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Well I'm at the stage where everything about the hm's is annoying me. Just the look of them is getting on my nerves. For example, I hate
1. Andrews minging slippers
2. Both of the JJ's smelly looking hats
3. Steves Onslow vests (that's one of Baz's better descriptions)
4. Marios black socks and bare legs
5. Josies leggings, pulled down tshirt and hoodie combo
7. Everything about Dave including his gappy missing tooth smile
8. Sammy peppers hats
9. Corins wigs..way prettier without them.

God I'll be glad when BB finishes- think I'm loosing the bit that I have

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and the very people in this thread (myself excluded) dislike Sam because of his personal attacks on Corins looks and so forth...I too love this forum and all the madness Big Bro brings to it!
I haven't attacked their looks, just disliked some of their clobber.
I'd prefer Corin to Sam at the moment (although I blow hot and cold about both of them) but her personal style is minging. I don't pick my winner for their wardrobe though.
Josie's easyjet/ Iceland mum look; 3/4 black market leggings, flat ballerina shoes, rootstastic unkempt barnet, Primark hoodies....a bit of effort could go a hell of a long way.

Corin when she first went in the house I saw her with this denim suit thing on. Mutton dressed as lamb (make that orange mutton with canoe eyebrows)but her dress style seems to have calmed down a bit and she hasn't got the lils hanging out. Just shows a bit of dignity can also go a hell of a long way. (But I aint going there about the boat race)

I do like JJ1 and JJ2's dress sense (they're practically twins) but JJ1's clothes are designer/River Islandy type stuff, you can tell by the quality.

Andrew looks like his mum's dressed him.

Dunno about the rest really?

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