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Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Sick of the twins now... surely they've got to go. I could probably tolerate Hazel for another week.




Yup, she should stay because she's never going to win....the chance should be taken to get rid of the Lardy Boys, Charlie or Somnolent Sam

Sam's not up

I know.....but I live in hope that he'll sleepwalk out of the door

Oh I'd hold the door open for him and help him into his taxi.... if only.....

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Sick of the twins now... surely they've got to go. I could probably tolerate Hazel for another week.




Yup, she should stay because she's never going to win....the chance should be taken to get rid of the Lardy Boys, Charlie or Somnolent Sam

Sam's not up

I know.....but I live in hope that he'll sleepwalk out of the door

Oh I'd hold the door open for him and help him into his taxi.... if only.....

Or....we could sneak in there.....and push him through the door ourselves

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Jet was my favourite Gladiator.

The Big Guy...was it Rhino? He was really nice in rl

Hunter was cute

I had to look after him at an event, he was sweet....thick....but sweet

 His brains were in his biceps, were they?


Originally Posted by erinp:

Gina Charlie and Dexter have talked today about ..........Hazel and not in a good way.

Day 55: Gina and Charlie are A-OK

night, all heck broke loose when Charlie's friend Sophie nominated Hazel during
friends and family, leading to a big fall out between former BFFs Charlie and
Hazel. Initially, even though her boyfriend Ed had nominated Hazel, too, Gina
became the Irish glamourpuss' new confidante. Which was weird, seeing as there's
been little love lost between the two of them for weeks now.

But of
course, a day is a long time in the Big Brother House, and a hell of a lot can
happen. So we were not surprised to see Gina and Charlie having a chinwag
earlier today, and it seems that Gina might have switched her alliance to Ms
Travers after all.

In a little chat this afternoon, Charlie said of
Gina's choice to side with Hazel "I don't blame you." Pretty understanding,
considering how things went last night, huh? When Charlie said "feeling
misunderstood last night was my worst social experience ever" Gina had to
concede "I was impressed by how you handled it." Dexter was on hand to offer
asides, as is his wont.

After a bit more back and forth about Gina's
boyfriend pointing the nomination stick at Charlie, things took a turn for the
character assassination, and Dexter, Gina and Charlie got stuck in to a bit of
gentle Hazel-bashing. Their consensus? She's in it to play a game. She's in it
to win. She's in it to further her career.

So, Charlie and Gina are
allied now, but for how long...?

Originally Posted by Videostar:

Jet talks utter shite , she said she wasn't sure about Dexter being on Charlie's side....did the stupid woman miss tonights show?


Frigging fake arsed Life American made up job title.

I know silly bint..She brought up one of the Jedpuds as being lovely to Charlie..From What I saw last night, they were absolute gits..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Jet was my favourite Gladiator.

The Big Guy...was it Rhino? He was really nice in rl

Hunter was cute

I had to look after him at an event, he was sweet....thick....but sweet

 His brains were in his biceps, were they?


And somewhere else...but not in his head

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

ooooooooooooooh Gina, Gina, Gina


How have you managed to play such a good game and falling at the last hurdle?

Don't be so sure..

I've been going off her big time this past few days.... and I know a good few others have too

Dexter or Gina to win, love em both!

Senora Reyes

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