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Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Is Gina tiddly?

Somewhat!...and annoyed

TBH, I think Gina's getting too much leeway. If she's annoyed, it's her own fault: she should have kept quiet about it as Wolfy had told her to.

Beat it you.


You sound like Darcus Howe.


He was the devils advocate   

I'm not a huge fan of Wolfy (her shamanistic nonsense leaves me cold, for example), but she's probably the most empathetic HM in there and she often makes some good observations. Unfortunately I think the dislike for certain "habits" of hers has got out of hand in some quarters (there's been some truly vile stuff over on DS recently, for example) that it's been blinding some viewers to the fact that she does talk sense from time to time...

Eugene's Lair

Wolfie - is she bringing a needed electricity to the house ? 01.07.13

she is spot in the middle,
to the T is this lady,
no one can fiddle,
ok i admit she is a little shady.
but this one is correct,
Wofie has made a good call,
only Dexter will reject,
but she no's the truth about the ball.
like everything in his bubble,
the control he will shower,
but "stirring" will result in trouble,
because "Wolfie" is onto his power.
yes she is hippy dippy,
set in her ways is a form of eccentricity,
but i don't want her to get Skippy,
because to the house Wolfie is bringing a needed electricity.


I just caught up with last night's BB.


Nice to see Wolfy get a verbal battering from Gina, so I'm still rooting for Gina.

I don't really get why so many dislike Hazel, seems fine to me.I like Callum too, even he's not really deceptively intelligent, although everything is relative and he is in there with Wolfy, who really does think she a highly intelligent moriarty...

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:

Just scoping out who is around MrsH    


I think it is soap time - so not many till later 


seems a really longgggggg    night without live feed 


* taps fingers and paces around the forum*


I know what you mean.


I'm not a soap watcher either - so doing chores 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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