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None of what they wear annoys me each to there own dosent mean I like how they dress,Josie walking  around like a slob every day brings my attention to her more than the others she looks like her clothes could do with a good wash herself included,sorry I sound harsh but will also say she would look lovely if she looked after her appearance.
I dislike most of John-James' "fashion" clothing. A lot of it is massively dated, and the rest of it is just naff. Those three quarter skinny jeans are just awful, and don't get me started on his hats.

Everybody else in the house has decent clothing.

I like Corin's ability to pull anything off.
I like Andrew's geek style.
Mario always looks sharp.
Josie can be a bit hit or miss, but overall she carries herself well.
Dave pulls off a younger style surprisingly well. I'm not keen on Dave's eviction shirt though.
Sam's attire shouldn't work, but he carries it off okay.
JJ achieves what John-James can't.
Then there is Steve. His style is quite poor, but it suits his roughened image.

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