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Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Sophia totally owned her Big Grin. Freddie vs Sree is my prediction for next week with Sree going. We should do a nomination prediction thing on here?.

I don't know if they will nominate Freddie again, no point really as he has just beaten Sophia.
But I think Sree will be up, he's becoming a pain.
And maybe Cairon or Charlie or Lisa, or Angel.

I think they will nominate Freddie again Frowner Nod. Could go any way really.

Night Hicky Wave Smiler.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Evening folks. Smiler

An absolutely gorgeous morning here, but it got quite cold late afternoon.
I'll have to do a bit of work tomorrow if it's dry. Frowner

Really glad Sophia has gone. Cool

I find I'm liking Freddy a bit more now, and also Angel. I'm surprising meself. Big Grin

I didn't really like the new Davina interview format, although it might work with the right people?
And I thought it was quite funny how Saffia and Sophia continued their arguement on Big Mouth, almost oblivious to everybody else. Big Grin
I like the new interview format as opposed to the normal way. Could be better with a a police interrogator, why has no-one thought of that yet...F Jonothan Ross. Laugh
Davinia never asked the questions that cut to the bone. Although having the behaviour expert talking about you 2 feet away must be hell.

Think I'll go to bed in a bit I've partaken in a few drinks and I think they've caught up with me. Laugh
Oh LF BB on in a mo.
See you all tomorrow. wavey
Hi Mike.Wave
A naked muscled Cyborg, and a Zombie Davina eh, Think thats going a bit far, more like a naked Davina and a Zombie Cyborg.Big Grin

Hi Emptybox.Wave
Hope it stays nice so you can get some work done, no live feed to stop you anyway.

I agree, can't see what people have against Freddie, laid back and rich, not a bad combination really.
Wish I had a few friends like that, instead of manic and poor.

Hi Kev.Wave
Didn't think the Brian Belo sick thing was very nice, a bit sick really.

Hi Darloboy.Wave
I think Lisa wants to be boss, she wants everything her way.

Good Morning Suzie.Wave
You have a good day as well, I take it you are working then.

Will get the live feed info from last night.
Back in a tick.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Nice and Sunny here anyway. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Saturday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last Night in the BB house Day 9 and overnight.
Go to the end to read in reverse.
03.29: Kris is stroking Sophie's hair.

03.25: All the housemates are in bed and of course the cameras are still fixed on Kris and Sophie.

03.14: Sree is the last housemate to go to bed.

03.12: Still kissing!

03.04: The lights are off and the shutters are down in the bedroom.

But never fear! Night vision means that we can still see everything Kris and Sophie are doing.

In fact, they are kissing right now!

02.56: For the last 40 minutes the cameras have been fixed on Sophie and Kris.

All we can see is the duvet with a mop of hair sticking out the top!

02.48: Charlie looks into the distance as Sophie and Kris fool around next to him.

02.44: Kris and Sophie are spooning.


02.39: Siavash has left the diary room without his hat or boards.

Siavash said he wouldn't nominate Noirin because she is hot.

02.36: Cairon and Siavash went to the diary room to apologise after Siavash discussed nominations. Cairon has been let out of the diary room as he didn't hear Siavash's comments. On his way out Cairon dropped his roll up on the floor, which Big Brother thought was a pen.

What will Siavash's next punishment be?

02.33: Kris and Sophie are fooling around under the covers, right next to Charlie.

02.29: Charlie just called Freddie "Eddie" by mistake.

02.28: Cairon and Siavash have gone to the diary room.

02.22: Cairon and Siavash are sharing a cigarette in the bus stop.

02.19: Charlie climbs into bed with Kris and Sophie.


02.16: Kris has climbed into bed with Sophie. Kris points out how there are four cameras focused on them.

02.15: Charlie pours talcum powder over Rodrigo.

02.07: Housemates in the garden are comparing veins that stick out.

02.05: Lisa and Rodrigo are talking about swapping their boxers.

Please please please wash them first!

02.04: Lisa and Rodrigo are talking in hushed tones in the bedroom.

01.58: Lisa is trying on one of Cairon's hoodies. Cairon then tries on one of Lisa's hoodies.

01.54: Kris says he used to wear fake glasses to look good.

Not a good look, Kris.

01.50: Freddie is sorting out his clothes in the bedroom. He has been given back his suitcase after the eviction.

01.48: Housemates are chatting about the weather in the garden.

01.41: Marcus is lying on his bed and looks deep in thought.

01.36: Cairon wants to be out of the house before July 10th so he can see his friends before they go to university.

01.32: Sophie is wearing a low cut top and is surprised that her nipple is hanging out.

Well I'm not surprised, Sophie.

01.30: Sree comes over, butts into Lisa and Sophie's conversation and thanks Lisa for letting him cook.

"He always has to be the centre of attention," Sophie jokes.

01.27: "I've never been with a man," says Lisa.

01.23: Lisa continues, "Love's more important than money, photos, magazines."

Wise words Lisa.

01.22: Freddie goes to the diary room.

01.16: Lisa is talking to Sophie about why she snapped at Freddie after Sophia's eviction.

"Once somebody rouses my body, I go right in for the kill. I don't like to be disrespected."

Lisa says that she's learned that she "can't deal with the eviction nights."

She says that she is missing her girlfriend who she has recently split up with after two and a half years, "She's the one for me. I've come on here to get her back."

01.02: Siavash thinks he is going to marry his girlfriend. They've only been going out one month.

00.57: Rodrigo thought that Siavash was bi-sexual. When he finds out that Siavash is straight he has hysterics.

Rodrigo asks Angel if she's ever had an experience with a woman. "Yes," she replies, "I'm bi-sexual."

"How many girls?" Rodrigo asks. Angel says she went out with two girls when she was in her early twenties.

Angel thinks we are all bi-sexual.

00.54: Siavash says he would never walk out of the Big Brother house.

Siavash is not worried about the boards and says it is all "a joke", but adds that the boards are "quite heavy".

00.52: As a punishment Siavash has to wear a dunce's hat which says "I am an idiot on it."

He also has to wear boards with the words "Housemates are reminded not to break the rules regarding nominations" on them.

He looks like one of those people on street corners who are advertising the nearest golf shop.

00.44: Sree has bought Sophie a present of the shopping list.

The flirt.

00.33: Lisa says she could have sex with her partner "three times a day".

Kris says he and his ex waited three months before they had sex because he liked her so much.

Charlie says he had loads of sex with his exes, "Like three or four times a day." He describes himself as "a little bit of a sl*g".

00.32: Cairon has been told off by Big Brother for putting a cover over a camera.

00.25: Kris and Charlie join Lisa for a glass of red wine.

00.23: The other housemates are helping themselves to Curly Wurlys.

00.22: Actually the housemates only have one bottle of wine to share between them and Lisa has decided that she's having two glasses. "I needed this badly man," she says.

That's just greedy.

00.20: The housemates have been given booze and chocolate by Big Brother.

Should be a fun night.

00.17: Why is it that all the housemates dress up for an eviction even though only one of them will be evicted? Even Lisa has done her hair for the occasion. Why don't the housemates care that much about their image all the time?


00.13: It seems like Cairon is going to be punished by Big Brother for something.

Lisa says his punishment should be to "shave his head".

Sree says he should be put in "Big Brother's Little Prison".


00.12: Siavash is brushing his teeth in the shower.

And who said men couldn't multitask!

00.11: Sophie is sitting on Kris' lap.

23.02: Siavash is wearing a dunce's hat with the words "I'm an idiot" on it.

Yes you are, Siavash. Yes you are.

23.00: Sophia's favourite housemate is Cairon because he is "so funny".

She also likes Sree: "Sree is something else - we were like brother and sister. He will irritate me to the point that I want to kill him."

22.58: Sophia says that she is "actually quite a chilled person".

Yeah right!

22.55: On the argument between Saffia and Sophia, Davina says that Sophia is "Like a terrier. You get your teeth into something and you don't let go."

Behaviour analyst Judie James says that the pair were "arguing over territory" as Saffia was the leader of the house. Judie adds that it is ironic that after Saffia left, Sophia "started acting as peacemaker".

22.52: Sophia looks surprised when she is described as a "clever woman". Dom says that Sophia just "went into the hive and attacked the Queen bee (Saffia)" and that was her downfall.

22.50: Dom Joly says that Freddie is "giving posh people a bad name". He adds that Sophia has "Napoleon complex".

22.49: Davina reckons that Saffia left because she was upset about Kris and Sophie getting together.

22.41: Sophia is greeted by a barrage of boos. Poor girl!

22.40: Sophia is saying her goodbyes. The housemates are chanting her name as she leaves the house.

22.38: Sophia says she just wants to go out and smile. She hopes that no one has "eggs, tomatoes or flour to throw at me".

21.55: Sophia has been evicted from the BB house.

21.42: It's eviction night in the BB house. Who do you think will leave the house tonight? Will it be mouthy Sophia or posh toff Freddie?
Start here.
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Hello all ..
I hope you all have a good day today ...Wink

Im off my club now for a bacon barmcake

Good Morning Mike.Wave

A bacon Barm sounds just the job, with brown sauce of course, even nicer with a little tomato on as well.
Lovely grub, enjoy anyway, i'm just going to get some food myself.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Are you getting the punch bag out Suzie. Big Grin

I'm ok. The weather looks good today. Smiler
Just listened to Adam and Joe on BBC 6music. I would stay in bed till the afternoon if it weren't for them. Big Grin

Glad to hear you're okay Hug

I don't have a punch bag and I've just been very naughty Frowner I hope this gets easier as I'm really struggling today Frowner

I've got radio 1 on at the moment Thumbs Up
Originally posted by King Kev:
Just found this, very funny. Laugh
It's what General Motors wrote about Microsoft.

That statement by GM is just about right.
When I had problems with a Computer the system asked what I had done to cause the problem, had I done this and that.
I wrote to Microsoft and said that when I write software and there's a problem it tells you what the problem is, and seeing that you wrote the operating system why are you asking me what the problem is, you should know.

Maybe we need a black box to find out what happened last.
A little report about Susan Boyle.
She did well.
Susan Boyle has wowed fans at the opening show of the Britain's Got Talent live tour.

Susan Boyle triumphs on Britain's Got Talent tour

Boyle wows fans in Talent live show
Susan Boyle Wows Fans At BGT Live Show
She took to the stage at the Birmingham National Indoor Arena to belt out I Dreamed A Dream and Memory from the musicals Les Miserables and Cats.

The triumphant performance followed a day of doubts as to whether the troubled singer would perform.

The 48-year-old church volunteer, who shot to fame in the ITV1 reality television talent contest, blew a kiss to fans, who screamed and whistled in appreciation.

She was introduced to the stage by ITV2's Britain's Got More Talent presenter Stephen Mulhern, who said: "She's so famous even her pet cat Pebbles is famous."

He joked that Pebbles was not able to make the show because she was in Las Vegas.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
I can see it's going to be one of those days Frowner my glasses have just broken now Roll Eyes

Oh dear Suzie, how on earth did you do that?
Haven't you got a spare pair or an old pair while you sort it out?

The bit on the nose bridge has weakened and come away from the frame. Just been to specsavers and they don't has those frames in stock so will have to wait for a week for them to come through. I have a sunglasses version so will wear those until I find some glue and do a temporary repair Roll Eyes
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
I can see it's going to be one of those days Frowner my glasses have just broken now Roll Eyes

Oh dear Suzie, how on earth did you do that?
Haven't you got a spare pair or an old pair while you sort it out?

The bit on the nose bridge has weakened and come away from the frame. Just been to specsavers and they don't has those frames in stock so will have to wait for a week for them to come through. I have a sunglasses version so will wear those until I find some glue and do a temporary repair Roll Eyes

The same thing happened to my O/H's 2 weeks ago, the weld over the nose came unstuck and they fell into 2 pieces, had to use an old pair for now.
Originally posted by Hicky:

The same thing happened to my O/H's 2 weeks ago, the weld over the nose came unstuck and they fell into 2 pieces, had to use an old pair for now.

You've actually decribed it better that I did, that's exactly what's happened to mine but I donated all my old glasses to charity so am wearing the sunglasses at the mo but thank goodness I have the driving ones so can at least see when wearing them indoors Laugh

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