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I have read the live feed thread, and have no idea who will go this week.


I suspect Dexter  is safe(sadly) I don't think Sophie has pissed enough people off yet to be kicked out.


Twins maybe, but Hazel is back in the mix, she could well go, although the letters task generated quite a bit of support for her against Gina, and  I think people have waited a long time to have a chance to get rid of Charlie...


Twins are annoying and always have been and survived, I think they'll survive again.


Looks like it maybe Hazel  to go.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Oh JB a week is a long time in the BB house. Did you see last nights LF? It really all depends on how that all plays out - all a bit mental.


IMO Hazel didn't come out of it particularly well but - it's a new day today. Let's wait and see what happens.

I agree Sooz, Hazel came out of it, looking awful.

Senora Reyes

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