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Carole gets the warning for telling someone what Ron said and using the word he used when telling the person why Ron is persona non grata.. she wasn't being racist at all just explaining why Ron got sacked and what he'd said...  Ok maybe she should have said he used the N word instead of saying it in full but still.. OTT BB a bit or what?

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Ron was my first thought.Did he get chucked out of I'm a c'leb for that?

Think he said something on air while commentating about a footballer when he thought his mic was off and was sacked 


The remarks, made when viewers in Britain were watching post-match analysis of the Monaco v Chelsea Champions League semi-final first leg match, were broadcast in several places in the Middle East, including Dubai and Egypt. 


Referring to the underwhelming performance of the French defender, Atkinson said: "He's what is known in some schools as a ******* lazy thick ******." Atkinson's conversation was picked up by microphones that should have been switched off once the broadcast from the stadium had concluded.


The Guardian  Thursday 22 April 2004

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cinds:

It was ridiculous, I've a good mind to complain about whoever was the voice of BB using that word. 


As I said at the time of broadcast, I was surprised that they bleeped one occurrence, but then left the second usage by BB in the diary room unaffected and broadcast. Inconsistent and not really acceptable given that they had time to  review and edit what would be broadcast. If you do complain Cinds I can understand why.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

It was ridiculous, I've a good mind to complain about whoever was the voice of BB using that word. 


As I said at the time of broadcast, I was surprised that they bleeped one occurrence, but then left the second usage by BB in the diary room unaffected and broadcast. Inconsistent and not really acceptable given that they had time to  review and edit what would be broadcast. If you do complain Cinds I can understand why.


I wasn't serious about complaining, just really trying to make the point that if they were going to give Carol a warning about repeating a comment that is deemed as unacceptable language then surely it is unacceptable for them to repeat it.


Well this time they got their HM warning right. .I don't care how old he is and what times he came from he should grow with the times not stay in the land of Life On Mars...


When I first heard him say what he did I was like blimey, just cos she's Irish don't mean they all carry bombs. . that dates back from being in London thru all the IRA bomb stuff and younger ones may not relate to that but, that was a generalisation from some ignorant people in society back then and was my first thought about what he was referring to..  then I realised he was alluding to the 'headscarf' and his comment was a generalisation about Muslins. .  I was thinking crikey what a major pratt who has not grown with the times at all.. .. both generalisations are just as bad as each other..


What annoyed me is he couldn't see why making such generalisations was offensive.. .didn't he listen to the news when cops in london made a generalisation about a person who looked a certain way  and chased said person to the tube and pumped a shotgun full of bullets into said persons head. .said person was an innocent. . people just don't learn.. or don't want to learn or change..  

Mount Olympus *Olly*

sorry I don't get what you mean GJ... .. . and I don't see what is so funny at all !


all I was saying was when he mentioned 'you're not carrying any bombs are you' I didn't connect the 'headscarf' to what he was saying until she said eh? and he mentioned it was that that made him mention bombs...  I originally had thought blimey why would anyone say that to an Irish person? I explained why in my post, for younger people who may not have been around all those yrs of IRA bombs going off and the same prejudice, by ignoramuses like Ron, was that back then that any one with an Irish accent must be carrying a bomb thing.. All I saw was a woman with a jumper on her head cos it was raining.. I presumed she didn't want to get her hair wet.. Ron presumed that someone who wears a headscarf may be carrying a bomb. .


ie my point is that there are some narrow minded bigots out there that make presumptions based on looks or accent like the guy shot by cops on the tube because of the way he looked as he was presumed to be a 'terrorist', if those sort of people are not stopped from spreading their bigoted ways and thoughts  around  things like that will continue to happen. .  it has to start being stopped somewhere.. so no not a major leap just a comment about how it can start and where it can end up if not stopped in the early stages of someone becoming a bigot.. ..



Mount Olympus *Olly*
I think you'll have to accept that a lot of his generation and background see that as humour, and that attitude will die with them. (Hopefully) You won't change 'em. As long as he doesn't start marching with deluded arschlochs like UKIP, BNP, and EDL I can forgive him. If you are referring to the Brazilian who was assassinated on the tube that was down to amateurish communication between various law enforcement agencies.
Garage Joe

GJ I do know that people of his age have that sort of attitude but I also know people of his age that had that attitude once but left it behind when they grew up so, no I won't accept it from him or anyone else regardless of age. . that is how it is perpetuated, they pass it to their kids who pass it to theirs..  someone needs to stop it at the top .. Ron needs to toddle off to some corner and never grace media land again. . he clearly never learnt his lesson..    


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Probably! I know some on here regard me as both snobby and cynical however ......... If BFR had been knocking on the doors of CBB year after year to enter the house and inflict upon us his backward ideology I would also think it disgraceful. Yet I can't help but think that whoever is responsible for the programme was banging on his door in the hope that he would inflict upon us his backward ideology in the hope of getting some publicity outside Desmond's media empire. C5 then get more viewers, Ron gets a few sovs. Everyone 's happy.
Garage Joe

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