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sorry to hear MrsH is having trouble with the antibiotics. My daughter had to change her 1st lot due to them making her feel so nauseous and a skin rash, so if it doesnt improve she could ask for an alternative. I did read that bio yogurts, actimels, yokult or probiotic tablets can help because they protect the stomach. Hope she improves soon though.

Thats good your Oz boy has got his passports and bookings sorted for NZ. Does he travel with a NZ passport?

Happy Birthday to son no. 6, a special day for you and his mum too then.

Enjoyed the Masked dancer and the guess if they can sing show on bbc1.

hope Baz has had a good Satruday.

Very warm here today, sat on swingchair, daughter managed a little walk n the garden, but not for long .

Goodnight Hicky xx


Evening Mollie.

The antibiotics are only for 3 days so not too much of a problem, i have cooked her a few meals when needed.

My Lad in Oz has a UK & an Australian passport, he has been to NZ before though.

Yes, the masked dancer was ok, don't get the guess the singer, i saw one show, a waste of time, totally pointless, won't be watching that, at least the masked dancer is on every day.

It will do your daughter good to take small walks out in the sun.

I've got a load of planting to do tomorrow while it's nice,

Have a good Sunday, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . Gorgeous , sunny day â€Ķ.and just about the right temperature for me . I slapped on the factor 50 this morning and managed a 5.2 km walk before breakfast â€Ķ.not bad considering this time last year I could only go up and down the stairs on my rear â€Ķ.so go me . My ankle seems to be holding up ok , but my legs ache now.Aside from that, I’ve done a load of washing , and pottered about in the garden doing some weeding . I had a nice piece of salmon for my lunch , with a glass of wine â€Ķ.so now I’m slobbing out on the sofa watching an old Wallender .I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday sunshine .

Mollie, I hope your daughter is continuing to improve , and that she â€Ķand you â€Ķare able to relax in the sunshine . By the way , a new series of Celeb Gogglebox starts next Friday .Hicky , I hope Mrs H is feeling a little better today , and enjoying the sunshine. I’ve ordered a few more plants â€Ķ..pelargonium and fuschias â€Ķ.so I can plant up another couple of pots for the back patio â€Ķ.and my gardener is going to get me a couple of hanging baskets for the front . I used to make up my own a few years ago , but have bought them in nowadays .

Well it’s the bbc2 programme at 8 o clock for me tonight â€Ķ.after that I’m not sure .But have a good evening both â€Ķ.and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you had the good weather and a walk as well, wow, 5.2 km that's quite a walk, no wonder your legs ache.

Weeding, Salmon and a glass of wine, can't be bad, what a difference a year makes.

It was 21c here with full Sun and hardly any wind, planted my sweetcorn so that's done, i think 4 won't make it.

Mrs H much the same, the antibiotics don't help, she was even sick this morning.

I'm just cooking more rabbit coated in Cajun spice mix.

Mrs H had a seafood delivery today of dressed lobster, crab and king crab leg meat, having that tomorrow, yippeee.

I watched the Masked Dancer last night, and its on every night so i'll watch that again.

Mollie, hope you and daughter had a good night and slept ok.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


both x


Yes you are indeed doing well walking that far considering what a nasty accident you had not that long ago.   And what a lovely day for a walk as it was not too hot nor too cold today, and plenty of sun.

Thank goodness Celeb Gogglebox is on Friday, I am not so keen on it as the real one, but at least its better than not one at all.

Sounds like your garden is about to look pretty and colourful soon.

Its the MaskedDancer again for me, I really enjoyed it last night, and i think its on all week.


Oh no, poor MrsH not feeling any better. 3 days does seem a short cause. Wonder if it was those that they made her sick, or the illness itself?  Which one is she taking? It was metroidazae that my daughter feel ill on. If MrsH is no better, at least she has the 111 doc option over bank hol. Even though they have to ask you a lot of questions first, we found them very thorough , better than the GP in my daughters case, as he just offerred a phone consultation with incorrect diagnosis of urine infection but the Out of Hours doc that night realised how ill she was after seeing her and admitted her to put her on drips. Hope she improves soon.

I am sure you will enjoy your seafood.

That's good your son has duel nationality. We too have Oz and UK passports, could be handy, especially if any of the family want to work in Oz or NZ if they can't get anything decent here.

My cousin lives in Oz and my aunt tells me they have a mice problem now. Floods, fires, now mice, but at least they didn't have the awful covid problems we had.

Daughter too tired today to get out of bed, but the antibitics and post op stuff is tiring , so can't expect her to go out each day yet.

Masked Dancer time, these costumes are so clever. then Brits in the Sun, I love that show too.

Really warm here today so sat out in swinghchair, had some pizza break for tea, and pineapple with a slice of lemon cake.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

The 3-day course of antibiotics are very strong and 4 times a day, one of the side effects is Nausea, so i think it's that.

Mrs H was up and about today, had a sit outside

We had a vid call from Oz, it seems the flights to Rarotonga can't be seen from Oz, but can be if you use ?.nz, his flights booked to Oz, but his lad need a follow-up injection, so they might have to stay in NZ unless they can get the injection in Rarotonga.

Hope your daughter gets stronger soon, she will be fed up with being stuck in bed.

Yes, the masked dancer is pretty impossible to guess but is good fun, love Brits in the sun.

Still eating parts of the Easter eggs and after 8 mints, such a strain but someone got to do it.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

It's after 6pm so time to post.

Hope you all slept ok last night, and hope daughter is improving Mollie.

Rather a pleasant day at 23c with sunny intervals and a moderate breeze.

Had an omelette today for brekkie, onion and cheese, very nice, for tea we had dressed crab and king crab leg meat with hot butter as a dip, having a soup for supper, Mulligatawny.

Window cleaner came so had to open the back gate, got to open tomorrow as well as B&Q are delivering the new BBQ, will have to build it mind but i enjoy that.

Mrs H had some crab etc but not feeling much better than she was really, she is waiting to hear more about the scan and what other tests they need.

Just watching Salvage Hunters, will be watching Masked Dancers again, interesting show.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Both xxx


sorry to hear MrsH is not feeling much  better yet. Let's hope the test results come back soon, such bad luck it was bank hol, so that probably slowed the process down a day.

How nice your BBQ comes tomorrow, that will keep you busy for awhile and we have a good weather forecast for tomorrow too.

Did you do anything in your garden today?  I didn't sit out today as it was so hot in the sun and dog was unwell. She is ok again now though, she has always got upset tums now and again and we don't know why, as we are very careful with what we feed her.

MrM and son went to costco and got some shopping and bought me a jacket potato with cheese back. I had it with salad for tea.

Daughter eating ok now, and seems ok on these new antibiotics but is still very tired.

Hope Baz has had a good day.

Masked dancer time for me now, I do enjoy this show.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

The CT test results are in, a person from the hospital rang on Friday, and said she would be contacted after the bank holiday, so we can only wait.

Yes, looking forward to putting the BBQ together, will do it on the lawn and bench, have got loads of food ready for it in the freezer.

I planted the peas in a big tub and installed a cane wigwam for them to grow up.

You have to be careful with what flowers you have in the garden, dogs tend to go around them and some are deadly.

That was handy getting your jacket potato and cheese, saves you baking one.

Glad your daughter is eating better, it will give her more strength, the new meds can make such a difference.

Yes, hopw Baz slept last night ok.

I'm enjoying the masked dancer, watched Brits in the sun earlier, the 4pm show, then Salvage Hunters

Enjoy your evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . It’s chuffing hot today !I went for a walk but I only did just over 3k today cos it was so warm !  Aside from that I’ve changed the sheets , washed , ironed ,  hoovered , fed birds and watered the pots . The bin men have finally arrived so I better go and rescue the bin .I hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday .

Mollie , how are you doing ? I’m glad your daughter is feeling a bit better, and hopefully she will start to feel less tired now she’s eating better. I hope your doggie is feeling better tooâ€Ķ.although I’m guessing the hot weather won’t help , bless her . Hicky , I hope the hospital has rung today , and things are getting sorted for Mrs H .I didn’t sleep too badly last night thank you , although I had the weirdest dream .I dreamt I was trying to get a new bank card and National insurance number , but was thwarted at every turn â€Ķit was very strange .

Well it’s Bake Off for me tonight .Have a good evening both , and as always, take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you all slept ok, i see Baz did, great, and got a short walk in, yes 24c today here with mainly full sun and a gentle breeze.

Hope your daughter is improving, Mollie.

The BBQ arrived by 10am in 2 massive heavy boxes, managed to build 50% of the instructions, did 17 of the 34 to finish, it sure is a magnificent model, so much stainless steel, real quality, the gardener is going to give me a hand tomorrow as Mrs H isn't up to it, she had a call from the doctor, she had seen the CT scan, not good i'm afraid, hospital not been in touch again yet, more tests etc needed.

That was a strange dream, i can understand passport dreams, but don't think you can get a new National Insurance number, it's given only once, usually 3 months before your 16th Birthday.

Glad the binmen finally arrived, nothing worse than a waste build-up.

I had a toasted bacon sandwich, for tea had half a dressed crab with Mrs H, then we went to the chippy for some chips.

Had to cut the BBQ screws etc from the card they come on, a crazy idea, so used ziplock bags to put each set in, or they would get all the place.         

Just watching the Masked Dancer, too hard to even take a guess really.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.




don't blame you only walking 3k, it was very hot here too today. I went on son's rowing machine for 7 mins in the garage as its cooler than walking in the sun, so that was my exercise for my achy knees today.   Sounds like you have been busy with all your other jobs too. I got quite a few washloads dried nicely outside today.

That does sound a bit of an odd dream sometimes its hard to work out why we dream what we do.


sorry to hear the results of the CT scan are not looking good for MrsH. Hope she doesn't have to wait too long to hear from the hospital.

Hope you and the gardener manage to put the BBQ together ok tomorrow. It is certainly BBQ weather right now.

Enjoyed the masked dancer too, as you say, so hard to guess who it is.

I talked daughter into coming to pet shop as she loves to see the pets there, but it was too much for her, and she didnt feel well, so she's resting again now.

Sat on swingchair and read awhile today, had veggie burger and salad for tea on brioche roll, I like those rolls.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I never saw your post last night for some reason.

Hope your daughter was ok after getting home and resting.

26c today with sunny intervals and a moderate breeze.

The hospital rang before, she is going there to see them tomorrow.

I've been doing more on the BBQ, got to instruction 29, they only go to 34, it takes longer to read the booklet and get the parts and screws etc out ready than it does to install the part.

Used the gardener for weeding, he also weeded the drive, and that's a big job as its all concrete, but the weeds grow in the gaps everywhere, i found it easier to read the booklet in the Gazebo as there is more shade.

Had 2 sausages for brekkie, for tea i had a lobster, Mrs H bought some, nice but well over-priced, it could be the case where the catches are bought up by the big companies, so the market doesn't get flooded, they do it with Gold and probably many other items, they just release a trickle into the market to keep the price high, they do it with fish etc, if a boat wants to land the same fish as a boat has just unloaded and sold, they tall them to stay at sea and dock tomorrow to unload.

Will have a soup later for supper, i've still got 2 cream eggs in the fridge, keep forgetting to take one out.

My grafted peppers and chilli plants haven't arrived yet, the cucumber and tomato plants are doing ok after their traumatic posting.

Yes, the masked singer back on to morrow, we have no chance to guess who it is.

It's F1 this weekend, so i'm pleased about that.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.



hope the hospital can help MrsH and her illness tomorrow. Is she driving there?

That is a lot of instructions for the BBQ, hope you managed to finish it off ok.

Good job you had the gardener to help out on the bigger gardening jobs.  The weeds certainly grow quick this time of year.

It was cooler today which was good as it was too stuffy yesterday. Got to about 21c and had some rain, on and off.

Managed to get out for a walk. Daughter has bought herself a 2nd hand disability scooter a few days ago, so she can get out whilst she gradually builds up her strength again.  She can resell it when she does't need it. Someone local was selling it but it had to be collected. Luckily MrM's car is big enough to get it in. So daugther came with us on our walk in her scooter and enjoyed seeing the animals with us. So that was much better then her feeling dizzy with nowhere to sit and rest like what happened yesterday, when we went to the pet shop.

Had pizza and salad for tea.

Oh dear, no Corrie or Masked dancer tonight for the footie. Hate it when footie is on as it lasts so long. Luckiy the Sewing Bee is on bbc though, which i enjoy. Will watch Bargain Brits on Benefits first.

That's nice your F1 is on this weekend

Have a good evening Hicky. xxx


Evening Mollie.

I think Mrs H is driving, she has to go to the doctors to pick up a doctors note, got to Sainsbury's to take it in, go back to the docs with a water sample then go to the hospital.

Yes, the BBQ has a lot of instructions as its a universal unit and there are no names for parts etc as they wouldn't be able to get all the instruction languages in the book, there are an awful lot of parts, i will count the parts and the screws etc tomorrow, there is a lot to assemble.

The gardener said that after you cut all the weeds down, you should wait until the new weed shoots appear with leaves then spray with weedkiller, so it soaks them and passes it to the roots, the driveway from the road to the back gate is a long way, i think it used to be concrete each side and the centre of probably gravel, but someone took the gravel up and concreted the centre but of course the weeds come through now in 4 lines, each side and each side of the middle, the middle is 1/3rd of the width.

We would get it taken up but its such a big job so would cost a fortune.

That's a good idea getting a mobility scooter, i found it so handy on holiday in Oz, i wouldn't have been able to go to any of the places they walked to, it was a godsend, she will love it.

I watched some bargain Brits on benefits but got bored and looked around for choices.

Sleep tight, have a good night, watching 8 out of 10 cats does countdown.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . Cloudy morning , although the sun is out now , but thankfully cooler than the last few days .I didn’t go for a a walk today , partly because I’m giving my ankles a rest , and partly because I had to change the bed , and do the duvet cover shuffle â€Ķ.which is quite enough exercise for one day ! Aside from that I’ve done two loads of washing , ironing , cleaned the kitchen, fed birds , and I had some nice salmon for lunch. My plants are finally due to arrive in the next hour , so that’s tomorrow’s jobs sorted out .  I hope your Thursday is going well, whatever you are up to.

Mollie , I’m glad your daughter is managing to get out and about a bit more â€Ķ.I’m sure it will help.I enjoyed the Sewing Bee thread last night , but the bias being shown to one contestant is really starting to bug me .Hicky, I hope things went well for Mrs H today â€Ķ.I know it must be worrying .I will pop back later to check in .

Well apart from Springwatch there isn’t much on tonight â€Ķ.but have a good evening both . Take care


Good evening Mollie & Baz.

19c today but cloudy with some sun, the gentle breeze made it feel cold.

Finished the BBQ, over 50 parts to fit an over 200 screw nuts washers etc, its the best BBQ i have ever had or even seen.

Just had a black pud on toast for brekkie, doing a chicken curry with rice for tea.

You do so much in a day, good idea to give your ankle a rest, the Salmon would be a nice meal.

Hope your plants arrived safe, i'm still waiting for my pepper and chilli plants.

Mrs H went to the hospital today, need further tests.

Hope your Daughter is improving, Mollie, and able to get some fresh air.

The masked dancer is on again tonight.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.

@Hicky posted:

Good evening Mollie & Baz.

19c today but cloudy with some sun, the gentle breeze made it feel cold.

Finished the BBQ, over 50 parts to fit an over 200 screw nuts washers etc, its the best BBQ i have ever had or even seen.

Just had a black pud on toast for brekkie, doing a chicken curry with rice for tea.

You do so much in a day, good idea to give your ankle a rest, the Salmon would be a nice meal.

Hope your plants arrived safe, i'm still waiting for my pepper and chilli plants.

Mrs H went to the hospital today, need further tests.

Hope your Daughter is improving, Mollie, and able to get some fresh air.

The masked dancer is on again tonight.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.

Sorry Mrs H needs more tests Hicky â€Ķ.she must be so fed up I hope she doesn’t have to wait too long for them . My plants did arrive thank you â€Ķ.and I’m quite impressed  with themâ€Ķ.so I’ve given them a good soaking and will plant them in the pots tomorrow .Anyway, I hope you both enjoyed your masked dancer . Take care .


both xxx


yes best for you not to overdo it ankle wise, if you are doing a lot of other jobs too. Fresher here too today, which is great because it was too stuffy for a few days.

Glad to hear you are pleased with your plants. Who did you order them from? MrM bought some seedlings online and wasn't happy with them, so went to B and Q and got some bigger plants from there. He has been planting them today.

Yes the Sewing Bee was great, but as you say, they do seem to favour one contestant, and I thought Esme was mean to the other girl before she had even finished her sew.


Sorry poor MrsH is having to play the waiting game. I know how stressful that is, as all these tests, them somone to read them after, takes time. Daughter told me they only had one MRI scanner working in the whole hospital when she was there, so that is why she had to wait so long for her results. Hope she sorted out her sick note ok.

I too enjoyed the Masked Singer. gosh I was surprised to see Christopher Dean as one of them, but after we saw him with the mask off, it looked obvious . I too got bored with Bargain Brits on Benefits last night, so switched off.

Oh yes I remember you had a scotter when on hols. I think it will be very useful for daughter. Managed to get her out again for a short while, went to see a friends new pet lizard. Not keen on them myself but she liked it. She did feel a bit nauseous when we came home but to be expected as she is on strong antibiotics and hadn't eaten much.

Well done finishing the BBQ, when is the first time you will use it? Hopefully we have plenty of good weather to come so you can.

Started cloudy here today, then ended up being a beautiful fresh and sunny day, so can't complain.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Everyone in the hospital was in chairs etc separated by plastic shields, this Covid really is a big problem.

Yes, on the masked dancer you really stand very little chance unless you can decode the clues, but they are a bit cryptic.

I think the BBQ will be used the weekend if the weather is good, although it is in the Gazebo so weather doesn't stop it being used really.

It stayed dry, had a sprinkle of rain in the night as my plastic saucer had an egg cup full, that's all.

Have a good evening, sleep well.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope daughter is ok Mollie and getting up more.

19c today with some sun and cloud, hardly any wind.

Hope we all slept ok last night, had a few sausages for brekkie, for tea had a burger and 2 kebabs, just made som hot and sour soup.

Mrs H no better, they can't do more tests yet, given her steroid tablets to take for some swelling.

Masked Dancer on tonight again, so clever, so hard to guess.

Have a good evening and weekend, stay safe and sleep well.



Aaaww poor MrsH, so horrible for her feeling so rotten. Hope the steroids ease things for her and help the swelling. Daughter was put on steroids when she 1st got into hospital. Hope MrsH is ok over the weekend, but don't forget 111 if you are concerned.

They didnt have plastic shields in the hospital when I went with daughter. But they did have gaps between the chairs. I had to book in to visit daughter in the ward and only allowed an hour there, and was given an apron and gloves, but when she was in her own room , there weren't a lot of rules. I guess bugs can pass so easy in hospitals, its best to carry on with the rules, even if covid is not in the hospital at the time.

That gazebo of yours is so useful if the weather is not so good and you fancy a BBQ. Wonder what you will have on the 1st time you use it?

I agree, the clues are so cryptic on Masked Dancer, but the good thing is it means, we rarely work out who it is under the mask.

Gorgous sunny day here today but thankfully, not stuffy and humid , so I was out in the garden most of the day. My friend came for brekkie, which I gave her in the garden, and she bought her daughter's dog. Luckily I had a good supply of cooked chicken, so he was well happy. Daughter managed to come downstairs and spend some time with the dog in the garden, as she loves animals. And she showed my friend her scooter, my friend had  a little go on it.

Daughter ordered Dominoes pizza for tea, so that was nice, I had done a lot of washing and jobs round the house, and MrM had been to do a disabled friends garden , so we were both tired, so glad not to cook today.

Someone had charged this lady ÂĢ20 to cut her grass and they had left nothing but a mess! Clumps of dead grass everyone. Took MrM all day to clear it up and take 7 bags of rubbish for the tip. She gave him petrol money and 10 tins of lager, so he was happy with that, as they said they would recommend him if anyone else needs their gardens doing. He hasn't been doing his usual job for awhile as I don't want him working and staying away in hotels since covid. So it was nice for him to do this little job, which was appreciated.

Just saw Kelly Brook was one behind the mask. What a beautiful looking lady she is, still looked immaculate hair and make up wise when she pulled that heavy mask off too.

Have a good evening HIcky.

hope Baz is having a good Friday.

Goodnight xxx


Evening Mollie.

The steroids are to help her to breath.

The Gazebo is only a 3 m hex one but i bought the sheet Polycarbonate 6 mm to fill in the 5 sides top and bottom and drilled and fixed them with special fixings and held on with washers and wing nuts, it was so they could be taken off for cleaning, we are going to use the BBQ tomorrow, have got some rack of lamb chops, burgers, steaks etc.

Glad your daughter managed to get in the garden, it all helps her recovery, that was a nice bonus having Pizza's from daughter.

Kelly Brooke has always been a fave of mine, she is fantastic, and Oti guessed both tonight, some said they couldn't see with the mask on.

Fancy a person making a mess like that of a garden/lawn, that was a lot to do for your hubby.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Hi Hicky

hope the steroids are helping MrsH's breathing problems today.

Yes on Masked Dancer, Oti is very smart at guessing the dancers, but as a dancer, I guess she can recognise easier than others how they move. Looking forward to the final tonight.

HOpe you enjoy the BBQ today. Looks like we all have perfect BBQ weather to look forward to. I am going in the garden soon to get washing out and read my book.

You are very clever the way you made that gazebo.

Have a good day, and hope it is nice enough to get in your garden.


Afternoon Meanies  Another sunny day â€Ķ.so I got another 4k walk in before breakfast â€Ķ.but tomorrow is a day off . I didn’t have a very good night ..l.I seemed to wake up every hour ! Apart from my walk , I’ve not really done a lot today â€Ķ..just cleaned kitchen , washed and ironed , and fed the birds . My M&S delivery arrived ok , so I’m all stocked up with goodies again . I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday .

Mollie , I’m glad youR daughter is feeling more like her old self â€Ķ.even if it is slowly .I have a gardener â€Ķnot as posh as it sounds â€Ķwho comes and mows the lawns every 10-14 days and charges ÂĢ25 . We started having him when my husband first got ill ,and he is brilliant and always uses a blower to clear up any bits that get on the path  etc . He will also do my hedges etc , and even plant some bedding , and do a bit of weeding if I ask him . Hicky , I hope the steroids help Mrs H, and I’m glad the hospital we being extra cautious â€Ķ..which is sadly what we need these days Have they given you any idea when you will get to see the consultant etc? Your garden and gazebo sound lovely â€Ķ.I’m envious .

I am not  sure what I am going to watch on tv tonight â€Ķbut I hope you both enjoy the Masked Dancer final.Take care both .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Just seen your morning post, Yes, the steroids have improved the breathing.

Lit the BBQ, i put lighting material in then when i read the charcoal info it is self burning so i had to put the lighter material back in the bag, you put the whole bag in the BBQ then light the bag, wow the heat, i couldn't stand by it, it worked fine, had lamb chops and slices of Rib beef made into thin steaks, so they cook quick and some hot dog sausages, very nice, also had salad.

Just won another game of chess, i'm 7 games ahead now.

Glad you could get outside with your book, it was lovely here.

Baz, sorry you're not sleeping too well, that's a good walk, 4k, you deserve a rest, it's not good waking every hour.

The gardener we use charges ÂĢ10 and hour, but he's a very good worker and can do a lot in an hour.

Mrs H has seen a consultant, but they need tests etc to determine the problem, but swelling is stopping them, the steroids are to reduce that.

Yes, the masked singer final, interesting.

Enjoy your evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you all slept ok and had a good day and got some sun as well.

17c today with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Had eggs on toast for brekkie and curried meatballs with rice for tea.

One of my lads came with his misses and lads, tested the gas pipes on the BBQ as they came loose, well the clip was, i tightened them, but not easy when you can't see.

Showed the lads around the garden and what was growing then the 3 of us had a swing in the sun.

Mrs H breather not so bad but the tablets shoot her BS way up, don't think she is sleeping either.

We have changer the meds to the Echo service from Lloyds Pharmacy, they get the prescription and get the meds and send them by Royal Mail, they sent an email saying it was time to order as it can take 5 to 10 days, i filled in a request and had an email saying they have part of the order and have ordered the rest, will let me know when they are sending them.

Have a good evening, no Masked Singer now, wonder when LI starts, will have to enquire.

Done a search, it looks like LI will start 28th June as crew etc due to fly to Spain on the 20th.

Last edited by Hicky

both xxx


that was a long walk before breakfast, don't blame you having a day off.

I am back on son's rowing machine now it is warm in the garage again. So far I am up to 7 and half mins, but need to get back to the 15 mins like I did last summer, as it helps my knees. So have to get motivated. I try to do it every other day.

Is it still ÂĢ75 minimum spend for M and S? And you can't amend it at all? I liked my delivery the couple of times I had it, but the main problem was when they said it couldn't be amended any more.

Its nice for you to have a gardener as it is so important during summer to be able to enjoy outdoors.


what a nuisance the meds seem to be doing the job with MrsH breathing, but they are sending her BS up. Let's hope the meds will have done the job soon, to enable her to get the tests done. How horrible for her that she is unable to sleep. That alone makes you feel rotten.

Glad you enjoyed your first BBQ on your new equipment. Its a shame you can't see well enough when little things like the gas pipes go wrong. Hope the BBQ is fixed ok now.

That's good you have sorted out the meds delivery. Ours gets delivered by the chemist van.

I too enjoyed the Masked Dancer. Would never had guessed one was Bonnie Langford!  (actually I didn't guess one of them!).

Beautfiful day here again, sun all day, but not too hot, nice and fresh. So perfect for sitting in the garden on the swingchair.

Had pizza leftovers and mash for tea, Sounds odd, but I enjoyed it.

How nice you got some visitors today.

I saw the advert for Love Island but didn't know the date it started.

Let's hope this nice weather continues for awhile now.

Not much to watch on tv tonight, so may watch recordings.

Have a good evening both, xxx


Evening Mollie.

We had a vid call this morning from Oz, so good to see them all, a great way to spend half an hour or more.

Mrs H has to get a drive through Covid-19 check on the 14th, she is booked into the hospital for the tests on the 17th, but if the doc thinks she is fit enough to do the tests earlier maybe they will rearrange, the only reason they couldn't do the tests was because of some swelling which the tablets should help reduce.

We had a letter from Lloyds pharmacy about the Echo free delivery a few times but with her being off sick it will be easier if it gets sent to the house.

Yes, 8 weeks of Love Island will do me, can't wait, the panel did well to pick out any of the Masked Dancers, very, very hard, a great program though.

I found it hard to believe they would send out the BBQ with the gas pipe clips loose, they should have left the pipe off then you would know to fit and fasten it, but when its fitted you must assume it has been tightened, i could have blown the place up if i hadn't noticed the end by the gas bottle was loose, so then i checked the other end and that was loose, they may leave it loos so the clamp isn't tight around the pipes while it is in store for maybe years, but there wasn't an instruction during the build to tighten the clamps.

I'm recording 2 programs so have to watch a recording, Opal Hunters, recording Brian Cox and 24hrs in A&E.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I hope everyone is having a good day . I didn’t sleep too badly , so got a four and a half kilometres walk in before breakfast . I even used the cash point for the first time in over a year â€Ķ.so go me. Mind you , I wiped the keypad down before I used it , and anti bac’d my hands afterwards , but at least it’s another step towards some sort of normality â€Ķand I challenged my ocd /anxiety tendencies again .Aside from that I washed down the outside paintwork back and front â€Ķ.at least the bits I could reach â€Ķ.did a bit of tidying up in the front garden , watered the pots , fed the birds , cleaned the kitchen , and got the bins ready to put out later â€Ķnow I’m cream crackered.I had a couple of nice M&S pork steaks for lunch , and now I’m watching rubbish daytime tv .

Mollie , the M&S delivery (via Ocado ) is only a ÂĢ40 spend , and you can alter it as many times as you like before the day before the delivery . I have to say I am really, really impressed with Ocado â€Ķ.although I still do my main shop with Sainsbury , mainly because they were so good to me during the first lockdown . My gardener is very good â€Ķ.mows lawns about every 10 days â€Ķand will plant my bedding plants â€Ķwhich means I’m left with all the nice pottering jobs .How is your daughter doing ?What did you think of Celeb Gogglebox ? I didn’t think it was as good as normal . Hicky , I’m glad Mrs H hasn’t got to wait too long before the next lot of tests â€Ķ.she must be really fed up with it all though .Nice that your son came to visit, and you had your Oz call too  . My local chemists gets my meds straight from the doctors and delivers as well  .

I am going to watch Escape to the Chateau and Grand Designs tonight â€Ķ.but have a good evening both â€Ķand as always , take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

20c today with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Glad you slept better Baz, and got a walk in as well, well done using the card machine, and you have been busy in the garden, wow.

Mollie, hope daughter had a good night and you both slept ok.

I moved some of my sweetcorn plants as they were in 4's but with 1 dying in each of 4 tubs it left just 3 which is not what they should be so i removed the 4 failed ones and replaced with 4 good ones from a tub, i need the tub for peppers or chillies as they have sent the peppers & chillies, the cucumbers in the greenhouse are going to take up so much room i have had to run strings up from the tubs for them to climb.

Just had a sandwich today so far, cheese and tomato, getting some grub from the takeaway for tea, i am going to order by phone then go and collect in the car.

Had my SIL visiting here today, nice to see her again, she lives about an hour away by car.

The doctor might ring Mrs H tonight to ask about her breathing and BS, it does usually seem too high, she spent some time outside on the swing getting some sun today.

Have at last cut up the cardboard from the BBQ packing, there was so much, its taken days, still got to make the long strips smaller but that quite easy.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.

Last edited by Hicky



sounds like you have been a busy bee, and doing well with your walking, before breakfast too.    That's good you used the cashpoint again after such a long gap. I too got some cash out today. I think its best to carry on using cash whilst we can, if we don't the "powers that be" will phase it out and it costs small shops a lot from their income to use those card machines.

Thanks for the Ocado info, I did use them a couple of times, then I found them awful to actually find a slot, and then around December they said I had to spend minimum ÂĢ75 and could not amend it. So I gave up. Will have a go again now and see if I can find any slots, as I do love M and S food.

Its handy for you that you are only left with the pottering jobs in the garden, at least you can enjoy what you do without feeling stressed and rushed.

I am never as keen on Celeb Gogglebox as the real thing, still better than nothing I guess.


Aaww so glad you got the see the Oz family, the kiddies change so quickly at that age.

Hope the meds carry on helping MrsH's inflammation go down and that the doc does keep in touch to check on things. So frustrating for her not being able to carry on with the tests due to the inflammation. That is good she could go out in the fresh air and sun today though.

That sounds not right to send the BBQ out like that, if it could be dangerous. Thank goodness you managed to sort it out.

That's nice you had a visitor today. Did you show her round the garden? Good for MrsH too to get out in the fresh air.

Hope you enjoyed your take away tonight. What did you have? Did MrsH manage to eat any of it?

24 hours in A and E for me too, I also like Motherland on bbc, so will record one of them.

Lovely day again, nice and sunny but also fresh and not stuffy.

Went to M and S foodhall to pick up a few treats. Lovely strawberries and potato salad and nice sourdough loaf from their bakery.

then went to Costco . Had my usual jacket potato from their cafe.

Daughter not too bad, still very tired, so mainly rests in bed,  but pain is less and she is eating ok, so is coping much better on these antibiotics so far, which is good, as she has 3 months supply to take. She is hopiing to go to town tomorrow and take her scooter, if she is not too tired.

Daughter just got some treats delivered for us from the local treat shop delivery. MrM had a custard slice, son had a honeycomb do-nut, daughter had a crepe with strawberries and I had a fresh cream apple turnover. Yummy

Tv time now.

Have a good evening both. x

Hope you both sleep well. xxx


Evening Mollie.

Doc didn't ring, Mrs H might giver her a ring, not that they can do much yet, it just means she isn't getting any serious help for her condition while she waits for the swelling to go down.

Yes, her sister loves seeing what i am growing, she told me a baby fig tree i grew for her has got a Fig on this year, i have another Walnut tree growing as well, heaven knows how they get into my tubs and raised beds, i have an Oak tree as well in a small pot, and another tree as well.

Surely a squirrel wouldn't take Walnuts to bury, but even if they did where would they get them from?

The takeaway was chicken breast and chips for Mrs H, for me, it was salt n pepper ribs and hot chicken wings, but i think they gave me salt n pepper chicken wings, not that it matters to me, have got some ribs over for tomorrow, you get so many, they are only small mind.

Yes, the M&S food is 1st class all right, don't blame you getting food from Costco, nice one.

Oh, that is fantastic, never heard of a local treat shop, and one that delivers, wow, heaven.

The rest of my plants have been posted, so that's good, by Royal Mail, i wonder if they took a note when i told them last time the compost had fallen out of the pots.

The Echo med delivery sent an email saying they had posted the meds, but the list had some missing, i went on the app to check, it said they didn't have some, on the email it said, how did we do with the meds, i told them, what was the point in sending a part order, game them a 3 for trying.

One of my lads was having a BBQ on the beach by his house in Cornwall, can't be bad, even sent a picture.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you all slept well, and your daughter Mollie is sleeping eating and feeling a bit better.

It was 21c today with sunny intervals and a gent;e breeze, my peppers arrived today via Royal Mail, they had taken steps to keep the plant and compost in the small pot, they had put the pot and plant in a brown paper bag and folded around the pot and plant, it worked fine, no damage at all, the chilli plants should arrive tomorrow.

I looked up the data on my cucumber plants, and it says each will grow 2m high with a 1m spread, oh dear and i have 3 plants in the greenhouse with 3 tomato plants, i planted a pepper in one of the tubs and left space for 1 chilli plant, I will have to plant the rest outside in the 2 tubs i have ready.

One of my sons came with his Mrs this afternoon for a chat.

The doctor hasn't been in touch yet, but Mrs H breathing not too bad, she's not sleeping too good though.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


both x


glad MrsH's breathing isn't too bad now, but how annoying for her that she is not sleeping well. Does the breathing bother her at night, or is she just uncomfy? Hope the meds sort her inflammation out soon.

That is good your pepper plant was so well packaged.

How nice you got visitors again today, you have had quite a few this week.

Your trees are doing well and the SIL's fig tree too.

We too had a lovely day here weather wise.

Got the washing done, then went to town with daughter, I sat in her scooter whilst she went into 2 small shops. She got some craft things to do to occupy her. She is very tired now, but at least she has been out  in the fresh air. She has come out in a rash on her face again, so this lot of antbiotics have affected her skin too. At least they don't make her feel so unwell as the last lot, but she did feel nauseous this morning.

Ate my feta cheese salad I got from M and S , along with the M and S potato salad for tea. Very nice.


hope you are ok today and slept well last night.

I have actually got an Ocado order for next week, so thanks Baz, your info was right, there are slots available now and you can amend the order. So thanks Baz.

Off to watch Bake Off now.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

It's not the breathing that is effecting her sleep, think its more worry from the CT results and not being able to get the right help because they don't know what to do until they can see in the lung and take a sample, biopsy, so it's a waiting game, but a serious one.

Yes, with visitors it makes her day go a bit faster, and It's nice to have a chat.

I was impressed with the plant packaging, it will cost them a little more to put each plant in a brown paper bag, its only a small bag, the sixe of the old sweet bags we used to have, but the bag is then closed around the 7cm square pot the then pot fits in the plastic travel case specially designed for this size of pot, so it protects the plant as well as the compost, if the chilli plants arrive tomorrow as expected i will plant 1 of the 3 in the greenhouse and the other 2 in a big tub outside.

Glad your daughter managed to get out, even a short while will do her good, that's a worry, a rash, you must tell the doc as it could be serious and not related to the antibiotics.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Hi Hicky

poor MrsH not being able to sleep because she is worried, quite understandable. It is horrible for her having to wait for the tests until the inflammation has gone down.  It is good for her that she has had visitors to chat to in the day.

hope we have nice weather tomorrow for you to do your planting.

Daughter didn't want to ring the GP about her rash as she has already changed antibiotics once, but if it no better tomorrow, I will ask her to ring.

Enjoyed watching the Bake Off professionals with Baz and co tonight to chat to whilst it was on.

Goodnight Hicky x


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . It was sunny this morning , but it’s clouded over now ..and it’s quite breezy . I had a really bad night , and I’m not feeling 100% today , so went out for a short walk (2.5k) this morning . I was going to have a day off , but I needed to blow the cobwebs away! Aside from that , I had my Sainsbury delivery , washed and ironed , fed birds and cleaned the kitchen . I had some lamb chops and jersey royals (with lurpak of course ) for lunch â€Ķ.and that’s me done for the day .I hope everyone else is having a good day .

Mollie , I enjoyed posting with you in the Bake Off thread too.Hope your daughters rash is better today , but don’t hesitate to phone them doctor if it isn’t. I’m glad you managed to get an Ocado slot for you M&S .Like I said I’m really pleased with the service I get from them .Hicky , poor Mrs H â€Ķ.I can understand how worrying it is for her .I hope they can do the investigations and put her mind at rest soonâ€Ķâ€Ķbut I do know how hard it is waiting to find out .I have to say I’ve been really pleased with the bedding/potting plants I got delivered from B&Q . They all arrived in really good order , and are growing well .

Well it’s the Sewing Bee semi final tonight , so hopefully see you there Mollie â€Ķ.ready to complain loudly about the bias no doubt . I hope you  have a good evening too Hicky . Take care both .


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