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Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Laugh great performance from the singing fab Freddie there too, even though he has just heard he is up for eviction again. He and Angel both brilliant HM's too...imo.. Smiler

Freddie is such a loner, think he had an awful childhood, have a feeling that he wasn't in touch with the family, it's as though he was in the care of people to be looked after and just saw his family for a holiday.

That's only my opinion of course, he really needs some friends in there.
Night Suzie. Smiler

Mollie. It's great that your daughter has found a course that interests her.Cool

I think they'll fail the task. The choreographer more or less said that on BBLB.

No idea why they made Charlie the lead?
Karly should have done it. It's obvious that she knows what she is doing. Smiler

It was funny when Freddy was singing to Angel (or at Angel). I think she does like him, but it was obvious she was looking for an excuse to escape. Big Grin
Originally posted by emptybox:
Night Suzie. Smiler

Mollie. It's great that your daughter has found a course that interests her.Cool

I think they'll fail the task. The choreographer more or less said that on BBLB.

No idea why they made Charlie the lead?
Karly should have done it. It's obvious that she knows what she is doing. Smiler

It was funny when Freddy was singing to Angel (or at Angel). I think she does like him, but it was obvious she was looking for an excuse to escape. Big Grin

Hi Emptybox.Wave

I wouldn't have thought they had a chance of passing the task, they probably know they can't pass or they wouldn't have given them so difficult a task would they?

Not sure why Freddie keeps singing if they don't like it.
Hi Hicky.
I get the impression that BB has already decided to fail them, to put them on a minimal budget.
Could be wrong?

Hi darlo.
I don't think Karly is particularly associating herself with Lisa. She's trying to be friends with them all.
With the exception of Marcus. Big Grin

She seems to be picking up more fans on the forums anyway. Cool No idea how the general public will see her?
Originally posted by emptybox:
Hi Hicky.
I get the impression that BB has already decided to fail them, to put them on a minimal budget.
Could be wrong?

Hi darlo.
I don't think Karly is particularly associating herself with Lisa. She's trying to be friends with them all.
With the exception of Marcus. Big Grin

She seems to be picking up more fans on the forums anyway. Cool No idea how the general public will see her?

I think so, BB never leaves them with much food, they like to make them earn a meal.

That's why they halved the money they had last week, just so they couldn't order so much food.

When they don't have much they will be able to earn a nice takeaway meal for each of them.
Originally posted by emptybox:
Hi Hicky.
I get the impression that BB has already decided to fail them, to put them on a minimal budget.
Could be wrong?

Hi darlo.
I don't think Karly is particularly associating herself with Lisa. She's trying to be friends with them all.
With the exception of Marcus. Big Grin

She seems to be picking up more fans on the forums anyway. Cool No idea how the general public will see her?

Well she didn't nominate Marcus Wink, she's got to try and be their friends but they will reel her in and it will be her undoing.

Imogen done good when Sezer and Grace left, same could happen to Karly if she gets involved in any cliques.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Right, Nighty Night Everyone.Wave

I've been watching live feed, feel Sorry for Kris, think he has to keep sleeping on his own because it's getting very hard to sleep with D=Sophie and keep himself to himself.

I don't wonder, not sure how anyone could do that.
It would be my worse nightmare.
But that's all it would be, a nightmare.Big Grin
Good Morning Suzie & Cold Sweat.Wave

Poor Kris, lead not into temptation, OMG, he must be made of steel to lie in bed and chat to Sophie, think Cold Sweat is what would be the state he would be in all right.
Doesn't she look Fab, it would be worth a BUMP on the head.Big Grin

Just going to get todays info.

Catch you tonight Suzie, have a good day.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* No Sun, No Rain here today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Thursday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
BB's Rolling News, Day 14 - Last Nights Antics.
03.50: All the housemates have gone to bed.

03.46: Sree has now gone to talk to Noirin.

"I hope you are my best friend," says Sree.

03.43: Marcus gets his goodnight hug from Noirin. Then Cairon gets a hug too.

03.42: Sree is sharing a bed with Charlie.

What's going on there?

03.39: Cairon is on his own in the sitting room. Siavash, Marcus and Noirin have decided to go to bed.

03.32: Kris and Sophie are spooning in bed.

03.30: They are discussing the shopping tomorrow.

03.27: Siavash says his game was to not do something to get kicked out.

03.22: Marcus says Angel's legs and bottom "are like jelly".

03.17: Siavash says the whole of London is after his sister.

03.15: Marcus says he has been good with his farts. He's been letting them go silently.

03.14: Sree is talking to Karly in the bedroom.

03.11: Rodrigo is out of the diary room and goes to bed.

03.08: Siavash says he really like the guys in the house.

02.58: Rodrigo is called to the diary room.

02.54: Marcus wants to know who has a small penis in the house.

02.51: Cairon, Marcus, Siavash and Noirin are still talking about Sree.

02.43: Cairon says that when he gets nervous he freestyles.

02.39: Marcus, Siavash and Noirin don't think Cairon will get evicted.

Marcus thinks people on the outside will hate Sree.

02.32: Noirin says the house is "getting comfy".

02.29: Marcus thinks there are more freaks in the house than in previous series.

02.28: Marcus is complaining about Sree's attitude during the task.

02.23: Siavash says Sree is "like a fifteen year old" and that he can't get angry with him because he seems so young. Marcus says he is like an "annoying little brother."

02.22: Sophie, Kris, Charlie and Karly are all in bed together.

02.21: Sree has gone to the diary room.

02.19: Big Brother tells off Noirin for chewing on her microphone.

02.18: Marcus says he likes Noirin more than the other girls. He says he would do anything for anyone in the house.

02.10: Noirin describes being in the house as like "going to a house party and never leaving."

02.08: Siavash, Marcus and Noirin are discussing Noirin and Sree. Siavash tells Noirin to be less nice to Sree.

02.05: Lisa says Sree can pull fit birds because he has a great personality.

Sree says he could pull "just like that".

02.00: Sree and Lisa are whispering in bed. They are talking about Noirin.

01.57: Noirin wants to know why everyone is going to bed already.

01.55: Charlie is taking off Kris' trousers in the bedroom. Charlie doesn't think they'll put a boy in the house.

01.53: Charlie wants a fit lad in the house "to dent Kris' ego".

01.50: Karly is doing the washing up.

01.49: Sophie is eating left-over noodles in the kitchen. Cairon comes over and tickles her.

01.38: Lisa is wondering why some of their food is going missing. If she catches anybody stealing she'll "cut their hands off".

01.36: Noirin asks if anyone wants some bread. Lisa says she is sick of bread and sugar.

01.32: The housemates think they should play this game another night.

01.31: Kris wants to do an activity where the housemates get to talk 1-on-1 so they can get to know each other better.

01.28: The housemates think the game is dragging out a bit.

01.27: Siavash likes Freddie because he can have lots of different conversations with him and describes him as "a bit weird".

Siavash thinks Charlie is "good for the house".

01.20: Charlie's turn.

"I hate this game."

Charlie compliments Siavash's dress sense and describes Angel as creative.

He says he respects Sree for his morals.

Charlie thinks Karly is fun.

He likes Noirin because she seems like one of his mates.

He says Rodrigo has a "dead nice personality".

Charlie says he clicked with Kris straight away.

He says Sophie is "dead nice and dead innocent. Like perfect."

He likes Lisa because she is a "fellow gay" and "a little bit mental".

01.17: Freddie is saying what he loves about every housemate.

About Marcus, "You are strong in your muscles and mind."

About Noirin, "You are a very kind, intelligent woman."

About Rodrigo, "You are beautiful and lovely."

About Kris, "I have yet to see your really likeable side. There's definitely a softer side to you and I'd like to discover that myself."

About Sophie, "I thought this lass is fun, crazy and adorable."

About Sree, "At times you irritate me a lot. At times I feel like I'm talking and you're not listening."

01.16: The housemates are saying what they love about each other.

Freddie says he loves Siavash's "dress sense".

01.15: Freddie suggests a "group w**k".


01.14: Noirin wants to play a game.

01.13: Sree is going to bed.

01.12: Marcus wants to know when Big Brother is going to give Noirin a coat hanger.

01.09: Noirin tells Sree that Big Brother asked her lots of questions about him in the diary room.

Sree wants to know what was said but Noirin won't tell him.

01.02: Noirin thinks she got a bit drunk of just three cans.

00.56: Sree says Lisa is "like his mother" in the house.

00.50: Rodrigo goes where every housemate goes for comfort ... into Sree's arms.

00.48: Rodrigo is upset that someone took his duvet and dropped it on the floor.

"I hope this thing doesn't repeat ever in the house."

Seems likes he's taking this a bit too seriously.

00.42: Sree says he will get Lisa a solid gold bracelet from India.

00.41: Lisa is asking Angel about what time of men she likes.

"Medium men, not big, muscular men," Angel replies.

00.38: Marcus wants to draw Noirin's glasses and moustache on her face tomorrow.

00.35: Sree says he feels uncomfortable when Marcus and Siavash talk about "girly things".

00.31: Cairon is talking about what happens when they leave the house.

He reckons that, "The tabloids will pay you, like, five or ten grand."

00.21: Sophie and Noirin are talking about how easy it is to get drunk in the house.

"We don't drink that much in the house," says Noirin.

"And we don't eat much either," Sophie adds.

00.15: Charlie puts the nail down Karly's cleavage. She screams and tries to fish it out.

"Urgh, it smells like cheese," Karly says.

00.14: Charlie puts the nail in his mouth.


00.13: Sophie has broken a toenail off and Noirin has found it on the floor.


00.12: The housemates are talking about playing a striptease game.

00.11: Noirin is doing her hair and make-up in the bedroom.

00.10: Sophie clotheslines Marcus onto his bed. Sophie is worried she's broken a toenail.

00.09: Cairon and Sophie are carrying their duvets out to the garden.
Start Here.
Hi Cold Sweat & Darloboy.Wave

A lot was said in the house last night.

It sounded as though Cairon has been switching the mics off on some of the HM's, well Rodrigo was pretty annoyed, I think it was Cairon, not sure didn't hear the name.

Don't think Noirin has a game plan, she's a lovely girl, but game plans don't fit in with her.

Can't understand Angel, pretty complex girl, not sure what she's up to either.
She's not eating to prove you can go without food I think, probably to get back at Lisa.
Most of the bookies have Cairon at 1/33 but a few have him at 1/50, Wow, never seen Odds like that for a HM's eviction.
Freddie at 10/1.

So, it's like there's not much chance of Freddie going anyway.
And no-one going top put any more money on Cairon when you bet ÂĢ50 and only win ÂĢ1 if he goes.
Of course you get you bet back as well, but an awful lot of money has gone on him to be evicted.
Is Angel a Devil?

BIG Brother fans turned on show favourite Angel McKenzie last night - claiming she is an ACTRESS planted in the house by producers.
The Russian-born female boxer, 35, has won over viewers with her quirky antics to become the bookies' pick to win.

But her oddball behaviour took a new twist yesterday when she went skinny-dipping following a three-day fast.

Now suspicious fans are brewing up conspiracy theories on the internet about her role. One user on posted a link to Angel's website, where she reveals she considers herself an "entertainer".

Angel says: "I am an artist and a performer; I consider myself to be an entertainer. I am a creative person by nature. I have done a lot of work under the name Sadko."

One EastEnders fan claimed to have seen her in the soap. And another BB viewer posted on a thread titled Angel Is An Actor: "Angel is weird and I think she may be acting but I'm not too sure yet."

But users on a second forum defended her.

One wrote: "She's just wildly eccentric."
SOPHIE has revealed she can see a future for her and Kris after Big Brother ends.

During a girly chat with Karly today, Sophie spilled the beans about how she really feels about the curly-haired lad.

Karly asked: "Could you see yourself with him on the outside?"

Sophie replied: "I could. He's the type of guy I'd go for, like, and everything, personality and things."

But she added: "Oh, guys - I'm so bad at judging them."

Karly advised: "At some point, you have to give one guy a chance - just one guy - and hope that he treats you right."

Sophie also told her that Kris refused to admitted how many girls he's bedded in the past, but said it was a lot.

According to his pals in the outside world he's slept with more than a hundred women.
LISA has admitted she is already sick of being on Big Brother.

She told Rodrigo she'd like to leave and doesn't care about winning the series.

The pink-haired 41-year-old said: "I don't care when I go. I've done it. I'd just like to be out and about now.

"I'm not bothered if I don't get to the end. It's not the end of my life. I'm proud of myself and where I've got to and that's it."

Rodrigo argued: "Yeah, but this opportunity will never come back for us again."

But Lisa responded: "But it doesn't matter. You've done it. Look at all the millions who will never get that opportunity."
FREDDIE has become the bookies' favourite to win the series, despite facing eviction with Cairon tomorrow.

Ladbrokes has given the posh boy, renamed Halfwit by BB, odds of 4/1 to become the new champ.

Many of the oblivious housemates think he'll get the chop instead of Cairon, with Lisa declaring: "I think he probably irritates people just as much as he irritates people on the inside."

But he does have one fan in the house.

Karly told him yesterday how intelligent she thought he was and how she enjoyed talking to him - much to his delight.

She gushed: "You get lost sometimes in your shell.

"But I like being able to have an intelligent conversation with you, no offence to anybody. You think logically, which is good."
SAD Sree looks teary-eyed as the pressure of the Big Brother house gets on top of him.

The 25-year-old recently admitted to having feelings for Noirin, but the Irish beauty just wants to be friends.

And he's not getting much love from his other housemates either.

American teen Cairon joked that Sree would "get all the blind and deaf girls" when he left the house.

When the Indian student protested that this was offensive, Cairon retorted: "You're not Halfwit. You're not that intelligent. Go to sleep."

Chin up, Sree...

Meanwhile, Siavash advised Noirin not to be so nice to Sree, so he'd stop following her around.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hooray for Freddie Big Grin Cool.

Freddie seems to be doing all right.

I'm out at my Lads in a mo for a few hours, will see BBLB later.

Had to go to A&E this afternoon, have got a swelling on my near side elbow, they have given me some tablets to take, anti-swelling and anti-bio's, as if I don't take enough tablets now.
I suppose a few more won't hurt.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Freddie seems to be doing all right.

I'm out at my Lads in a mo for a few hours, will see BBLB later.

Had to go to A&E this afternoon, have got a swelling on my near side elbow, they have given me some tablets to take, anti-swelling and anti-bio's, as if I don't take enough tablets now.
I suppose a few more won't hurt.

Hiya Hicky Hug

Sorry to hear that you have a bad elbow I hope it gets better soon Hug
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I had my day off from College Big Grin, so just chilling. Last exams tomorrow so can't wait for it to be over.

Really liked Lisa last year Smiler, Mario was ok but he was so deluded and was a twat but he's funny.

Nice tha you had a day off Big Grin Good luck for tomorrow Valentine I know you'll do really well Big Grin

I liked Lisa as well especially when Mario left the house Nod

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