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Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Hicky, Mollie and Suzie Wave.

The exam was so easy, was finished way before the allocated time even though it was on Computer Big Grin. Just relieved they are over, got some evidence to send off to the exam board for one of my lessons but i'm almost done.

How are you and how was your day? Smiler.

Well done Darloboy Hug Glad you've nearly done Thumbs Up

Im' fine thanks for asking Big Grin work was quiet again today Nod
Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
The eviction tonight will be celebration thats for sure Laugh, glad Fredster is staying.

I hopefully will do something to celebrate Big Grin.

Thanks Kev, I was meaning to ask you this like the new Avatar, was the other one off here too or have you found them from the net?.

Ta darloboy. I found them both myself.
The first one was Paulie from The Soprano's. This avatar is Buddy Holly. Big Grin

Cool Big Grin.

Thanks Suzie Smiler, it must be a relief it's quiet, but boring because not much to do.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Hello gang ... Wave

I have just shaved my head and I look like a crim

I went to shoemarket got a pair of white trainers for a tenner , and I got a pair of blue canvas deck shoes,
I like them in summer ...makes me feel like I just got off my sailing boat from the Bahamas

I hope everones fit and well and going to have a good weekender ...
I shall be at my club in the morning(free bacon butty) then enjoying a few sherberts with the Kerazzy Gang in the afternoon
Mike Strutter
Im glad you are nearly done with course/exam stuff ...Well Done Clapping Clapping Clapping
Thumbs Up

Btw If you have seen the film One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest .....?
You wont go far wrong knowing who I am then

I hope your elbows ok today ..?

Yeah ...10p
Mad Frowner
Im standing up for the oppressed workers not buying designer gear ...*clenches fist and raises it up *

*POWER TO THE PEOPLE !!!!!!!!! * Tooting Popular Front ...

Bet thats got Darlo thinking now ??Wink
Mike Strutter
LOVESICK Sree Dasari is finally over his crush on Noirin Kelly as he declared he wanted a new single girl in the house.

Viewers saw the Indian virgin break down in tears over Noirin when she flirted with Wolverine-esque housemate Marcus Akin.

The Irish beauty, 25, had complained that Sree was "doing her nut in" by following her around like a shadow and insisting he was in love with her.

Today the student finally seemed to accept that she wasn't interested in him.

He even turned against her when she imposed a "no-fly zone" around her to give her space from him.

Sree, 25, moaned to new best pal Lisa Wallace: "She's taking the proper p*** man, honestly.

"F****** hell man. I didn't do anything wrong apart from throwing a pillow on her."

But after some words of support from Lisa, he cheered up and looked forward to meeting someone new who would reciprocate his feelings.

He exclaimed: "Hopefully a single nice girl has to come into this house.

"But make sure that this girl is not from Dublin again."
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Hello gang ... Wave

I have just shaved my head and I look like a crim

I went to shoemarket got a pair of white trainers for a tenner , and I got a pair of blue canvas deck shoes,
I like them in summer ...makes me feel like I just got off my sailing boat from the Bahamas

I hope everones fit and well and going to have a good weekender ...
I shall be at my club in the morning(free bacon butty) then enjoying a few sherberts with the Kerazzy Gang in the afternoon

Hiya Mike Valentine

Sounds like you've had a good day Big Grin accept the shaving mishap

Good to hear you managed to get your trainers okay now you won't get wet feet Big Grin

And a good day planned for tomorrow as well Laugh

I'm doing the usual tomorrow but daughter is doing the race for life on sunday so will be going to cheer her on to the finish line Big Grin
The more they show snippets of what goes on during the day/afternoon the more I realise how much we are missing with no live feed.

Don't want to keep bringing it up but I hardly see the point in them showing a few minutes a day.

The public are never going to get the voting right of who should be the overall winner are they.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Good on your daughter Suzie. Thumbs Up
Remember though that life isn't a race, it's a book to be taken one page at a time.
Thought I'd be a little philosophical, in support of Freddie. Big Grin

I thought it was rather cool as well and who knows with all this exercising I might join her next year Thumbs Up
I like being philosophical especially with a bottle or 2 of wine, some good company and a world to put to rights Laugh
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by King Kev:
Good on your daughter Suzie. Thumbs Up
Remember though that life isn't a race, it's a book to be taken one page at a time.
Thought I'd be a little philosophical, in support of Freddie. Big Grin

I thought it was rather cool as well and who knows with all this exercising I might join her next year Thumbs Up
I like being philosophical especially with a bottle or 2 of wine, some good company and a world to put to rights Laugh

I like your style. Thumbs Up
It looks like most of the betting sites have stopped betting except one and that is Cairon at 1/66 and Freddie at 14/1.

I see Davina isn't going to tell us who is evicted yet, but they will delay the video and evict the loser at 10.05 as soon as the camera's roll for the outside and they cut us off.
Last edited {1}
Suzie Angel

You like Fred ...?? lolz Wink


Regarding Sues daughter doing the run ....
That is good in My Eyes ...

I got a BOSS/carer at my club
shes walking 85miles for our club
Yorkshire to Lakes ... Thumbs Up
Youth hostel every night ... Frowner

then tomorrow the big finish Windemere

an was our club there NO ...Frowner
cos Health an safty said NO !!!!!
B*llocks Frowner Frowner Frowner

WELL DONE LIZ Clapping Clapping Clapping Clapping Clapping Clapping Clapping Clapping Clapping Thumbs Up Hug Hug Hug Valentine Angel
Mike Strutter
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:

Freddie survives Big Grin

Those are brilliant smileys Suzie. Laugh
Kudos to your daughter. Cool

Glad you did well in your exam darlo. Smiler

Hope you had a great time mollie. And I hope you got to see Susan Boyle. Thumbs Up

Bit better day here, but still windy with a couple of rain showers.

Cairon did not react well to his eviction.
Takes himself far too seriously. I suppose he's only 18, but still....... Disappointed
Yesterday Noirin tried her best to spend a day away from Sree, who she confessed was starting to annoy her by continuously following her around. Sree on the other hand thought she was just being mean. Last night the pair both continued to moan about each other to anyone that appeared to be listening.

Starting the living area, Noirin confessed to Siavash that she wasn’t sure how to handle the situation with Sree telling him she doesn’t want to appear to be leading him on. Before long Lisa appeared to tell Noirin that Sree wanted to speak with her. Noirin’s response however was less than enthusiastic, telling Lisa she’ll talk to him when she is ready. Earlier Sree called Noirin and Marcus “dickheads” and Noirin had been expecting him to apologise and felt he needed to “grow up”. Lisa took Noirin’s reply back to Sree in the garden who told her he won’t be able to sleep unless it is resolved today.

Noirin then started to rant about Sree, saying he needs to be a man and stop using other people to talk to her. Noirin continued, “I don’t appreciate being the one who has to deal with his emotional baggage,” she told those who may be listening. While this was happing Sree was in the garden talking to Lisa and Karly telling them he wanted to leave to get away from Noirin. Sree continued to talk about Noirin and said he cares about the women in the house which is why he gets upset when people treat them like sex objects.

A little later and Sree was in full rant mode, moaning about how “stupid” Noirin is and how nobody respects the woman of the house. When they were able to get a word in edgeways, Karly and Charlie told Sree he shouldn’t let one person ruin his BB experience. Charlie went on to advise Sree to “totally ignore Noirin and let her come to you.”

As the housemates started to go to bed Sree very clearly said goodnight to everyone, making sure to miss out Noirin and Marcus.

Looks like things are going from bad to worse with these twoâ€Ķ

And it's Hello to Emptybox, King Kev, Mike, Suzie and Darloboy.Wave

Will go and get last nights info from the house.

Thanks for the Sree/Noirin text Kev.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Afternoon Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* It's dry, dull and windy here. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you all have a nice Saturday. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last Night in the house, Day 16.
03.43: The lights are switched off and the shutters are down in the bedroom.

03.42: "I've enjoyed myself tonight," says Charlie.

03.35: Charlie is impersonating a dinosaur.

03.31: Charlie and Freddie are fooling around on Freddie's bed.

03.29: Charlie has moved on to Sree's bed.

03.26: Angel is stroking Charlie's hair.

03.23: Charlie is back in bed with Angel.

03.08: Charlie is naked in Freddie's bed. Karly is shocked as she sees his penis.

03.05: Charlie is doing a dance for Angel.

03.04: Now Charlie is charging round the room and jumping on everyone's bed.

He gets on top of Angel and simulates having sex with her.

03.03: Charlie appears and says, "It has split."

03.02: Charlie is playing with condoms. He hides under his covers.

02.56: Charlie looks like he is mounting Freddie and is fondling him.

02.52: Sree has gone round and said goodnight to every housemate except Noirin - who pretended to be asleep.

02.51: Sree just called Karly a "sexy beast".

02.48: Kris and Sophie are going for their nightly fooling around under the covers.

02.45: Siavash is brushing his teeth.

02.35: Kris is carrying Sophie to the bedroom.

How sweet!

02.32: Karly is called to the diary room.

02.30: Charlie and Kris tease Sree about the amount of times he has seen the doctor.

02.29: Charlie disagrees with Sree and says Cairon was funny.

02.28: Sree says Cairon has more minus points than plus points.

02.27: Charlie says he never saw Cairon do anything bad.

02.24: Sree says he has a lot of respect for Cairon.

Lisa says he was very straightforward.

02.23: Lisa thinks the wrong person went tonight.

02.22: Charlie says he is upset that Cairon was evicted.

Lisa says Cairon always respected her.

02.17: Freddie says he finds it weird the a penis is less rude than a vagina.

Really, Freddie?

02.15: Siavash wants Angel to make him something he can wear.

She's going to make a metal vagina for him.


02.13: Lisa says that she wouldn't let Marcus latch onto her because of his bad breath.

02.11: Siavash points out it's only four more days until nominations again.

02.08: Marcus is organising his morning hug with Noirin.

02.06: Sree said, "From tomorrow, if I do anything to give a s**t about her (Noirin), get your flip-flops and slap me round the face."


02.04: Kris says Sree should sleep on it and talk to Noirin tomorrow.

02.02: Sree said Noirin was "dumb and stupid".

01.56: Freddie says Angel has been very accomodating towards the group with regards to the shopping.

01.55: Noirin says she would be nothing without her drawn-on glasses and moustache.

01.48: Angel is complaining that the food she is eating isn't good enough for her and making her feel bad.

01.46: Noirin is pulling off her fake eyelashes.

01.45: Angel says she told Big Brother that she ate everything so that she didn't appear too complicated.

01.43: Angel says she's an "addict at building my body."

01.40: Sree is talking to himself and/or Big Brother, "People are playing with my internal feelings."

01.39: Lisa is going to change into her pyjamas and get a cup of tea.

01.37: Sree tries to get Freddie involved in the Noirin situation.

Freddie quickly declines.

01.28: Sree told Marcus that he's never seen him brush his teeth and has bad breath.

Just wait until Marcus gets his claws out!

01.23: Sree says he was really uncomfortable when he saw Karly's breast when she was changing.

I know plenty of people who would like to swap places with you, Sree!

01.22: Sree wants Lisa to be present when he is talking to Noirin, describing her as "more than a sister".

01.21: Sree says he would be more than happy to leave the house.

01.19: Siavash's bizarre make-up makes it look like he's got a monobrow.

Very funny!

01.15: Noirin doesn't care whether or not Sree will get a good night's sleep.


01.14: Lisa is acting as the go-between between Sree and Noirin.

01.13: Sree says he won't be able to sleep until he resolves his differences with Noirin.

01.12: Noirin tells Lisa she's not in the mood to talk to Sree.

01.10: Noirin said Sree will never grow up if people keep taking him under their arm and comforting him.

"He knows exactly what he's playing at," she says.

01.09: Noirin said that even if she says, "I can't stand you. I want to murder you," to Sree, he would just laugh it off.

01.08: Noirin says she felt guilty when she thought she was leading him on.

01.07: Noirin says Sree means nothing to her.


00.55: Siavash is upset that Freddie is bragging about the fact he is staying.

00.54: Noirin says she feels sorry for Siavash now Cairon has left the house.

If only Siavash knew that Noirin nominated Cairon!

00.53: Sophie complains that she is looking fat.


00.50: Angel says she is on her own most of the time in the outside world.

She says she has said more in the past two weeks than in the past three months.


00.47: Charlie reckons Sree is going to try and get into his bed again tonight. But Charlie is going to reject him.

00.44: Siavash has given his alcohol to Sree.

"Today I want to drink, I don't know why," says Sree.

00.43: Kris leaves the diary room and picks up the bowl of food he left outside the door.

00.42: Siavash is having another sandwich.


00.40: Charlie is complaining that he just wants one night where he can get drunk.

I agree!

00.34: Siavash is eating a sandwich in the kitchen.

00.23: Kris goes to the diary room.

00.15: The housemates are talking about getting alcohol from Big Brother.

22.49: Cairon says Sree as a "hypocrite".

22.46: Cairon describes his nomination as "funny".

22.38: Cairon is evicted.

21.35: Evening all. Eviction night is upon us.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Morning Wave Ninja.

I think you'll find it's afternoon now Laugh

Hiya Darloboy Hug

How are you ?

Shame Dave has to remind Peeps how to behave after all the effort Gaga put in to give us this place Frowner

Laugh. I'm good thanks Smiler, I agree we're supposed to be adults and grown up, but all these issues keep being brought up spoiling the fun of the place.

Hello Hicky Wave Cool.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Afternoon Hicky Hug

Hope your elbow is getting better Hug

Thanks for giving us these update Big Grin

Good Afternoon Suzie.Wave

I had to go out to get my repeat prescription from the Chemist 5 miles away, and then it wasn't in yet, so will have to go Monday again now.

Elbow still a bit swollen, it's only the skin, it's not sore though.

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