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By Peter Dyke

27th June 2013


BIG Brother detective Dan Neal faced being axed last night after bullying a female housemate so badly she had a physical breakdown.

Wolfy Millington vomited and her nose “exploded” from the stress of the Life On Mars-style grilling.

The blonde broke down in tears and sobbed: “He’s gonna get sh*t on the outside for this.”

Her condition was so worrying that a doctor was on alert ready to give urgent medical assistance.

Now BB bosses are monitoring gay Dan’s behaviour in the house – and they may pull him out if he continues to cause problems.

Yesterday the Daily Star revealed that Dan – who was part of Scotland Yard’s Operation Yewtree probe into celebrities’ sex offences – was at the centre of a drunken bust-up with Jemima Slade, 41.

Producers put their security team on standby and feared police might even haul Dan in for questioning about his antics.

His attack on Wolfy was prompted by his conviction that she is an actress planted in the house to cause mayhem.

He correctly guessed that Michael Dylan, 29, was a professional actor last week, and now appears paranoid that others on the show are fakers.

Dan, 33, from Ongar, Essex, decided to confront Wolfy, 20, by checking out her claims to be a lesbian and a hippy who enjoys fishing for mackerel.

He interrogated her about her childhood, her coming out as gay to her family and her dealings with the law in the hope he might catch her out.


But it ended in blood and tears. Wolfy grew so stressed by his aggressive manner that she vomited and ended up with a nosebleed which one housemate described as like “an explosion”.

Wolfy, from Bolton, Lancs, confided in Irish model Hazel O’Sullivan, 24, and London socialite Gina Rio, 24: “I’ve given myself a nosebleed because of this.

“Why does he need to know every detail of my f***ing life? He’s so judgmental. He’s pushing and pushing.

“Why can’t he just leave it? I don’t question him about everything. Why am I so f***ing fascinating?

“It’s bang out of order. He thinks the sun shines out his arse because he was in the police for eight years.

“I don’t want people to know everything about me.”

She added: “It’s like everything’s too unbelievable for him. He has to question everything.

“He’s gonna get sh*t on the outside. You can find him 10 to the handful where I’m from. He’s not an individual. He’s a drama gossipy bitch.”

Dan had previously sparked a row with dating website boss Jemima which got so heated that security guards were set to burst into the house to stop it.

Housemates can face the axe if they are considered to be guilty of aggressive or bullying behaviour.

Last night a show spokesman said: “We are monitoring the situation between Dan and Wolfy.”


Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Baz:

We've not seen the whole of that argument!

TBH: if the Star's claims are even partially correct, I'm not surprised. They'll be petrified of another "bullying" outrage and Ofcom on their case.


It's "Jay and the freezer" all over again: we don't have Live Feed anymore, so if it's not on HLs, it didn't happen...

Eugene's Lair

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