before it was aired here. Maybe it's more difficult now it's out on DVD etc.? Did you find it? If so please can you let me know as a friend of mine would also like to watch.

I'm just about to settle down for the afternoon to watch series 2 as I haven't seen any yet


HI Supes - Fluffs posted a link further back.  TBH I've been scared to try it yet because when I was looking on my own I had to download some sort of video player to watch and I ended up buggering up my lappy - lost Google Chrome, Firefox in the process and I had to restore it.  Probably me, but it's not an experience I'm ready to risk again yet.

Originally Posted by Supes:

Found it for you Kaffs x

That's the direct link to 'The Weekend' which I think was the one you wanted?

thanks supes... that's me completely up to date now   I'd read the episode synopsis, so wasn't 'lost', but I like to see it all for myself.


Originally Posted by Supes:

 I'm all caught up now, Episode 3 was excellent, can't wait for the next instalment

I've never been so hooked on a series for years  - I absolutely love it.   

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
I'm still hoping Supes or Ells tell me where I can watch Season 1 online - I've tried looking but I'm getting nowhere.

Sorry Kaffs, I was away, and I really can't remember where I found it, just googled, it was obviously a US link because I watched before it was aired here. Maybe it's more difficult now it's out on DVD etc.? Did you find it? If so please can you let me know as a friend of mine would also like to watch.

I'm just about to settle down for the afternoon to watch series 2 as I haven't seen any yet

Oh I didn't see you ask either Kaffy, sorry  


For future reference though I download mine and would happily tell you from where and with what if I could PM you  You should have PMd me at the time you wanted it and I would have been able to help.


Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I've never been so hooked on a series for years  - I absolutely love it.   

Same here, some of it's a little far fetched, but the acting is brilliant and the storyline has me completely hooked

Me too... every week I think 'where can they can go with this story now?' - none more so than last night's! - but I'm just sitting back and enjoying the ride.  Fabulous.



Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
I'm still hoping Supes or Ells tell me where I can watch Season 1 online - I've tried looking but I'm getting nowhere.

Sorry Kaffs, I was away, and I really can't remember where I found it, just googled, it was obviously a US link because I watched before it was aired here. Maybe it's more difficult now it's out on DVD etc.? Did you find it? If so please can you let me know as a friend of mine would also like to watch.

I'm just about to settle down for the afternoon to watch series 2 as I haven't seen any yet

Oh I didn't see you ask either Kaffy, sorry  


For future reference though I download mine and would happily tell you from where and with what if I could PM you  You should have PMd me at the time you wanted it and I would have been able to help.


haha... If only we'd had warning before the switched us off eh?   Luckily I got it through supes' link - but if I need your help in future, 25 dollars is less than a boxed set 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:


Oh I didn't see you ask either Kaffy, sorry  


For future reference though I download mine and would happily tell you from where and with what if I could PM you  You should have PMd me at the time you wanted it and I would have been able to help.


haha... If only we'd had warning before the switched us off eh?   Luckily I got it through supes' link - but if I need your help in future, 25 dollars is less than a boxed set 

AND you don't get a nice badge with a box set 

Originally Posted by erinp:

When Carrie went to the bar and was speaking with Brody and he mentioned her ECT,what spooked her to make her flip ?Why did she tell Saul that Brody had read her.Am I missing something .

I think she was taken aback that he knew about it and it wrong footed her a bit... and for a split second she lost her cool and realised that he'd twigged she was playing him - especially when he left so abruptly.    I miss a lot though, so I'll wait to be corrected.


On another note - although I love him and trust him - I'm sure there's something in Saul's past that we're yet to find out about 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by erinp:

When Carrie went to the bar and was speaking with Brody and he mentioned her ECT,what spooked her to make her flip ?Why did she tell Saul that Brody had read her.Am I missing something .

I think she was taken aback that he knew about it and it wrong footed her a bit... and for a split second she lost her cool and realised that he'd twigged she was playing him - especially when he left so abruptly.    I miss a lot though, so I'll wait to be corrected.


On another note - although I love him and trust him - I'm sure there's something in Saul's past that we're yet to find out about 

As with Carrie's dad, there's just something about him!


And when I think about it, Brody mentioning the ECT did seem to wrong-foot Carrie.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by erinp:

When Carrie went to the bar and was speaking with Brody and he mentioned her ECT,what spooked her to make her flip ?Why did she tell Saul that Brody had read her.Am I missing something .

I think she was taken aback that he knew about it and it wrong footed her a bit... and for a split second she lost her cool and realised that he'd twigged she was playing him - especially when he left so abruptly.    I miss a lot though, so I'll wait to be corrected.


On another note - although I love him and trust him - I'm sure there's something in Saul's past that we're yet to find out about 

That's what I thought, but what I didn't get is that they wanted to worry him and for him to realise that she might be on to him again, (the 'accidental' meeting,) but then when he realised that was the case, (when she lost her composure over the ECT comment,) she thought it was time to go in and confront/ arrest him. Or could she just not go through with the act 'cos she was so p'd off with him?

As for Saul, I did wonder about him early in series one, but he seems to have behaved himself since then.....Ooooo, we'll see, I'm sure that there'll be a lot of twists and turns to come, LOVE it 

Originally Posted by Ells:

I think Carrie's dad might just have told her sister to let her go because he suffers from the same condition as Carrie and probably knew she needed to do it for her own sake.


I do love Saul and would be gutted if he was a double agent or something.  

I do wonder why we were introduced to his wife for three weeks( season one)


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