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You have never 'nursed' me through anything. You have insulted me, been incredibly rude to me, patronised me and been generally very unkind at time but NEVER nursed me and I would appreciate of you would stop claiming that you had. There's no need to come back at me defending yourself and denying this now either as I will NOT reply to you nor will I reply to you on any topic any thread as I find you to be a very insulting person.
Oh dear.  Norty Cologne! 
WUM's reunited kind of thing???????

Still confused!!
Well apparently PP because we post/ ride solo without the back up of a pack and we both have our own opinions (sometimes controversial) we are quite clearly WUM.

Some FM's can always be assured of back up because they have 'pals'. We take our chances and there will always be some that pounce .....................what the hell.

I have taken time out and TBH haven't missed this place one bit. I looked in and saw someone taking pops at you with absoloutely no good reason and felt the need to step in.

It makes me laugh when there's all this talk of WUM ...........if people took the time to read back they'd see there was only one person winding up and it wasn't you!
Soozy Woo
Well apparently PP because we post/ ride solo without the back up of a pack and we both have our own opinions (sometimes controversial) we are quite clearly WUM. Some FM's can always be assured of back up because they have 'pals'. We take our chances and there will always be some that pounce .....................what the hell. I have taken time out and TBH haven't missed this place one bit. I looked in and saw someone taking pops at you with absoloutely no good reason and felt the need to step in. It makes me laugh when there's all this talk of WUM ...........if people took the time to read back they'd see there was only one person winding up and it wasn't you!
Ahh ok - so basically if you do not behave like a school bully you are WUM - aaahhh well if it keeps them happy playing their little games may as well leave them to it.  It really is like school in here though unless you're a sheep and follow the crowd you're are subjected to a whole load of c*** - basically if you don't wear the right trainers the "cool" kids will pounce.  To be totally hones it actually does make me laugh at times though I also find it very concerning how serious some people take life on here - it's not real - you're not building real relationships with people - for all anybody on here knows I could be a 50 year old male. (although I'm not).
Soozywoo, would you please mention a clicque,
Have I used the term clique? Think you're confusing me with someone else. I've never used that term - I'm simply talking about my experiences on here.

I know that you were jumped on by two or three friends a while ago ................I felt it was unjustified and made a point of letting you know that. I don't like to see unfairness and TBH somebody posting about a neighbour leaving windows open was pretty harmless wasn't it?
Soozy Woo

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