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both x


you did have a busy morning. Try not to overdo it else that ankle might start playing up again.

But glad you slept ok. I too often wake in the early hours and just read my book or listen to the radio.

We too get those lovely ring necked doves, so sounds like we get similiar birds to you. How nice the returning robin reminds you of your hubby.

  at your mischeivous squirrel digging up the bulbs. On tv I saw a mini picnic table with a bench, and a photo of a squirrel sitting eating at it.

I am watching Vera tonight, as you say, not much on tonight. Let's hope we get some good new shows in the autumn.


That sounds really promising the improvement the injection has given you. And so quickly too.

How is your lads knee coming on now?

that is odd about the cake oven temperature. Maybe you have to open the door to make sure the temperature lowers when you need it to? Pity they missed out the bit about the parchment paper as well.

Talking about ovens...son was making tea tonight and the power went off. So annoying, the oven had stopped working, so tripped the electrics right in the middle of him making food! He had cooked some gammon, the chips had to be moved to the mini oven, (and my mini pizzas) just whilst son was busy frying 3 eggs for the family and  poaching one for himself and boiling potatoes. Looks like we need to phone the landlord again about something else that has broken down. Most of it turned out ok in the end, but I forgot to put the baked beans on MrM;s plate found them hours still in the microvwave! Other son didn't touch his fried egg as it had gone cold and the chips were a bit burnt on the bottom. Meal time until we get the oven fixed is going to take some planning now.

Took doggie a walk today, not too far though as she was a bit off yesterday with a tummy upset. Thankfully she has eaten ok today though.

Weather much improved today, even a bit of sun. A bit cooler but still fairly warm.

Thanks for the glamping link. That looks very nice , lets hope the weather is fine for him. I think the weekend forecast is good though. Did his family all go with him?

Went to "The Range" shop as daughter needed some craft stuff. We wore our masks and used hand gel but didn't stay long as it was too busy, so it was difficult avoiding people. She just got what she wanted, then we left wihtout looking anywhere else in the store and we wont be going back in a rush, especially with the kids back at school next week and cold season arriving.

Son doing his online quiz tonight with his drama group.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

My lad hasn't mentioned his knee but as he's on holiday in that Welsh place for a few days it can't be a problem.

No, you shouldn't open an ove door to change the temperature, the thermostat does that, i just don't follow how a fan oven set at 180 can be 200c inside like they say, unless it because the fan oven temperature stays at the temperature you set it too but a normal oven takes so long to change temperatures because of the thermostat differential and the time the oven would take to reach the right temperature again, but the fan oven can change temperatures in a few seconds.

 Oh dear, the oven going off is a disaster, have you checked the circuit breakers in the fuse box, you might be able to reset the cooker, you might have overloaded the hob/oven or something, if might not be a fault, if you have fuses in the mains box they go week and might need replacing, it is unlikely to be a faulty oven unless something has blown, theck the main fuse box usually in the hall.

Yes, i think the weather for the weekend looks not too bad, sunny intervals.

Hope you lad enjoys his online quiz, its good to keep his hand in.

Got salt cod for brekkie, will have some smoked bacon and eggs with it.

Stay safe and sleep tight.


Evening All.

16c today with sunny intervals and a moderate breeze.

Had the salt cod with smoked bacon and eggs for brekkie, had some fruit during the day and juat had Chinese style mini ribs and hot hot hot chicken wings.

Didn't do anything outside as i had F1 today and was studying chess moves, watching the Masked Singer US, then will record the voice so i can watch the darts.

Had a video of my Granddaughter running around in a park in Sydney and a video of one of my Grandsons on a swing in wales and another showing them crossing the rocks at the bottom of the waterfall, my lad couldn't follow though on crutches.

Have a good evening and a lovely Sunday, sleep tight.


both xxx


hope you slept ok and had a good day.


our oven....Yes MrM did check the fuse box in the hall, and it wasn't that...the light comes on as if it is warming up, but it doen't warm up at all, so he thinks it is something gone inside the oven. It is at least 17 years old though.

I bet you enjoyed your F1 today.

How nice for you to get videos of your grandchildren. And how clever techy stuff is with one of them being in Wales, whilst one is the other side of the world. Pity your son's crutches stop him doing some holiday things, but it is good he at least managed to go away.

Lovely day here today. Sat on swingchair, took doggie a little walk, got 5 washloads dry.

Had beans on toast for tea, which I always enjoy.

Watched recordings tonight as wasn't keen on live tv.

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Cold , but dry here today...definitely feeling autumnal though  . I slept ok last night , but not done much housework today...just a load of washing . I did go for a short walk , and a friend ....another widow ...popped around and we sat in the back garden for half an hour . It was nice to actually chat to another human being  , especially someone who has “been there”  Hope you are both having a good Sunday .

Mollie , hope your landlord has sorted out your oven for you ....sounds like it needs replacing Is your doggie ok now ? I don’t blame you not going back to the shops ....I got nervous enough chatting to my friend in the back garden ...even though we maintained social distancing . Hicky , I love the glamping pod Glad your son is managing to have a nice time away, in spite of his leg I clean my kitchen ( and bathroom ) every morning  ....Milton the work surfaces  , and bleach the floor’s something I have always done 

Not a lot on tv tonight I’m guessing it will be Sky Nature for me Hope you both have a good evening , whatever you are watching 



Hi Mollie.

Your oven problem seem to be the element then, if the light is on then it should be heating, not much else, could be the thermostat but unlikely.

Only 15c today Sunday, with sun and no wind.

Had a vid call from Lad in Oz, so good, granddaughter crazy, loves her tablet.

I made an Omelette for brekkie, fried some onions and mushrooms, added 3 eggs, grilled then added grated cheese, wow, nice.

For tea had a crab & corn soup then made chips with my hand chipper and had diced fillet steak marinated in spices and had some Madras sauce over the chips, that was nice just having some plums

F1 race today, Mercedese won again Lewis #1 Valtteri #2.

Just watching the darts, night 12 of 17.

Evening Baz.

Glad you slept ok it does make a difference the next day.

That was nice having a visit from a friend, you need some company, eryone does.

I clean the work sufaces and the glass hob but never heard of Bleaching the floor, what is it made of?

Stay safe, keep warm, sleep well and enjoy your evening.



both xxx


Yes it does seem to feel autumnal in the mornings lately, but like you, we were lucky to have a nice sunny day today.

How nice the weather was good enough for you to sit with a friend in the garden for a chat, and one who understands how you feel with being on your own now.

You are wise being cautious and just sitting in the garden and apart. All the experts I have heard speak about it, do say that being outdoors is not problematic. The cases are starting to go up again here in Wales, and a plane from Zante who is not on the isolation list landed in Cardiff a few days ago, and it turns out 7 on the flight proved positive, so all on that flight have to go into quarantine now.

I watched the detective show on bbc1 tonight, watched series 1 years ago, this is series 2.

I was sitting in the garden on the swingchair with MrM when a kestrel swooped down and perched on our bench! The little sparrows made such a noise to warn each other and quickly flew into the bush right next to them to hide. Thankfully the kestrel didn't get any of them, when he realised he couldn't get on the bird table or feeders, he flew off. It must be the same one son saw come in the garden the other day.


I'll tell the landlord that we think it could be the element gone on the oven then.

That's lovely you got to see your little grandaughter despite being all those miles away. That's good she is crazy, as that is normal at that age.

I see you have been enjoying the F1 again. 

We too clean all the surfaces with anti bac wipes, but don't bleach the floor. I just leave son to sweep it with the broom each day, and use the floor wipes now and again.

Lovely sunny day to get the washing dry and sit on the swingchair and read my book. Doggie got a little walk in too.

Had our usual Sunday cooked brekkie, then just salad and cheese rolls for tea.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Normally you get either the company who made the cooker or check the make and see if you can get spares for it, if you can then an oven repair guy would be able to get the parts needed unless it was considered too old to salvage.

 The floors are all Laminated so are very easy to clean with the GTech or a mop, we don't use a brush as they create a dust

.Been watching the darts tonight, next time it resumes is Wednesday.

Mrs H had washing on the wall line as the weather was ok today for that.

In case the weather stays nice i've turned the tap off to stop it watering, the computerised timers with carry on as normal.

Have a good sleep another week tomorrow.


Evening All.

Hope you slept well.

15c today with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Had a round of toast for brekkie with sausages and beans.

didn't do a lot, watched chess videos of grandmasters from the past.

Made a tray of fruit Cupcakes.

For tea, well it started with a portion of my Souvlakia and a portion of my potato mash, all was going well until i tried to return the dish with the souvlakia in back into the top oven while trying to open the oven door, well, as you can guess the meal fell onto the floor and smashed to bits, so it was mash for tea with a couple of fruit cupcakes.

Stay safe, eat well, sleep well and find something to watch on tV, i see the programs from the past are coming out now.




hope you had a good sleep and a pleasant Monday.


thanks for the oven info, I least I know what to expect when MrM emails the LL tomorrow.

I see you have been enjoying your chess videos again. Its good to have hobbies when you are retired. And of course its great you do so much in your garden.

I love fruitcakes,especially when they are warm just out of the oven. Bet you enjoyed them. Good job you had made them as it was so unfortunate the rest of your tea apart from mash ended up on the floor! Oh dear.

Not surprised they are releasing tv shows from the past as their filming ground to a halt over lockdown.

Did you spot anything intreresting?

I am watching the new 2nd series of the detective "Strike" on bbc1 tonight.And watching Police Interrceptors now.

Have a good evening both xxxx


Evening Mollie.

There's not many parts in an oven to fail, control switch, thermostat, elements, but as it's so old it might not have spares available to fix it.

 There are so many chess games to watch, its not watching the ones who took part just watching grandmasters showing the games on a screen for a class and pointing out why they made the moves they did.

Yes, a bit of a blow breaking the oven dish and losing the meal, have more the same in the freezer, as originally i made 9 portions, a good job it didn't land on my foot, at 160c and heavy i would have needed A&E as i only wear sandals in the summer with no socks, ater i retire to bed i use Crocs if i get up in the night, never go shoeless.

I noticed all the old TV shows i used to watch so many years ago are now being shown, i seldom watch a seried twice, unless it's love Island.

I've got tons of recording is i need something but the chess games are keeping me occupied for now

Stay safe and sleep tight.


Evening All.

Hope all is well Baz and Mollie and you both slept ok.

20c today here with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Didn't do a lot today, had bacon sausage tomatoes hash brown  all roasted in the oven and beans for brekkie.

Took the dying growth from the last spud patch in the Asparagus bed, will get the spuds tomorrow maybe.

Midday had a peach a fruit cupcake and a coffee.

Fot tea decided to make a prawn egg fried rice with a portion of Madras to go with it.

Picked a couple of spring onions from the garden, shame so many will get binned, was going to pick them and freeze but i can't be bothered.

Had a little swing on the seat swing, watched chess games from the past.

The gardener called next door and the Lady (who keeps falling) answered the door, the gardener told her she shouldn't come to the door, on her way back in she fell, grabbed a shelf on the way down and pulled all the plants onto the floor, if she doesn't hold onto something she falls but she won't learn, she must fall every day, has done for so long she was falling last summer the same, gardener called the ambulance.

Gardener will try to get to me before the weekend.

Got my darts from Wednesday night and F1 from Italy Friday/Sat/Sun so i'm ok.

Had a thought, those fruit cupcakes are so easy to make and delicious i will make Mrs H 6 without fruit, put the fruit in and make the other 6.

stay safe, keep smiling and sleep well.


both xxx


hope you slept well and had nice weather today. I wonder if you have taken advantage of the 1st day deliveries for M and S food?


Gosh that was a lucky escape that your tea didn't land on your foot! Could of been very nasty indeed.

Glad to hear the chess games are keeping you busy.

I see you too had good weather today, which is handy as you got stuff done in your garden. Let's hope we have an Indian summer with so many people not wanting to do stuff indoors because of the virus.

Oh dear at your next door lady falling yet again! She really should use a little walking frame to keep her upright now. Hope she didn't hurt herself too much.

That's a good idea to put the fruit in yours after you have put some aside for MrsH.

Did you know Love Island USA starts next week?

Enjoy your darts.

I am watching a documentary about Sheriden Smith on itv now. We saw her in a musical in Cardiff not long ago. Really good actress/singer but has had her problems mental health wise.

Really warm sunny day today, so went to seafront and I had chips, mayo, tom ketchup. Family also had fish, as I had no fish, I had a strawberry striped ice cream after. It was very busy but it is a long seafront so no one comes too close.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, neve realised till the next day, not sure how it didn't land on my foot.

The lady next door has the walking frame, every aid possible, think she like to prove she doesn't need to use it but she just keeps falling, how on earth she doesn't break something i don't know, last year she was falling outside all the time as i went round a couple of times to help make her comfortable while help arrived, they needed the air bags to get her back on her feet.

I didn't know Love Island started next week, i haven't watched the last one yet, oh dear, just looked, it starts next Monday, have put series on record in case i forget.

The Darts starts tomorrow night.

Glad you could get to the seaside for chips and may/ketchup so nice that.

Saw the program about the plastic waste, the teabags are unrecyclable, the amount going to landfill is astounding.

Keep safe and sleep tight.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I thought I had posted in here yesterday  Sorry, just put it down to galloping senility !


What a day today  ! Apart from waking up at 6 o’clock with tummy ache , and the fact that it’s poured with rain all day , I managed to *blow up* the tumble dryer part of my washing machine And guess who had just washed the  bath towels ! On the plus side , because of the weather , the heating kicked in , so now I’ve got stuff drying on the radiators .....shades of yesteryear I rang my electrical/washing machine guy and he’s coming on Saturday .....cue Covid panic . Luckily, the washing machine is right by the back door , so he won’t really have to come into the house per se ....but I will have the antiviral foam hand wash ready for him Luckily , I keep up to date with my washing , so bedding  etc are clean  ....and *small things * can dry in the airing cupboard  That aside , it’s been a good day I did manage to get a fair bit of bureaucratic stuff done , so not a totally wasted day . Hope your day is less traumatic than mine! 


Mollie , wow , your kestrel is very bold I’m glad he didn’t get any of the smaller birds though .....and ,if he can’t get to the feeders , he will probably get fed up and go elsewhere . I saw that about the flights into Cardiff I can’t believe these covidiots ! Surely they can do without a holiday for one year .....surely a week or two sitting on a beach isn’t worth the risk ! A friend of mine is in an area that’s just gone back into lockdown ....all because of selfish, blasÃĐ people ! Rant over Yes , I have a M&S delivery coming on Monday I’m one excited Baz Hicky , have you seen the line up for Strictly ? And I saw an advert for Bake Off last night ....makes life feel a little more normal Your poor next door neighbour ....getting old sucks Glad the oven dish didn’t land on your foot 


Well it’s Portillos Continental Rail Journey , followed by 2 hours (9-11)of Gogglebox repeats on E4 for me tonight ....feel free to join us if you want Mollie Have a lovely evening both of you . Stay safe 


Evening Baz.

16c today with rain and a gentle breeze.

Oh dear, that is bad luck, hope the man can fix it for you.

Had a bacon on toast sandwich.

For tea got a big piece of Salmon Fillet from the freezer and defrosted, cut into manageable pieces and gently fried in butter and slices of 2 lemons, with the lid on, ate the salmon and the lemon.

I've seen who is in strictly so far, there is a thread on another forum i'm in, a lot to go yet.

I've got Darts at 7pm and every night till Sunday, also the F1 is from Friday to Sunday so i'm over the moon.

Isn't the bleach damaging the surface of the tiles and the grout, it can take the sheen off the surface, thats what they say, so be gentle.

I've ordered mor Jelied Eels Dressed Crabs, Kipper fillets and Salt Cod as i was getting low and don't want to run out.

Making Crab Soup the weekend and i have a sponge cake mix in the cupboard so will make more cupcakes with no fruit for MrsH.

Enjoy the nevening and sleep tight.


both xxx


sorry to hear you have had a few mishaps today. HOpe the tum has settled. Do you think something you ate upset your IBS?

What a nuisance about your tumble drier, and I understand about the covid worry when someone has to call. We have the oven fixer guy calling tomorrow. So out comes the antiviral wipes and sprays after he leaves, and I leave all windows and doors open whilst he is here. That's fortunate the washing machine is by the back door  when your guy calls.

Glad to hear the rest of your day got better though.

Yes those are certainly covid idiots coming in from Zante. They now think the 7 who were infected on the plane have now caused 30 infections!  It was very low numbers in Wales until recently, so no wonder Wales have put all future flights from Zante under 2 week quarantine. Some others who came back from Zante developed covid symptoms, but still went to some local pubs over the weekend, so now these pubs have had to close for a deep clean and others in these pubs contacted. Such selfishness. Yes not worth the risk of a holiday right now, but theses sort of people think it wont' happen to them,so can't be bothered even thinking about it.

After the kestrel called in the garden, the next day, MrM saw a heron on next door's roof. It was huge he said. Wonder what is bringing these unsusual birds in?

Thanks to you reminding me, we too have an M and S delivery on Wednesday. As you say, very exciting.


Yes I remember you helping falling lady in the past, such a shame she keeps taking these falls and not using her walking frame. Its not easy to admit you need help though with mobility as you get older.

Love Island, F1 and darts is going to keep you busy.

Your fish order should keep you going for awhile.

Had to go to our small town today to pay in some cheques. Cheques are such a nuisance to sort. One was from our landlord for the dishwasher and one was a tax refund for me from when I worked last year and they stopped tax they shouldn't.

There was a big queue outside the bank, all at 2 metres apart though, as 2 metres still applies in Wales, and a woman on the door was only letting one in at a time, and it started to rain too! So it wasn't much fun standing 20 mins in the rain. But at least it felt as safe as it could be. MrM was the one who went inside though, whist I waited outside as only 1 at a time was allowed. (sensible).

The town was like a ghost town compared to pre-covid. Very few older people threre, a group of youngesters standing smoking outside the Weatherspoon pub though. (a place we won't be going to now though!).

Weather ok 1st thing, then a bit drizzly later in the afternoon.

Watched the Sheriden Smith detective on itv tonight, very good.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

If a Heron arrives nearby it usually means one house has a fish pond as they have good eyes and can see them from way up high.

Yes, the fish gives me a rest from all the meats and is pretty good for you, made my shopping list out for MrsH to get in the morning early.

One thing about standing in the rain, you won't get infected as the virus will be captured and taken down.

I watched the darts, then just looked what was on tv, 24hrs in A&E now, going to bed in a mo.

Son started another chess challenge for tomorrow.

Stay safe, sleep tight.


Evening All.

Nearly got caught out with the Cookies pop up, wow, you have to F5 then sign in.

19c today with sunny intervals and a fresh breeze.

Had bacon and egg on toast for brekkie, for tea had salt & peppered pork ribs.

Had a little swing in the sun, got my fish delivery tomorrow, haven't had the text giving me the delivery slot yet as the items will probably be picked up by the overnight staff.

Got my darts to watch from 7pm till 9.30, only 3 more nights after tonight.

Have got all the ingredients for the crab soup for the weekend, will have kippers Saturday morning and Salt Cod Sunday morning. 

Just watched my recording of the Voice Kids final, wow, no idea how children of that age can be that good, one girl of 8, wow, what a future she could have, the coaches were speechless when the 4 finalists sang. 

Have a good evening all, stay safe and sleep tight.




hope you had a good day. x


Yes good idea to eat fish as a change from meat as it is so good for you.

It is a nuisance how we have to watch out for that cookies thing, as it can be so easy to lose a post.

Hope you enjoyed your darts tonight. I enjoyed watching the thriller on itv with Sheriden Smith.

That's lucky it was nice enough for a little swing today. It rained most of the day here, so I couldn't go on swing chair, but luckily it did stop on time for us to take doggie a little walk.

Had beans, pizza and some new potatoes for tea tonight.

Goodnight both , hope you sleep well. xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, there is such a selection in shellfish and normal fish, so easy to eat or cook.

Yes, the darts is on a minimum of 2+1/2 hrs as its day 13 i think, it goes till Sunday, the final is in October i think, theres just 4 matches a night now, its a league so everyone plays everyone else, if you get 7 each thats a draw and you get 1 point.

At least you got a little walk i wasn't really expecting as much sun as we got.

Beans and Pizza, thats a new one on me, never had that.

My shopping came so i'm ok now for the breakfast stuff, got some black puds this week as well for a change.

Stay safe, sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Dry , but overcast today ....which sort of sums up my mood I slept quite well last night , but I’ve not done an awful lot today. I did manage to get a small load of washing dry , and did some tidying up in the garden not a totally wasted day Hope you are all having a good Friday , whatever you are doing .


Mollie , is the detective you are talking about called Black Work ? If so , I’ve recorded it to binge watch this weekend And yes , the selfishness of some people beggars belief , doesn’t it ....but at least your government has had the sense to impose quarantines ...unlike ours And I really don’t understand why people feel it’s imperative to go into pubs .....or why the powers that be considered opening them up was a priority ! Let’s face it , we all get a bit lax once we’ve had a couple of drinks , so social distancing suddenly doesn’t seem so important then  Recipe for disaster from the outset imo .  Hicky , glad you are enjoying the darts Not long now before Bake Off and SCD My ceramic floor tiles are matte finish , and cream in colour , so the bleach doesn’t hurt them . How is your sons leg now ?


Gardeners World tonight , and I think I’m also going to watch a programme about Manchester’s Midland Hotel Hope you both have a good evening ....stay safe 


Good Evening Baz.

Not too bad here either 17c with sunny intervals but a fresh breeze.

At least you managed some sleep, always good, you don't need to do a lot, just a little at a time, i think you do far too much at once.

I did nothing in the garden as after making brekkie the F1 practice 1 was on, got the crab out the freezer for the soup tomorrow, also the kippers for morning and the salt cod for Sunday brekki, for brekkie i had bacon, egg, sausage, black pu, hash brown and toast.

Didn't do anything in the afternoon either as F1 practice 2 was on.

Those kitchen tiles sound nice and must look lovely in cream, i'm always scared of slipping on tiles so don't have any on floors, ours is slate style slabs but in laminate, Mrs H did all the interior finishes.

My son doesn't mention his leg, i know he is still using the crutches, we are playing chess again.

I record gardeners world as i skip any bits on flowers, just watch fruit trees or veg parts.

Will watch the darts 7 till 9.30 then look what is on.

Might make a loaf tomorrow, short on bread again.

Stay safe, sleep tight and take it easy.




glad you slept ok, but hope your mood does not stay overcast whilst you enjoy a bit of evening tv.

Yes, indeed it is night 3 of Black Work I am watching and Sheriden Smith, as usual is brilliant in it. Did you see her play Cilla a few  years ago? She was excellent in that too.

We saw also saw Sheriden Smith in the theatre in Cardiff playing the lead in Funny Girl, she was great on the stage too. Her documentary earlier this week about becoming a mum and her anxiety problems was very interesting.

I agree, opening pubs indoors was ridiculous before this virus was under control. No need to especially in summer when it is known indoor places are big problems, especially when alcholol is involved.


That's good the weather was fine for you today.

I can see you are certainly enjoying your fish, along with your F1 viewing.

I wonder who won the chess tonight? You or your son? Whoever won, I hope you enjoyed the game.

Not a bad day here today either, a bit grey but dry.

Went with son and MrM to Costco. I am nervous about shopping in general, but we went 1st thing to Costco as the 1st hour is open to Trade members, so is quieter. Also Costco won't let anyone go in unless they are wearing masks, and being a huge place, it is easy not to get too close to anyone. So all went smootly, and we stocked up on a lot of stuff we had run out of. The cafe was open for take away only, so I got my usual jacket potato and ate it when we got home.

MrM had to take a lot of garden stuff to the tip, luckily there wasnt' such a long queue as last time he went some weeks ago.

Doggie enjoyed her little walkies and the chicken breast we got her from Costco.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

The game with my lad is dtill going on, i might lose this one, i should have played the white pieces but he played white, probably forgot he was white the last game, we usually alternate.

Yes, happy now i have topped up my seafood stock, its so nice to be able to pick what you fancy.

Yes you need to be careful shopping still, i had an email from the council saying the covid tsts show the amount testing positive has gone up from 2 a day to 18.

Don't you have a brown bin collection for garden waste, we have for leaves, plants cutting etc, no rubbish or soil, i pay yearly for it to be collected.

Yes, in Costco you can buy chicken breasts in bulk which is handy for doggie.

Tomorrow i have the F1 morning and afternoon, darts at night, might make a loaf, and the crab soup, going to be busy.

stay safe, sleep tight.


Hi both x

hope you both had a good day.

Not a bad day here today, some sun, and cloud now and again.

Did you end up losing to your son HIcky?

More fish on the menu today?

we do have a collection for garden stuff, but it is a lot cheaper to take it yourself.

Am posting early tonight, because we are on a social distanced night out.

We are going to see a drive in film. Haven't been to one for years, last time was when we lived in Oz. 

Its Grease, so should be fun, just going to get out and for a the experience. It is in a castle grounds half hour drive away.

Me and MrM are going and theatre son is coming too as he is missing his theatre stuff.

Doggie has had her short walk and eaten her sweet potato tea, and I have set recorder for BGT.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening All.

15c today with sunny spells, which have just arrived, even had a downpour before.

Had 4 kipper fillets for brekkie, made some crab soup for tea, messed it up a bit, it called for 3 tablespoons of flour but i used heaped which wasn't good and i used double cream so should have used less as it called for half and half.

Watched F1 practice 3 and qualifying, tonight the darts.

Just baking a loaf, ran out, might make some fruit cupcakes tomorrow as Mrs H was woofed down the cupcakes i made for her without fruit, but i'll make 6 with fruit.

We didn't finish the chess game last night will finish tonight, it's at a critical point in the match so it could go either way.

Stay safe, enjoy the evening and sleep well.



Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday . My washing machine guy cam yesterday , so I now have a fully functioning washer dryer again  It was my own fault , by going straight to off instead of to pause I triggered the trip switch   Anyway , I caught up with everything yesterday , and   I slept really well last night ....and even had a Nanna nap at lunchtime Consequently , I’ve not done anything , apart from some washing today The weather has been sunshine and showers ....more like April than September 

Mollie , yes, it will be nice to have Gogglebox back hour of total inanity is just what the doctor ordered, eh . Like Hicky , we have a garden collection bin, but it’s free .....they take it every fortnight Hope you enjoyed Grease ....I love that film   I’m binge watching Dark Work at the moment , hope you won the game I think the positive test are riding in my area too ...hence why I’m sticking to having my shopping delivered for the foreseeable future .


Not a lot on tv tonight ....although I will be watching George Clark’s National Trust . Hope,  whatever you are doing , you both have a good evening . Stay safe 


Evening Baz.

17c today with cloud and sunny intervals, it said rain but we had none.

Glad you slept well & glad your machine is working again, not sure how turning a machine off can trip a trip switch, what trip switch was that?

It doesn't make sense to me that an operation of the machine can cause it to fault out, something not right.

Had salt cod with smoked bacon and 2 poached eggs, nice.

For tea, cooked a Welsh Hill lamb mini shoulder with garden spuds and gravy.

I lost the game, it was touch and go, at the end i only needed him to make 1 wrong move, but he's to wise, he did well, i couldn't win then so i resigned.

The garden bin collection used to be free but now it's $40 a year, they take it fortnightly.

The final of the darts is on 22nd of October, but i watched f1, an interesting race.

stay safe and keep on sleeeping well.


both x


That's good you slept well and I believe nanna naps are good for you.

Glad it was only the trip switch and nothing complicated gone on your drier.

That's handy you get a garden collection every 2 weeks. Our council should too, as our council taxes are expensive enough.

I enjoyed Dark Work, hope you do too.

Am watching a documentary about families with 10 children! I like big families, but don't think I could cope with 10!

Then watching Antiques Road show.

Do you watche Strike on bbc1? The 1st series was some years ago, 2nd series now. So am watching that after.

Is it your M and S delivery tomorrow?


Glad to see the fruitless cup cakes were a success for MrsH.

Sounds like a good chess game, even though you lost.

You do enjoy your fish don't you?

Well I said to the family that going to the Drive in film would be an experiece and it certainly was that!

Took our camping chairs, and blankets as it was so cold and I wanted to sit outside the car to get the full experience untll it was too cold to do so.

Very well organised going in, little flags which showed your section to sit in, so it was safely away from others.

Film started dead on time. Families singing along to Summer Days ...and then...the sound went!  Then the screen actually started to deflate. The guy on the speakers apologised and said the generator had broken and they were fixing it. About 15 mins later, it started again, but we had to rewatch around 10 mins of what we had already seen. Watched about 5 mins, then it broke again, we waited again, rewatched a broke again. Organisers gave up on the 4th time and apologised their fix was not working, so we drove off. MrM realised we had forgottne one of the camp chairs, so pulled to the side where all were queuing to get out and son run back to collect it. MrM had run over it, so the leg was buckled. Oh dear, what an evening, we were out from 6.30 to 10pm to see 20 mins of a film. Should of stayed in and watched tv. But we did laugh about it as the constant deflated screen did look funny, followed by the buckled chair.

Didn't do much today...cooked brekkie with son, did washing, sat on swingchair and took doggie a walk.

Tv time now.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, Mrs H polished off the lemon cupcakes, might make some more tomorrow by 6 with fruit as they are so yummy.

Took a carton of jellied eels from the freezer, got 8 left anyway.

Watched the F1 race and warmup from 10.30 till 4pm

The US has or had crive in movies, they stay in the car as i think all the cars have fold back roofs, but in the UK that isn't so and you may need to sit outside if the weather is ok, that really was a disaster movie wasn't it, that didn't seem very professional, it was more like one of those, you have been framed shows, what a wasted evening, in my book anyway, and it cost you a folding chair as well.

I will do a wash load when the weather picks up so i can put it outside to dry, so unsettled, said rain today but got none, i could have done the washing, it says rain tomorrow as well.

stay safe, keep smiling and sleep well.


Evening All.

17c today, light rain was forecast but never arrived and a moderate breeze.

Had bacon scary spicy sausage, black pud and egg and toast for Brekkie, for tea had the rest of last nights lamb and spuds, made more gravy.

Made a dozen cupcakes  with sultanas in 9 of them, should have been 6 but it didn't work out like that.

Harvested the Sweetcorn, got 7 off the plants, had 3 small ones and have frozen 4 bigger ones.

I was watcjing recording of the 2019 USA Love Island, watched 6 shows.

Have a good Evening and sleep well.




hope you slept ok and had a good day.


You certainly had a full day of F1 yesterday.

I wonder how many of those yummy cakes you and MrsH have eaten already?

I bet your sweetcorn is delicious. Will you manage to eat it all yourselves, or will you give some away?

I noticed Love Island was on itv2 tonight, thought you'd watch it.

Dull and bit drizly today but managed to take doggie out. Helped son with his Uni forms, he had to register online but cant go in to collect his ID card until they say, due to covid.

Not much on tv, so watched about a Job Centre in Yorkshire.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I've had a couple of the cupcakes, Mrs H eats them 2 at a time though, i could have made them all with fruit, now she says she doesn't mind.

I am going to try oil instead of butter, they say if you use oil instead you must only use 75%. might try that next.

Yes, i record them though, watching New: Aussie Gold Hunters, the new season.

Why can't they post your sons ID cards, everything else is being posted as normal.

I've been watching a grandmaster giving chess lessons in the St Louis chess centre.

Stay safe and sleep tight.


Afternoon  Mollie and Hicky I’m having a really bad day emotionally I thought I’d pop in earlier than normal ....this place always cheers me up a bit Weatherwise , it’s overcast but warmer than recently . I slept quite well last night , but because of my mood , I’ve not done a lot ....washing (still not got round to the duvet cover ) , kitchen cleaning and some online stuff . Bin men still haven’t been !  At the moment I’m trying to decide what to have for lunch .....but whatever I decide it will include some of my M&S cheese and potato croquettes .  I hope you’re having a better day than me 


Mollie , your film trip sounds a nightmare....but will definitely be a memory Yes , my M&S delivery arrived ok .....and I have to say I’m very impressed with Ocado .They send an email on the day of the delivery not only detailing any products not available etc ....mine were all there ....but it also lets you know the use by dates on products that it applies to. I have already booked another delivery for next week And I thoroughly enjoyed tucking into my slice of New York vanilla cheesecake yesterday I haven’t watched Strike , but might give it a whirl on Catch Up When does your son officially start lectures , albeit on line ?Hicky , your mini lamb shoulder sounds yummy ....I think lamb is my favourite meat How are your eyes doing ? I think mine need testing again cos I’ve noticed a difference in my spectacle lenses lately !How is your sons leg doing ?


Not a lot on tv tonight ....watched part 1 of the Sue Perkins thing last night ...but it was far too political for me , so don’t think I’ll bother with part 2 tonight ! Have a good evening both ....and stay safe 


Evening Baz.

Sorry to hear your not having a good day, glad you slep ok, that helps in the long run.

I managed to get my washing out and dried anyway, it was 21c with sunny intervals, i waited to see the sun before i put the machine on.

Had sausages for brekkie and chicken wings for tea, just having 2 fruit cupcakes.

Mrs H picked up my meds from the pharmacy, had 2 Amazon deliveries, a box of small bags 50g of Big D salted peanuts and a big box of 240g bags of the same.

The nini lamb joint is really lovely, but the smell of the meat the next day puts me off, maybe keeping it in foil overnight isn't the best way, am going back to beef i think as i love beef sandwiches.

My left eye is so much better than it was before the injection last week, not sure why, will be asking questions next time if i see the doctor, i  can see my hand, i can see my watch withit, can't quite tell the time on it yet, but i used to see a big black area when i looked through my left eye, now there is a very faint haze, if i look at the computer screen i can almost read it which is remarkable, it had been very dab for many months and i only got an injection because the doc saw a minute bleed and said it was up to me whether i had an injection or not, as the injections don't bother me i signed a disclaimer, the doctor said it might have no effect, little does she know.

My lad doesn't mention his leg, as far as i know he is still using crutches.

 Have a good evening, if you can find something to watch, sleep tight.


both xxx


That's good you slept ok but sorry you feel down today.   Hope you sleep well tonight and have a better day tomorrow.

I am not keen on Sue Perkins at all, but there is a new series of "All Creatures Great and Small" started on C5 tonight at 9pm, I think you will like it, ...perhaps watch 1st one on catch up? I really enjoyed it.

Both of your M and S items you mention sound yummy. Hope you enjoyed your croquettes as much as you enjoyed the cheesecake.  My M and S arrives tomorrow morning, Im looking forward to it.

My son starts Uni  officially on 21st Sept, just an online introduction that day. The tutor is going to try and get a small group in on Mondays to do practical stuff, so we will see how it goes. (or even if that happens). The spread of this virus again is such a worry all round as winter approaches. are your grandchildren due back then too?


that is brilliant news at how much your eye has improved with this injection. Amazing really.

I too love salted peanuts, at least they are good for you. We get a big bag of them from Costco.

We weren't lucky enough to get good weather today, it was that horrible drizzle all day. I rang my aunt in the midlands and she said it had been warm and sunny all day there today.

I got all my money back from the Drive In film, which is good. It was a shame for the organisers, he emailed and apologised to me and said their suppliers had let them down with the very poor quality of the equipment they had supplied.

No doggie walk today, as she doesn't like the rain, (but we dont' either, so don't mind missing out on a walk).

Goodnight both , sleep well xxx


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