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Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I thought I’d posted in here on Monday ….I couldn’t have pressed send

Cooler today , sunny intervals , and a shower mid morning … a mixed day weather wise .I had a reasonable night , but I’m feeling a bit low today .I did go for a walk first thing , but consequently I’ve not really done much , just two loads of washing , fed wildlife , and cleaned bathroom . I hope everyone else is having a nice Wednesday .

Mollie , glad your throat is better .Yep, I lose my winter fuel allowance ….guess I’ll just have to wear more clothes .Or we will have to make more profit in our teatime renovations. Hicky , did you get your Ocado refund ? How annoying about the tomato juice leaking over everything ….they must be able to sort that out !

Well it’s Cumbria and LI USA for me tonight lHave a good evening . Take care l


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you night wasnt too bad Bad, at least you got a walk in, oh dear, nothing worse than losing a post.

At least losing the winter fuel money is mainly for my heating which is gas and the gas is only 5.452p a KWH when electric is 23.22p a KWH so very glad i havent got electric heating, i used to heat my sheds with fan heaters, no more.

I am a bit confused with the M&S brekkie because most meals are in sealed plastic packs whic are microwavable and dont leak so have no idea why they put the breakfast in a cardboard box with a plastic liner but dont seal the lid, will have to ring them.

My lad, son #3 is coming in the morning to do some cleaning, he asked if i want to go out anywhere, might mention fish & chips.

Hopw Mollie had a good Wednesday.


Afternoon Darnies 🥰🥰🥰🥰Just had a visit from a friend …which was lovely .😁😁She thought it was my birthday today ……she had mixed the days up which sent us into fits of giggles .🤣🤣Sunny , if breezy here today , so I got a walk in first thing , I’ve changed sheets and pillowcases , done two loads of washing and done some tidying up …so quite a good day chez Baz . 😁Its going to be very hot on Sunday , when my son comes up , so don’t fancy his journey .😞 Anyway , hope you’ve both  had a nice day too .🥰🥰🥰🥰

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but hope you are having a good day . …and I hope we make some money today .🤣🤣🥰🥰Hicky , hope you had a nice fish and chip meal with your son.😁😁I’ve got gas central heating too ….although I do have an electric cooker , but only ever use the smaller of the two ovens , so like you it’s my gas that is my biggest heating cost .👍🏻👍🏻🥰🥰

Well it’s Botched , First Dates and Love Island for Ros and I tonight ….so a nice trashy TV night .🤣🤣Have a good one , and take care of yourselves .🥰🥰🥰


Good evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got a walk in today, i went out in the garden because the gardener called in as he had a couple of hours spare which suited me down to the ground as i always have loads for him to do, he stayed just over 3 hours but he does so much in that time, he did more pruning on the grape vine so the grapes get more sun, the vine must be about 9 metres long as it runs horizontal around various frameworks above raised beds.

Yes, a fish and chips that cooked while you wait is just the best, and the takeaway also delivers so so i can see me giving them a ring, but they have an online website as well so can order and hopefully pay online.

Yes, gas central heating is the most cost efficient with fuel costs the way they are, and you certainly dont want to have any electrical heating with  it at £0.23.22p a KWH with £0.67p a day to rent the meter.

I've got darts tonight and tomorrow night on ITV4 and am recording love island USA (to give it a try), unless i see too much production interference then i will bin it, the production team like to cause problems between them because it makes good viewing, no it doesnt it puts me right off.

Hope Mollie has had a good friday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I had a lovely few hours with my son , and he had a good journey up too ….which is a plus ….i just hope his journey home is good too .🤞🏻The weather is very warm today …and hotter to come tomorrow , so cue an uncomfortable night !I hope everyone else has had a good day , and I’ll catch up properly tomorrow .


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  The heatwave …and thunderstorms …..they forecast haven’t materialised, thank goodness . It has been overcast most of the day though . I didn’t go for a walk today because I was expecting deliveries …..thank you to you all….you know who you are . My house looks like a florist shop.Aside from that , I’ve had my usual exciting day ,  some washing , hoovered , and dusted . I hope everyone else is enjoying their Monday .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

I a;most lost the post, when i posted it said something wrong, i took a picture on my phone of the screen before i pressed F5, wow lucky.

Glad you had a lovely time with your son Baz, always nice to catch up on stuff.

Its 24c here today and 23.5c in my bungalow.

I fancied beans on toast so made a toastie in my toastie maker to try it.

I tried the Pukka pie, the steak & ale for 2, not impressed as i dont have the back teath to chew, so will stick to the single ones as they are great cold

Hope Mollie had a good Monday.



That was a clever experiment you did to make 3 eggs at once.

That is strange how those M and S brekkies are not packed well. You did right telling them, so it gives them chance to get it right.

Glad you managed to get your gardener in. Your grapevine is certainly very long now.

I bet you enjoyed your fish and chips with your son. Now you know they deliver, that would be enjoyable for you to have it now and again as a treat.


glad you had a nice day with your son and hope you enjoyed your birtday today too.

Lucky it has cooled down today for us, and we didn't get the thunderstorms. We did get a few rumblings of thunder this morning, but that was all and a bit of nice sun this afternoon, but without it being too hot this time. Got my washing dry any way.

I was really restless all night last night as it was far too hot and humid. But should be better tonight now its cooler.

Hope to go for a carvary lunch tomorrow, as we have a 25% off voucher.

Pup has been tired all day today after that really hot day and night yesterday. Not easy when you can't take your fur coat off.

Have a good evening both xxx


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Happy belated Birthday Baz, hope you had a great day.

I'm just going to order 1 M&S brekkie to see if it arrives without being tipped on its side.

I am going to order the fish and chips with another meal which would keep for the day after, worth a try, not sure how much delivery is but not that bothered as long as they will deliver.

Docs went ok this Morning, COPD check went ok then Bloods, then went 3 doors to the Barbers, got hair washed and hair tidied as i'm trying to grow it longer, did a bit of tidying on my beard, mostly on my neck as i dont want to shorten it.

Will have to look more often in the garage freezer to use more of the food up, i brought some in the other day, its mostly good food from Iceland before i went over to Ocado.

Having problems with my HP printer, as i dont use it much the ink seems to dry out, i tried for an hour to clean the print heads but still not good enough, the print head is built onto the cartridge so i assume that must be the problem i even trid rubbing the print head along damp kitchen towel but still not good enough, better ming so have ordered mor cartridges, a pack has 1 black ad 1 colour.

Hope Baz had a good night and day.


both x


let's hope your M and S brekkie is ok this time.

Yes its worth you giving the fish and chip delivery a go, it would be a nice change for you.

That's good the doc visit went ok and you managed to get a hair tidy up too.

The pup went to the groomers for a bath and tidy up. She loves going there and the groomer loves her, as she snuggles up to her as soon as she sees her. She is just a ball of white extra soft fluff now.

That is annoying your printer is playingup, hope you can fix it.

Me and MrM had a roast carvary for tea tonight, which was very nice, especially as we had a 25% off voucher.

Nice day up till about 4pm, then it started raining and still is now.

Wonder when BB starts again.  Also looking forward to Married At 1st Sight soon.


am enjoying our renovation shows. And a good profit was made today.

By watching all these shows, we should be as expert at renovating, as you are cooking, with all the cookery shows you watch.

Have a good evening both xx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast first thing , but sunny now …although thankfully not too hot .A so so night , but I did go for a long walk this morning … I did some weeding in the garden ….so I blew away a few cobwebs .Aside from that I’ve changed the sheet and pillowcases , done two loads of washing , fed wildlife , and some general tidying up. I hope everyone else is enjoying their Wednesday , and thank you for my birthday wishes…I got very spoilt  .

Mollie , yes, maybe we should start our own renovation company .I am enjoying the programmes too ….and we made some money at last yesterday .I hope your day is going well .Hicky, glad the docs and barbers went well I can’t remember the last time I used my printer …..but I hope you can get yours sorted out .

Well it’s a trashy tv nights viewing for me tonight . I hope you both have a good evening , whatever you are up to ….and , as always , look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Very strange Mollie, i booked my Ocado delivery today, 1 item unavailable, i was ordering just 1 M&S brekkie to see if it could arrive without getting tipped on its side, well, they said it was out of stock so deleted from my order, i dont know if thats a good sign or not, and because the delivery is Friday i will look and see if they come in again.

I have been cooking my fried eggs in the frying pan, but not on the pan itself, by putting a baking paper liner down first, it works fine, i put a wiping of oil on the liner then heat it, i can then either throw it in the bin or just leave it if its clean, and the pan is clean and dry.

I was pleased my breathing test was ok, i do test it at the start of the month as i have the same tester i keep in the bqathroom cupboard.

I was expecting heavy rain all day Tuesday so took my brollie, it started to rain at about 4pm which was strange and handy.

I would have though BB would have started for the summer break, but if its a celeb one it only lasts 3 weeks doesnt it.

I've ordered more cartridges for the printer as the cleaning didnt get the print standard as it should be, it is defo with not using it that has caused the problem, cant think of what else it could be, if new ink doesnt solve it i'll get another printer.

Glad you got a long walk in Baz, dont think i could do a long walk, would have to keep stopping.

I havent ordered too much food this week as i'm going to try and get through a lot of Iceland stuff from my stock.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰Not a great night , but I did manage to give myself a good shake and went for a walk first thing . I’ve also done a bit of tidying up in the garden m so I got some fresh air and sunshine l😁Aside from that , I’ve cleaned the kitchen and bathroom , dusted , and fed the wild life . I hope everyone else is having a good day .

Mollie , shame we only got Prosecco yesterday , but hopefully we will be back on champagne today .I hope you and Dolly are having a good day . It’s sunny , but cooler here , hope it’s the same down there .Hicky, glad your breathing test was ok . I think BB started in October last year , so hopefully we won’t have to wait too long.Strange about your missing  breakfast , but maybe they’ve realised about the leakage problem , and are hopefully rectifying it .🤞🏻

Well it’s MC and LI for me tonight …so a good evenings viewing .Have a good one both , and take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Sorry your night wasnt so good Baz but at least you got a walk in.

Ocado came early today, driver arrived at 10:45, strange thing is, when i booked the order they said the breakfast was out of stock so yesterday afternoon i checked on the website and it was there so i did an edit and ordered 2, well, i asked the driver to check how they are in the bag before he delivered, when he arrived he had taken them out of the bag and was going to take them back, i said no, give me them and i will freeze them, no good to me him taking them back, i want to eat them, asked who packs the bags, he said Robots pack them, not easy to argue with a Robot.

I have darts tonight and tomorrow, its on ITV4 tonight from 7pm & tomorrow from 5pm from New Zealand - Masters.

I ordered 2 more types of sausages as still not happy with the taste of the ones i have tried, so had Richmond Pork this morning, will try M&S Butchers 8 Pork tomorrow.

Made an omelette this morning in the big cast iron pan, put a paper liner in, cracked 3 eggs in a small bowl & scrambled, it cooked fine, and no mess, and clean pan, heaven.

Hope Mollie has had a good Friday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Another crap day chez Baz ….but hey ho.Not a great night , however  I did manage a walk first thing , did the duvet shuffle , two loads of washing and cleaned the kitchen , so not a totally wasted morning . Now I’m cheering myself up by watching JJ I hope you are all having a nice Sunday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I hope yours and Dollys day is going well . I still can’t believe that couple on Place in the Sun yesterday ….what a right pair they were ! Fancy deciding to move to Spain with the problems that woman had !Anyway , hopefully todays couple will be better , and we get to spend some of Dames money .Hicky, I didn’t know robots did the packing , but I guess it makes sense . My Ocado delivery came today , no subs . Sounds like you will be ok re your sport this week .I used to have M& S sausages , and Mr B liked them .

Not sure what we are watching tonight , but I’m looking forward to PITS at teatime .Have a good evening both , and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

You dont have many good nights Baz, so hard to clear your mind enough to get some sleep, i keep thinking of stuff to think about so am tossing and turning most of the time, sometimes i think of something to put on my Ocado order so get up or i wmight forget in the morning.

I'm going off all these sausages, not sure why but they dont taste the same as i used to buy, i need the right taste and texture which i cant find.

I ordered enough food from the local takeaway as they now deliver so got soup,  cod, ribs, hot beef curry, fried rice and they gave me a big bag of prawn crackers.

I'm hoping to be able to go to the Philippines in December, i'm going to wait to see what they say in Urolology when i go towards the end of September, it all depends on the plan after that, i dont even know if i have a stone that is in a position to be removed, maybe they will take another xray or scan, have no idea and after 63 years i still have the problem.

I am sorting my American freezer out so a bottom drawer has Pies, sausage rolls and pasties, that drawer used to be bread items but i keep 2 loaves in the freezer so the drawer was spare, another drawer was choc ices so have put all them in a zip lock bag on one of the shelves so i can move down some of the other food items like mash etc.

Oh, forgot to say, put the washing machine on for a load then the dryer, then put it all away.

Hope Mollie has had a good Sunday.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I’ve had a really lovely morning at the garden centre with Ros ….thank you Ros…..I hope you enjoyed it too.. We bought a load of spring bulbs , compost , and a new bird feeding station . So no walk today , but I did do some washing ,, hoovered , dusted , and put together the feeding station ….after a lot of swearing . I hope everyone else is having a good day too.

Mollie , I hope you are having a good Tuesday . I wonder what building weirdos we will get in todays Teatime Club .Weve certainly had our fair share this week .Hicky , I get to sleep ok, it’s staying asleep that’s the problem . Awwww I hope everything goes well with the kidney stone , and that you can book your trip to the Phillipines .🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Well it’s MC , Yorkshire Vet and Love Island for Ros and I tonight .I hope you both have a good evening too . Take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

I think my sleep pattern must be similar to yours, i must get to sleep buy maybe for not long, and as i have my bedside light on all night i can see the time while on my left side, and with having a small top section of window shutter oprn i can see when its light outside so i know theres only a few hours till i get get up, which is usually between 9am to 10am, depends on what i have going on that day, if anything.

Yes, so hard to get appointments, from my last appointment to get the stent out they book another appointment for 3 months, crazy, the waiting list is so great it takes years to sort out a problem< i darent ring them to try and get a sooner date as changing dates can really mess them up, the system isnt good enough to make changes as it usually doesnt tell all those involved.

I was lucky with 1 xray appointment a couple of years ago, it was given to me over the phone, she said 3pm, i got to the hospital 5 minutes late and said sorry i'm late, she said you are 2 hours late the appointment was 13:00, the girl who rang me missread the time, lucky it was ok.

The food from the taleaway delivery wasnt too good, in think ordering sunday was the problem as they dont open durinh the day sunday, the fish seemed old so binned half, the ribs where dry, so binned 99%, the hot & sour soup was ok, the beef curry and fried rice was ok, so will order on Saturday next time and not as early so it should be a fresh cooked fish.

I emailed the Walkers crisp comapany on the 15th to tell them the salt packs in the crisp bags is damp do wont come out of the bag unless i cut the bag ope to get it out, havent had a reply, maybe they dont care, oh well,

Hope Mollie has had a good day.



Ooopps forgot to press submit for my post here the other day, so I lost it.  It was the day I was also accidently posting stuff here  that I was trying to post on our tv Teatime Club thread... I do daft things when pup is climbing over me to play ball with her.


so glad you had a lovely day out yesterday with Ros. How nice to get things you needed for your garden. Hope you can get out and about a bit more now. Isn't that spa awaiting you?

Well we are certainly getting a strange mix at Tea time Club. As you say,we should be renovation experts after this.


That would be lovely if you could get to the Philipines in December. It would be so good for you to see the family again and also to escape the cold winter here. Fingers crossed all goes well at your appointment next month.

Pity your takeaway food wasn't so good. Hope it is better if you change the delivery day to a day where they sell more.

I too complained to a couple of food companies about something, and never heard back, which I think is bad. One was couscous from Waitrose and one was some crisps from Lidl. Both had something odd in them.

You sound well organised with your American frige freezer. No matter how often I sort mine, it is always disorganised as people add/take out different things.

Regarding your Ocado order, I often find when I first order, if something is out of order, when I check another day, it is then in stock, so I edit the order and re-order it. So its always worth rechecking again a day or so later if something is out of stock.

I still think Ocado is the best for food delivery. So much choice, its rare to get subs or missing items too. In fact, I don't think I have ever had a missing item.

Pup still keeping me busy, as is the usual family stuff and endless washing. MrM is always a good help around the house, but is busy with work, and DIY jobs. He is the one who takes pup her regular walks though.

I have taken some nice time out though. Went out for a carvary yesterday and today met my friend and her grandson for Harvester lunch and went to the Pet shop after for a special session where they pass the hamsters and guinea pigs around the children. The little girls were all scared when they got the rat out.

I always enjoy Harvester meals as they have a help yourself salad, so that was nice.

Time to sort the washing out. I always have loads of socks to sort out whose is whose, which has got more complicated since we got pup, as her fave place is exploring the washbasket, every time I forget to close the laundery door. And she loves nicking the socks out of it.

Have a good evening both xx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Oh dear Mollie, nothing worse than losing a post, should always take a picture as it saves some of the post, before you press F5 to update page.

Do you remember me saying i was going to buy new ink cartridges as i couldnt get a good print by cleaning the heads by printing or by wiping cartridges on a damp kitchen towel, that helped but it wasnt good enough for printing a doc, so before i installed the new cartridges i thought i would try another method that came up on my google search, it said, put a little warm water in a dish and put the ink side of the cartridge for a few minutes, then dry and install, i did that, wow it sure did the job, but it says you need to print at least once a week else remove them and wrap in clingfilm or the print head will dry out.

I put 3 tooth picks into a Avacado seed and placed on a jar of water, i now have roots from the base and a stem from the top, it was what i saw on a Youtube vid when i googles what to do, i have to repot it but dont think i have any material.

Just notived the Quality street tubs are in at £6 so will get a couple of those.

I'm not going to get any more of the M&S breakfast boxes, not keen on the mushrooms or the egg as i freeze them and with them turning on their side its all heaped on one side but the sauce has gone, so for £4 i can buy better.

Hope Baz had a good night and day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰A really lousy night for me , and it was raining first thing , so I never got a walk in , but I did pop to the shop and took the long way home , so I got a few steps in .🤣🤣Aside from that , I’ve changed pillowcases , done two loads of washing , hoovered , fed wildlife , and got the garden ready for tomorrows expected storm ! 😱I hope everyone else is having a good day , whatever you are up to. 😁🥰🥰🥰🥰

Mollie , At least we made enough for champers yesterday , but they were a very undeserving couple imo .I love Ocado too My bliddy washer dryer is playing up !Luckily my washing is all up to date ….apart from a couple of towels that I’m  trying to dry now ! Just rang my washing machine guy and thankfully  he can come on Saturday morning ….i hope he can fix it … it’s quite old ….so if not I’ll have to bliddy buy a new one ! And breathe🙄🙄Hicky , sorry your takeaway wasn’t very nice , but don’t blame you for not ordering any more M&S  brekkies .I agree about the nhs and appointments …..beggars belief doesn’t it ….especially doctors appointments .But I really hope you can get to visit your son and family in the Phillipines.

Well it’s a full blown trashy tv night for me today .I hope you both have a good evening , and look after yourselves l

Last edited by Baz

Good evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry you didnt have a good night Baz, such a blow as it makes you get tired earlier of course.

Most of my machines arent that old as they all packed up a few years ago so got a new oven, microwave, washing machine, dryer and dishwasher, mind you i replaced the dishwasher as it kept going off, but when the new one did the same my lad found out it was the socket behind it that was faulty.

I'm putting more shellfish / seafood on the order this month as i'm not good with meat, with these teeth i find chewing isnt very enjoyable.

I've got F1 tomorrow & weekend as they are back from summer break.

Tonight i watched catchphrase, but i've seen it before and watched a Salvage Hunters, but have seen that before, so hard to find new shows to watch.

Hope Mollie had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I came in here on Thursday , but as I was posting my bliddy washing machine broke down , and I forgot to come back ! Anyway , washing  machine guy has been, and hopefully fixed things .🤞🏻🤞🏻It needed new brushes …whatever they are .Apart from that I only got a short walk in first thing cos I wasn’t sure exactly what time he was coming , but at least I got some fresh air ! I fed the wildlife , and also planted up some more bulbs , but I am going to need to order even more darn compost ! Aside from that , I’ve not really done much . I hope everyone else is enjoying their Bank Holiday Saturday .

Mollie , we are never going to get this darn yacht if the renovators don’t get their act together !But hopefully Dame will buy us a nice villa today , so we can get some sunshine .I hope you , and Dolly, are having a nice Saturday .Hicky , I hope you are enjoying your F1 .I am buying more fish these days too ….i particularly like the M&S ready poached salmon ….trouble is it’s quite pricy these days …I think about £6 these days …..but it is very yummy .I agree about all the repeated shows ….its so annoying when you realise a few minutes in that you’ve seen it!

Well it’s the new Michael Portillo programme tonight ….hes in Lisbon this week ….and after that it’s a Dame night , so not sure yet what we are watching .Have a good evening both , and take care of yourselves .


Good Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got your machine fixed Baz, the brushes are 2 x carbon items that rub on the motor armature, the motor is a DC otor but will run on AC power and have good torque inlike AC electric motors which dont have much power, the brushes last many years depending on machine use, each brush is a carbon section, usually 6 to 10mm square and maybe 30mm long and has a flexible lead fixed into the end and has a small spring with a retainer holding it in place, 1 is each side of the motor, i can only assume the machine has had an awful lot of use, have never heard of the brushes going before, maybe its more common than i thought.

Strange why i fancy tinned salmon more then fresh, but it seems to be such a different flavour, and so nice on sandwiches.

Not sure why salmon is so pricy now, the stocks at sea are so low with overfishing and other factors, but as most are farmed now i assume the price is kept high to protect the fisherman that still go to sea for them, the same happens now with almost all shellfish, oysters, mussels, lobsters, in fact i'm not sure what isnt farmed in many countries.

I'm finding it harder and harder to find food that excites me, so have ordered mussels, crab etc again for a change.

Hope Mollie has had a good Saturday, glad i have F1 this weekend & next as well.


both x


good job the guy managed to fix your washing machine. I knows its horrible without a washing machine and they are so expensive to buy new.

We certainly got lucky with the Renovation show today, but I do think they were overgenerous with their budget for just what was more of an upgrade than a renovation, ,compared to some we have seen. They were also lucky to have so much free help. Perhaps the producers were fed up of them all losing money, so decided to be more selective on what they bought?


Glad you had F1 to watch this weekend, I know you enjoy that.

MrM likes the M and S salmon too. He has the one in a pack with chilli flakes. Very tasty he said.

The French butter is still on offer, so I am well stocked on that now whilst the offer was still on. Its delcious.

I hope you enjoy your seafood instead of the meat.

Went to B and Q around lunch time and it was so packed with it being Bank Hol that we decided got go back tonight. Which worked out well as it was nice and quiet by evening. And it is a lovely evening tonight, nice and mild with no wind. MrM got paint for the bathrooms as the 25% off paint ended today. And with his 25% off voucher, he was well pleased. Garden finished now, so now lots of DIY to do inside.

Didn't go far this weekend as it would be too busy down the coast, so went with son to lovely local hotel, as it has beautiful grounds for pup to run round with him. The conkers are starting to fall off the conker tree now. But are still quite small. I collect them in autumn to put some on the window ledges and spiders and insects are supposed not to like them.

I have been enjoying watching stuff on Netflix lately as I can easily tune in and out when I get interrupted and haven't been able to find much on ordinary tv. Have really enjoyed the new "Love is Blind" with Emma Willis and her hubby as commentators. Looking forward to "Married At first Sight" new series soon and BB.

Summer came back today, lovely and warm. Wonder if it will last?

Have a good evening both x


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I'm using the President French butter now, very nice, i had my last M&S salmon for tea but its so small which means the price is so expensive per Kilo.

The poached samon is £59 a kilo, the small fillets are £29 a kilo, a 500g fillet joint is only £25 a kilo so the bigger a piece you buy the cheaper it is so you get penalised for buying small portions, same with everything, crazy.

You did well at B&Q then Mollie, good idea and vouchers make such a difference.

I was watching a show last night and checked on the web when it was made, 2012 a wheeler dealers, with Edd China as the mechanic, he left many years ago and the show moved to the USA for 6 years and has 2 presenter mechanics since Edd left.

I get so many spam emails and i suppose they are all phiching for my details, i ban them and the site but they use a code in the address so its not real its just made up by a computer to make it untraceable,

The amount of new shows now miniscule as i suppose the cost is too high

Hope Baz had a good night, temperature will be starting to go down, might have to get my next duvet ou, the autumn / spring one, i'm on the 4.5 tog now next one will be 12 i think.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰Cold , overcast , and showery here today ….my heating kicked in again 🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣But I did get a walk in first thing ….rescued the bins , and fed the wildlife ….so I got some fresh air .😁Aside from that I’ve not really done much , just a load of washing and some general tidying up ….so a lazy day chez Baz .😁I hope everyone else is enjoying their Tuesday .😁

Mollie , I hope Trolley Dolly got lots of attention yesterday .We certainly did do ok yesterday ….the champers was very nice ….but like you I think it was more by luck than judgement ….so much depends on the housing market at the time of the renovation .Im looking forward to the start of MAFS and BB Hicky , thanks for the info about the washing machine brushes ….tbh  the machine must be 7/8 years old ….definitely before Mr B died…..and I do use it a lot ….at least one load every day , plus the dryer ….so…. I have to admit my ibs really limits  my choice of food , but I’m sort of used to it now .

Well it’s MC , Yorkshire Vet , and LI for us tonight .Have a good evening both , whatever you are watching . Look after yourselves .


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Its similar here today, dismal & raining now, went to the wheelie bin earlier before the rain to put the rubish bags in.

I had the dishwasher on last night so stuff ready for another week, i rinse a few plates during the week, i use one of each size or there would be too much for the machine.

I had one of the M&S brekkies, i took the grub out and put it into a lined aly foil container in the air fryer, removed the bits of pesky mushroom as they arent very exciting, the egg is a waste of time as well, poached eggs should be reheated in hot water really, not microwaves or air fryers, i have another 3 left in the freezer, not sure whether to bin or bother eating them, where M&S got the stupid idea of putting the breakfast into a stupis container like this is beyong me.

I seem to be addicted to Fanta Zero, i also get the fresh orange as well, got Bloods in the morning seeing that the last lot they took was unusable, no idea why., maybe 10% Fanta.

Hopw Mollie had a good Tuesday.


both x


can't believe your heating came on! Must be cooler up North, as its still quite warm here. (but started raining about an hour ago)..

Glad you managed your walk though. Good job you have your Barbie sweatshirt for autumn weather.

Yes Trolley Dolly got plenty of attention yesterday. But she was disappointed at first, as the Pet shop closed early for Bank Hol and she just stood looking through the closed door. But then, we bumped into the couple who we had her off, and she gets so excited when she sees them, as she has not forgotten her first owners.

Yes indeed as we saw today, the Renovation show all depends on the state of the market, but also, today's pair spent a fortune on trademen, so way overspent.


Hope your blood test goes ok tomorrow and they don't waste your time again saying its unusable.

Sounds like you won't be ordering the M and S brekkies again, but your Fanta delivery will remain. 

Glad to see you too are enjoying the French President butter. I even like the smell of it. And they do say good quality sea salt is really good for you. But I guess the body does consist of salt, so we need it.

Yes the tv producers have cut back in costs as is it is nearly all repeats at the moment. Hope it perks up when the autumn schedule starts.

Went for a carvary with my friend today, we got 20% off, so it was really good value.

I am going for lunch with my friend and her grandson tomorrow, as its school hols, so we get a good deal too. That will be different to the roast , as its a help yourself salad cart.

Going to watch a bit of "Love is Blind" on Netflix now, as nothing I fancy on tv.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Docs went ok, taxi waited but nurse was on time, but driver didnt have a card reader so had to give him cash, and i had asked them last night when i ordered for the driver to have a reader.

Yes, not worth the hastle with the brekkie, sauce all over the shopping every time.

I only use sea salt, but table salt has its uses and tends to stick better to certain items cooking.

I notice now that some of the programs are ones i watched when i was a lad, but i suppose millions have never seen them.

Hope you enjoy your lunch out tomorrow with your friend Mollie, a salad cart, makes a change from a roast.

I've ordered my next Ocado delivery, i have to check my cupboards etc so i dont over order items, i binned the last 2 lots of sausages i got after testing them, so have ordered more sausages and some i stopped getting.

Hope Baz had a good night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny intervals and quite warm here again today . I went for a walk , potted up some more bulbs , done two loads of washing , and fed the wildlife . Still no sign of my gardener….I hope he comes this afternoon !  Anyway , I hope everyone else is having a good Thursday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I’m glad we’ve closed our renovating company ….it was costing us too much money ! Glad Trolley Dolly got lots of attention .I will see you at the dress shop today , and I hope we get some interesting customers .Hicky , glad the docs went ok . I always keep some cash in the house for my taxis . I’ve got the new RSV jab on Monday ….the one that’s just been brought out to prevent  respiratory disease ….have they called you for yours yet ?

Well it’s a trashy tv night again for me tonight . I hope you both have a good one . Take care .


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Never heard of the RSV jab, i have COPD anyway, so will see if they get in touch.

Just rang Ocado to ask a question as i had 2 tubs of quality street on my order but it was taken out when icompleted, but when i went back online they were there again, so went to edit order to add them, but it wouldnt let me as they were out of stock, but after that i looked on line and they were in again, the customer service feller said it the way the system works, they wont be in when they pick my items for delivery, but they will be ack in 2nd september, pretty confusing.

Hope your gardener came today anyway.

Yes, i take some cash when i go out but done like using it.

Hopew Mollie has had a good Thursday.


This weeks Ocado delivery, for your perusal, and remarks.

I picked more items to test during the next few days, some i'll freeze as you only get a few days to keep them in the fridge, and if they are freezeable thats the best option, i have got 2 more sausage types to try, i like the Chipolatas anyway, nice to have a selection, i have tons of food in cupboards, found 2 tins of Batchelors concentrated soup staped 2010, they should be ok as the tins are undamaged in any way.


Delivered 30th August 2024
    3 Quality Street Carton £11.25
    2 Ambrosia Rice Pudding Original £1.90
    1 Awfully Posh Sea Salt Pork Crackling £1.45
    1 Border Biscuits Golden Oat Crumbles £1.60
    1 Cadbury Dairy Milk Crunchie Chocolate Bar £2.50
    2 Dole Pineapple chunks in juice cans £2.40
    1 Epicure Original Whole Pickles £3.10
    4 Haribo Jelly Babies Sweets Sharing Bag £5.00
    1 Heinz Cathedral City Cheesy Baked Beans £1.80
    1 Insane Grain Cheese - Baked Knobbly Sticks £2.00
    2 M&S Brown Sauce £2.30
    1 M&S Honey Roasted Cashews £3.00
    1 M&S Mandarin Orange Segments in Grape Juice £1.10
    1 Ocado Original Breadsticks £0.55
    1 Princes Rhubarb in Light Syrup £1.60
    1 M&S Large White Baps £0.90
    1 Warburtons Toastie Thick Sliced White Bread £1.40
    1 Alpro Oat Long Life Drink £2.10
    2 Fanta Orange Zero £3.00
    1 Kenco Cappuccino Instant Coffee Sachets £1.89
    1 Tetley Super Fruit Tea Boost Blueberry & Raspberry Tea Bags £2.50
To be Frozen
    1 Denny 8 Gold Medal Pork Sausages £1.40
    1 Ocado 8 British Pork Sausages £2.25
    1 M&S Select Farms British 12 Pork Chipolatas £3.90
    1 Mash Direct Cauliflower Cheese Gratin £1.92
    1 Tanpopo Salmon & Avocado Roll with Edamame Salad £4.60
  1 M&S Battered Scallops £6.50
    1 M&S Cauliflower Cheese with Mature Cheddar Cheese £2.80
    1 M&S Mussels in a White Wine & Parsley Sauce £3.80
    1 Seafood & Eat It Handpicked Dressed Crab £6.00
    1 M&S Brown Crab & Prawn Cocktail £5.00
    1 DukesHill British Outdoor Bred Smoked Dry Cured Streaky Bacon  £7.00
    1 M&S British Medium Cheddar 10 Slices £2.80
    2 M&S Traditional Potato Salad £2.60
    1 Ocado 15 Mixed Weight Free Range Eggs £3.25
    2 Happy Monkey Strawberry & Banana Kids Smoothie £4.60
    1 M&S Fruit Trifles £3.00
    1 M&S Mandagold Tangerines £3.00
    3 Tropicana Pure Orange Fruit Juice with Extra Juicy Bits £6.00


Hooray, I see we have a Hicky shopping list. I always enjoy reading those

both x


Yes that Renovation company did bankrupt us. And its good to have a change, which we certainly have this week.

That is good you got out for a walk and in the garden whilst the weather is nice. What type of bulbs did you plant?

I too always have cash and I use it as much as possible. You never know when digital will let people down and if we don't use it, they will stop it. I think digital is hard on small businesses because they have to pay a percentage to the bank every time they o use those card readers. So, as usual, the banks are the winners.

Enjoy your Trash tv. I have been watching a new Trash show on Netflix now I have finished Love is Blind.

Gosh another vaccine! I too have never heard of this RSV one. Hope it goes well and you don't feel ill after. Maybe it is an updated flu one?

Hope your gardener turns up soon.


Glad the docs went ok. It must be difficult for you to get hold of cash now you don't go out much. I know Post Offices can do it though if you are close to one.

I think it looks odd now seeing King Charles on my £5 notes, after all those years of the Queen, but haven't seen him on the other notes yet.

Don't blame you giving up on the brekkie. Not nice if the sauce is leaking.

Our lunch with the salad cart was very nice thank you. They had a large variety of things, even bread rolls and butter.

Nice to nibble on the salad whilst they are preparing the main meal.

Shame the sweet tubs were not in stock.

I bought a tub of Roses from Asda today to take for my aunt tomorrow. We are driving up to the Midlands to see my aunts tomorrow as the weather is forecast nice. Pup is coming too and they are looking forward to seeing her.

You have certainly had those soups for a few years. But  they do reckon tins keep for years and years.

You do have some interesting and unusual things on your list today.

I had to look up the Knobbly Sticks to see what on earth they were. You will have to let me know what you think of them. I know those Border Oat biccies are nice though.

Lovely sunny day today. Sat in my friends garden for awhile with her. Did a bit of a shop in Asda. Pup loves a run round our garden, especially when MrM "chases" her.

Let's hope the Indian summer lasts.

Got a 2 hour plus each way journey, to visit my aunts in the Midlands tomorrow, so hope it isn't too busy on the roads. We thought we would go now whilst the weather was good and before summer leaves us.

Have a good evening both xx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I have a couple of post offices nearby, they are mainly in local supermarkets but ok for cash, my bank wjich is / was a long way away closed anyway.

Strange about the Quality street £6 tubs, they are in when i look but they say i cant order them as they wont be in when they pick my shopping list.

I tried the Denny gold medal pork sausages tonight on gresh bread and french butter, very nice as well, so they will stay in my faves, will try the Ocado ones tomorrow.

I got the breadsticks to have with my soft cheese triangles instead of crackers for a change.

Hope you have a good journey tomorrow Mollie, hope Baz has had a good night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny and warm here today , but thunderstorm warning for tomorrow .Not a great night , and I’m not feeling 100% today , but I did drag myself out for my walk , and I’ve done a bit in the garden …so plenty of fresh air.Aside from that I’ve not done a lot , but I did manage the duvet shuffle and two loads of washing ….so not a totally wasted Saturday .I hope everyone else is having a nice day .

Mollie , I hope the visit is going well , and that the journey wasn’t too bad .The RSV  is a new jab….to help prevent respiratory viruses in the elderly and babies I think  ….its different from the flu jab .Hicky , I think you have to be over 75 to get the jab ….so you may not qualify . That’s some shopping list .I have had those Denny sausages too …they are very reasonably priced .My Ocado delivery is due tomorrow .

Well it’s Michael Portillo in Stockholm tonight , and then I think it will be a crime programme and a nature programme …so a nice mixed evening viewing .Have a good evening both , Tavel safe Mollie , and both look after yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear you didnt have a good night Baz, at least you got a walk in, i was pretty restless, spend too much time planning my order of meals, mainly from the unfreezable ones in the fridge as the frozen ones arent a problem.

I had some of the  DukesHill British Outdoor Bred Smoked Dry Cured Streaky Bacon  £7.00, very nice too, just had it on sandwich with some of the nice butter.

I do qualify for the RSV, i'm just over 75, i'm 85 till later in the year so maybe i'll get offered it instead of the normal Flu one i get, or will it be additional.

I'm having the Mussels for tea, i'll put the contents of the 2 packs in a bowl and microwave it covered in clingfilm, have to poke a hole in of course but to cook for 3 minutes is fine, and its tasty for £3.80

Hope Mollie is having a good day out.

Last edited by Hicky

both x


sorry you have not been feeling yourself. Hope you feel better soon and have a better night tonight.

Hope you feel ok after that new injection tomorrow.  Are you going shopping after?


They have closed so many banks now but glad you are ok for cash, as you can get it in supermarkets.

I have noticed that on Ocado some of the Christmas sweets have been listed, but are not available yet, so it looks like they might be just listing them in preparation for when they arrive in stock. I enjoy looking at the Christmas sweet collections. I bought son one of those build your own Cadbury choccie houses last year. It took him awhile to do it, but he did manage it, with the help of a couple of extra sub choc bars when the roof was not quite right.

Glad you are enjoying your sausage and bacon with the nice French butter. That butter has spoilt me, as I find no other butter is as nice at that one. I really look forward to my toast each morning now.

Hope you enjoyed the mussels you had for tea.

We had a lovely day yesterday with my aunts, cousin and his wife. They all loved the pup and the pup loved her outing. She was so good for such a lot of travelling and meeting lots of new people. She sat on each of my aunts' laps and played chase in the garden quite happily, as the weather was lovely. She loves travelling in her booster seat in the car though.

Luckily was we left early, so we missed the traffic on the M5 going North. It got real busy later though with all the holidaymakers coming back up North from Devon/Cornwall.

I bought one aunt some chocs as she is mad on choccie and the other one flowers. But I left the flowers in the boot of the car!

As I didn't want to waste them, I had to go and buy a vase today. I chose a lovely golden one with diamantes at the bottom, a bargain in the sale for £5.99. However when I got it home and put some water it, the water leaked out all over the place. Then MrM looked at the bottom of it to see what was wrong and he said, "you have bought a candle stick holder, not a vase!".  So the flowers are now is a saucepan, and i am taking the vase that isn't a vase back to the shop tomorrow to swop it for a real vase. Perhaps that was why it was in the sale, as it is huge for a candle!

It has been very warm here again today, 23C, so very pleasant. I was tired after yesterday so spent some time sitting in the garden whilst MrM watched the football. Pup was also tired, so slept a lot today too.

I am watching 22 kids tonight. I enjoy that show. Gosh can't imagine having 22 kids!

Have a good evening both  xxx


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