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Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Thanks for the overnight update, Hicky!

C4 seemingly don't want us to know what is happening while the housemates are awake.

The show is becoming a laughing stock.

No-one knows what is going on in the house.

All day and afternoon and not a thing, we are missing all the fun.

BB are making sure that we can't complain about what they are doing or saying, as we don't know.

And so little is given us on BBLB, the presenter might just as well be doing a show not related to BB10, it's more about all the others, even he doesn't know whats happening in the house.
Well in the betting Cairon is 1/5 and Freddie is 3/1.

So a lot of money has gone of Cairon to go.

And considering that Freddie is 2nd in line of the boys to win the show and 3rd overall to win when the females are included then it would be a big shock if he was evicted.

So it looks like Bye Bye Cairon, it doesn't pay to make the viewers sick.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Well in the betting Cairon is 1/5 and Freddie is 3/1.

So a lot of money has gone of Cairon to go.

And considering that Freddie is 2nd in line of the boys to win the show and 3rd overall to win when the females are included then it would be a big shock if he was evicted.

So it looks like Bye Bye Cairon, it doesn't pay to make the viewers sick.

Clapping, love it can't wait to see their faces when Freddie stays yet again Cool.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Well in the betting Cairon is 1/5 and Freddie is 3/1.

So a lot of money has gone of Cairon to go.

And considering that Freddie is 2nd in line of the boys to win the show and 3rd overall to win when the females are included then it would be a big shock if he was evicted.

So it looks like Bye Bye Cairon, it doesn't pay to make the viewers sick.

Clapping, love it can't wait to see their faces when Freddie stays yet again Cool.

Good Morning Darloboy.Wave

What do you think Freddies chances are of staying then?
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Well in the betting Cairon is 1/5 and Freddie is 3/1.

So a lot of money has gone of Cairon to go.

And considering that Freddie is 2nd in line of the boys to win the show and 3rd overall to win when the females are included then it would be a big shock if he was evicted.

So it looks like Bye Bye Cairon, it doesn't pay to make the viewers sick.

Clapping, love it can't wait to see their faces when Freddie stays yet again Cool.

Good Morning Darloboy.Wave

What do you think Freddies chances are of staying then?

Good Morning Hicky Smiler Wave. I'm so thick at Maths so have no clue about odds etc but i'm so confident he will stay, that i've not even thought he might go because thats how sure I am.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Hi Darloboy & Mollie.Wave

I just happen to love maths, not very good but it was my best subject.

Odds have moved again on the eviction.
Cairon now 1/14 on & Freddie 6/1.

If you put ÂĢ14 to evict Cairon you win ÂĢ1 if he goes.

If you put ÂĢ1 for Freddie to be evicted and he goes you win ÂĢ6.

So if you multiply the two 14 x 6 = 84 which is the chances of Cairon going.
84 times more than likely.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi Mollie, Hicky and darloboy. wavey

I had a bad night's sleep last night, mollie you were right about the knees hurting all night, and it was hard to get comfy. My hand is killing me too, it hurts to move my little finger aswell. Frowner
Can't believe Freddie had nine nominations. Mad

Hi Kev.Wave

It's strange isn't it, maybe they thought he handled the last one ok so it won't bother him, can't believe that they want him out over others.

I wonder if they just picked the easy option so as not to upset someone else?

I just can't see the public getting rid of him over the foul mouthed Cairon somehow.
Because Freddie hasn't done anything to upset the public and them teasing him for a joke will backfire on them big style.
wavey Darloboy... is it a day off college today?

Hicky.. I am glad to hear those odds translated means it is more likely for Cairon to go than the lovely Freddie.

wavey KingKev... sorry to hear those bad knees and hand kept you awake. Hope you haven't injured anything in your hand.

wavey MikeGlad to hear you are good today, and hope you feel happier than yestereday.
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Hello all

lovely and sunny here ....

hope you all fit and well
Im good ...Wink

Hi Mike.Wave
Don't know about the fit and well, but i'm alive and thats a good start isn't it.

Just been for a little walk to stretch my legs and get a bit of fresh air.

Just having a bowl of Nut Crunch with cold milk, can't beat that.

Glad your good anyway, that's how it should be.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Darloboy... is it a day off college today?

Hicky.. I am glad to hear those odds translated means it is more likely for Cairon to go than the lovely Freddie.

wavey KingKev... sorry to hear those bad knees and hand kept you awake. Hope you haven't injured anything in your hand.

wavey MikeGlad to hear you are good today, and hope you feel happier than yestereday.

Hi Mollie.Wave
It would be a shame if Freddie was evicted, when Cairon is so obnoxious in the things he does.

I think Freddie might surprise us, don't think he's as dull as he seems.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi mike. Wave
I'm ok thanks. Smiler
I enjoyed my chippy tea last night. Big Grin

Mollie I hope it's just swelling that's making it hurt and not a bone. It'll prob be ok tomorrow.

Hi Kev.Smiler
The swelling is only to protect the injury, only an XRay can tell if a bone has been broken.
You should get it XRayed to be sure, if you leave it too long the bone may try and knit together out of line.
COCKY Cairon tried it on with Sophie today - despite her blossoming romance with Kris.

The two were in the bedroom when Cairon propositioned the busty blonde.

As he rested his head on her shoulder, he said: "So, when are you and me gonna get together baby?"

She laughed: "Behave yourself, you're making me blush.

"I never take you seriously 'cause you mess around all the time."

He replied: "I'm not messing around, I'm being serious."

And even after offending her by calling her Sophia, he wouldn't give up.

He gushed: "I think you look really good and you have a nice personality, so whassup with you and me? Are we gonna hook up?"

But even his best lines didn't work, as she told him: "Try next week. Or never."

Meanwhile, sleazy Sree has also been all over Noirin in recent days and even told her he's in love with her - but she's yet to succumb to his charms.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Thanks for the advice Hicky and for the pic of Sophie...yum.
I don't think I'll go A&E though cos I've done this before. I think it's the third time it's happened, but it feels worse this time. I'm an ignore it and hope for the best type of person lol.

Well I've got my copy of Nuts anyway, will look at it tonight.
She does take a good picture, it saves me looking at my veg garden all night.Big Grin

About your Hand, I'me sure they would XRay it for you, if it didn't have a break why would it be so swollen, there's not much in your hand to bruise, it's all thin bones and they are very delicate.
Big Brother: Bamboo dance shopping task for housemates

The Big Brother housemates must dance for their supper for this week's shopping task by learning the routine to Me Ol' Bamboo from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

One housemate must take on the role of lead dancer in the routine made famous by Dick Van Dyke in the hit children's film about a flying car, while the remaining housemates must split into three groups of four.

To pass the task each group must learn and perform their own section of the routine with the lead dancer, while the lead dancer must learn and perform the entire routine.

The lead dancer and all groups will perform together for the final section of the routine which involves a bamboo pole prop which must be jumped over and danced around.

Housemates will be given portable DVD players with headphones and instructional DVDs in order to learn the dance but may only use them for allocated periods of time today and tomorrow before they must perform the entire routine in the garden tomorrow evening.

If they pass, the housemates will win a luxury budget to spend on food and alcohol but if they fail they must survive on basic rations.

They passed last week's shopping task but the price of all the food on the shopping list was then doubled as a punishment for some housemates breaking Big Brother rules and discussing nominations.
Big Brother’s Charlie kisses Rodrigo in exchange for alcohol

Charlie and Rodrigo - Big Brother 10

Despite telling Cairon and Big Brother that he didn’t find Rodrigo attractive, Mr Gay UK Charlie gave the Brazilian student a kiss in return for booze.

Geordie Charlie had said he was craving some "sexy boys" in the house – but that didn’t stop him pretending to snog virgin Sree in the pool as joke later that night.

25-year-old Sree was not impressed, going on to scub his lips for five minutes and and screaming "oh s***".

Bored 'Big Brother' housemate Noirin has said she wants Big Brother to provide a bouncy castle for the housemates to play on.

Noirin wants to play on a bouncy castle.

The Irish 'Big Brother' housemate moaned this morning (16.06.09) that the housemates are being treated like children, before saying she'd like a bouncy castle - most commonly associated with children's parties - to play on.

Over breakfast she said to Charlie: "I just thought it was going to be so much more fun in here. We're all over 18 but they're treating us like kids. Do you not think it's s**t?"

When Kris then asked her what she'd like to do, Noirin, 25, replied: "I would want them to put a big bouncy castle inside for us to jump around in."

Charlie quickly got into the same spirit, adding: "They should have a day when we all get dressed up and have face paints and fun."

Noirin then suggested: "We should have a themed day of all our different nationalities."

To which Charlie added he'd like Big Brother to hold a Gay Pride day.

Meanwhile last night Sree - still reeling from being knocked back by Noirin after telling her he loved her - couldn't sleep and went for a long chat to Big Brother about how he feels about the Irish beauty.

While he was there Cairon and Siavash hid his mattress.

Sree, 25, then spent most of the night eating cereal and walking around the house lonely while the others slept.
The odds have moved again, some bookies have them at 1/20 Cairon & 7/1 Freddy.

So apart from a miracle Cairon should be on his way on Friday.

That would be a turn up for the books, won't the HM's ponder over that.Big Grin

I would think that they expect Cairon to stay in, with him being a bit of a lad so to speak.

But nothing in the house ever seems the same as the way it is viewed outside, it never is.

When Sphia got booted out, she hadn't a clue what was going on in the house, she was too close to the action you see.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Suzie Wave Hug, I know it's great news that Freddie will probably be staying in the house again but the penny still won't drop on those dumb housemates.

My day has been good Smiler.

It will be great to see their faces on friday Laugh

Glad to hear you've had a good day Big Grin

It's going to be brilliant Laugh. Hows your day been?.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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