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Evening All.

Hope you all slept ok and had a good Thursday.

Another nice day at 15c with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Had toasted crumpets with toasted cheese over them, unusual but tasty.

For tea i had some scampi, the Whitby frozen pack, 400g from Sainsbury's only ÂĢ3.

Didnt do a lot today as apart from doing some tidying not a lot to do in the garden, i collected a load of old 13mm plastic pipes that i had slung along the back fence, it had lots of water fittings which i cut off and put in a bucket for releasing later.

Had a call from Computer man, the sound problem wasnt caused by me when i had the back off to unplug the battery, after 2 days of finding no problem he looked into the windows 10 install and thought it might be the cause, so he reinstalled windows 10 and the sound came back, he will look into obtaining a battery as the one in the lappy wont hold a charge.

The food delivery arrived at about 11am, i have wrapped and frozen crumpets, i opened kipper fillets and halved them the 2 packs gives me 8 half kippers, then bagged and froze 2 packs of chicken wings which at 5 wings a pack was 6 bags.

Got the darts on now for 3 hours so thats me sorted.

Have a good evening and stay safe, sleep well.


both xxx


That's so nice you had another good day weather wise, we did too. Wall to wall sunshine with a nice cool breeze. Same forecast for tomorrow, hope they are right.

I can't see my phone outdoors at all either. But I sit in the sun and wear my sunglasses and sun cap and it is easier to read my book then. So it was ideal weather to sit on my swingchair for a read, plus all the washing got dried nicely. Saw the lambs and the big horse came over to us hoping we had apples again, but we didn't. All the chickens and cockerals were right by the fence again, I counted them and there were 14!

That is unusal to have cheese and crumpets, but sounds delicious. I bought some crumpets for son as he likes them and they are teddy crumpets.

That computer man is smart managing to fix your sound problem, how odd the windows thing caused it.

Did you get any treats from your shopping or do you still have choccy treats left from Easter?

My battery on my lappy is not performing so well now, it gets flat in less than an hour. Does this often happen to them? Any idea how much a replacement one would cost?

3 hours of darts! That will keep you busy. I watched the dog rehoming show. But can't find much else to watch tonight.

I have an Iceland delivery tomorrow so that will be a change, haven't had one off them for ages.

Have a good evening. xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Gorgeous weather , and much better day chez Baz I slept quite well , did a 3km walk , pottered in garden , fed birds , cleaned kitchen and did a small load of washing . A couple of nice pork steaks for lunch ...ordered some geranium plugs for my planters , and now that’s me done for the day .I hope your Friday is going well too.

Mollie, I hope your Iceland delivery came ok , and brought you some nice goodies  .I enjoyed Sewing the other night ....and it’s Gogglebox to look forward to tonight .Isn’t the weather glorious ....I bet it’s lovely sitting on your swing in the garden . I’m reading an actual book ....rather than an IBook ....and am really enjoying it ....I like crime fiction .Hicky , I think cheese and crumpets sound yummy too .Sorry you are both having lappy problems .I’m guessing you are enjoying the darts .

Well it’s Scottish Lochs, GBM , Gardeners World , and Gogglebox for me tonight I’m sorted .I hope you both have a good evening . Take care .


Evening Mollie.

Oh dear, it looks as though it didnt post on thursday, for some reason.

The forecast for here tomorrow is 18c sunny with a gentle breeze, wow, that will do me.

Pity you had no apples for the horses, you will be in ntheir bad book now, i enjoy seeing chickens, they are always so busy rooting around looking for something to eat.

I enjoy a couple of crumpets, was going to have cheese on toast, till the crumpets arrived, i aways wrap them in clingfilm in 2's and freeze them, that way i always have some in.

Yes, windows 10 is very strange, so complicated these days, i had tried uninstalling the sound system and reinstalling it, it must have been the driver software that didnt work, but windows said it was fine, so strange.

I didnt get any treats on the shopping as i have still got 3 cream eggs left and a dozen mini choc bars, i got bananas, bacon, eggs, kippers, chips, chicken wings, scampi, mustard, fillet streak and crumpets, i have so much food in the cupboards, fridge, freezers that its just a few bits to top up.

Most lappies, unlike mine have a battery pack that either plugs out or has a screw holding it in, they are pretty cheap to replace, you just need the make, model number etc and if you can get the battery off you can get info from the battery then google what you want, be careful were you buy it from, you can get ripped off.

They do have good stuff in iceland, as long as you have room in the freezer for it all.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening Baz.

Not sure why my last post to Mollie didnt post, it was still there tonight, strange.

Glad you slept ok and even got a walk in, and Pork steaks, nice.

It was a beautiful day here as well with 17c sunny with a gentle breeze.

I had a bacon and black put toasted sandwich for brekkie, so good.

For tea i decided to have the cod in small pieces and also half a pack of prawns, cut cod into 9 small pieces and coated in flour same with prawns then put onto half skewers then coated in batter and deep fried, had some McCains home chips as well, it made a rather large meal, just left 2 skewers of cod, 7 pieces.

Had a couple of swings on the swingseat as not a lot i can do in the garden, will have something to do when plants arrive.

Had a call from computer man, he said the lappy battery is 75% ok, he is going to see if it holds a charge over the weekend, he will power it down, he asked if i power it down when not using it, i said no i usually just close the lid, oh dear, not what you should do as depending on the setting for the close lid it could overheat if you put it into a carrier or lappy case as it could stay running and have the fan trying to cool itself.

No darts for me tonight, the next session starts in Germany on the 5th May, its the premier league so each of the 10 players plays a different person every day, i've seen up to day 9, 2 players dropped out as the one with the lowest score lwft, you get 1 point for a draw and 2 for a win, so 8 players go foreward.

Just watching the gadget show, 8pm Salvage hunters, 9pm new food unwrapped, 10pm jeremy wade in Oz finding out what is eating all the fish in the Fitzroy River, i've been to Fitzroy Island, even stayed for a week also with my Oz family, its only a short ferry ride from Cairns.

Have a good evening stay safe and sleep well.

Last edited by Hicky

both xxx


glad to hear you had a good sleep and a nice day with good weather, you are doing well with your walking now.

Yes we too had a great weather day today, so I sat on the swingchair with my book. I too prefer a real book to an ebook, and like you, am looking foward to Gogglebox. That shows makes a Friday nights entertainment.


sounds like you had all good healthy food for your delivery. I guessed you still had some of your Easter choccie treats left.

I see you too had nice weather and a little swing on your chair. And it looks like we have some more nice weather over the weekend to come, hope so.

Thanks for the battery info. Very interesting as I always do what you shouldn't and just close my lid too! I will have to start turning it off. My son is good with computers so he should be able to replace the battery if I need to. My friends often drop off their broken lappys for him to fix. In fact, a friend today had dropped her apple notebook on the floor and couldn't get it to switch on and he managed to fix it for her, so she will be pleased. My son did a "fix your computer" course at college and it has been usefull.

My friend came for her fave cheese and tomato on toast and coffee today and we kept to the rules and sat in the garden for a chat, which of course was no problem in this lovely weather. It was very warm today with a little breeze.

Had vegan sausage roll (Gregs one from my Iceland delivery), with chips and peas for tea.

Really pleased with my Iceland delivery.

They do the old fashioned sweets as ice lollies, MrM got black jack one, I got Sherbet fountain and the lolly stick is a piece of liqourice. Got quite a few Greg's pasties too.

Gogglebox time.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, it is supposed to be 18c tomorrow, lovely that for me.

If you are using the lappy at different times of the day its not worth switching it off, but you need to check what the settings are if you just close the lid, i think if it goes to sleep that isnr too bad, but if you wont be using it for a few days or more best if you close it down, which is usually to hold the on button for a few seconds.

That was handy, your lad doing the fix your computer course, you cant have too much knowledge can you.

Your friend must enjoy your cheese and tomato on toast, nice to be able to sit out and chat.

I wonder whats in the vegan sausage, it has to be mixed veg. but whether they go for colour, fibre content or flavour, but do they put fat in as the flavour in meats comes mainly from the fat.

I love the iceland spivy sausages, wow, Oceland has some great spicy food.

Sweets as lollies, whatever next.

Enjoy your evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening All.

A rather nice day here with 18c and lots of lovely Sun, also just a gentle breeze.

Had my usual breakfast, salt cod, kipper and bacon with poached eggs.

Not much to be done in the garden untill more plants come, i spend some time checking the growth in the greenhouse as i have to guide the vine so i have control of it.

For tea i had the left over cod pieces which i added a sprinkle of Cajun spice and put into an oven at 180c for a short while, i took some beef Rebdang from the freezer and did some rice to go with that.

Had a few swings during the day and spent some time sitting in the summerhouse with a coffee, rather nice, and usually take a banana as well.

Just watching recordings, Henry Cole in Worlds greatest motorcycle rides, he's a great bloke, i dont condone riding any 2 wheeled bike on the roads as its bound to end in either A&E or the morgue but hes good viewing.

Have a good evening and stay safe and sleep well.



Glad you too got the nice weather we did and could enjoy your coffee and snack in the summerhouse. Sun and blue skies all day here too with a nice fresh breeze. The dog sunbathed awhile and I got on my swingchair.

I think the Gregs sausage rolls must use quorn, but I know some sausages do use veg and spices.

Handy when you can use your leftovers for tea. My fave is the small left over potatoes when I put them in the oven with some butter and they come out lovely. I made some flat bread pizza flavour with veg for tea and the oatmeal crunch I like to make. (and eat!).

Yes motorbike are so dangerous. My brother came off his years ago and his back has bent since then, but he was lucky to get away with what he did.

On our walk today, the lambs were sitting in the shade of their feeder and MrM noticed 3 large birds chasing each other. When they got closer it was a beautiful coloured bird of prey and 2 crows were chasing him away. Maybe he had been after their nest? They succeeded as they were quite big crows. We dont' let our bunny in the garden now there seems to be so many birds of prey around. But he has plenty of running around indoors.

Time to watch Finding Faith, the drama on itv now.

Have a good evening and sleep well.

Goodnight xxx


Evening Mollie.

I often save whats left from a meal if it is too good to throw away.

The most of the persons getting admitted into A&E are from either motoercycles or pushbikes, the riders have nothing to protect them, will they ever learn, its bad enough in a car.

Dont blame the lambs getting in the shade, they must easy overheat in the sun.

You could make an area of garden covered with a light netting to stop the birds, like they do over fish ponds, get one of those nets, you only need a few stakes to support it.

Big birds will always rob nests of eggs, even chicks they dont care.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It’s sunny , but a bit chilly here today . I had a so so night , so I’ve not done a lot today ....but a friend was passing on the way to her daughters in the next close , so I went for a short walk with her ....which was nice . Apart from that all I’ve done is cleaned kitchen and done a load of washing . I had a couple of bacon chops for lunch , and now I’m watching Foyle.I hope you Sunday is going well , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I LOVE the sound of those lollies jacks and sherbet fountains were among my most favourite sweets as a kid .We used to have a shop where I live now that did all those old fashioned sweets flying saucers ....but sadly it closed down! I didn’t know you had a bunny husband and I thought about getting a house rabbit at one time ....but decided against it because of all the electrical wires etc ....but we always went and looked at them in the local pet shop.I hope switching off your laptop helps the battery ....I always switch my iPads off at night ....cos I think there are always programmes running in background.
Hicky , I like Henry Cole’s too ....I watch him in that Find it , Fix it , Flog it programmes .....he seems like a really nice guy . I’m still toying with the idea of getting a swing seat . Where did you get yours from please ? Have you been watching the snooker ? Did you watch GBM last week ?

Well , there’s not much worth watching on tv tonight , but I’m sure I’ll find something Have a good evening both ...and take care .


Evening Baz.

Sorry your sleep was only so so, you still get a load done in the day though. those Bacon Chops sound so good.

It was quite nice here with 16c and sunny intervals, a gentle breeze as well which was nice.

Had a nice brekkie of sausages, bacon egg black pud and beans with toast, for tea i thawed a small piece of Rib beef and cut into 3, kept one for tea and froze the other 2 pieces, i sliced the beef into 2 so i could quick fry it after i had coated it in Cajun spice, cooked some oven chips in the wok as they come out much nicer, that was my tea.

Didnt do much outside, not a lot to do really just checked the plants are ok.

Had a vid call this morning, so good to see them all, they have bought new ohones and lappies as they have company ones which they will have to hand back when they resign from work, hes had Passport photos taken of the children, he hopes they woll pass, he wants to move to a country with better tax rates than Oz as the tax on Crypto currency is 50% so he could lose up to $1m AUD.

I got our swingseat from a Garden Center, they had the 2 seater or the 3, we got the 3, i will see if i can locate the same one online.

I dont watch the snooker these days, used to years ago, now i watch the darts or F1, i have recoeded GBM.

Not a lot on TV, been watching Find fix flog as its been on all day, now watching Scrap Kings on Quest, its great.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


On Amazon Baz there are loads of swing seats, i looked at the garden center where i go mine and its not there.

These range a lot in price, normally i would say get one as much as you can afford.

Mine is a 3 seater, you could get the 2 seater, i should have got one of those tbh.

If the link doesnt work just search Garden swing seats.

Last edited by Hicky



how nice for you to get a bit of company to go for a walk.

What a shame your old sweetie shop closed down. I too used to like those flying saucers. Iceland do quite a few of the old sweeties as ice lollies, and they are the only shop selling them. So I guess I will be having Iceland orders a few times this summer.

Yes house bunnies are lovely but you do need to bunny proof the house as they like wires, skirting boards and edges of carpets.   I can't believe the speed they can bit through wires, we have had to replace a couple of things. We even have a stair gate to stop him going too far upstairs.

I can recommend getting a swingchair, it is so special to sit in when the weather is nice, and even if a bit chilly if you take a blanket. We've got a 3 seater from HOmebase and a cheap 2 seater from B and M. My fave is the 2 seater.I have a little old sun umbrella that used to be my mums and it screws on and off the side of the swingchair, so handy  when I hae had enough sun.  If you have a swingchair with a sunshade roof, it can be awkward as you have to take it off if it gets very windy.

These seat look nice and comfy too..


how nice for you to get a video call from the family who are so far away. Gosh that's a lot of tax. I had heard Oz charge a lot of tax on crypto currency, but not all countries don't, I think? Its lucky he invested into crypto as it has gained so much.

I see you had a nice cooked brekkie today, I had beans on toast for brekkie and had an ice lolly again for my tea time treat.

Looking forward to watching Line Of Duty tonight. Am watching Brits in the Seaside now. A young girl age 14 is working on the donkeys on the beach and she is 4th generation of the family business, been going for 100 years, and she wants to keep it going.

Stayed out in the garden most of the day today, reading on my swingchair. Washing dried well, and we had a nice walk. 3 lambs and their mum have been moved by the farmer back up the hills now they have grown stronger, but the smaller ones are still next to the field we walk past.

Our outdoor pubs/cafes and the fairground open tomorrow at last! So that will be nice when we can get down the coast.

Nearly time for Line of Duty, a great tv show with millions of viewers.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, did rather a big brekkie, even left a bit of beed soaked toast, should have kept the toast away really.

Yes, he's planning to give his notice in next month as he has to give a months notice, they are both going to resign, he hasnt worked this year as he had hollidays to take and maternity leave which ends in June.

Just watched bargan loving brits in the sun, now rich house poor house.

I suppose the lambs get moved around as they get stronger, not sure why mind.

It will be nice to go down the beech, as things open you will appreciate the freedom so much.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening All.

Hope everyone slept well.

Not too bad a day here with 14c and sunny intervals with a gentle breeze.

Had 3 soft boiled eggs for brekkie with toast, for tea had a lamb curry and rice.

Didnt do a lot really, trying to support the growing greenhouse vine, i want to try and stop the growth after 4 leaves past the fruit but its hard when you cant see much.

I reinstall a camera inside the summerhouse looking out on the west front, the suction pad not really much good so altered the fixing to screw it onto the window frame at the top.

No word from the computer man about the laptop, hope the battery life test was ok.

Spent some time in the summerhouse with coffee and a banana, planted little gem lettuce strips in the greenhouse tubs, 3 rubs as half of the tub wont be used.

I've got F1 Friday and its my lads Birthday in Oz on Thursday.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


both x


back to the 3 egg brekkie again I see.

Such a shame your poor eyesite makes it difficult for your gardening. Sounds like you managed to get a few jobs done though today.

Another lovely day here today. All the lambs moved back up the hills now. I think the farmer brings the very small ones down until they get bigger because it is colder up the hills.

Sat on swingchair. Son was at Uni today, so MrM picked him up and they stopped at Costco on way home , so I had Costco jacket potato, beans cheese for tea. MrM had one of their cooked chickens, they are really big for the price and son and daughter had chicken strips on rolls with salad and cheese.

How nice your son and wife are in a postion to retire early in time to spend time with their children while they grow up.

Had a swing on the chair in the garden and a nice read as it was sunny all day. Weather forecast not looking so good the rest of the week, so best to make the most of the sun whilst we can.

Going to watch the new drama on itv tonight after Corrie.

Have a good evening xxx


Evening Mollie.

I was thinking maybe 4 eggs is going too far, they are pretty small eggs i think.

Yes, cant judge distance of course, work by feel a lot now, to see anything i have to look away, then i know where it is, a bit frustrating, i cant read most of the labels on the food packets and jars as everyone is going mad with colours on colours.

Yes, you could be right about the lambs needing to be stronger to go further up the hill, it would be colder, dont know about shelter.

Yes, Costco dont sell small things, that what i loved about them, and in bulk is good as well, bet the cooked chicken was good, you would get plenty of meat from that.

What a fantastic thing, to be able to retire at 42, his wife is retiring as well, so they can all go places, what an opportunity, hard to believe really.

I sat on the swingseat a couple of times, a bit boring, spent time in the summerhouse though in the reclining swivel seat, nice and re;axing.

Not sure whats on tv tonight, watching Antiquews road trip.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Happy 12th Anniversary everyone

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . It’s cold , and wet here today , so no walk for me .In fact , as I didn’t sleep that well last night , I’ve done naff all ! I just changed the sheets , washed , ironed and fed the birds . Aside from that I’ve updated my four devices â€Ķ2 iPads , my iPhone and my Apple Watch â€Ķ.which took ages . As the bin men still hadn’t come before I got up , I went and put the garden waste bin out after all â€Ķ..which is just as well , cos gardener came and mowed the lawns at lunch time  .  Anyway, I hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , is the new drama any good â€Ķ.i have recorded it .I caught up with Line of Duty today â€Ķ..I wanted to slap that stupid smirk off the face of the new woman in charge . Seriously , I reckon she’s bent ! How is your son getting on at uni ? I don’t think my eldest granddaughter is back yet. Hicky , I’m sorry your eyesight is proving so problematic . But how wonderful that your son and DIL are able to retire so early .

Well it’s the jewellery programme for me tonight â€Ķ.after that , I’m not sure .Have a good evening both â€Ķ.and see you for Sewing Bee tomorrow Mollie .


Evening Baz.

Thats not good, sorry to hear you didnt sleep well. and rain, thats bad news, its sure a big problem updating all those devices, i usually have to update the desktop oncew a week, that takes ages as well.

It was cooler today at 12c with sun cloud and rain expected at 8pm, so have turned off the garden watering for tomorrow.

Havent seen any birds around the nesting boxes, maybe they are too in the open and get hot.

Had a toasted bacon sandwich for brekkie, for tea cooked a piece of Haddock in the oven in a foil parcel with some butter and Cajun spice, very tasty.

Didnt do much in the garden as theres nothing really needs doing, spent some time in the summerhouse just enjoying the warmth.

Yes, my eyes, such a problem, after my next injection i am going to look into getting them tested for new specs, i've nothing to lose really, the problem is i dont know how much better i could see untell i get new glasses, and when they test my sight at the eye clinic i am using out of date glasses, which isnt ideal.

My Lad in Oz is taking steps towards the retirement, he has worked out the figures and will give in his resignation early May, how marvelous to be free to bring up your children, its really a dream.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.




gosh 12th Anniversary,    I wondered what the confetti decoration was for. It does look very pretty though.

Pity it was too wet and cold to go for your walk, but I see you have had a techy day. Hope you sleep better tonight.

Bet your garden looks nice now the gardener has just been.

Yes the new drama was enjoyable, so hope it continues to be.

Line of Duty, yes as good as ever. I recommend after you have watched this weeks episode to watch the interview shown yesterday morning on This Morning with the actress who plays DCS Carmichael. I think you will find it very interesting.

Here's the link...

My son is getting on ok at Uni but can only go in one day a week for practical bits, so if your grandaughter's course is an academic rather than practical one, might be why she isn't back yet. He is glad for the tutor support but its not fun he said, as it is just the odd student coming and going, the Uni is dead quiet and no cafe open, and they have to wear their masks and keep away from each other. He says he will be glad when he's finished now, as he has so much work on, but at least he can go in person and ask tutors on Monday if he is on the right track.

Oh yes, look forward to joining you for Sewing Bee tomorrow.


its so nice you have the summerhouse to enjoy sitting in when we get cooler days and you don't have much to do in the garden.

It was cooler and cloudier here too today, so no swingchair. But we did go for a nice walk and all the 6 lambs are back again. Maybe the farmer took them to see the vet or injections or something? The carthorse farm has ducks as well as about 14 chickens, we heard and saw them today. We originally thought they were wild ones, but they have a pen in the farmyard grounds.

Good idea to get yourself new glasses as if your others are out of date, hopefully new ones will improve your vision.

Yes your son is very fortunate to be able to retire so young, and to be around to see his family grow up.

I see you had fish for tea again, I know you like fish, which is good as it has plenty of vitamins for you. I had breaded cheese triangles and veg for tea. Then a bag of my fave cheese and onion crisps.

Going to watch part 2 of the drama now, it is based on an Alfred HItchcock story.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I have the summerhouse i can go in, also, i have the Gazebo, and the greenhouse, i have seats everywhere so i can move around.

There is a specsavers in the store so it shouldnt be a problem getting sorted, even if they only help a bit, thats better than nothing.

My Lad in Oz is very clever, they both have good jobs, they have built up a portfolio of properties in Oz.

I am having fish more often, so easy to cook, i prefer it to meat really, so will keep changing the meals, i need to make more Mac n Cheese as i have loads of cheese to use up and thats so simple to make, i made too much pasta last time didnt realise how much you got from so little, its a bit like rice you get a lot of boiled rice from so little dried rice.

I've been watching Antiques road trip, Salvage Hunters, Our Yorkshire Farm.

I'm seeing if i can watch Big Brother Oz without getting a VPN, i've found a Freeview Oz site but the times are way different to us, their time of 7:30pm is 10:30am here so i'll see if it works.

No word from the computer man yet.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening All.

Cooler today at 11c with light cloud and sunny intervals, the rain forecast didnt materialise this morning, might have had a little in the night, nothing much.

Had sausage and egg toasted sandwich for brekkie, for tea made a Mac n Cheese over chips with a coat of Jalapeno chilies on top.

Didnt do much as not much to do, if i looked harder i would find tons of wood which needs tidying and storing somewhere else, its standing against the fence behind the summerhouse and garden shed, easy to get at but where to move it to, dont like wood lying down, worse thing you can do.

Put a steel netting with expanding bamboo fastened to it along the back of the greehouse, top half as the school has the children playing with a ball on the field and i dont want the ball to hit the back of the greenhouse, t could break a pane, they are only young children so it should be ok.

Had a look at the SD card from the camera in the summerhouse, its working fine, it takes continuous video's every 3 minutes and you can zoom in etc, i have 2 SD cards for all 3 camera's, the car, the front room watching the front and side and the camera in the summerhouse, so if i take an SD card out to check i replace it with one that has been formatted ready. the side view camera in the front room plugs into the main camera of course, and with that camera i get 4 videos a time as it take 2 from the front and 2 from the rear, each has a high quality video and a low quality video so you could send it easier if needed.

I won the last game of chess with my lad, 80 moves, wow, it really was cat n mouse, took a lot of though, i have now won 4 of the last 5 games, he wont be very happy mind, he tries to play unortherdox to fool me, it does fool me so its not easy to beat him.

Still no word from cumputer man about the lappy battery condition when unplugged.

Window cleaners came today, green wheelie bin put out.

Sainsbury's delivery is on Saturday night, not ideal, due to the bank hol weekend i believe.

My lad on Oz Birthday tomorrow, must wish him Happy Birthday in tonight before i go to bed as 12 midnight here is 9am in Sydney.

Heres some videos from Oz BB, i have been trying to watch it live for free but it hasnt worked so far, if you get VPN its probably fine but its usually about ÂĢ3.95 a month subscription.

Have a good evening, find something to watch on TV, stay safe and sleep well.



that's great you have so much choice seat wise as part of your garden.

Yes I remember you saying there is a Specsavers in store, so it will be easy for you to sort it. Hope it does help your eyesite.

Mac cheese,yummy, and true you do get a lot after its boiled.

Shame you can't sort BB Oz for free, MrM has a VPN, so maybe you will be able to work out how to get VPN. I did used to have one on mine, but use Duckduck go now, so don't bother with it. But I can see it would be very handy for BBOz

80 moves, that was a long chess game, you are smart winning that one.

Glad to see your SD card is working in the summerhouse.

A dull damp day today, went a walk but got a bit wet. We had some old apples, so 4 of the horses managed to get a big piece each.

Other than that, didn't do much. Had a brie/cranberry wrap for tea and beans on toast for brekkie.

Going to watch Sewing Bee tonight.

HOpe Baz is having a good day.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I weighed the pasta today before i boiled it, 90g with the white sauce paxk and the cheese i added made twice as much as i could manage so have kept the rest of the Mac n Cheese for tomorrow as i midday snack.

I can get VPN but i didnt want to pay for it, thats the problem.

Sorry you got wet, i was expecting rain here this morning so didnt water the garden, have turned it back on for tomorrow, i will keep turning it off at times, have also turned the time back to 10 minutes as the weather has cooled a lot, it was handy having the old apples with you, the horses will never turn those down.

I try to plan ahead a little with brekkie and meals depending on what i had the day before so i can vary what i eat, made my shopping list out, thats been ordered, i'm getting salad stuff in again now as i enjoy a ham and salad sandwich with salad cream over it.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon MOllie and Hicky .How is everyone today ? Another disturbed night for me â€Ķ..I must be due to crash out soon !The weather here has been mixed , sun , cloud and even some rain . It’s  also quite chilly , but I did manage a walk this morning â€Ķ.just over 2 kms.  Aside from that , I’ve cleaned kitchen and bathroom , dusted , done a load of washing and fed birds . It was lamb chops for lunch and now I’m cuddled up on the sofa .

Mollie , I really enjoyed Sewing last night ? I did , although I felt very sorry for the girl that went . I really feel for uni students â€Ķ.they are mussing out on so much of the atmosphere that makes it so special . I don’t think my granddaughter is even back yet â€Ķ.her uni is about 50 miles from her home . What is VPN and duckduck?Hicky , I used to love Mac’n Cheese.What did you think of the contestants in GBM this week ? The judge is a lot tougher than previous ones . I hope the new glasses help a bit . I need mine tested , but it would mean getting a bus into town , and I don’t feel brave enough for that quite yet .

Well, it’s GBM for me tonight â€Ķafter that I’m not sure .But I hope you both have a nice evening , whatever you are doing .


Evening Baz.

Sorry your sleep is troubled, not good, weather rather similer apart from the rain, only 10c with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Had a bacon on toast for brekkie, for tea had the rest of the mac n cheese, then corn on the cob then a hot dog.

Good to get a walk in, the distance isnt too importance, better a little tan none.

Got the Lappy back, it turns out the battery isnt too bad and not worth the cost of replacing, it would have been ÂĢ50 including his time but he did say it was even risky these days with so many fake items for sale, maybe you could pick one up from a good computer shop but it would cost a bit i suppose.

I had a job setting up the la[[y as i need a big mouse pointer, large test, black and white screen, could see the mouse pointer as it was small and white on a white background, couldnt read what the icons were, oh dear, it took ages as you can only change one thing at a time of course, got to set up Facebook now so we can use Messenger to talk to Oz.

Remember i ordered a battery for my Mobile, it was dud, so dud it wouldnt even charge, and to send it back i would have to pay the charges, i binned it.

The dish washer seemed to pack up last night, been giving problems for while, couldnt get it on at all, Mrs H tried to no avail, so a new one is ordered, also a washing machine, she says it smells and she cant get rid of the smell, so John Lewis is bringing them and replacing and taking old ones away.

But this morning i went in the kitchen to unload the dirty dishes, opened the machine and got hit with a blast of steam, it had just finished washing the dishes, Mrs H pressed the button this morning and the machine started up, not sure if i will be able to get it to work tonight, will see.

Put some more mash on the back of the greenhouse, had a 1m section that i ty-wrapped on as well.

I'm recording GBM so dont know who is in it, it will be a couple of weeks before i can see about glasses.

I think if you wear a mask and gloves you should be ok on the bus, but you would need to make an appointment first, i would get the bus no problem just dont sit facing someone on the bus.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.

Last edited by Hicky

both xxx


hope you sleep better tonight. Glad you got a walk in, sounds like you have been with odd jobs too.

Yes I too thought the Sewing was great last night, the hour goes so quickly whilst we are chatting about it too. I always like the Menswear week, (especially when the models model the outfits!).

I agree Uni is not much fun for students right now, can't see many appllying to go this year, and of course it costs them over ÂĢ9k a year now, so they may as well of done Open Uni, a lot cheaper for all the interaction they got with fellow students this year. I am sure your poor grandaughter feels a tad bored too. Son working real hard now to get his assignments in. As his assigned day is Mondays, he won't go at all next week as it is Bank Hol.

The DuckDuckGo is a search thingie, bit like Google but things that track you can't with it. The VPN is a thing that doesn't recognise the country you are in, so if you can work it out, you can watch stuff from abroad. MrM tells me you have to pay for a VPN thing though, which I didn't realise, but DuckDuck is free.

If your buses are anything like the ones round here,  all the ones I have seen go past, either has no one on them or 1 -2 people at most! So if you feel like checking it out, buses might be quiet by you too. You can always open a window as fresh air makes it safe. It will be nice for you to go out again. You still have to wear a mask on the buses here.


thats good you have your lappy back now, shame it was so fiddly for you to reset up, but at least you are prepared now for your Oz calls.

How annoying the phone battery was dud and you couldn't send it back. So annoying all these people out there on the fiddly selling rubbish stuff.

If a washing machine starts to smell, that is horrible, our old one went like that, and I put all sorts of detergent in to try and help. In the end it broke completly. Hope you are pleased with the new one and the dishwasher. Will John Lewis install it for you? Their guarantees are usually the best, so I have been pleased with stuff from them.

Showery on and off today. Had a nice walk, the farmer lady was putting the white horse in the stable for its food. That is the quietest horse, so I reckon it gets fed first and on its own as the others are greedy.

Had reheated new potatoes fried in butter, mushy peas and some flatbread pizza I made for tea. Then I had a Lotus Biscoff ice lolly after, delicious.

Watched part 4 of the itv thriller, very good it was.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, happy to Lappy back, need \mrs H to sign into Facebook now, i binned my account as i didnt like what was appearing on my screen, it seemed to be getting out of hand.

We left the dish washer last night as we couldnt get it to work, this morning Mrs H went in the utility room, pressed the button and it started, tonight i was carefull so i checked if the machine was going to work before i put the dishes in, that worked.

I've been watching 999 critical Condition, now watching recordings.

Our shopping isnt coming till Saturday night.

The new machines are coming next wednesday i think.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening All.

Hope Everyone slept well.

10c again today with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Had sausages on a tasted sandwich for brekkie and a laksa soup and fried a piece of cod for tea.

My 6 replacement Raspberry canes came today, they look nice strong canes, it could be too late really for planting them with hope of fruit this year but i'll plant tomorrow.

Its F1 this weekend so am happy about that, tv is pretty grim these days.

Didnt do a lot today, fastend some more shoots from the greenhouse vine, they grow so quick, i use vine clips that secure them to the horizontal support cords.

Have a good Evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Chilly and overcast here today . I didn’t go for a walk this morning (but I did over 3kms yesterday ) , so it’s been a housework day for me .I’ve changed the bedding , with all that involves , cleaned the kitchen , taken in my M&S delivery , and fed the birds .It was lamb chops for lunch , and now I’m watching an old episode of Wycliffe . I hope you are both  having a nice Saturday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , thanks for the info about DuckDuck.Did you enjoy Gogglebox last night ? That last extract was â€Ķ.but had me in stitches . I’m glad your son is making the best of the uni stuff â€Ķ.hopefully things will get back to normal for the next academic year . Yes , our buses â€Ķ..which run past the top of our close â€Ķ..always seem quite empty too â€Ķ.so I might risk it , if I can pluck up the courage .Hicky , I’m glad you have your laptop back â€Ķâ€Ķand I hope the dishwasher keeps working ok .Yes , I don’t think they will let you on the bus without a mask â€Ķ.there are notices on the bus stops â€Ķ..I've noticed them on my walk . Re GBM â€Ķok I won’t spoil it for you .

Well it’s posh hotel watching for me tonight l I hope you both have a good evening . Take care .


Evening Baz.

Not a bad day here really, 12c sunny mostly with a gentle breeze.

I planted the Raspberry canes and watered them in, hope they will be ok, they are pretty good strong canes, compared to the others.

Had a nice breakfast of salt cod, kipper, bacon and a fried egg this week, for tea had a fillet steak with some mash.

Watched the F1 practice 3 and qualifying, Bottas got Pole with Hamilton 2nd.

The shopping arrived at 3:30 so its all put away of packed and frozen, i dont really leave stuff out unless it will be eaten in a few days, the bread is bagged in rounds in 2's separated by a piece of parchment paper then another 2 rounds so each ziplock baf has 4 slices of bread, i got a large white loaf and a large Hovis seeded, will last me weeks and a round never goes stale or gets thrown away.

My salad stuff arrived so i can have some nice ham sandwiches.

I would still wear a mask on a bus, or anywhere else if it comes to that, its still not safe.

Meant to say, coudnt get the dishwasher to work properly last night, Mrs H put the dishes in this morning and it worked, dont know whats going on, be glad when the new one arrives Wednesday.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening All.

To Baz, Mollie hasnt been on a day or 2 as daughter needed help and son needs help with Uni work, she hopes to be back soon.

A coolish day at 11c with sunny intervals and a moderate breeze.

Wsnt impressed with the weather so did nothing outside.

Had a nice vid call with Oz using the Lappy, the sound was great, so happy its working again.

Had a nice brekkie of sausage, egg, hash brown, bacon & black pud, for tea had a small piece of Rib Eye Steak, Keck 97% meat sausages and 2 eggs all coated in Cajun spice mix, wow, that was so good.

Been watching the F1Grand Prix from Portugal, Lewis won, a terrible track, the FIA are doing their best to slow the cars down and make them all equal, they have track limits at the side and if you go over them you get punished, and on going for [ole position it stops you going too fast as you wouldnt be able to get round the bend, they have added so many rules i think they are killing the race myself.

Having problems trying to get the dishwasher to limp along, tried to get the display on for 2 hours last night, trying every half hour, this morning i got the display on so opened it to put the dishes in and then i couldnt get it on so left it, after the vid call we went in the kitched and Mrs H opened the machine and it had done the dishes, what is going on, roll on the new one.

Just watching salvage Hynters on Quest +1, then i'll see whats on for later.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I slept better last night , although I can’t say my mood has improved much . So , for that reasonâ€Ķ.and given the weather today â€Ķ.I’ve done naff all today . I did one load of washing , cleaned kitchen â€Ķ.and watched the last episode of Line of Dutyâ€Ķ.Jesus, Mary Joseph and the wee donkey! . Aside from that I’ve had pork chops and new potatoes for lunch , and I am putting off going to take bin out until there is a break in the weather ! I hope everyone else is having a relaxing day too .

Hicky , thanks for letting me know about Mollie â€Ķ..I hope she is back soon . Sorry your dishwasher is still misbehaving ! I hope you can get it fixed ok . Glad you had a nice video call with your son though .Have you watched GBM yet ?

Well I hope you both have a good evening â€Ķ.and take care of yourselves .


Evening Baz.

Yes, Mollies's daughter was in hospital but they couldnt go which is very stressfull as you can imagine, and son has all the Uni work to do.

Glad you slept better, it will do you good to lay off the chores and try and relax and find something to watch on the TV.

The bank didnt charge me for being late again so have decided to pay money off the bill on the 15th of every month, then i dont have to keep changing the day, as the payment date seems to vary every month, not sure why, craxy system, so that is written on the kitchen caledar the same as my meds are, every 4 weeks.

Rotten weather here at 11c with rain and a strong wind, not doing anything outside in this, turned the irrigation system off yesterday, will wait till weather improves to put it back on, the forecast says rain tomorrow and Wednesday morning till 9am.

Had 4 soft boiled eggs with some toast, must admit the bread i usually make does fantastic toast.

In the afternoon i made a ham salad sandwich, just ham, cucumber, tomato, lettuce with mustard, salad cream and a touch of salt, it was raather nice, i got some packets of crisps as i want to make some cheese and tomato sandwiches with crisps on and tomato sauce.

For tea i'm having Cajun spices chicken wings.

I got the dishwasher working last night, i'm not getting it fixed, a new one should be installed Wednesday as far as i know.

I havent watched GBM yet, should be able to watch this week as the tv is awful, just repeats every time i go to watch something.

Have a good evening stay safe and sleep well.




thanks for telling Baz why I wasn't around.

Its nice to come on here now to see both yours and Baz's posts, as it has been such a stressful time for me.

That's brilliant the lappy sound is working so well now for you to talk to the family.

That's good the bank didn't charge you for being late this time. HOpefully the kitchen calendar method of reminder will work better than the phone method.

4 eggs for brekkie, you certainly like your eggs.

Hope the canes do their job well and you end up with some yummy raspberries from them.

Horrible wind and rain here too today, so didn't go out.


sorry your mood has not been so good today,, hope you sleep ok tonight. Like Hicky says, maybe you should have a whole day off the cleaning and chores and just watch a bit of tv if you haven't slept the night before? A little afternoon nap is supposed to be good for you.

Yes I did really enjoy Gogglebox, Lee and Jenny are still my faves. And although I did enjoy Line of Duty, it was a bit of a strange ending. I love Hastings sayings too on the show.

If your buses are nearly empty, it will be nice for you to venture out now, especially if you can go on a nice sunny day, then the windows will be open with fresh air. I don't wear a mask outside, but indoors I do and like in your area, everyone is supposed to wear one on public transport.

Daughter still in hospital. She has been very poorly. She had to be admitted to A and E Friday night , had to spend 24 hours on a trolley there before being given a bed in the ward, and all on her own, as no one could be with her. So it seems an age since we saw her. She has been on a drip since then.  She hadn't been well for awhile with stomach problems, headaches, aches etc. I am disappointed with the GP's as they only gave her a phone consultation and diagnosed a urine infection without even letting her go in the surgery on Friday morning, and it wasn't that at all. She ended up with very high temperature and pulse rate in A and E by the evening. The CAT scan luckily showed no blockage but it showed inflammation, so they are checking to see if its collitis or Crohns.

Seems odd that son also had digestive problems and although improving now, so wasn't as bad as his siter, he lost a lot of weight.

Nothing much on tv tonight, so watching recordings.

Goodnight both xxx


Good Afternoon Mollie.

Didnt realise you had posted, want expecting you back so soon.

So worrying about your daughter, strange that your son has similar stomache trouble, wonder if they are related, a high trm,perature usually denotes an infection doesnt it.

awful when you cant even get a bed, and not being able to be with her, that is cruel isnt it.

They never determined what your sons problem was did they, i think he should have been seen in hospital, it doesnt sound as though the doctor is really interested in getting it sorted, a few tablets can sometimes hide the real problem.

Hope they can find out what is troubling your daughter soon so she can get the treatment needed and get home.

It is 10c with light rain here again today, hopefully it will be ok tomorrow, very strong winds.

Have a good day, stay safe and keep smiling.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Just popped in quickly to  check on Hicky , and see if there was any news from Mollie â€Ķ.and I see there is .

Mollie , I’m sorry your daughter is having such a rough time . I don’t blame you getting me with the GP surgery .My daughter developed Crohns in her 30s â€Ķ.I hope it’s not that.Hopefully it will be something simpler , like ibs . Yes , the climax of LOD left me a bit flat , mainly cos I wanted it to be either the snotty police chief , or the woman who was taking over from Hastings ! Hicky , I hope it wasn’t as windy where you are as it was here ! I HATE it â€Ķ never managed to get to sleep until about 3 o’clock cos I was worried about the bin I’d put out for  collection !

Anyway , I hope you both have a good evening â€Ķ.it’s Jewellry for me tonight . Take care both , and I hope things improve with your daughter Mollie .


Evening Baz.

It was pretty windy here, the wind in the night woke me because i have a vent in the room so i can hear it, the wind probably goes right through the bungalow as we have vents everywhere.

It was 10c today, it said rain all day but we had a lot of sun, we had some rain last night, not a lot though.

Mollie. hope you daughter is being looked after ok and have sorted out what the problem is.

Stayed in all day apart from a walk around the garden and greenhouse.

Had a bacon toasted sandwich for brekkie and for tea had Wgitby scampi with a cajun dip i made, very tasty.

Mrs H has taken the 2 machines out alead of the people coming to install ne ones tomorrow, she wanted to clean behind them, as you would.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


both xxx


Line of Duty...I too wish it had been that woman chief. I heard the reviewer saying that the writer wanted to get over that crime works in groups, not just one person and one of them is often the one you least suspect. Wonder if they wil make another series?

Sorry to hear your daughter has Crohns. My daughter says she thinks they are saying what she has is more serious than IBS, but the consultant didn't make it to see her today, and she is still on intravenous meds. They are moving her tonight or tommorrow from the medical assessment ward to the gastric ward when they have a free bed, so we should be able to find out what it is and her treatment then.

Oh dear about the bin worry leaving you awake until 3am, but it was some strong wind last night. Its not like May at all. Luckily it has died down here now. When we went a walk earlier it was still quite windy and all 6 of the lambs were shetering under their feeder. Don't blame them! The mothers were just out in the field grazing.


sorry the wind kept you awake too last night, I think most people were disturbed by it. They closed one of the bridges from England to Wales because it was too dangerous. I noted how they didn't even bother giving it a storm name. I think that American storm naming is ridiculous because often they give the weather storm names when it isnt' much at all, and then when we have the real wild weather, no storm name.  Hope it has died down there for you now, llike it has here.

We too got showers and had to shelter at the bus stop to stop getting soaked. The sun did come out after though.

Hope you are pleased with your new dish washer when it comes. (was it a washing machine too?).

Daugher said she felt a bit better today than yesterday as they gave her something for the nausea she was feeling, so she was able to enjoy the cheese and potato pie and baked beans she had for her tea. She does ring me each day, but its horrible not being able to just pop in and see her and take her things. If you want to deliver stuff, you have to make an appointment to drop them off. I am concerned as there is still not talk of her coming home, only that she is to be transfered to another ward. If I could go in there, I could at least ask the nurses.

I am puzzled by son and daughter both having digestive problems now. You might think I am bonkers but I suspect it was started off by the covid we all got ages ago. My other son and I were both treated for pneumonia. The docs couldnt understand it because pneumonia is not catching they said, so we must have had a virulant virus they said. We both had 3 doses of anitbiotics. (we also had stoamch problems at the time, and are still a little sensitive to some food types). Others son and daughter have not been right for ages, and both have been real unwell now with stomach problems. I did read that even if you got  covid mild, you could develop problems futher down the line. So I wonder if all those the antibiotics me and other son had at the time, stopped us getting real ill now. We also lost our sense of taste and thought it was due to the meds at the time. No way I can find out though, so all we can do is hope we can manage it.

My Uni son has been struggling with the accounts bit of his assignment, so me, MrM, other son have been trying to help him work out what Direct Costs etc actually mean and what bit goes where in the accounts stuf! Gosh formal accounts are so complicated.

Going to watch the final episode of the Syndicate, it has been a good light heated series.

How is your son's knee going Hicky?

Time for my Lotus Biscoff ice lolly now. Yummy,

Goodnight both xxx


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