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Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:


I thank you.

I thought Lakeland was a clothing store.

It has everything I need and I am informed that there is one in my home town. etc.

Lakeland lures me to buy lots and lots of their products even if I want them or not - especially Australian liquorice 

The Lakeland catalogues are full of delights and temptations, I have so far resisted the Australian liquorice but do tell me more, go on tempt me


By the way GJ if you come out of a Lakeland store with only a jelly bag then you are a master of resisting temptation.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I thought that Lakeland was a one off shop in my Lerkal High Street where one might buy Berghaus n North Face items at full price. It just shows that you should never assume. I'm expecting to discover that the Edinburgh Wool place is some sort of Ironmongers now.

No ,still a wool place

(Though to be fair I often wonder about the free roadkill) I do need a new jellybag pet! If I make anything from elderberries or rosehips I need to strain the juice. In my experience if one offers someone a jar of sloe and apple jelly that one has strained through an old pair of Mrs Jer's knickaz, they suddenly remember that they don't like sloes.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
(Though to be fair I often wonder about the free roadkill) I do need a new jellybag pet! If I make anything from elderberries or rosehips I need to strain the juice. In my experience if one offers someone a jar of sloe and apple jelly that one has strained through an old pair of Mrs Jer's knickaz, they suddenly remember that they don't like sloes.

Tights is yer straining answer....or pop out of the packet mind and rinsed several times in hot water.....

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
It may be moe cost effective to seek out a Monsoon lady's top and a cullendar from one of the excellent charity shops in the Monkbar area.

I'm waiting, (along with QOHT,no doubt) for tomorrow's Outraged from Smoggyland's post about Lakeland.....You could, of course, just go and buy a pr of cheap American Tan tights from Boyses

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

I've just discovered I need a new jelly bag. Tomorrow I will be in York. Please, does anyone know of a specialist shop in York where I can buy such items? I'd be obliged!

And this is a BB Forum???? Jelly bags???? Sorry to seem confused but this seems to me to be something the OP could have Goggled?


That's it *lightbulb moment*. That's what I am going to do with my grapes this year. Grape jelly jam. We let the birds have them every year because we can't think of anything to do with them. Well, except wine of course, but the offy does that so much quicker and better


I'm going to a town with a Lakeland on Thursday too, and I'm gonna buy a jelly bag and one of the stands that it sits in


I am inspired


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