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Anyone scared of heights? Or depths?
I have never been up Blackpool Tower, or the Eiffel Tower.
I am very nervous on bridges. The Humber bridge is endless.
Piers at the seaside hold fear - because I can see through the planks underfoot. More scarey if the sea is visible.
The "gods" in a theatre causes anxiety and I wouldn't enjoy the performance.
I will never fly.
I will never do a bungee jump, or go down a pothole well, or cave.
Solid ground is the place for me.

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I'm mildy scared of heights...... just the right amount to keep me alive I reckon.

I kinda love them too though. I have a fascination with tall buildings and towers. I suppose heights are ok as long as there's something there to make me feel safe..... like a solid wall

Hate walking on piers though I forced myself to do it in Whitby last summer and it was agony! Add in to the mix one of my worst phobias, wasps, and it was not a good experience. Try running away from a wasp while making sure you choose the most sturdiest looking plank to leg it along.
Piers at the seaside hold fear - because I can see through the planks underfoot. More scarey if the sea is visible.
Same here, along with potholes **shudders at the thought**. I once went to Dany-yr-Ogof Caves in Wales and i was frightened to death (i was only a child), and I still am at the thought of being underground...even the though of the Channel Tunnel makes me feel uneasy
The Devil In Diamante
First I flap, then I flip, then I flop!

No, I don't but it sounds good. I'm not sure of when a fear becomes a phobia. For instance a fear of broken glass isn't a phobia if you've just trodden on some. Neither is sticking one's head in a lion's jaw. It's only a phobia if a) it's not logical to be scared, and b) if it is having a negative impact on your life.

I wouldn't regard being afraid of going into potholes as a phobia because it is not uncommon for people to get trapped in one and drown in rising water.
El Loro
It's only a phobia if a) it's not logical to be scared,
I agree.... although sometimes it may be logical to be scared (say of heights) but your fear is way beyond what would be considered a reasonable reaction. That's when it becomes a phobia I suppose. Therefore I only have a "fear" of heights. 

On the flip side I would say I have a phobia of hoovers..... now they probably instill less fear in me then heights do, but I know it's totally illogical to believe it's gonna suck me up, therefore ...phobia.
although sometimes it may be logical to be scared (say of heights) but your fear is way beyond what would be considered a reasonable reaction.
In that case I definitely have a glass  phobia... cos I go into overdrive for days after I (or anyone else) smash a glass... checking everything and everywhere. within yards of any much so that one year it ruined my Xmas, cos I broke a glass on Christmas Eve
I am really really frightened of water , swimming , piers , the sea (courtesy of a deranged swimming instructor when I was younger holding me under to conquer my slight misgivings) but as I have got older I find I'm not as scared. Probably as I want to take the little one swimming so I forced myself and don't find it as bad.

My Mum has a proper weird phobia. She doesn't like buttons. They make her feel sick
I am scared of heights in some circumstances .......for instance - standing on a chair to change a light bulb makes me wobble - climbing a ladder - riding a horse. And yet driving over the Humber Bridge holds no fear for me ..........recently though - tickets in the top tier at the O2 had me wobbling ....couldn't have got up to jig about even if you'd paid me - I was gutted. The seating at the O2 is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too steep - I think it's sheer greed to pack in so many rows of seats when it's just far tooooooooooo steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep (and high).
Soozy Woo

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