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Originally posted by Hicky:
It's Hello, Hello, Hello as Freddie would probably say, but they don't like it because he says it every time he gores into a room.

Anyway, Hello to Suzie, Darloboy & Kev.Wave

Glad you've all had a good day.
At least you got some sleep Kev, hopefully you will sleep tonight now.

BB not on till 10pm again, wonder why that is, they must know people have to get up early for work.

Getting to dislike BBLB more and more, it just reminds us of how much live feed we are missing.
In fact we are seeing nothing really.

One of the HM's said last night, we are being watched 24/7, how disappointed are they going to be when they find out that we only saw them if they didn't go to bed.

Hiya Hicky Hug

They will be terribly disappointed that they didn't get as much airtime as the other 9 BB houses Nod
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Thats because I finished putting my evidence of all my work together for the exam board Big Grin, completed most last week but need to do some finishing touches.

I'm fine thanks Kev Smiler, ha ha lol have a good sleep then.

Oh brilliant Thumbs Up So you will soon be free to do what you want until September ?

Next week Cool Big Grin, can't wait.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Like the pic Laugh. We're moving to a brand new campus in September so very exciting times ahead Cool.

Glad you like it Big Grin
I hope your new college home isn't too far away and offers you all what you have already Nod

It's down the road from the soon to be old campus Laugh, will take a bit longer to travel there but it's so close to town anyway.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

ABOVE: Siavash is the king for this week's task 22nd June 2009 THE latest task is underway, and it has a Tudor theme.

The housemates will have to wear period fancy dress over the next few days as they “live, eat and breathe” the Tudor way of life under their new King, Siavash.

The wacky-dresser will take on the role of Henry VIII as the house turns into Tudor England for this week’s shopping task.

Housemates will not be permitted to use their modern-day kitchen and food and must instead live off sustenance in its most basic forms – rabbits, chickens, carp, seasonal vegetables and fruit.

After being told about the task in the diary room, Siavash read the details to the other housemates.

He said: “In order to pass the shopping task, housemates will be required to live, eat and breathe the Tudor way of life.

"The task will culminate in a giant banquet tomorrow afternoon to celebrate Henry 12ths 580th birthday.”

Each housemate will have a role to play during the task, including six taking on the part of Henry’s wives and one village idiot.

Freddie is the prime candidate for the village idiot role!
HOUSEMATE Charlie Drummond has a surprise waiting for him when he leaves the Big Brother house – he faces the sack from his ÂĢ16,000-a-year job.

The 22-year-old Geordie, who won the Newcastle heat of Mr Gay UK in 2007, is to pay the price for not telling bosses at the South Shields JobCentre that he had won a place in the C4 show.

The first his manager learned of Charlie’s unauthorised absence was when she turned on the television.

A source close to the JobCentre management said: “Charlie told the boss he was going away for a short holiday and that he would be back at his desk in a week. She couldn’t believe it when she saw him on the telly. It was decided he had to go.”

Charlie has worked as a customer service adviser at the centre for more than a year after being unemployed for a long time.

Before entering the house, Charlie said he loved his job. However, one of his former boyfriends said Charlie had only accepted the work in a bid to get on Big Brother.

He added: “Charlie decided it would look better to be in employment than turning up at the auditions and saying he was on the dole.”

A spokeswoman for the Department for Work and Pensions said: “Generally, unauthorised absence from work is a disciplinary offence for which a range of penalties apply, including dismissal.”
From yesterday.
INDIAN student Sree Dasari has kept his immigration battle a secret from housemates – by saying he’s seeing a doctor.

He has had to make regular visits to the Diary Room in a bid to convince lawyers to let him stay in the UK.

A source said: “Sree doesn’t want the others knowing, so he thought he would say he was going to see a doctor.”

The 25-year-old is visiting the UK from India on a student visa.

He requested an extension in January but it was turned down.

Last week he went to sign papers to appeal against the decision.

But he fears he could still be forced out of the show and sent home.

A source said: “He might get another three months in the UK.

“But he could be sent back to India. At the moment he is taking it one day at a time.”
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi Mollie. You didn't miss a lot last night, she was mainly talking about herself. Laugh
Seriously though it was about her anorexia and she's brought a book out about it to help people who have it. Was quite interesting.
I'm lucky I can see the Radio tower from my bedroom window, and it's 15 miles is on a massive hill though.

Strangely I'm not too tired yet, I think it's the lack of food, I can't sleep on an empty stomach.

My favourites in BB are Freddie, Angel and Siavash. Siavash seems to be the most calm and natural leader in the house, can't believe how he sobbed when Cairon left though. Laugh

Thanks for the Nicky info. I bet the reception is dead clear for you, with the radio tower being so close.

I see your BB faves are the same as mine, because I too like Siavash. Smiler

Hope you catch up on your sleep ok tonight.
Good evening all wavey

thanks for the BB stuff again Hicky. Smiler
The new task sounds interesting.

Darloby... sounds like you could be in for a fun time next term in this brand new college. Wink

Mike ... I am so impressed with all this gym visiting. You are going to be so fit soon.

wavey Suzy... Newbury is a long way from Cornwall, isn't it? Have you lived in Cornwall for a long time? Glad your busy work day passed quickly, and now it is time for some evening time relaxation. Smiler

We have just come back from a nice long walk with the dog. such a lovely evening, not too hot, but dry, and there are such lovely flowers aroudn this time of year. Smiler
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey
wavey Suzy... Newbury is a long way from Cornwall, isn't it? Have you lived in Cornwall for a long time? Glad your busy work day passed quickly, and now it is time for some evening time relaxation. Smiler

We have just come back from a nice long walk with the dog. such a lovely evening, not too hot, but dry, and there are such lovely flowers aroudn this time of year. Smiler

Hiya Mollie Hug

I lived in Newbury from about 3yrs old then moved to Cornwall when I got married 22 years ago. OH got a job down here just after we got engaged.
Work is being productive again and the orders are falling through the door so it's busy but seems to be more organised so no tantrums to deal with Laugh

Your evening sounds lovely Big Grin I used to love going out for walks but the 1:4 hill outside my frony door is very off putting when you've let your fitness levels hit rock bottom. Saying that though it would be good training for Race for Life next year Laugh
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Mollie Hug

I lived in Newbury from about 3yrs old then moved to Cornwall when I got married 22 years ago. OH got a job down here just after we got engaged.
Work is being productive again and the orders are falling through the door so it's busy but seems to be more organised so no tantrums to deal with Laugh

Your evening sounds lovely Big Grin I used to love going out for walks but the 1:4 hill outside my frony door is very off putting when you've let your fitness levels hit rock bottom. Saying that though it would be good training for Race for Life next year Laugh

Well if you have been there 22 years now, you are part of the furniture. Big Grin

Yes going up those sort of inclines will certainly be good training for next year for you.

Good luck with the training.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Well if you have been there 22 years now, you are part of the furniture. Big Grin

Yes going up those sort of inclines will certainly be good training for next year for you.

Good luck with the training.

I was accepted quicker that OH was as I was born in Wiltshire Laugh
I will be starting the walks tomorrow Nod Did a 30 minute work out tonight so thought I would do the walking the nights I don't work out Big Grin

Thanks I think I need that luck although saying that I'm really enjoying the exercising Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
I was accepted quicker that OH was as I was born in Wiltshire Laugh
I will be starting the walks tomorrow Nod Did a 30 minute work out tonight so thought I would do the walking the nights I don't work out Big Grin

Thanks I think I need that luck although saying that I'm really enjoying the exercising Big Grin

That is good that you are enjoying the exercising. Smiler Keep up the good work. xx

I enjoy going out walking, but am just hopeless at work outs or runs. Too lazy probably, and don't like getting sweaty. Big Grin I know, I wont burn any calories if I dont work out a sweat though. Big Grin
Evening. Smiler

I had a dentist's appointment this morning, just a checkup.
Then it was raining till about 3pm. Got a bit of work done after that.
It was really warm late afternoon, and is still sticky now.
Might be difficult getting to sleep tonight. Frowner

If this legal stuff with Sree is true, it's really daft of BB not to have checked before the show started. Roll Eyes

I notice Siavash is Henry VIII, or Henry the 12th, as he thought. Big Grin
Will be interesting how they get on making the banquet. Not one for you mollie, Lisa and Noirin have to pluck chickens, skin rabbits, and do unspeakable things to pigs. Eeker

Hope the exercising goes well Suzie. Cool
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

That is good that you are enjoying the exercising. Smiler Keep up the good work. xx

I enjoy going out walking, but am just hopeless at work outs or runs. Too lazy probably, and don't like getting sweaty. Big Grin I know, I wont burn any calories if I dont work out a sweat though. Big Grin

I was quite sporty at school and after in fact. It wasn't until I got married that I gave it all up which was a big mistake. Hopefully I'm not too old to get back to that fitter happier me Big Grin
I don't think you need to sweat to lose the calories, I read that if you get out of puff, get your heart pumping you will burn it off Nod
Originally posted by emptybox:
Evening. Smiler

I had a dentist's appointment this morning, just a checkup.
Then it was raining till about 3pm. Got a bit of work done after that.
It was really warm late afternoon, and is still sticky now.
Might be difficult getting to sleep tonight. Frowner

If this legal stuff with Sree is true, it's really daft of BB not to have checked before the show started. Roll Eyes

I notice Siavash is Henry VIII, or Henry the 12th, as he thought. Big Grin
Will be interesting how they get on making the banquet. Not one for you mollie, Lisa and Noirin have to pluck chickens, skin rabbits, and do unspeakable things to pigs. Eeker

Hope the exercising goes well Suzie. Cool

wavey Emptybox...

it was very sticky here too today. Very tiring weather I would of thought for you in your line of work.

Eeker Eeker what a horrid task.... and as you guessed, that is one that would just turn me cold , and I will switch it off.

Bet Suzy will too.

I like the hippy clothes tonight. Big Grin
Freddie is such a great HM, he is just so enthusiastic. Smiler
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

That is good that you are enjoying the exercising. Smiler Keep up the good work. xx

I enjoy going out walking, but am just hopeless at work outs or runs. Too lazy probably, and don't like getting sweaty. Big Grin I know, I wont burn any calories if I dont work out a sweat though. Big Grin

I was quite sporty at school and after in fact. It wasn't until I got married that I gave it all up which was a big mistake. Hopefully I'm not too old to get back to that fitter happier me Big Grin
I don't think you need to sweat to lose the calories, I read that if you get out of puff, get your heart pumping you will burn it off Nod

ppphhhewee, glad to hear that Suzy. that means I can carry on just walking knowing I am doing some good at least. Smiler

Keep this up, Suzy and you will soon be back to your school girl fitness again. Smiler
Hiya Emptybox Hug

Thanks Big Grin I need to get on with it before I'm to old to do anything about it Laugh
It's quite muggy down here as well all my windows and my back door is still wide open Eeker

Night Night Mike Valentine

I used to walk everywhere when I was younger Big Grin Hopefully will be doing that again soon Thumbs Up

Night Night Kev Hug

Happy telly watching

Mollie ... We'll both be fit and gorgeous in no time Big Grin
Originally posted by emptybox:
Evening. Smiler

I had a dentist's appointment this morning, just a checkup.
Then it was raining till about 3pm. Got a bit of work done after that.
It was really warm late afternoon, and is still sticky now.
Might be difficult getting to sleep tonight. Frowner

If this legal stuff with Sree is true, it's really daft of BB not to have checked before the show started. Roll Eyes

I notice Siavash is Henry VIII, or Henry the 12th, as he thought. Big Grin
Will be interesting how they get on making the banquet. Not one for you mollie, Lisa and Noirin have to pluck chickens, skin rabbits, and do unspeakable things to pigs. Eeker

Hope the exercising goes well Suzie. Cool

Hi Emptybox.Wave
Hope everything ok at the Dentists.

Sree is getting on my nerves.

I wouldn't mind joining in with the Henry Vlll food stuff, love getting the food ready as well, no problem.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Mollie ... We'll both be fit and gorgeous in no time Big Grin

Laugh I hope so anyway Suzy...

I am certainly fitter this summer than I was last summer, so it is a step in the right direction.

And I bet Mike will be lots fitter too, with all his gym visits.

It's something I want to achieve this year soit's my main goal, if I can finally kick the smoking too then that will be a bonus Big Grin although I have to say even reducing the smoking has had it's benefits Nod

I hope Mike is finding it okay as I think once he get back into it he'll feel more like his gorgeous hunky self again Laugh

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