Noirin blows my mind. One minute she's completely irrational and desperate to carve up those HMs who want to be her friend, the next time I turn on she's back to the nice Irish girl who I sympathised with as she was being chased around the house by Sree. Maybe the most interesting HM so far.
I like Noirin. It's no wonder she doesn't know whether she is coming or going having been stalked by Sree and then having to get away from Marcus' attention! Just because she sat on his lap it doesn't give him the right to paw at her. I don't thinks she's as bad as people make out and she has been at the centre of the most interesting storylines this season. Marcus tried to say she was boring, but he spends most of his waking moments with her so what's that about. She doesn't have a genuine friend in the house, she blows hot and cold because she doesn't know who to trust.