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Well it went on for hours Suze with Barbie Boy Roadrunner and Josie....Barbie Boy and Roadrunner being the worst imo....Let's just say I am sure Corins ears were on fire as they tore her to shreds...Barbie Boy was effin and blindin like a trooper giving his take on who are real and who are playing the game and daring to say he wouldn't take the out of anyone....Roadrunner was loving it I may add ,him and her are well matched in the spiteful department.
I do think they will show the bitchfest I still say JJ bitching was not as venomous as Keefers he was more voicing his bitchinest out of paranoia of them all in the house as he has been from the begining, with the exception of Keever the men in the house have been by far the bitchiest this year but not in a venemous way like she is,we laugh at Bens bitchiness because it is not venemous same with Mario.
Barbie Boy seems to have issue with most of the HM's for one reason or another....His approach to those he has issue with varies depending on if he sees them as weak or not,in so many ways he's a hypocrite of the highest order especially when he berates others for things he himself is guilty off....His rant last night about his morals being so important was actually laughable imo,he was like a salesman trying to sell himself to us.
Lee I just feel he is getting picked up on every little thing he does , I have said on here  yesterday I dont like Bens ways but I dont want him to leave as he is funny, I am trying to be fair with my posts but I get carried away when BB is on I think we all do,that is the fun of the forum
Your not on your own Marg ......I'm with you all the way re Ben and JJ.
Soozy Woo
Hi Marg I have to say that I actually think the forum is pretty evenly split on JJ However, while I do recognise that Ben has many faults, I have yet to see him go into the sort of baitchfest that went on(and on) with those 3  last night. I think you are quite right in that JJ's stems in part from paranoia, but as with Shabby, I think part of it stemmed from the sheer arrogance of thinking that he shouldn't be up for eviction.  As for Keeva...grrrrrrrrrrr......what a nasty girl she is..... not that we didn't already know that

I don't like Ben or JJ.

JJ's a paranoid mess, with a very strange attitude towards women. If they're not his mummy, they're trash. Josies has worked that out, to her advantage. He's spiteful, kicks the arse out of every disagreement and only targets those he perceives as weaker. Wonder if he'd have tried to throw Nathan in the pool, if Nathan had chucked water at him?

Ben's got an annoying sense of entitlement that he believes allows him use of other people's stuff without asking, exemption from the BB rules he signed up for and lifelong membership of the 'natural elite' he was banging on about a while back. Lazy, and couldn't give a shit about how his actions affect others.

Ben has faults,good god he'd be some tulip if he didn't eh but when he messes up I can't nor won't blame another HM for his wrong doing....Now reading here when Barbie Boy shows his true colours it's always someone else's fault,be that Josie or Caoimhe failing that other HM's flaws are highlighted to excuse whatever he has done.....Funny thing is would this be the case if he was doing good things?....Would it be deflected onto the company he was with at that time that their *Good* influence was what we were seeing.
funny thing is I believe if Caoimhe had bluddy walked as she promised last night's bitchfest would never have happened. .not to the extent it did anyway..

She was the fuel for JJ's fire

and why was Joise not doing her usual clamping down on the bitchiness she usually does with JJ..  it normally makes him check himself and stop sooner..

Caoimhe to me just shows she   was  only there for one thing. . bitch bitch segregation bitching moaning and nearly walking but never getting out that bluddy door.. she is so negative and a total waste of space..

Don;'t get me wrong Jj is a twat when he goes off on one but  Caoimhe is going to be his downfall I think.. 

what a switch in nights.. previous one was a giggle last night was a borefest cos the cams are always gonna focus on the bitching, if it is going on, never the funny bits happening elsewhere..  I turned off..   it had all looked so much more promising once Shabby left.. but Caoimhe staying has ruined it again.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
and why was Joise not doing her usual clamping down on the bitchiness she usually does with JJ..  it normally makes him check himself and stop sooner
I think Josie is scared of leaving her *love interest* alone with Caoihme too long... and will now also back of from checking JJ's behaviour for the same reason
I really struggled with JJ's ranting that "people are playing a game but I haven't worked out who yet" which implies he has no evidence that this horrendous offence has even taken place but still chooses to rant on.
I think it could be perceived that JJ is "playing a game" by trying to stifle & surpress & control the other HMs by his accusations.

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