Just watched last night's HL show, Charlie mentioned the 'j' word, and people jumped all over her, everytime I see the HL show Dexter is bleating on about his 'j' word, mostly to sympathetic murmurings of 'awww'.
But moving on, Hazel was terrific, I could enjoy whole days of watching her rage, you can even feel the passion.
Charlie finally and catastrophically is unmasked, albeit due to no one fully understanding what it was the F&F's were saying, still them's the breaks.
She will now have heaps of sympathy for one evening of crying,Dexter will reap the reward for being nice to her,Sam will move up the fav to win list because he was nowhere to be seen, the twins are fairly desperate to claw in the 'aww look they love their mum' vote, but it won't materialise, and Hazel will cop the flack for the fall out and the upset.