both xxx
sorry you had a bad nights sleep, the nap probably did you good. Hope you sleep better tonight.
I wonder about this particular vaccine because already today I heard them giving reasons why can't start with nursing homes, when they said yesterday it would be all systems go for them first. Sounded complicated but something to do with the temperature of this particular vaccine, and its storage whilst keeping it cold, and they have to split it whilst still keeping it cold, as it comes in bulk. The Oxford one did not have such restrictions. But sounds like the Oxford one wil not be far behind? Yes very boring for you being housebound, especially as you are on your own. Even though I have family around, I too miss so many things. But as you say, I think the end is in sight, and by the time the summer comes, I think the virus cases will have reduced vastly.
I too don't want Shane to win and thought Russell and Mo were lovely, a shame they went.
I will have to get the pack of frozen vol au vonts, sounds so easy to use.
I know you had cheddar in day 1 of your calendar, what flavour did you get in days 2 and 3?
Probably best you did not stay in the garden too long with that cold weather. It was cold here too, the dog was shivering so we didn't go out for long. I wrote some of my Christmas cards.
I bet your bungalow looks pretty now the decs are up. I love to see them.
I was so busy yesterday, trying to update my food order first (takes a lot of planning to make sure I get in enough for 5 people and 2 pets)...then son wanted me to proof read his assignment, and a few washloads inbetween to sort, and some more pressies ordered too as I am avoiding the shops.
Also had to contact family about my aunt as she has a fall and a nasty break to her arm so was in hospital for 3 days, and had to have an op. She also cut her face and broke her teeth, poor thing.
A bit quieter today, but not much, as the shopping arrived, so antibacked it, then took dog a walk. Son made chicken curry and I have cheese and potato pie from leftovers (still delicous though).
Enjoying the Elves on IAC tonight, and them trying to translate the Welsh. (I can't translate it either but of course with it being MrM;s first language he knows what it is). I think the women went first this year as they were not so amusing or entertaining as the fellas this year. In the past women have often won but I don't think any of the women this year deserved a win. Can' t believe it ends soon. It has been a good series imo.
Just watching the water task now. They must be so cold but I think they have surfing suits on to help a little. I see surfers out in all weather here, so the suits must protect.
Have a good evening both xxx