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Evening Mollie & Baz.

The Christmas sweets are on Ocado, so i dont understand why i cant get them, unless they are limiting how many a store can hold, on the last order when i couldnt get them and i rang up, the person said i couldnt get any because my delivery was Friday  30th, he checked and said they are back in on the 2nd Sep do you want to put them on your order and change delivery date, i said no, leave it, so it seems that they might only be available for 1 day.

Did my washing today, also drying, folding and putting away, its expensive when its all Electric.

Yes, the mussels are lovely but whether i will get them often is another thing.

Bad luck witht he vase, but you can get any size candle so its made for a big one, i dont like candles as they give off smaoke dont they and thats no good for my bad lungs.

Hope Baz had a good night,


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky   I’ve been for my RSV jab this morning . The nurse was telling me that  apparently the government wants all those who are eligible to have the jab before they start the Covid and flu jabs …which is why they won’t start until October  this year. So far no side effects. 🀞🏻🀞🏻Consequently I’ve not really done much today , although I did go for a short walk , and have done a load of washing , put bin out ready for collection tomorrow , and fed the wildlife . I hope everyone else’s week has started well .

Mollie , I hope you got a decent nights sleep . Once again sorry for leaving your text hanging last night…I hope you’ve brought a proper vase now  .I am looking forward to the new Bargain Brits in Teatime Club this week ….lets hope we get some Ant action ….i know we are going to get some Colin action .Hicky , I think at the moment they are just offering the jab to 75-80 year old ( and I believe pregnant mothers ) , so you may not qualify ….I'm not sure , but given your copd ( my husband had that too) it might be worth asking your doctors about it . Have you tried the M&S bacon chops yet ? I really like them….they are very tasty , and not too expensive .

Well it’s a Dame night today , so our viewing is a crime programme , and the new Patrick Ayree series on Sky Nature .I hope you both have a good evening , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you dont get any side effects from the RSV jab Baz, i think if i was entitled they would have been in touch, never mind, i'll see what happens.

I was having the bacon ribs, but 1 was pretty salty, i have 1 left, i moved over to the bacon as i like that on rolls or fresh bread, the Dukeshill is very nice and dry cured so easy to cook, i got the smoked to give a better flavour.

I tried the M&S 8 british pork sausages, they were lovely so i have 3 sausage options now whaich i can order.

My Meds came today to my surprise as i order on the MyGP app usually Sunday night, it seemed to get signed off Monday, sent to Pharmacy who usually had to order 1 type of tablets so usually came Tuesday late afternoon or Wednesday, so i got a shock when they arrived, i gave the driver a load of tins of food to see if the staff at the pharmacy want or dump it, and i gave him a box of the Quality Street for them as i couldnt get the 600g tub, i didnt give him the out of date tins of soup as they may get worried about the date, but the rule for tins is, if they dont look damaged, if the contents dont smell, if the colour looks normal then it is ok, if in doubt dont eat.

I've got the foot lady wed, and the dentist Friday 9am so will put the alarm on as i get up anytime between 8:15 and 10:30 so incase i dont see the time on the bedside clock the alarm will let me know to get up, will have to set for 8am.

I did a nice brekkie today, Bacon, Egg, Sausage, Black Pud, Hash Brown, Tomato, Beans, i dont do that often just fancied it after planning what to have whil in bed, apart from the toms and beans which i heated in the Micro the rest i did on parchment which i put in the big cast iron frying pan and bush oiled the paper, it cooked everything lovely then i binned the paper and it keeps the pan spotless so dont even need to take it to the sink.

Hope Mollie had a good Monday.


Both xx


hope you feel well today and slept ok last night.

I am enjoying the new series of Bargain Brits. It was lovely seeing all the animals with Colin today.

No need to apologise about missing a text. As you know, I sometimes go to sleep before I answer you, then feel guilty the next day.


That is good you now have 3 sausage options. That is Ocado for you, always plenty of choice.

A nice change for you to make yourself a cooked brekkie. Sounds a lot better than those leaky brekkies you used to get.

I bet the meds driver was pleased with your gifts.

Hope the foot lady goes ok tomorrow and the dentist on Friday too. A busy week for you.

I am going out for brekkie with my friend and her grandson tomorrow. He loves the place we go as you can help yourself to portions of choc spread and they have pain au chocolat, blueberry muffins, as well as cooked brekkies and cereals. I like it too, as I start with fruit and yogurt, with granola on top, and you can have as much drinks as you like. So I have a few lattes and a cranberry juice. It is a pub attached the the Premier Inn, so caters for people who have stayed there, having a good brekkie. But anyone can go.

Warm and sunny today, so got lots of washing dried. Hope the nice weather continues now as it doesn't get too hot in the day.

Think I am watching Netflix tonight, as can't find anything I want to watch on tv. Found a new reality show I am enjoying. Wonder when BB starts?

Have a good evening both xx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, a busy week, my lad, #3 son called in today as he was in the area between callouts, he mended a slat in the fence that had come loose, probably a nail had pulled through, then he hoovered the whole floor are then did it all with the steam cleaner, he is booking a table in a Thai restaurant for the 21st so that will be nice, and he's going to book the day off when i go to the Urology appointment in the 23rd.

Yes, good bacon, sausages and sliced cheese with the M&S large white Baps makes a great combination for a quick brekkie.

Those Hash Browns are very nice, and so easy to cook, fry or air fryer, and love tinned tomatoes, can never too much of those.

Enjoy your brekkie with your friend and her grandson, that sounds like a super place to eat.

I have been watching some recordings but now watching celeb Yorkshire auction house, its Jennie Bond and Sid Owens place.

Hope Baz had a good night.


Afternoon  Mollie and Hicky Dry , but quite chilly here today ….although it looks like it will warm up a bit towards the end of the week .Not a bad night , and Its been yet another exciting day chez Baz .Washing , walk, hoovering , window cleaner , and feeding wildlife. One lovely thing happened though ….my youngest granddaughter has got engaged. I hope everyone else is enjoying their Wednesday , whatever you are doing .

Mollie , yes, it was nice to see Colin …he certainly works hard .I hope we get some Ant time too in this new series .🀞🏻🀞🏻I hope you and Dolly are having a good day …and behaving yourself . Hicky , boy , you’ve had a busy few days .You can send your son round to mine , I’m sure I can find a few jobs for him .

Well it’s Michael Portillo and LI for me tonight …Have a good evening both , and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

That's nice Baz, a granddaughter getting engaged and the youngest, how exciting, every day is a busy day with you, you do so much.

Fod Lady was only 2 minutes late, she usually takes about 3/4 hr but nice to have someone to talk to, i also have a chat with my neighbour when he puts a bin out on Wednesday as passes my front door in my driveaway and it sets the indoor chime with a note that tells me somone is outside, the chime makes dogs barking sounds if someone rings the doorbell, the front and back cameras dont set off the chimes now, but they record any person it sees by the motion sensor.

I tried the M&S battered scallops tonight, they must be a piece of one as they are so small, they tasted ok but wont buy again.

I've seen 2 more LED ceiling lamps are out in the lounge as i put the lights on for the foot lady, so son can replace on next visit.

At least i play chess every day with No.#5 son each day or night depending on how busy he is, we have just finished game 508.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Another crap day chez Baz, but a decent night , and it’s  a nice sunny , warm day , so I managed to drag myself out for a walk first thing , have done some hedge trimming , done some washing , fed wildlife , and cleaned kitchen , so not a totally wasted day . I hope everyone else is having a nice Friday , whatever you are doing .

Mollie , I hope you’ve come back with lots of nice Teddy stuff .I ended up getting some Teddy bed socks , and some totes slipper socks . That bedding I ordered is really cosy …..winter here we come .Hicky , I only keep busy cos it helps pass the day , not that I’m really very energetic.Sorry the scallops weren’t whole ones …I don’t blame you not reordering them . It cheers me up a bit  to have a RL chat , even if it’s just to the dog walkers , or the people in the local shop .

Well it’s MC and Love Island for us tonight , so a nice easy viewing night for me . I hope you both have a nice evening , and take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

That good Baz, a decent night and a walk, yes, i agree keeping busy passes the time better.

The battered scallops were a joke really, Β£6:50, and they were the size of a marble, never seen or heard of scallops that size so can only assume they have been cut up into bits so they cook quick.

I had a dental appointment for 9am so ordered the taxi for 08.45 as its only 5 minutes away, well, at 08.50 i rang to see where it is as it hadn't arrived, an automated answer said it would be with me soon, then i got a message saying it was running late so i rang the dentist to let them know so they would keep my appointment spot for me, the taxi came at 09:07 so it was a rush to get there, i was straight in, i had missed 1/3rd of my allotted time, so told the dentist he'll have to work faster, anyway, after 3/4 Hr he was finished, it was so hard lying flat with my mouth open for all that time while he levelled off 7 top teeth, a good job fone and only cost Β£46.70 which i thought was very good.

But he told me i needed to cut out all the acidic drinks, oh dear, will have to just have my orange juice once a day and my Fanta as well as they are all acidic, i'll have to get more Alpro oat milk as i don't want cow's milk.

I've put my central heating back on, the gas isn't that expensive, and they are charging me anyway Β£0.31.2p a day even if i don't use any gas, which is a joke, its for renting the meter, and Electric is over double that per day.

I tried a tin of salmon last night, not impressed, just no flavour so no more of that, so hard to find tasty food, it seems to me that most foods have very little flavour, the flavour is added to the meal to cover that fact, i don't want to cover up tasteless food, i'm trying to find tasty food.

Hope Mollie having a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It has been throwing it down all day here ….I got  soaked just running to the shop at the top of the road ….but I think it’s eased off a bit now Consequently no walk today , so I’ve changed the sheet and pillowcases , done two loads of washing , and cleaned the bathroom . Aside from that my rear has been firmly planted on the sofa watching trashy tv .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday, whatever you are up to . Oh and I think my Cyril maybe back…..I’ve not actually seen him , but the monkey nuts I put out there a few days ago have suddenly disappeared .

Mollie , I hope you slept ok last night , and it’s stopped raining down there .Hopefully we can spend some more of Dames money today .Hicky , it’s so annoying when a taxi makes you late for an appointment! A couple of years ago I had a doctor appointment , and booked the taxi in plenty of time , but it got to me so late  that I was 20 minutes late for my appointment , and doctor ( via receptionist ) refused to see me ! By the way , I had my first major hiccough with my Ocado delivery yesterday !I had ordered my usual 7 buttery mash potato , but only 1 arrived !Luckily I realised before the van pulled off , so the driver refunded me immediately , but even so…..

Well it’s a Dame night , so I’m not sure what we are watching yet .I hope you both have a good evening , and look after yourselves .


Good afternoon, Mollie & Baz.

Yes, pretty wet here today as well, forecast said light rain but has changed to heavy rain now.

My lad changed the 2 LED GU10 lamps that had gone, in the lounge which i don't use unless the podiatrist is here, i put the light on so she could see better, that's when i noticed 2 of the 8 were out.

That was strange Baz, to give 1 out of 7 seems to me that whatever picked the mash mistook the 7 for a 1, i woulod ring Acado about that incase its a glitch in the system.

I had a battered cod last night that i had brought home from the chippy in Parkgate, you can sit in, and they do the best fish ever and the last few times i've been when my lad comes they give you 2 fish as they are smaller than usual but better as you can eat 1 at a time, i brought the bigger one home as i had plenty with some chips by eating the smaller fish of the 2, and they are red-hot as they make them while you wait.

I was going to order from the local chippy for delivery again last night but with having a fish to eat i didn't bother, and it was soon heated gently in the air fryer i had a few chips i brought home as well so put them with the fish in a small container made from the dual foil/baking sheet which i can make into a small tray, so good, 10 mins at 160c was plenty.

It seems a lot easier eating now with 7 top teeth levelled off, and they meet the lower teeth, so i can chew much better than i could before.

Strange, the NHS site that the RSV jab could make things worse if you have COPD so probably not advisable anyway for me, SIL’s hubby had it and was bad yesterday, but a lot better today.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast , cold and wet today ….but as I got a rude awakening at 6.45 from the bin men ….. I did manage a short walk this morning . Aside from that I’ve rescued the bins , fed the wildlife , done two loads of washing , and cleaned the kitchen , so not a totally wasted day. I hope everyone else is having a more exciting Tuesday than me .

Mollie , I hope your cold and cough are a bit better today .Whatever , at least our Ant should cheer you up a bit during teatime club .Hicky , wow that is strange about the RSV and COPD .I never had any reaction at all …not even a sore arm….in fact I wondered if the injection had even gone in . My surgery is due to start the flu and Covid boosters next month I think ….the nurse wasn’t sure if they were going to do them at the same time ….or one after the other . ( It will be the first time the Covid jab was actually given at the surgery rather than at a Covid hub. )  I didn’t bother getting in touch with Ocado cos they refunded me immediately .

Well it’s MC semi finals this week, Yorkshire Vet and LI for us tonight , so a full evenings viewing coming up .Have a good evening and take care of yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Wow, around here the binnies come from 9.30, you must be near the start of the route.

It would be easier if they could do both injections as same time, not sure if they do, then you wouldnt know which was to blame if you had a reaction.

I could hear wind during the night, we've had rain also, but it's passed now.

On checking up about my COPD i get conflicting food and drink requirements, i need milk for calcium for my bones, but milk gives me phlegm because of my condition, also i must cut down on caffeine so i'll change to decaf from now on, and stop my coffee mate if it has milk in it, some reports say that it has sweeteners that harm the gut bacteria and some reports say it has milk in it, so confusing.

It's going to be hard to cut out all dairy, so i'm going to limit what i drink, how often and at what time, same with foods, but my teeth now feel a lot better when eating so happy with that.

I'm limiting my Ocado order to some tasty treats but still trying to find nice foods for the future, i est the foods on their own so the taste isn't overcome my flavour from other foods, like chefs and cooks make fantastic sauces and coloured veg, so the meal looks lovely, and you never mind out what each ingredient tastes like.

No. #5 son is in Ireland with his job, for a few days, he says it was pouring down this morning when he landed.

Hope Mollie had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a bad night . The sun is out at the moment , but we had rain first thing , so huge puddles everywhere on my walk ..and temperature is due to go down to 2 degrees overnight ! Still , at least I got some fresh air .I also swept up the patio, fed wildlife , did some washing , and hoovered ….so another riveting day chez Baz .I hope everyone else is having a more exciting day than I am.

Mollie , I hope you had a better night , and that your cough is easing a bit now .Have you been sunbathing again today ?Hicky , tbh I hope they do do the injections at the same time cos it costs me nearly Β£20 in taxi fares to the doctors ( there and back) . I didn’t know that dairy is bad for COPD ….I am not sure they told my husband any of that . We had really heavy rain here most of yesterday ….and overnight I think , but at least it’s dry at the moment !

Well it’s MC for me tonight , after that I’m not sure what we are watching ….but it might be George on plus 1 .Have a good evening , and look after yourselves .


both x


glad you got your walk in despite the showers. Sounds like it is going to get very cold for you. Not too cold here yet, but might be colder tonight. I still have my summer quilt on, but have put the teddy duvet cover on as it is nice and soft and snug if it does feel cool tonight. Yes Dolly and I did get a bit of sunbathing in inbetween the showers today. She was panting with her tongue out, as the sun is still quite hot, but she soon cooled down when it clouded over for awhile

Am really enjoying our Bargain Brits this week, good to see it back again.

MrM has had to brake a few times when we have been out the last few days for squirrels. So not surprised your nuts are disappearing. It looks like it is busy, busy time for squirrels right now. There is a lot of conkers around too now. MrM collected some for me as I put them round the house to stop the bugs and spiders. (old wives tale? who knows?)


That is good you can chew easier now. But shame the taxi was late, so stressfull when they do that if you have an appointment. Yes I can imagine how uncomfortable it must have been in that position for so long. A good price for what you had done though.

Which part of Ireland is your son in? We loved Ireland when we lived there for a year. We lived just on the coast South of Dublin. Really nice.

Could you try goats milk? I have heard it is very gently and doesn't upset some, like cows milk does. I have a coffee made with it each morning and it is very nice.

Shame your scallops don't sound like they are worth getting and the salmon didn't have much flavour. MrM likes the salmon with the chilli flakes, Its in a pack, not a tin though and is expensive, so he doesn't have it every week.

508 chess games! wow, that is a lot, but its nice you can do that with your son.

Glad your son is booking a day off when you go to Urology. Not too long for you to wait now.

I have had a cold for a week now. Started with sore throat and runny nose last week. Buts its not a bad one. Still have a bit of a cough, that is annoying at night. So didn't go out for meals with my friends this week. Hope to go out on Saturday though. Have been sunbathing as much as I can (with doggie as she loves the sun) to try and build up Vit D in my skin ready for winter. The sun is not too strong to sit in now and our garden is nice and sheltered from the wind as we are in a bit of a dip in the hills.

Can't find much to watch on tv. So have been watching some good reality shows on Netflix. I like Netflix as it doesn't matter if I get interrupted, I can just go back to where I left off.

Looking forward to Married at First Sight starting on Monday and BB in October though.

Have a good evening both xx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope your cold has cleared, and your cough has eased, Mollie,

I've had some water coming through the ceiling into the lounge by the kitchen door, they roof is in sections having slopes into a leaded type of V runoff where the tiles meet, lucky my lad was here and he could see the water on the floor and got the mop to get it up, he looked outside, but everything looked as normal, ring a relative who does general house repairs & roofs etc, but he is on holiday and must have passed my number to his son, he rang and can call tomorrow to see what the problem is.

It's cows milk that givrs me phlegm, will check on Goats milk if that does the same or not.

Not sure which part of Ireland my lad went to, he flew in and is now back home, it was a qty of solar farm fields, they are going to work out how to replace a transformer with minimum interruption of supply and during low peak periods, its quite a complex system, the panels are installed on a steel structure angled to the sky, 3 x 2.5m panels at the end edge with a large qty to the side across the field, not sure how many sets there are, he sent me loads of pictures, and i saw at least 3 fields.

It seems that my son won't be able to take me to the hospital appointment as he is on a course, he is trying to get it moved but he didn't know what course it was.

It didn't say BB was a celeb one they don't usually had a non celeb this late in the year as it used to be about 13 weeks and CBB was just 3 weeks,, so not sure what is going on.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny , and a bit warmer here today ….so I got a decent walk in first thing . Not a bad night , and I have  done two loads of washing , the duvet shuffle , cleaned kitchen and bathroom, and fed the wildlife …so quite a productive day . I hope everyone else is enjoying their Saturday .

Mollie , I’ve seen a couple of Cyril’s on my walks too….but still not caught the little blighter in my garden yet …although the monkey nuts keep disappearing .I hope you slept well last night , and you were right about Goggkebox last night .Ros and I checked , but unfortunately we don’t have access to that channel .Ive enjoyed Teatime Club too .Hicky , omg at the leak I hope it’s something they can fix easily .i don’t think Celeb BB is usually until January , is it . BB last year was just 3 weeks in October …..gone are the days when it was on all summer long .

Well it’s  Strictly for me tonight .Have a good evening both . Take care .


Good late afternoon Mollie & Baz.

My brother in laws some cane at midday, he checked in the loft and could see daylight at the side of a valley, he put his ladder up outside and found a broken tile, i had some spare ones in the garage so he fitted that, he had to take a bit off at the back as it was a different model, he patched a hole in the underfelt as well, he said it should be OK now, if not give him a bell, his dad is back home later in the week, they run a company between then, they have done for years, they now install heating stoves or something.

Oh, it will be a boring 3 week BB then, probably too expensive to have them for 13 weeks, and it must be hard for them to be free for that long as they would all need compensating.

My Ocado arrived OK, only had 1 substitute, Batchelors cup a soup changed to Heinz.

I'll post the shopping list after this post, i cant stop testing more items,

I have to record stuff today as i have F1, Darts on ITV4, Strictly, oh dear.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Delivered 13/09/2024
    1 Heinz Chicken Cup Soup  Β£1.60
    1 Epicure Anchovy Fillets in Extra Virgin Olive Oil Β£2.50
    2 Haribo Jelly Babies Sweets Sharing Bag Β£2.50
    1 Heinz Baked Beans Snap Pots Β£2.75
    1 Insane Grain Cheese - Baked Knobbly Sticks Β£2.00
    1 John West Sardines In Olive Oil Β£1.25
    2 M&S Mandarin Orange Segments in Grape Juice Β£2.20
    1 Quality Street Chocolate Tub Β£6.00
    1 M&S Large White Baps Β£0.90
    1 Warburtons Toastie Thick Sliced White Bread Β£1.40
    3 Alpro Oat Long Life Drink Β£6.00
    2 Fanta Orange Zero Β£3.00
    1 Ocado Gold Roast Decaff Instant Coffee Β£3.00
To be Frozen
   1 M&S 4 Black Pudding Slices Β£1.70
    1 M&S 4 Sesame Prawn Toasts Β£3.00
    1 M&S 6 Steamed Prawn Dim Sum Β£3.50
    1 M&S Buttery Mash Potato Β£2.75
    1 M&S Fiery Hot Chicken Tikka Masala Β£5.50
    1 Ocado Sweetcorn Cobettes Family Pack Β£2.00
    1 Pukka Pies All Steak Β£1.50
Already Frozen
    1 M&S Handmade Mini Prawn Toasts Frozen Β£5.50
    1 McCain Potato Hash Browns  Β£2.70
    1 Tiger Delight 12 Crispy Tempura King Prawns Β£3.00
    1 Tiger Delight Jumbo Cooked Peeled Tiger Prawns Β£4.02
    1 DukesHill British Outdoor Bred Smoked Dry Cured Streaky Bacon  Β£7.00
    1 Elmlea Double Alternative to Cream Β£1.00
    3 Happy Monkey Strawberry & Banana Kids Smoothie Β£5.25
    1 M&S Fruit Trifles Β£3.00
    1 M&S Stuffed Olives with Pimento Peppers Β£4.00
    1 M&S Traditional Potato Salad Β£1.30
    1 Ocado Mixed Weight Free Range Eggs Β£3.25
    1 President French Butter with Sea Salt Crystals Β£2.95
    2 M&S Spicy Prawn Laksa Noodles Bowl - Taste of Asia Β£11.00


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I’m not feeling 100% today , but I had a decent night , so I went out for a walk first thing , so go me .It was a bit foggy and dank this morning , but  it’s sunny this afternoon , so I went out and did a little ….emphasis on the word little ….bit of tidying up in the back garden . Aside from that I’ve changed sheets and pillowcases , two loads of washing , hoovering , put bin out ready for collection , and fed wildlife ….so at least I’ve wasted a few hours of the day .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Monday , whatever you are up to.

Mollie , I hope Mr M is on the road to recovery now .I hope you got my text about the teddy cardigan … caused maximum confusion because I sent it to my son by mistake ….and , because of the name , he thought I meant it for my granddaughter .Anyway , I’m looking forward to Teatime Club this week ….and of course MAFS .Hicky , I am glad your brother in law sorted out your roof….hopefully its fixed it now .🀞🏻That’s a very comprehensive Ocado list .I might try that President butter , I usually have Lurpak light .

We will be recording  the opening MAFS tonight , but will catch up with it tomorrow .Have a good evening both , and look after yourselves .


both x


Aaaww sorry you are feeling a bit off today. Hope you improve soon.

You did well still managing your walk and a bit of gardening.

at you sending your son the cardy text and him thinking the cardy was related to the other Mollie

The President butter is the best I have ever tasted.

If you slice a thin piece off, it curls like that butter swirls some posh resterunants serve. And it makes it easy to spread.


Thanks for you Ocado list.

I hope you enjoy the new foods you are trying.

Thats good your relative managed to work out why your roof was leaking.

Hope your son can change the date of his course so he can come with you.

You do have a good choice of things you like to watch on tv now. I am glad MAFS is back, ,as that gives me something to watch.

As Baz said BB on itv only lasted 3 weeks last year. It went so quickly as we had been used to the 13 week summer ones.

Summer is back, hooray! Have been able to sit in the garden the last few days and to get lots of washing dry too. Hope the Indian summer lasts awhile.

3 people (including me) coughing in my house now. But at least its not a bad cold.

I am ready for winter though, with my new teddy fleece jumpers and a fluffy teddy dressing gown from Dunelm. Cheaper than putting the heating on. So that is my excuse for buying them.

Have a good day both xx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I got my washing done yesterday, and drying, folding and putting away, expensive with it all being electric, but at least folding is free.

Oh dear Baz, i've sent the wrong message to a person before today, but on WhatsApp you can delete it, how it happened was, i typed a message with a person on screen, but then i clicked on another contact, then without thinking i pressed send, then realised my error, so had to delete before it was read.

I hope the roof is sorted, will see how it goes, i can always ring him and get him back, there is some mortar that has come away, i might see what he thinks best to do, i would rather it's done now that wait till the icy weather as ou can't do cementing in that.

I watched Luke Littler on the darts from Friday, Sat, Sun, 20hrs of darts, and recorded F1 and Strictly, Luke won all his games and beat and in the semi-final and final beat the best players in the world, incredible and got Β£80,000 for his 3 hours work in Amsterdam, it was so good to watch and on ITV4 as well.

I had to put my heating on as at times i was sneezing early evening, haven't put the autumn duvet on yet, but i notice the dark nights closing in very fast.

Thats not good Mollie, 3 of you coughing, have any of you seen a doc or are you leaving it.


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