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Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast and chilly here today â€Ķ.not that I’ve been further than to rescue the bins .I had a terrible night , mostly because I was worried about the fact my meds were late because the docs hadn’t actioned them last week !But thankfully they arrived today .Aside from that , I’ve done naff all â€Ķ.just some washing and dusting â€Ķ.so a really lazy day for me . I had a nice gammon steak for my lunch , and that’s me done. I hope everyone else are having a good Tuesday .

Mollie , hope we will see you for Bake Off tonight â€Ķ.you never know , we might get rid of either the hair woman , or Juergen â€Ķ.not likely I know , but I live in hope .How are you feeling now ? Has the cough gone yet ? I hope you aren’t overdoing it at work .Hicky , wow , that’s great news about Mrs HIve never heard of that happening before , but it must be such a relief to you . I don’t watch Love Island , but Ros and I have been watching Love Trapâ€Ķ.trashy tv  , but entertaining.

Well it’s Bake Off and Murder Island for me tonight .Take care both , and have a good evening .




sorry you had such a bad night, but hope you sleep better tonight now you know the meds problem is sorted.

I did enjoy Bake Off tonight and it was the best result we could have had.

I still get a coughing fit now and again, especially if my throat gets dry, but am much better all around thank you.

No work now until December at least, those few hours last week were enough for me for now.

Its Murder Island for me too tonight. Interesting and unique show. Its not my faves in the final though.


wow, that is brilliant news about MrsH coming home and getting off the "End of Life" care. Are they going to offer you a care package to help you both at home?

Good idea to order her a nice comfy chair.

that was lucky that felle gave you that idea to sleep more comfy in hospital.

Hope you are enjoying your Indian take aways.

Been helping son with his job applications again, they are so complicated.

Went to the Range today, to look at Chiristmas stuff, then to B and Q and we bought a Christmas tree. As it was so early we got a good choice. We wanted one with roots so we could keep it in the garden till time to bring indoors for Christmas, then put it in the garden again after. We already have 2 that have grown real tall in the garden that were here before we moved in and they look lovely.

Tv time,

have a good evening both

Goodnight xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Baz, sorry you had a bad night, what made them late with your meds, thats not good at all.

Mollie, For Mrs H they are just laying on a carer for 3 hours 3 times a week, dont think Mrs H wanted more, but these are from the Hospice, another thing they never normally do, all very strange, they said they will have to sneak out.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast , but dry here today . I didn’t sleep too badly last night , so I kicked my rear into gear this morning  and cleaned bathroom, kitchen , and did a load of washing . I did some exercises and also went out for a short walk â€Ķ.just a couple of k â€Ķ.but it was worth it cos I saw a couple of Cyrils . Aside from that I’ve had a couple of nice pork steaks for lunch , and that’s me done for the day .I hope you are having a good Thursday , whatever you are doing .

Mollie, wowâ€Ķ.you’re organised re Xmas Having said that , I ordered my *special* Xmas cards yesterday Glad you enjoyed George last night â€Ķ.just don’t get too fresh with him .I hope you can join us for Woodworking tonight .Hicky , I’m glad Mrs H is home, I’m sure she’s pleased  to be there â€Ķ.and good news about the carers . I don’t know what went wrong with the meds â€Ķall the prescription lady said was they had been short staffed last week .

Well , it’s woodwork and Masterchef for me tonight .By the way , I’m a Celeb starts on the 21st â€Ķ.so something else to watch .Have a good evening , and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Mrs H isnt home yet, Monday all being well, she has been ordering loads of stuff as presents etc for family and staff at the hospice and stuff for the house so the door chimes keep going off.

Glad you slept better Baz, pork steaks, nice meal those.

I'm having a varied diet, using up stuff from the freezers.

Hope Mollie is ok and her cough has gone, hope her daughter is ok.


both xxx


glad to hear you slept better, and you did well doing your exercises and walk too.  How nice you saw some cyrils too.

Where did you order your special Christmas cards from? By special do you mean, the ones with names on? I bought some with Aunt on from the shops and got a nice box from Costco as I like their cards, they do nice enverlopes to match.

Shame I missed Woodwork last night, thanks for telling me the results ,not what we would have liked at all though!


how nice of MrsH to think of getting gifts for the hospice staff. Sounds like you will be busy sorting the household stuff out. I bet she is looking forward to being back home. (and you too). How odd the staff have to sneak out to help her, but I am sure she will be very glad of their help.

Nice to hear you are eating well again now.

Son did his 1st night performance last night. It was lovely, no wonder he is exhausted,there is a lot of dance routines in this one. The theatre was full, which is nice for his drama company as they are amateurs and are short of funds after they spent a lot of money on costumes and the set for their last production, then had to cancel because of covid. He has another 4 performances to do now. I am going again tomorrow afternoon with some friends.

Going to watch Susan on C5 travelling in West Country, a very familiar place to us, as we lived there for years. Then Gogglebox.

Good news is my cough is rare and light now at last.

Not much change for daughter, she just gets very tired and is still is waiting for them to sort treatment.

Have a good evening both.

Goodnight xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

That's bad news if your daughter is still waiting for treatment to be sorted, what is the hold-up or does she need an appointment to be arranged to be admitted to hospital.

Your son is very busy with the theatre, that's hard work, hope it all goes well, enjoy your show tomorrow as well.

The hall has 2 stacks of boxes, 9 in all and 3 big bags of clothes which are on her bed, no point in me opening them, she can sort them when she's home easier.

I've stopped leaving my mobile on charge all night as i saw on tv that it ruins the battery as when it is charged it keeps dropping to 99/5 then charging again to reach 100%, and it does this all night which is bad for a battery, you should run it down as far as possible then charge it during the day, but unplug it at 99%.

Had a Haggis for tea for a change, one i found in the garage freezer, as i'm trying to use stuff up from it, had Frosties for brekkie and 2 chops midday.

I asked the doc if i need to take more iron tablets as the hospital had given me 100 and the doc gave me 100, she said stop taking them, i assume that means my iron level is ok.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a bad night for me â€Ķ.and I went for a walk with my friend â€Ķ.which was lovely . Apart from that I’ve not done a lot today â€Ķjust a load of washing , anti bac’d the M&S delivery , and fed the birds . I also have had a nice piece of poached salmon for lunch . I hope everyone else is having a good Saturday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I am really glad yours sons production went well â€Ķnice to have a bit of normality , eh .I’m glad your cough is clearing up now . I like Susan Calman , but there are too many programme clashes at the moment .Did you enjoy Gogglebox last night ? Jenny and Lee never fail to make me laugh .Hicky , lovely of Mrs H to give gifts to the hospice staff . I’m sure she will be really glad to be home on Monday though . I never leave anything on charge overnight because it would worry me .Are you still watch Strictly ?

Well it’s Strictly for me tonight.Have a good evening both â€Ķ.and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, watching Strictly, they are all so ggod, also watching recordings of Love Island Oz, it's on at 10pm which is a bit late.

Mrs H has ordered some food from Iceland, gets delivered tomorrow.

Glad your night wasn't too bad, nice to have a walk with a friend as well, you can't beat a nice piece of poached salmon. i have a nice piece in the freezer.

I've got salt fish for brekkie, had kipper and fried egg this morning, have lobster for tomorrow.

Been watching the darts, also got the F1 from Brazil this weekend, so will have to record some.

Hope Mollie slept ok now her cough has gone.


Evening Mollie & Baz .

Only went to the garage freezer and to the raspberry plant, got a bowl of lovely ones, had them with ice cream.

Been busy with the tv, darts this afternoon 1 till 5pm, then F1, then tonight darts again 7 till 11pm.

The Icwland delivery came at 10:30, thats all put away, good job done.

Had the salt fish for brekkie with 2 eggs and a round of toast, later had the lobster dipped in hot butter, just had 2 crumpets with butter on then had 10 of the Iceland mini choc covered ice cream, 20 in a pack, got 3 packs, rather nice.

Won the chess again, i am 65 he is 51 now, the last game i won in 14 moves.

Hope you both slept ok last night.

Mrs H due home tomorrow, it could be a challenge, depending on how active she is, cooking for both of us is not something i'm used to as we used to cook our own meals, so i'll have to see.

I'll have to ring the gardener to see he is ok, he was due last week to sort the garden out again, all the plants that have died off need cutting down and put in the garden wheelie.


Evening Mollie and Hicky Not a bad nights sleep for me last night â€Ķalthough I woke up quite early . It’s been an overcast day here , so I didn’t go for a walkâ€Ķ.but I have done my exercises. Aside from that , I’ve changed the sheets , washed , got the bin ready to put out , and I’ve fed the birdsâ€Ķand Cyril !In fact it’s been quite an eventful day in my back garden â€Ķ.not only is Cyril squirrel  back , but so are my blue tits and the robin .I hope you are all having a good day too.

Mollie , I hope you’ve had a good day â€Ķ.and I’m glad your sons musical went so well .Did you enjoy Gogglebox ?I hope you will be joining us for Bake Off tomorrow .Hicky , I hope Mrs H has got home safely today . I’m sure you will sort out the cooking logistics somehow.

Well got to dash cos MC is on early tonight . Have a good evening both .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you slept ok, i get up a couple of times in the night, mainly to cool down, but i go for a wee even if i dont need one.

Yes Mrs H got home, a coupe of hours later than expected due to waiting for meds and antibiotics.

Now we find out some person has got hold of her debit card details somehow and been ordering goods, lucky the transactions were pending, rang the natwest fraud and got the card cancelled.

Just watching the darts and playing chess online.

Hope Mollie is OK and her daughter, she had another show to go to with her son in.




glad you slept ok. You are good keeping to your exercises when you dont' manage to get on your walk.

That is nice to hear your wildlife is doing well now, our robin has come back too. No Cyril for us though.

Yes I did enjoy Gogglebox and I loved Bake Off, what a fine result.


hope you managed ok with MrsH's food and your own today.

How nice for you both that she is home again at last.

That is awful someone got hold of her credit card details. You could of done without that right now with so many other things to sort. Hope it is all ok now.

Were you pleased with the Iceland delivery? We do seem to like their food.

Cough nearly gone now thanks, just get it a little in the night now.

Been so busy lately, catching up after seeing son's show several times, went to costco yesterday, went to visit a friend today and son has got one of those assessment centre interviews. He has been given tons of literature to plough through, so I am helping him sum it up. He is so nervous, is sure he won't get it, as its new to him. But I said even if he doesn't , it is practice for him.

Have a good evening both

Goodnight xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad the cough has eased, hard time for your son, so much stuff to go through, no wonder he needs a hand.

It's day 4 of the darts, on every day at 7pm till 11pm, so good, and have the F1 again from Friday as well.

The only way someone could have got hold of Mrs H's card details is from a company she has bought goods from, she has been in the hospice a nonth or more and even if someone saw her card they wouldn't have the pin so it had to come from a company.

The items bought from each of the 4 companies will have the delivery address so should be easy for the fraud squad to trace, the card is cancelled now, the card wasn't used for contactless as they didn't have the card, so they must have ordered online, so they must have had the 12 digit long number and the pin.

I can cook any meals she wants but seems to leave most, she also made a meal herself today, i get her what drinks she wants.

One of the SIL's came and took her to the hairdressers, and the hairdresser brought her home, it's a friend of ours,

A district nurse came today to see her and also a nurse from the Hospice, we have opened all the boxes, so much cardboard it will take weeks to get rid of it in the recycle wheelie bin.

The Iceland delivery was great, a couple of items they didn't have.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I had a terrible night , but I did the dreaded duvet shuffle this morning anyway ! Aside from that , I’ve washed , ironed , dusted , anti bac’d the shopping , done some exercises , and fed the birds and Cyril .I hope everyone else is having a nice day , whatever you’re up to .

Mollie , you’ve been very busy .But yes, it was a brilliant Bake Off result last night lI don’t mind who wins now ,cos all three are nice , and good bakers,  but would love it to be Chigs .Hicky , what a bummer about the card â€Ķ.there are some right barstweards out there.I have to admit I never use my debit card online â€Ķ.I have just one credit card that I use for all online purchases . Glad you were happy with your Iceland delivery though .

Well it’s Masterchef and George for me tonight .Have a good evening , and take care l


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear you didn't have a good night, you do so much work in the day, that would wear me out to start with.

I didn't even get up during the night, which must be a first for years.

The gardener came, it took him 4 hours to remove dead plants, clear the greenhouse and weed the raised beds, also clear a million leaves from the darn Oak tree that part overhang the garden but the leaves blow in any way.

Hope Mollie hasn't been too bogged down with work etc.

Made a beef and mushroom/onion meal with rice, the beef was sirloin steak, Mrs H not really impressed, onions under cooked and steak overcooked, don't know how as i only stir-fried the steak, it had been sliced before i fried it.

Just watching the darts.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  On the plus side â€Ķlovely sunny day here , so I went for a 3.5 k walk , and saw 3 Cyrils â€Ķ.one in my back garden . But that’s the only pluses today â€Ķ.it’s been a terrible day , personally speaking l I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am .

Mollie , enjoyed Woodwork last night , everything except the result I hope your day is going well , and that we will see you for Gogglebox at 9 tonight .Hicky, my gardener came yesterday and did the last lawn cut until Spring , and he is coming back next week to cut back the shrubs etc ., and tidy up the back garden . Glad you didn’t have to get up in the night , and I hope Mrs H is settled into home now .

Well , it’s Gogglebox , and Wartime Farm for me tonight . Have a good evening both â€Ķand take care of yourselves l


both xxx


aaaww sorry to hear you have had a horrible day personally wise. Let's hope tomorrow things improve.

But how nice you have all these cyrils around on your walks, so cute. We went a nice walk today and bumped into my neighbours walking their new baby, so that was nice. Then saw the horses, ducks, dog and a cat at the farm, and lots of sheep in the fields. It is good I can go a walk now and only feel slightly more breathless than prevcovid. It too me awhile to shake off, but can't complain as I know I was lucky. I am going to continue with the VitC, high dose VitD, zinc and Quercetin as I think that has helped me.

Yes I did enjoy the woodwork competition, but again the result was awful! Will try and join you for Gogglebox, (not sure if I can though as MrM likes to watch it too and every time he take doggie out, we have to pause). She still goes out about 6 times each evening.


that is good you didn't have to get up in the night. Hope it continues now.

Bet you were glad the gardener fitted you in today.

What a shame the mushroom/onion meal didn't turn out as well as expected.

Hope you have better luck tonight.

We too love Iceland food, they have such a good choice.

So annoying how these people get hold of the card no and pin to scam people.

I expect MrsH felt better for going to the hairdressers, good job her sister was able to take her.

Son made a roast chicken dinner for tea, I obviously don't have the meat but love his Yorkshire puds and I had stuffing with my veg.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not sure which method they used to buy stuff off our account, they could have used the method which needs the 3 numbers from the back of the card, as on online purchases or over the phone we don't use a pin, so they couldn't have the pin, Mrs H has a new card now anyway, not sure if the NatWest fraud people are following up you was involved or not.

The bank is refunding the loss, they have refunded a couple of hundreds already, they have to wait till it has been taken from the account first.

I'm back on ordinary meals now so have loads of options, last night did roast chicken wings for Mrs H, i had them tonight, but mine had Cajun spice powder over them, so good, Mrs H had soup & toast and sausages and cherry toms, she is eating ok we just have different meals.

She gets very breathless if she does anything which is not good, i run out of breath also, but only if i carry stuff or lift items etc otherwise i am fine, i can stand and cook no problem.

I agree with you Mollie, if you think vits are helping your condition take them by all means, i still take the oil and glucosamine, although they don't let you take it in hospital.

Been watching F1 practice, and darts tonight, now 24hrs in A&E, bed at midnight, don't get as tired now, so it's fine and i never stop eating.

Have a good weekend both.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you are both well and slept ok last night, it's been a quiet day here really, we have eaten ok and decided on a Chinese selection of food as the local one does delivery, which i didn't know until a menu came through the letterbox, it has the same name as one we used to go to in Birkenhead and the food was exactly the same and fantastic, we got enough to last a couple of days.

I ordered Chinese food from the Upton Summer Palace, about 6 starters, including duck and pancakes etc, beef curry and fried rice, will have tomorrow, battered king prawns, spring rolls, king do spare ribs, noodles, bean sprouts, wow, perfect.

Mrs H enjoyed a selection of the king prawn in batter, the spring rolls, noodles and bean sprouts, loads left, i had a king prawn, a spring roll, a spare rib, the crispy duck, got a bit left and never even touched the 2 containers of beef curry and fried rice, and still go 5 ribs, it is the best you can buy so i know where i can get Chinese food delivered from now, they have been there for years but didn't know they could deliver, also they have a website so i can pre-order before they even open, you can't beat that can you,

Mrs H has ordered a Sunday dinner to be delivered tomorrow for her lunch, just to try it, no idea where from.

Her memory is playing games, i have to throw food away as she doesn't remember she bought it, i got a bag of crispy chicken from the freezer to show her as she bought it last week on the Iceland delivery, she doesn't remember ordering it and said why would i, and some food i tell her she hasn't eaten yet, and she says i got them for you, oh dear.

She bought a new tablet, a Samsung Galaxy TABS7+, pretty dear, i am trying to set it up but the manual/instruction book of 160 pages is online.

Got a small Iceland delivery tomorrow as well, needed milk and some baking spuds and some fruit.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny but cold here. I didn’t have a good night , but I went for a walk first thing â€Ķ.and saw a Cyril â€Ķ.and when I got back my Cyril came visiting too .Apart from that , I have done a load of washing ,  swept up the leaves in the back garden , and had a nice pork steak for lunch . And I’ve just seen the Coca Cola Holidays are coming , holidays are coming advert on the tv â€Ķ.but early , but it never fails to make me smile . I hope everyone else is having a nice Sunday .

Mollie , I hope you are having a good weekend . â€Ķand are enjoying some sunshine .  Don’t forget Celeb starts tonight â€ĶI hope you can join us , at least on some nights .Hicky , do you think maybe it’s Mrs H drugs that are affecting her memory ? If so, perhaps you can mention it to the doctor or district nurse ? Your Chinese meal sounds yummy .

Well it’s Strictly results and Celeb for me tonight .Have a good evening both â€Ķand take care


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear you didn't have a good night, looking forward to IAC tonight, I will probably record it from tomorrow as i can't stand adverts, been watching the darts and the F1 today and since Friday.

Been eating all day and was too full to have last night's beef curry and fried rice, hope it will be ok tomorrow night.

Had a small Iceland delivery today which was good, just a few items including milk.

Mrs H's sight has been effected, as well as her memory, if you talk to her while she is doing something she has forgotten what she was doing, the meds could be the problem probably, but i think the cancer could be the problem, she can't eat much as she finds a problem with whatever she gets, but she eats a bit, she was a very fussy eater when she was well.

The nurse set out her meds for her into a pack of compartments, she is back Tuesday to sort the next week's meds.

I had some leftover duck for brekkie, noticed 2 packs of sausages in the fridge so cooked 4 and from the rest with each wrapped in cling film, then later had some leftover king do spare ribs, they seem to be in a soy/honey sauce, then i redid the leftover spring rolls and battered king prawns in the wok.

Hope Mollie is ok and not too stressed with her son's work.


both xxx


sorry you didnt have a good night. Looks like Cyril has got comfy with you now.

I missed the seasonal coke advert, but now Im a Celeb is here, its nearly Christmas.


good job the bank are refunding the loss and so they should!

And hooray, so pleased you are eating so well again.

How lucky that Chinese happened to put the leaflet through your letterbox, glad you enjoyed it.

Hope MrsH's Sunday dinner was nice today.

My thinking is the same as Baz, this memory loss has come on quick, so could be the meds?

160 pages!!  good luck with setting that up, I am sure you will work it out though.

We like Iceland for delivery, and their carrier bag are nice and big too.

Lovely sunny day today, so sat in the garden and did my sudoku.

Went for a walk to see the farm animals.

Its so good to be feeling well again.

Wonder if a high dose of vitD would help MrsH? they are not expensive.

Got a bit more Christmas shopping, just a few trinket gifts from B and M for the family.

Watching IAC tonight.

Goodnight both xxx




how good was the 1st episode of IAC? we had fun on the forum.

Hope you slept ok last night.


did you watch IAC?

Hope you enjoyed your food today, and MrsH ate ok too. Did she manage going to the hairdresser with her sister the other day?

It was a beautiful sunny day today, so I sat outside for awhile.

This evening we went to see a laser/light display in the grounds of a castle. It was set to music and I had a hot spiced cider (great as my hands were freezing!), and son and MrM roasted marshmallows on the open firepits they had.  It was beautiful in such a lovely setting, the castle, church and orangy looked so good.

I had a stuffing, cranberry, cheese, mayo sandwich for tea, very tasty.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Mrs H didn't want her Sunday dinner, it was one that the items had to be reheated and i didn't want it, at the time of delivery one of her brothers was visiting with his wife and the meal was given to them to take home.

Yes, the Iceland bags are rather nice and strong, very handy.

Yes, she got her hair done, she was pleased with that, her sister came today and they both took presents for the staff at the hospice then webt to Sainsbury's to get the arm fixed on her glasses, she drove one of their electric carts and bought a few items before coming home.

Loved IAC, i always watch the first show live, then i record the rest so i can skip the (you know what).

I had half of the beef curry and fried rice i got delivered Saturday, have been eating the food we got delivered ever since, the starters really are so good, didn't throw anything away, and have half the curry meal left for tomorrow, put it in the freezer for now.

Glad you enjoyed your light show, nice getting some marshmallows and hot spiced cider, sounds ideal in this weather.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky I had a really bad night , but I’ve been quite busy today . I’ve hoovered, dusted, cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen , fed birds (and Cyril), rescued bins , and done a load of washing . The weather is very overcast , but the gardeners are here cutting back shrubs etc in the back garden . I hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , glad you are feeling back to normal again The Celeb thread is good fun , isn’t it â€Ķ..hope you are enjoying it too . Don’t forget it’s the Bake Off final tonight â€Ķ.and no Jurgen Hicky , I’m glad MrsH got her hair done , and that she had a nice trip out with her sister . And good news that the bank is refunding you for the stolen/lost card .

Well , it’s a full evenings viewing for me tonight .Have a good evening both . Take care of yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear you had a bad night Baz, i got up once, have cut down on the drinks after 9pm, sleeping ok, don't sleep during the day now and stay up till midnight.

Been a busy day here, had a hospice nurse that stays 3 hrs then the community nurse came for an hour, been doing a couple of loads of washing, not mine mind, Mrs H is going to get a dryer as the washing drying in the house isn't good, it can go in the kitchen.

Mrs h made her own tea but is unable to eat much, which isn't good, she said she was full.

She got ÂĢ10's worth of frozen prawns from Iceland but says they are not the ones she wanted so i can eat them, she bought the ones she wanted from Sainsbury's.

I had some Frosties for brekkie, then had the last of the spare ribs with the honey dip, for tea did a baked spud in micro and oven then put butter and grated cheese all over and had it with some mixed pickle, wow, lovely, got 2.5kg of baked spuds from Iceland, just the job think they were ÂĢ2, will last me yonks.

My Meds got delivered, only have 2 anyway as i still have 4 of the inhalers in my drawer and each lasts a month, last ordered from the pharmacy in June, the hospital supplied the rest.

Expecting the boiler service man tomorrow, its over 6 months overdue.

Started refilling the drink bottles from the tap, the bought bottles cost quite a lot, thr last batch i got was 24 x 75ml and 48 x 50cl and that was about ÂĢ40 or so, Mrs H is drinking a lot so best not drink them as well.

Yes we got the money back off the bank, no idea what happened as Mrs still has the card and no one has seen it, i don't suppose the bank will tell us what happened and who had the card info.

Still playing chess with No.#5 son online, i have won 70 games, he has won 54.

Have caught up with Strictly, and I'm a celeb and love island.

The latest Grandson in Costa Rica has his 1st Birthday today, will send Mollie a picture of him, she can show you.

Hope Mollie is ok and not so busy helping son.


both x


what a shame MrsH couldn't eat her Sunday dinner, nor much of her tea she made herself. Maybe her meds are responsible for decreasing her appetite? Glad to hear her sister got her out and about , those electric carts in Sainsburys are very useful, my friend who has dialysis uses them.  Hope the nurses vising MrsH are kind and helpfull to her.

The takeaways are ideal for you now, and its a good job you sorted the meds delivery out.

Hope your boiler service went ok. Do you get British Gas to sort yours?

We cut back on water bottles too, and bought one of these Brita filers, so easy to use and does improve the taste of tap water a lot...


Well done at keeping up all those chess wins.


sorry you had another bad night. Sounds like you were the usual busy you during the day despite this though.

Hope you sleep better tonight.

I did really enjoy the Bake Off final, (and forum thread), what a nice bunch the finalists were. I love the bit at the end when they caught up with the rest of the contestants. It seems they have all been having fun together.

However, IAC did not sit quite so comfy with me. I think the red team were inconsiderate of what the other team were going through stuck in the very cold clink with little food, sleeping on the floor and having to do their tasks for them.  In the past, I think other teams would have been kinder towards the other team living in poorer conditions, and at least let them win some biscuits or the cake. Instead they chose to selfishly win at all cost by making blue's most vulnerable team mate compete again against them. I think they knew Naughty Boy would be  vulnerable because he already felt guilty for losing a task and they know he is not physically fit. It is no wonder he felt they disliked him because they chose him again. I thought the other blue members handled his upset very well though. They seem a nice team.

As Baz knows I am in the minority thinking this though, but interestingly on the radio I just heard 2 presenters discussing Naughty Boy and they too ended up feeling sorry for him. I really think he tries his best and is disappointed when he can't win. But its early days to see how contestants pan out overall yet.

It wil be interesting to see how Richard does now. Well I expect. He has to be a tough cookie with being in the business for so long.

Looking forward to watching George and his houses tonight.

Been to the shopping outlet today, getting busier with Christmas shoppers now. I had a vegan Festive Bake from Gregs and a caramel latte with cream on top. Delicous.

Have a good evening

I started this post and as usual had umpteen interruptions but got round to finishing it in the end.




hope you slept ok last night. Did you see Cyril today?


hope you and MrsH are ok today and MrsH managed to eat her food.

I wasn't sure how to forward Baz the Costa Rica photo as it was a video. But if you send a still photo I can send that to her.

A nice day here today, so went a walk down the lane, and sat in the garden in the sun.

Son had his assessment interview, it was not easy and lasted 3 hours, he doesn't think he will get to the next stage as he was so nervous, but he said at least it is an experience of one of these now.

Nearly tv time now. Woodshow here I come.


Evening Mollie & Baz. 

Mrs H is eating but only in small quantities, i did her 2 soft-boiled eggs, then she had 2 roast sausages and some tinned peaches and ice cream.

We had some bad news from her sister, who is not in good health, the lump on the side of her leg about the size of an egg needs a CT scan and a biopsy as they think it is cancer, their elder sister died of cancer some years ago, so sad.

The boiler service was carried out by a person from a local company who has done it for the last few years, think it was about ÂĢ70 last year.

The water here is very good, i drink it but if Mrs H won't i will have to reorder the bottled water, on my last order i got 72 bottles and only a few left.

I will send you some pictures that you can send to Baz.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  After a good sleep for me on Wednesday , it was another  rough night for me last night â€Ķ..but not as rough as tonight is forecast to be â€Ķ.can’t see me getting much sleep . We had hail this morning, and the wind is already getting up !  I’ve not done a lot today , but I did manage to do the duvet shuffle â€Ķ.and cleaned the kitchen .I hope everyone else is having a good Friday .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well . I enjoyed Woodwork last night â€Ķ.even if the rubbish result was as we predicted .I hope your son has done better than he fearsMy Cyril was back yesterday , so I’ve had to order more squirrel food .Hicky, I’m really sorry to hear about Mrs H sister .I hope it proves a benign  growth .Glad you’ve had your boiler service â€Ķ.they did mine about a month ago too. â€Ķand that Mrs H is managing to eat something â€Ķalbeit in small amounts .  I look forward to seeing the photo .

Well, it’s another full evenings viewing for me â€Ķ.gales permitting ! Masterchef and Celeb .Have a good evening both , and stay safe .


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky What a night I didn’t sleep a wink â€Ķ.but apart from loads of leaves and branches all over the patio , I seem to have come through unscathed . It’s still very windy here , and bitterly cold , but , if the weather forecast is correct , it should start easing off soon . Aside from trying to clear up the patio as best I can , I’ve done a load of washing , hoovered , fed the birds ..and Cyril , if he visits , and anti bac’d my M&S delivery . I had a nice piece of poached salmon for lunch , and now I’m firmly fixed to the sofa watching Dalgleish .I hope everyone else has come through ok â€Ķ.although I know poor Ros hasn’t  .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I didnt get much sleep last night either, there is a low level vent in the bedroom and i removed the cover i had over it some time ago and the gale was coming through, the wind goes right through the hall and dining room into the kitchen and up the cooker hood, it even opens the door a bit, they are swing doors of course.

Mrs H was running out of tablets on her prescription and has been trying to get them for ages, the surgeries are closed at the weekend so she rang 111 to get help, 1 person said ring your doc Monday, another said come to the hospital and see a doctor, in the end one of her brothers took a wee sample to the hospital and got a prescription and got the meds, but they would only let her have 3 days antibiotics until the lab said what tablets she should be taking.

I'm watching the darts, recording the rest or i can watch iplayer.

Ordered a load of food from the Chinese for delivery, will last me a few days or so, Mrs H had a shredded wheat for brekkie, later she had some Pizza until she noticed it had garlic in it, then i got her a chop suey roll, she ate half, i had some deep-fried wontons and some salt n pepper spare ribs.

Hope Mollie managed to get some sleep, not sure how the wind is there.

My No#5 son went to Derbyshire with family to a workshop to do some Yoga, problem is, with the storms they have 2 ft of snow and the power has all gone off, he charged his phone in the car, oh dear, so not had much contact, he sent a couple of pics, wow.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Still snow on the ground here , and it was freezing first thing , but it’s melting now . It looked pretty while it lasted though . Back in the day I would have gone for a walk in it , but nowadays I daren’t risk it â€Ķgiven my predisposition for ending up on my rear ! I had another decent nights sleep â€Ķ.so that’s two nights running .Consequently , I’ve had my usual exciting day â€Ķ..I’ve changed the sheets and pillowcases , washed , cleaned the kitchen and bathroom , fed the birds and Cyril , and had some nice salmon for lunch . I hope everyone else is having a good day , and are managing to stay warm .

Mollie , I hope you had a nice time yesterday . There is no Celeb tonight , but apparently it’s due to resume tomorrow â€Ķfingers crossed .Don’t forget it’s posh hotels tomorrow. Hicky, I hope they have sorted out Mrs H tablets now â€Ķ.and that your son has made it back safely . Your Chinese sounds yummy .

Well it’s Masterchef for me tonight â€Ķ.after that , I’m not sure what I’m watching .Have a good evening , and stay safe .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Glad you have had a couple of nights reasonable sleep, it helps so much to bring the mood up.

Mrs H's meds got sorted in the end, her sister came and a nurse, also had the cleaners in, made her soft-boiled eggs for brekkie, and later on she wanted an egg sandwich which i made for her.

My lad got back home at midnight, i went into the garden to see what damage the storms had done, the wind had opened the sliding door as i'm sure it was shut, 2 panes on one side had been blown out, pretty sure i have 2 spare panes in the summerhouse.

Not sure when i will be able to get in the garden to sort the greenhouse out with the weather like it is, the gardener was going to pop in but didn't arrive, i might give him a call.

I had baked spuds, i say baked, they were done in the micro and after having some butter on and cheese i put them in the oven to melt it, i should had put the spuds in the oven skin side up for 5 minutes to crisp it up, next time.

Tested the new tumble dryer on some of Mrs H's PJ's, 1 hour on low heat did it.

Hope Mollie is ok and sleeping all right and keeping well.


both xxx


so glad to hear you have had 2 good nights sleep in a row. Hope it continues. Sounds like Cyril is enjoying what you offer on the menu for him, now he is a regular.

Yes you definitely musn't risk going out if there is any ice or snow. Has the weather settled there now? We had no snow or ice here, just a bit of frost. It is milder here today though, but dark and drizzly.

So we have posh hotelts tonight, must try and remember, but I have to warn my credit card has been over used with Christmas coming, so nothing to spare.


sorry to hear SIL is having worries about her leg. Hope they don't leave her wating too long for results.

Sorry to hear it was such a mess trying to sort MrsH's meds out. I know what hastle it is calling 111 is and all the questions they ask you. Bet you are relieved its sorted now.

That is good MrsH is enjoying her eggs, they will do her good, don't blame her not wanting a pizza with garlic in, I really hate the smell and taste of garlic too, but they seem to sneak it into so many foods now.

Gosh sounds like you really did have bad weather, we got it a bit windy, but nothing more than a usually windy night. Hope you find the spare panes and so can fix the ones that have been blown out.   2 feet of snow in Derbyshire, bet your son was surprised to come across that. The snow was hardly mentioned in the media, but I do find if it doesn't affect London, they hardly mention it.

I know what you mean about the baked spuds, they are not nice unless the skins are crisped up.

We bought a new air fryer from Costco and it is very good at crisping food up, so I will have to try and see if I can crisp up a jacekt potato in one.

Your tumble drier should prove to be very useful at this time of year.

I have been busy lately helping son with complicated job forms, his latest assessent interview was 3 hours long and he fears he did not do well, because it was team work and as usual the loudest few hogged most of the time, so the others barely got a word in!

On Sunday we went to Winter Wonderland in Cardiff, it was lovely. It was in the castle grounds, lots of lit up statues, some telling Alice In Wonderland story, plus others. Their ice skating rink was busy and it had an ice walk too. There was a huge big wheel and fair ground rides.

I am going out for lunch with a friend today, as we haven't been out for a couple of years with covid and then she was on antibiotics for an infection for months. She has to have kidney dialisis and has diabetes, so has a lot of health problems. Fortunatly she is a lot better now though, so it will be nice for her to go out. We are going to our fave pub with sea views.

I see they bought masks back in England for some places now, they never got rid of it in Wales. But mainly it seems it is down to choice now, some wear them, some don't. I obviously never do outdoors but do if it is crowded indoors. Nobody is expected to wear them in pubs/cafes though as they are eating/drinking places.

Have a good day both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Very wet here today â€Ķ.I had to dodge in between downpours to feed the birds and Cyril . The latter has visited twice today .I didn’t sleep too badly last night , not that I’ve done much today . Just the usual kitchen cleaning , and anti bac’d the Sainsbury delivery . Aside from that , I had a piece of steak for my lunch â€Ķ.but it was a bit gristly ! I hope everyone else is having a good day.

Mollie , sounds like you had a fun day yesterday â€ĶI hope you and your friend had a lovely time . The hotels thread was a laugh last night , wasn’t it â€Ķ.even if the place was crap .I hope your son has done better than he thinks in the interview â€Ķ.they don’t always want the most vocal candidate .Hicky , I’m glad they got Mrs H meds sorted out eventually , and I hope her sister hears about her leg very soon . I’m glad your son made it home in one piece , but I’m really sorry to hear about your storm damage .

Well , it’s George , Celeb and Love Trap for me tonight â€Ķ.so a full evenings viewing sorted .Have a good one , and stay safe .


Evening Mollie and BAZ.

SIL has got all sorts of tests this week, her shoulder needs ether xray or CT scan, they want a bit of the lump on her leg, she is in a bad way really.

Mrs H gets me to make her food but eats very little, she likes soup and rice pud, she plans some food then changes her mind, she loves the Latte to drink, she seemed very weak today though, could hardly hear her speaking.

I had some cereal for brekkie, some lunch then for tea it was soup and spud in micro with salmon and pickled beetroot.

Did some more washing, bed clothes then in dryer, i weighed it first, that give you the time to set for the dryer.

Mrs H wanted me to bulk order certain household items which i did, kitchen towels, toilet rolls, dishwasher tabs, washing machine Persil stuff, dryer wool balls, all arrived but the toilet tissue, it has been delayed for some reason.

I've been catching up on recordings, as i have so many now, got fed up with IAC, waste of time, the producers are just trying to make each year worse than the last and ruining it for me, so may just watch the odd one.

I think Richard Madeley planned to leave the castle, strange he was suddenly ill and taken away, when they saw him he was fine, strange, but he knew if he left the bubble he couldn't go back in, i don't believe in miraculous recoveries, and they didn't say why he was taken to hospital, and they found nothing.

Hope your son does better than he thinks he has.


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