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Sorry to be a bore, haven't the energy to read back

Son #5 came today, so handy, he installed the replacement cooker hood, fitted the bathroom door handles, replaced all the ceiling lamps that had gone, he's back in the morning so may go out, SIL is also coming, she can look after Mrs H.

Tested the new surgery and pharmacy, used the mygp app to order my meds this morning, rang the pharmacy at 5.30, she said they had just got the prescription, i said, it will do next week, Tuesday, been off thje phone 5 minutes and the bell goes, they have delivered the meds.

Mrs H went for a scan early today, not well when she got back at all, probably the stuff they put in the blood to make things show up.



of course you are no bore, just read back or post when you are up to it.

So pleased your son was able to install the cooker hood for you, hopefully that will be a good help for you to get your meals now. Glad he has done quite a few other jobs too, and is back today.

Your new GP ap delivery works a treat, so will be a good help to you.

Sorry to hear MrsH was feeling so poorly after her scan, my daughter felt awful for 2 days too after hers due to the stuff she had put in her blood and she also had to drink something that made her feel nauseous. Hope MrsH improves as it works itself out of its system. My daughter did improve but coudn't eat for a couple of days after.

Lovely sunny day, so I have lots and lots of washing planned. The sheets should dry a treat today. Looking forward to sitting out in the garden after.

Hope you slept ok Baz and have a good weekend.

And hope you too have a good weekend HIcky. xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I slept quite well last night , for a change .But I didn’t go for a walk because I was expecting a delivery . So I’ve spent the day catching up on the housework , and watering the plants . It’s been very overcast here for days , but we’ve had no rain , so everything is flagging a bit . Aside from that I’ve anti bac’d my M&S shop , fed birds and had some chicken for  lunch . Now I’m slobbed out on the sofa watching Vera .I hope you are both have a goid Saturday .

Hicky , you are not a bore !Im not surprised you are so done in , you’ve got a lot on your plate , one way and another . I’m sorry Mrs H is feeling a bit rough after her scan, but glad the new gp/pharmacy seem to be in the ball , and that son no5 has been such a help .

Mollie , hope you are enjoying sitting in the garden . It’s not really sitting weather up here , although it looks like it’s going to get very warm at the start of next week .Just when I’ve bought a fleecy sheet , and a new hoodie.How is your daughter feeling today ?

Well , there not a lot on tonight , so I think we are going to watch Playgrounds of the Rich at 8 (C4 ) if you fancy joining us .But whatever you are up to , I hope you both have a good evening .


Another strange thing has been going on for a few weeks.
The cleaners have been cleaning room by room, and i mean clean, wow, its a wonder they didn't take the floor up

Anyway, there are 2 table lamps in the room, it's a diner/lounge at an angle, one table lamp had a dusk to dawn bulb, so it turned off when the light appeared when i opened the blinds.

Ever since the day the cleaners went, they only went as 1 had an op at a hospital and is still off, my #5 son and i tried everything to get the lamp to go off, i even have a spare one, that won’t work either, so strange, the light used to go off if a turned the room lights on at night, nothing.

We are foxed, no idea what has happened, the spare lamp has been in a drawer for years and the one in the lamp has worked every day for years, they have an SES base which just now i am screwing and unscrewing to put the light on or off.
Its only LED with a small light sensor inside, about 5w at most.

Anyway, i have ordered a special socket which you can turn a dial to select what mode it's in, timed/on/off/dawn to dusk etc, i'll plug the table lamp into that.


both x


glad you slept better last night. I see you are stil getting your M and S delivery. Its handy to save you going shopping. I will start delivery again once the weather gets more autumnal.

Yes thanks I sat out a lot in the garden today and the sheets all dried nicely.

It was very warm here today, in the 20;s anyway. So we too are in for a few hot days according to the forecast, which will be nice.


that's a strange tale about your lamps, wonder how that happened. Maybe one of the cleaners furniture polish has a magic ingredient?

Hope MrsH feels a bit better today, and you managed to eat ok.

Didn't do much today, other than lots of washing.

We had a meal from the chippe tonight, me and son had our fave hallomi in batter, MrM had a chicken and mushroom pie and other son had a fish cake.

Nothing on tv I fancy tonight, so will watch a bit more of the Crown.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you both slept ok, i cant really sleep as the hip gives pain and i need to sleep on my right.

Mrs H is on a cocktail of meds, not sure when she gets the results of the Friday scan, she can walk a few steps.

I cleaned the bulb, but the new one that had been in a drawer for years wouldn't work either and never been near the cleaners, anyway, bought a dusk to dawn socket unit which arrived today, its now plugged in, hope this works.

Had a swing outside, it was 35c in the summerhouse, pretty warm, the outside was only 23c, Tuesday it will be 27c.

I have the taxi ordered for the morning 9am, got to try and get an appointment at the surgery at 8am when the lines open and the appointments are given out for the day, awkward for me as i don't know how long i will be at the clinic, and i might not be able to see anyway.

The new glasses certainly work great at distance, i can see pretty good when i look over the road etc, hope i get a slight improvement in the letters count on the test screen tomorrow, even 1 letter would be good.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Sunny and warm here today , although we did have some light rain first thing â€Ķ.while I was out on my walk .Still I managed about four and a half k .Aside from that , I didn’t sleep too badly , and have done some washing, and hoovered the whole house, and had some nice lamb chops for lunch  â€Ķ.just the bin to put out now , then that’s me done for the day . I hope you are both having a good day .

Mollie , we spoke yesterday â€Ķ.I hope you’re hanging in there .The battered halloumi sounds yummy. Yes, I’m still having my M&S/Ocado delivery , and I have to say I’m very impressed with them â€Ķ.very , very rarely is there anything missing or substituted â€Ķ.unlike my Sainsbury delivery , which has been getting quite bad recently .

Hicky , your light saga sounds very spooky .I hope you managed to get an appointment this morning â€Ķ.but glad the new specs seem to be better . Fingers crossed fir Mrs H scan results  .

Well it’s another pretty sparse viewing night tonight â€Ķ.yesterday was dire .But I hope you both have a good evening whatever you are up to l


Evening Mollie & Baz.

No appointment made, i thought the phones lines had crashed as i could only here music and i had a taxi coming at 9am to go to eye clinic, very pleased with being able to read a load more from the chart, didnt need an injection so good.

Called in at the surgery on the way back to see why i just got music, thats what you get when the lines are in use, one of the reeptionists said she would try and get me an appointment and will ring my mobile.

Won again at chess, 21 moves, score now 40 to 48 for me.

I got them to wegh me at the eye clinic, i've lost 11kg since leaving hospital.

27c here tomorrow, quite a scorcher.


  both xxx


well done getting your walk done, despite the drizzle.

Glad you are pleased with your Ocado delivery, I was pleased with Morrisons and had a break from delivery for awhile, as I fancied going to the shops all over summer instead, but yesterday I renewed my shopping pass (ÂĢ35 full year), as I had a ÂĢ10 off voucher to use from accumulated by points, I had spent over the last year. I did this, as didn't fancy the crowded shops as we neared Christmas and the weather got worse and it got darker. So I am hoping Morrisons is still as good as it was.

Yes the tv choice has not been so good lately, good job I have The Crown to watch on Netflix, which I am enjoying.


that is really good news that you have had confirmation your eyesight has improved and you don't need an injection.

Not such good news you have lost all that weight though. Hope you are eating a bit better now, and hope the surgery gets back to you and next time they don't leave you waiting so long with the music.

Well done on your chess wins again.

Gosh it was so hot yesterday (too hot for me to sit in the garden in the afternoon), and due to be even hotter today. It was 23c by 10am today, and due to be 28c. Bit too hot for me but at least the washing will dry easily.

Drama son came down with a cold yesterday and didn't eat much. Not surprised he got one though, as when he goes to rehearsals, he is one of many at his rehearsals, they are all indoors in the same room and young kiddies go too,, so as is uaal with kiddies, they often pass on colds. He is keeping out of our way, as I don't fancy a cold. So I left food and lots of drink outside his room for him yesterday. He seems a bit brighter today and eating better.

Time to peg my washing out now, then think I'll sit out for awhile until it gets too hot, then like yesterday , will go and sit in garage.

Have a good day both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Another hot , sticky day here. â€Ķand very uncomfortable night . â€Ķbut I went for a 3k walk at 9 o’clock , and came back absolutely wiped out ! Apart from that , I’ve done a load of washing , anti bac’d the shopping , fed birds , had some nice lamb chops for lunch â€Ķ.and that’s me done for the day .

Mollie , I hope your son is feeling a bit better today, summer colds are the pits ! . Looks like we might be getting some nice refreshing rain tomorrow â€Ķthank goodness ! Don’t forget it’s Michael at 8 tonight .

Hicky , I hope you and Mrs H are having a good dayâ€Ķ.and that you have managed to get a doc appointment by now . Any news on your tests ?

Well , it’s a good evenings viewing for me tonight â€Ķ.Michael, Masterchef and Grand Designs â€Ķ.so that’s me sorted .Have a good evening , whatever you are doing .


  both xxx


you did really well managing a decent walk on such a hot day!  That is good you had a good long tv schedule last night. I had it when there is not much to watch on tv.


sorry you are having yet more problems wth the surgery. I think this type of thing is happening a lot now, too few GP's and now the virus has given them the excuse to avoid seeing patients. Hope you can get it sorted soon.

Is your appetite any better yet? How is MrsH today? Is her sister calling in today?

Not a good day yesterday in my house. Son is still unwell (not any worse though) and his drama group contacted him to warn him at least 6 there tested +ve for the virus after their last meeting, that son went to! So now I think it could be the virus. MrM also took ill yesterday with a high temperature, aches and exhaustion, and so did my other son, son also had a thumping headache. I dosed them (and myself) up with VitD, vitC, quercetin to try and ward it off. Forrtunately both son and MrM are much better today, temperature has gone, aches easing. We are not going out at all for 10 days at least because we think it is the virus, all 3 of them are resting in bed anyway and don't want to risk their health by dragging them to a test centre, as we have nothing to gain.

Even the dog was sick, they had run out of her normal dog peanut butter that I use to give her her arthritis meds, so got her the almond one, don't think it suited her, but she was fine later and ate her food and had plenty of walks.

Then my friend tells me she has to selfisolate too as someone she spent an evening with is +ve. She's fine though. And at the hospital she goes to for her dialysis, 2 people there have it. Fortunately they are not too unwell though, and my friend got to go in a hospital taxi on her own instead of sharing. Let's hope the virus is weakening and/or jabs are stopping people getting too ill from this delta one.

Thankfully it is cooling down at last, it was still very humid this morning, so sat outside, but only managed about 15 mins.

Looking forward to George on tv tonight, see you there Baz.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky I had a terrible night , but went for a short walk this morning and saw 5 squirrels scuttling about Aside from that I’ve not done  a lot â€Ķ.just some washing and dusting . I'm ok ,  but very anxious cos I bit the bullet today,  and ordered a taxi to take me for my flu jab tomorrow . My doctors is over 2 miles away , and I did consider walking , but I think there and back will be too far for my ankle !!. Anyway , I've booked a taxi with a screen , and will double mask and anti viral ...cross my fingers and hope for the best !!Bliddy Covid ! My doctors apparently does the vaccinations in the car park , so at least social distance and fresh air will help !

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but I hope you ( and the family) are feeling a bit better this afternoon .Hicky , I hope you and Mrs H are having a good day .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Had a message from #3 son saying he was popping round with some shrimps and a dressed crab from a local fish shop, that was a surprise havent seen him for a while, he works so many hours.

Mrs H saw the results of the latest scan, oh dear, no more chemo, future not good at all.

Going to try and get an appointment Monday for me.

@Hicky posted:

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Had a message from #3 son saying he was popping round with some shrimps and a dressed crab from a local fish shop, that was a surprise havent seen him for a while, he works so many hours.

Mrs H saw the results of the latest scan, oh dear, no more chemo, future not good at all.

Going to try and get an appointment Monday for me.

I’m really sorry to hear about Mrs H Hicky I hope you can manage to get your own appointment too . Is your other son flying home soon ?


Evening all. 🙂

After a 2-week break in hospital i'm home again, still on antibiotics mind, for the next 10 days then they hope to take the stent out which is between left kidney and bladder.
I went in because of more infection, did a scan and found the stone had gone, i had painfully passed bits of it over the 3 months since leaving hospital,
Anyway, they found i had an abscess on the kidney, and it needed draining, so a little procedure put a drain out of my back again, they removed that yesterday and let me go home, in 2 weeks i should go to another hospital to have the stent out.

Mrs H still in Hospice but hoping to come home.

Just been eating a delicious food delivery from an Indian restaurant, omg, if only the hospital served that, mind you, i would still be in there. haha.

@Hicky posted:

Evening all. 🙂

After a 2-week break in hospital i'm home again, still on antibiotics mind, for the next 10 days then they hope to take the stent out which is between left kidney and bladder.
I went in because of more infection, did a scan and found the stone had gone, i had painfully passed bits of it over the 3 months since leaving hospital,
Anyway, they found i had an abscess on the kidney, and it needed draining, so a little procedure put a drain out of my back again, they removed that yesterday and let me go home, in 2 weeks i should go to another hospital to have the stent out.

Mrs H still in Hospice but hoping to come home.

Just been eating a delicious food delivery from an Indian restaurant, omg, if only the hospital served that, mind you, i would still be in there. haha.

HickyyyyyyyLovely to see you . Glad you are home , and eating better . I hope Mrs H came home ok today â€Ķ.I’m sure you will both be happy to be back together again .Hopefully taking the stent out won’t require another hospital stay . Now all we need is for Mollie to get back to full strength .


Thanks Baz.

Mrs H not home yet, they are trying to get funding for a care package, on my own, social care help never turned up but not to worry.

Yes, hope Mollie can get back to health, no good this being ill.

I go for my booster jab tomorrow, all go, my appointment diary is getting filled.

Hope you are sleeping ok and keeping well, such worrying times.


Just a quickie, the last Indian food i got delivered from a restaurant lasted 3 days so am delighted, just ordered my next delivery, its for the weekend but had the Popadoms with chutney for supper.
The Duck Tika with all the dips etc will last 2 meals, the Duck Rogan Josh will last 2 or 3 days, i'll make the rice in the rice cooker, all is good.
A bit lonely at home of course, they are still trying to get a package together to fund her coming home, but they say it can take weeks, hope she can live that long.
Still on antibiotics, mind.

Had my booster jab today.

Hope you are well, Baz.

Get well soon Mollie, hope your daughter is ok.

@Hicky posted:

Just a quickie, the last Indian food i got delivered from a restaurant lasted 3 days so am delighted, just ordered my next delivery, its for the weekend but had the Popadoms with chutney for supper.
The Duck Tika with all the dips etc will last 2 meals, the Duck Rogan Josh will last 2 or 3 days, i'll make the rice in the rice cooker, all is good.
A bit lonely at home of course, they are still trying to get a package together to fund her coming home, but they say it can take weeks, hope she can live that long.
Still on antibiotics, mind.

Had my booster jab today.

Hope you are well, Baz.

Get well soon Mollie, hope your daughter is ok.

Hi Hicky Glad you’ve got your appetite back Glad you had your booster jab , but I’m sorry Mrs H isn’t home Have they said what the hold up on the care package is ? Given Mrs H condition I thought it was done quickly . My husbands was sorted out in a matter of days â€Ķ.as was my friends husband recently . We didn’t need carers , as my daughter and I dealt with that , but they arranged the district nurses , a hospital bed , and other aids .   I think my my friends husband had carers coming in 4 times a day . Do you have a Macmillan nurse ? They are usually quite good at helping you navigate the bureaucracy . Anyway , I hope things get sorted and Mrs H is home soon .

Last edited by Baz

both x

Nice to feel up to posting again, although this damn covid has left me exhuasted, as the cough disturbs my sleep.


hope you are well and slept ok. Did you manage a walk or was it too wet?


so glad the local Indian takeaway is sorting your meals out so well.

Hope you don't have to stay in hospital too long when they take the stent out.

What a nuisance they are slow sorting home care out, I have heard it does take longer in general now due to cutbacks in home care. Ridiculous, as it means poor people stuck in a hospital bed when they should be at home.  Hope it doesn't take too long to sort out for her now.

Just had my tea and then I can't stop coughing, so had my inhaler. Puts me off eating, so won't eat anything else tonight.

Have a good evening, just going to relax and watch the Crown as I didn't sleep well at all last night. Was still awake at 3.30am,


Evening Both.

Glad to see you here Mollie, yes, the covid is deadly, so hard to sleep, hope it eases soon.

Its the package for Mrs H that is taking so long to get the funding in place, they say.

Funny how i can relish the Asian food so much easier than the english type, had Frosties for brekkie, later had duck tika, then did a toasted seeded bread sandwich of bacon and eggs, done in the wok as it only takes a few minutes, just had some prawn cocktail and have got some duck Jalfrezi in the oven, just going to put the rice cooker on.

Got 3 hrs sleep this afternoon as i was pretty tired.

With having the Indian food delivery i have tomorrow's meals sorted as well which helps.

Hope the rest of the family are managing Mollie, how is Mr M and Son?


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny but chilly here today â€Ķ.but I managed to go for a walk this morning . First time since March last year that I’ve had anything but sandals on , and it was darn uncomfortable  ! So I’ve ordered some new shoes , buckles and comfort solesâ€Ķ.hopefully they will do the trick ! Apart from that , I’ve done a load of washing , fed the birds, sorted out a cupboard , and had a nice piece of salmon for lunch . Now I’m sat watching Endeavour .I hope you are having a nice Sunday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , glad you felt up to posting again , but really sorry the cough is still so bad . Bliddy Covid Is there anything the doctor can give you to ease it a bit? How are the rest of the family ? Is your daughter back now ? By the way , we’ve been making sure George is well looked after . Hicky , glad you are enjoying the Indian food lHave you been watching Strictly this year ? Have you been able to visit Mrs H at the hospice ?

Well it’s SCD results for me this evening , after that I’m not sure what .Have a good evening both .


Evening Baz.

You need to be comfortable, what you wear on your feet is so important.

I decided to turn the tv on, first time since leaving hospital on 26th of June, i watched Strictly on BBC iplayer, just watching the results, wow, there are some great dancers this year, great scores.

Had bacon, egg and sausage for brekkie, then prawn cocktail, for lunch had duck tika, just had duck curry and rice.

My #3 son came and we went to the local Co-op store and got a few items.

Mollie, hope you are feeling a bit better, a constant cough really knocks you out as getting sleep is impossible, hope your daughter and the rest of the family are managing ok.

Mrs H still in the Hospice, i haven't been, scared of taking some disease etc in with me, i can carry things without being effected.

The Indian food i order does me a few days so is ideal, struggling to eat European food.

Just watching Salvage Hunters, so good.


Afternoon Hicky and Mollie  Its throwing it down right now  â€Ķ.and we’ve got thunder and lightening too . I didn’t sleep too badly last night , but didn’t go for a walk cos my feet are still sore from wearing my boots yesterday !I have ordered some cushion soled shoes which are due to arrive tomorrow â€Ķ.if they don’t work I’m going to be going out in the snow in my bliddy sandals at this rate !Aside from that , I’ve spent the day catching up on the housework â€Ķhoovering , dusting , cleaning kitchen and bathroom , and a load of washing . â€Ķso not a totally wasted day .I hope everyone else is having a good Monday .

Mollie , I hope you managed to get some sleep last night , and that your cough has settled down a bit .Hicky , it’s a shame you can’t go to the hospice , but it’s probably wise â€Ķ..hopefully they will get the care package sorted soon , and Mrs H can come home . I agree , there are some good dancers on strictly this year , although I don’t agree with yesterdays result.

Anyway , I hope you are both looking after yourselves,  and that you are fighting fit again really soon .


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Nice , sunny day here â€Ķ.so I managed a short walk (couple of k) this morning . Couldn’t do as much as normal because several places on my normal route were waterlogged .Anyway , at least I got some fresh air . I’ve also done a bit in the garden , antibacd the shopping , and done some washing . Apart from that I’ve had a lazy day.I hope you are both  having a good Wednesday , whatever you are up to .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you are feeling a bit better Mollie and the cough has eased, and your daughter is ok.

Nice and sunny today, was at the eye clinic again for tests as usual, just reading test and pictures of my eyes.

Had baconn and eggs for brekkie, king prawn tika for lunch and curry and rice for tea, followed ny a few Thornton's chocolates.

Mrs H atill not home, the word is she isn't really well enough to come home to stay, so they are seeing if it is possible for her to come home for the day then go back.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky .  Not a bad day weatherwise , although not as sunny as yesterday . I slept quite wellâ€Ķ.for me â€Ķ..but I didn’t feel up to a walk , and I had to wait in for my meds delivery â€Ķ.so I’ve not done much today â€Ķ.just changed the sheets and washed and ironed . I hope you are all having an equally relaxing Thursday .

Mollie , we’ve spoken â€Ķ.but hope you’re having a better day .Hicky , I’m really sorry to hear Mrs H isn’t well enough to come homeâ€Ķ.but I hope you can at least get her home for a few hours .

Take care both .



had trouble getting onto this site, not sure if it was our internet or it was down today, never mind, made it now.


glad you are getting our for your walks, but what a shame your feet feel uncomfy. Is that because the shape of your feet changed since your injury, or because it is so long since you wore non summer shoes? Hope you can manage to get some comfy ones?

Glad to see you are taking good care of our George whilst I am away. Bet you are enjoying that though. I am still too exhausted tonight to post and watch tv, but at least I can stay up to watch tv at night now. I had been going to bed at 6.30-7!

Hope you sleep ok tonight.


sorry to hear MrsH is too unwell to come home, I so hope they can manage to get her home for day visits.

It is so good to hear how well your Indian take away meals turned out. Save you having to worry about shopping and cooking for your meal.

Did they say anything about your eyes at the clinic? Are you still doing better at the test now you have your new glasses?

As usual, since I have been unwell, didn't do a lot, it was mild so sat outside for awhile.

Son made a roast dinner with Yorkshire puds for tea. Very nice but since I have been unwell I only have a small portion.

My family got over covid quicker than me, eg. son was back at rehearsals dancing last week. But I did go down with it after them.

Daughter waiting on treatment now the tests have been done.

Going to watch Corrie, then Gogglebox.

Don't want to jinx it but after a bad coughing fit yesterday (had to use inhaler), today it does seem to have eased. Hope this continues tonight though.

My friend wanted to come for a chat today but put her off, as I didn't feel up to it.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you were able to post Mollie, this Covid takes some time to recover from as everyone says.

My good eye is as good as its going to get i suppose, i can manage with it as long as it stays like this, the new glasses certainly made a difference.

Took a urine sample in to the surgery yesterday, its been sent to the lab, sure i have a water infection again.

Have got a few appointments, had a few this week, have a date for the stent removal and a few days before i have to go to a drive through covid test.

Finish the last of the antibiotics that i got from the hospital for the puss infection at midnight.

I am eating ok, Mrs H still not got the ok to come home, she might get the ok to come home just for the day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . Cloudy day here . I slept better last night , but didn’t go for a walk because I was expecting two deliveries â€Ķ.both of which have now arrived â€Ķincluding my meds.Aside from that I’ve had a very lazy day â€Ķ.just washed the towels â€Ķ.so no ironingâ€Ķ.dusted , fed birds and anti bac’d the shopping . Had a nice piece of salmon for lunch , and now I’m sat watching Brokenwood.I hope you are all having a nice , relaxing Saturday too .

Mollie , I’m glad you are feeling a little bit better â€Ķ.but don’t go overdoing it .I’m guessing your family were vaccinated , which is probably why they recovered sooner . As for George â€Ķ.he sends his regards , and says he is being well looked after .Hicky , oh heck , not another water infection .I’ll keep everything crossed that the test comes back negative .I’m glad the new glasses are working well though .

Well, it’s Strictly for me tonight â€Ķ..but have a good evening , whatever you are doing â€Ķ.and both take care of yourself .


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Rough night , and very lazy day for me ! All I’ve done is change the bedding ( minus the duvet shuffle ) , fed birds , and done a load of washing . Aside from that , I had a nice gammon steak for lunch , and,  once I’ve put the bins out , that’s me done for the day .I hope you are both having an equally relaxing Monday .




sorry to hear you might have a water infection again. Hope you can get meds to help it quickly and hope they can sort MrsH's  home visit for a day.

glad the new glasses were so successful.

Good to see you are eating ok again, you have a lot of lost weight to make up for!


sorry to hear you had a bad night, hope you have a better one tonight.

Yes I am sure you are making sure you are looking after George well.

Was Brokenwood good? Is it a drama? I havent' heard of it.

Feeling a lot better in the day, but weirdly some foods still taste odd to me, but am enjoying eating overall again. Its only the evenings/night that the cough bothers me. Getting used to reading my book in the early hours waiting for the cough to ease.

Lovely day, so sat outside today. Long may this lovely weather continue.

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Another lazy day for me .I didn’t sleep too badly , but it was raining first thing so no walk again â€Ķ I had to wait in for a delivery later . â€Ķ.well that’s my excuse , and I’m sticking to it . So I’ve stayed in dusted , hoovered , and washed . I had some nice lamb chops for lunch , and now I’m lounging about watching tv .I hope you are having an equally relaxing day .

Mollie , I hope your nighttime cough is easing a bit now .Brokenwood is a New Zealand cop programme â€Ķ.but a very *cozy* one , if you know what I mean .Hicky , I hope you are well , and Mrs H has been allowed home for a few hours .

Well it’s Alexander Armstrong’s Iceland for me tonight â€Ķfollowed by Grand Designs .I hope you both have a good evening , whatever you are up to .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope the cough has eased Mollie, so annoying to have that, hope daughter is managing better now.

Glad you are sleeping better Baz, havent had la,b chops for ages, prefer the rack of lamp, so tender.

Mrs H may be coming home for a few hours if she is well enough on Saturday and #3 son can pick her up and take her back, it all depends on her breathing which isn't good.

I have been having the Indian food for Lunch and Dinner with uk food for brekkie.

Just picking a tv program to watch out of what is on, go to bed about 9pm

No. #4 son is thinking of going to Mexico next - puerto escondido, he says its very nice.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Beautiful , crisp, sunny day here . I didn’t sleep that well last night , but given the weather I went for a nice three and a half k walk before breakfast . And I saw a Cyril on my route .He ran across my path , and up a tree , so I watched him running along the branches for a few minutesâ€Ķso cute . Aside from that , I’ve cleaned bathroom , done two loads of washing , and the duvet shuffle is done for another week .I hope you are all having a sunny day too.

Mollie , I hope you are continuing to improve , we miss you in the threads . Have you been watching Bake Off ?.Hicky , fingers crossed for Mrs H coming home at the weekend , even if it is only for a few hours . Glad you have found your appetite again .

Well it’s Gardeners World and Susan Calman for me tonight lHave a good evening both , and take care .




glad to see you got a nice long wak in on a sunny day, but sorry you didn't sleep so well. Hope you sleep better tonight. How nice you saw Cyril again.

Feeling much better now thanks. Yes I did manage to watch Bake Off, hope to join you all next week for it, which will be nice as I've missed you all.

Brokenwood sounds good, will try and check it out.


hope the plans for MrsH to come home tomorrow for a few hours go ahead ok.

So pleased to hear the Indian takeaway food is still working out for you. Makes things so much easier for you.

Is it your son still in Costa Rica thinking of moving on to Mexico?  Has he still kept the UK house on?

Cough still not gone and does wake me, but nowhere near as bad as it was.

Dry againt today, but a bit too cloudy to sit out.

Nothing much on tv so will watch a bit of the Crown, then have an early night.

Have a good night both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Mrs H managed to come home at lunchtime for 3+1/2 hours, wants to do same next week.

Sorry to hear you both are having problems sleeping. i sleep to be sleeping ok, although i get up every few hours, think its because in hospital they come around day and night taking blood pressure etc or giving you tablets.

The Indian food stretches a long way, the 3 prawn madras will do 6 meals, i get so much duck in the tika starters, i slice it up but there is too much for 1 starter so will take some out to have later.

Have ordered a taxi for 7.30 in the morning as i have to go for a covid test to a hospital drive through which is 10 minutes away.


both xxx


hope you are well and managed to get out for a walk today.


so pleased to hear MrsH made it home today. Let's hope she is ok to make it home again next week.

It so handy you can get your food to last you awhile from that local Indian takeaway.

An early start for you tomorrow then. What a shame you have to pay out for a taxi, so a good job you don't have to travel far.

A lovely day out today, and nice and warm, so sat out in the sun for awhile and did my puzzle book.

Had a bad night last night, The cough woke me every 2 hours! So felt tired today. Its much better in the day though.

Can't find anything to watch on tv tonight, so will watch recordings and the Crown on Netflix.

Had battered hallumi with yogurt/mint dip and potato fritters from chippie tonight. Very nice.

Have a good evening both xxx


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