Good evening Mollie & Baz.
Sorry your night was not good, i have trouble sleeping as i cant seem to stop thinking of things to keep me awake, i cant count sheep as i dont have any to count.
The Mac and cheese was ok but i thought the cheese was too thin and uninteresting so i was a bit disappointed, had another M&S Spsg Bol, wow, fantastic, put Parmesan cheese on.
I was on a BT chat this afternoon trying to find out why i get spam emails from senders i blocked and domains i blocked but all i ended up with was advice to email BT and ask them to stop the blocked emails, what, i shouldn't be getting them to start with.
If i still get blocked ones i will have to email BT.
I have been making toast in the air fryer using the Toast setting and turning the setting up to 5 for frozen and 4 for normal, and it toasts the underside, hot sure how as the bottom 2 heat bars are so far away from the bread.
I've stopped the coffee mate again as i was getting too much mucus in my throat which is so annoying, i might try the oat milk, but was only using that for cereals for brekkie at times.
For brekkie i had a big burger bun, halved and toasted with butter, bacon and eggs, wow, no that is nice.
For tea tomorrow i am going to try the 1 M&S Oakham Gold Chicken Wings £1.65, i didnt separate them in the pack so hope its not one big block.
Hope Mollie had a good Sunday.