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Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
I feel bad for watching those two sleazebags, while Daley's girlfriend heart must be breaking. That is some callous shit BB, I am not impressed.

I think she is sunning herself thinking of the future.

She's gone to Dubai...she might find a premiership footballer there

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
I feel bad for watching those two sleazebags, while Daley's girlfriend heart must be breaking. That is some callous shit BB, I am not impressed.


Well they dragged the GF onto BBBBBTTTOs, got her crying, but still carried on with pushing this showmance. Not much sympathy for the girl. But then again the GF could be in on it for the buck$.


C5 could have edited the footage to spare the GF and had a word with Daley. If the relationship with his girlfriend is on the level I think they should be responsible enough to let them talk. After all it's a game show not an MI5 mission.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Saint:

What did they say about tomorrow?

That Daley and Hazel will be at the centre of a noms twist

Any chance that BB will twist it so that Daley and Hazel are up?

Please, pretty please

Oh I wish...lets hope that to stay in there they have to put the whole house up.....and it'll be bye bye Sophie,Sam or Callum

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
I feel bad for watching those two sleazebags, while Daley's girlfriend heart must be breaking. That is some callous shit BB, I am not impressed.

I think she is sunning herself thinking of the future.

She's gone to Dubai...she might find a premiership footballer there

But I am sure she will be back to 'discuss her woes'.

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
I feel bad for watching those two sleazebags, while Daley's girlfriend heart must be breaking. That is some callous shit BB, I am not impressed.

I think she is sunning herself thinking of the future.

She's gone to Dubai...she might find a premiership footballer there

But I am sure she will be back to 'discuss her woes'.

For sure, for a nice fat cheque

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

OFGS: it's going to be only Daley and Hazel who get to nominate, isn't it?

Well that's Gina up for a start...

it'll be Gina and Dexter only I bet 

Actually, I suspect Daley might veto Dexter's selection, however I'm not putting any money on it at the moment../.

I would tend to agree with that. I think that Daley does not view Dexter the same way as other HM's. So Dexter would be safe IMO. Gina however would defo be up and honestly that is good news for me as I dislike her more and more each day.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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