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both x


hope you are well and taking care of your ankle.

Marigold Hotel tonight I see.

I enjoyed Sewing Bee and the discussion forum too. (even though I am very unsporty.)


glad you got nice weather so had chance to sort out your water system.

Chilli sounds a nice change for you.

Son made our fave yorkshire puds with tea tonight. I had fresh veg including those little delicous tiny potatos, and family had chicken in white sauce with theirs too.

Hope you are pleased with your elite grass when it arrives.

Its a good job that seat did slow your fall, as you could of really hurt yourself. Hopefully that has forewarned you to be extra careful now, and to make sure it is light enough.

I wonder what cake'cookie mix you are going to make next ?

A very nice day here too today. Lots of sunhine, a cool breeze, but that was fine as I am not keen on heat.

Took doggie a walk to the mercedes garage again. There was a new car in today, still got wrapping on doorways and chairs. It resembled a huge jeep. OH said it would be very expensive, so I will look out for when they price it.

Sat on swingchair and read my book. Not much else to do really but I enjoy that and know I am lucky we have a garden.

OH's first carrot was a great success with our bunny.   He certainly enjoyed eating ti and the leaves too. Unfortunately it was not bigger than my little fingers though. Let's hope the others come on better.

Watching that show about people taking driving tests on itv. Quite funny. Alan Carr commentates. One lady, age 60,  has been waiting for 20 years to pass, taken  4 tests and passed this time. And there was a guy age 63 taking his 2nd test. He failed unfortunately.

Nearly time to watch Marigold Hotel now.

Goodnight both



Evening Mollie.

Watching the Marigold Hotel now.

One of my lads posted a picture to me the other night, he had made chili con carne so it stuck in my mind, knew i had the mince in stock, also the jar.

Son is good to you, you will miss him when the acting takes off again.

Yes, a fall brings you back to earth, with a bump, things happen so quick, nothing you can do.

The cookie dough is so simple to do, i used to get it from Costco, it was a massive pack, but it just stopped, it was frozen and a pack lasted a year or more.

The other pack is a chocolate fudge thingy and you can add choc chips which i have.

 I would have the biggest heaviest car i could afford as it is more likely to protect you in an accident, the problem with petrol is the car can go on fire in an accident so you could survive the crash and die because you cant get out, petrol cars really scare me when i am in them, roll on good all electric.

Yes, have a look at the price when it is revealed.

Why are you pulling up the carrots now, how long have they been growing?

Some of the people that only pass after many tests really shouldn't be on the road, well i don't think so,

Sleep tight, stay safe.



Evening All.

Hope you are ok and keeping safe Mollie & Baz.

Had a piece of salt fish for brekkie with some bacon and toast, for tea got a steak out, Ribeye with onions and microwave chips.

Had a vid call from Oz, very good.

Ordered the Fake grass and under-felt, ordered weed membrane from Amazon.

Will have to get the Silica sand to put on the grass later need 80kg as you need 5kg per sqm.

O/H went shoping this morning, got lots of lovely stuff, fruit is good, puff pastry was in also Filo, and she got more sausage meat for Sausage rolls, so easy to make.

Been raking up more of the blue slate while i had nothing to do, Gardener may call in the morning with his buddy to see my plans for the garden.

Keep safe and keep happy.


both x


hope you are well and managed to get about the house/garden ok today.

Gogglebox night, hooray.


how nice you got another video call from Oz.

Ordering and arranging the fake grass is going to keep you busy. At least once its down, it won't need cutting! That will be nice if your gardener calls tomorrow.

Glad your OH has the shopping all sorted again.

Shame you can't get the cookie dough now. We are missing a lot of things we normally get from costco, but we don't fancy going there now, and its a bit far to travel too whilst we are supposed to shop local.

Not sure why OH pulled up this carrot, maybe just to check if a carrot was growing there.

Nice day today, bit of a cool wind, but plenty of sun. So read my book on the swingchair, and the same old lockdown type of stuff,...  had tea with the family, played a card game with the family, (we always play a card game after tea), took doggie a walk to Mercedes garage.The new car still has no price on it, we all looked through the windows to admire it. But you can't even see through the back windows.

We have quite a few card games to entertain us over lockdown. This is our fave card game at the moment.

This afternoon, I noticed my neighbour walking by with one shoe on, one shoe off, so I offerred OH's mending services.   He managed to fix it, he has lots of tools in his big man garage den.   We posted it through her letterbox when we took doggie for a walk. She is loving the jigsaws we lent her.

Have a good evening.

Goodnight xxx


Evening Mollie.

No sign of Baz tonight, hope she is ok.

I've been raking some of the blue slate from the center of the area where the grass is going so the Grano dust can be tipped from the wheel barrow, i can rake a bit, can't really shovel and carry though.

I am looking at the price if i put low decking around the edge of the grass as i don't really think the slate will be ok, think it's going to get on the turf and i don't really need that.

Costco probably stop selling items when they either stop selling enough or the makers raise the price beyond what Costco will pay to buy it.

Wonder why they haven't put a price on the car in the showroom?

It's a good idea playing games, passes the time, not one for games, not enough of us here.

Part time Shoe Mending Service, you will have a queue outside next week when word gets round.

Your neighbour is going to run out of jigsaws if this virus goes on much longer.

Stay safe, stay alert and stay happy.

Just looked at the link for the car, wow, love that, a 9 speed auto gear box, and 4 wheel drive etc, that is super, would love one of those.

Love it.


Last edited by Hicky

Evening Mollie and Hicky  I thought I had posted in here earlier.....I’m losing the plot I’m ok though ....not been out today as the weather wasn’t great ....but not done a lot either  But hope you are both ok ....and I’ll be back for a proper catch up tomorrow , cos I’m watching Gogglebox on plus 1 at the moment  


Mollie , it was lovely seeing you for Marigold last night ...hope you enjoyed the thread  Hicky , glad you had a nice video chat with AussieNight night ....sleep tight and see you tomorrow 


Evening Baz.

Just noticed the post as i edited mine to add the car pic for Mollie.

Glad you are ok, i started to watch gogglebox but switched over.

Love the vid calls from Oz, so nice watching the young one playing with the tablet, they pick stuff up so quick.

I enjoyed the Marigold Hotel last night, i would love India, one place i've never been because Mrs H wouldn't go.

Stay safe and sleep tight.



Afternoon Mollie and Hicky   Sunny and quite warm here . I’ve not done a lot today ...again ...I had some bad news first thing ....Mr Bs cousin  finally died of ovarian cancer  she was a lovely lady I feel so sorry for her husband and daughter ....they are going to be so lost ....they were a very close family 


So , I’ve just done some washing and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom . I had to buy some new sandals ... they arrived today ....cos it suddenly dawned on me the other day that the shoes I have wouldn’t be suitable at the moment , cos most have an ankle strap.....and wouldn’t allow for the swelling ! So I got some from M&S ....flats....with just two straps across the front....just for when I finally ditch the boot next week!   Hope you are both having a nice Saturday ....


Mollie , did you watch Gogglebox last night ? I enjoyed most of it , but wish they would stat away from all the Covid stuff , cos I watch to get away from it for a little while  But Lee and Jenny made me howl with laughter , as always.  And love the car Hicky , I don’t think I could live in India ....far too hot and humid for me ....but I love seeing it on the TV I bet it’s lovely seeing your family in oz ....isn't the internet a wonderful thing least most of the time  Tbh I can’t imagine what this darn lockdown would be without it ....we’d be totally cut off  


Anyway , hope you both have a good evening . Stay safe 

Last edited by Baz

Evening Baz.

It was quite nice today, the wind is a pain, 14c and sunny intervals.

Had eggs on toast for brekkie and for tea made a chip shop hot curry sauce with pork and beef mince and a portion of rice, very nice.

Sorry to hear Mr B's cousin has died, anyone dying is a terrible loss to the family.

Yes, of course you footwear needs some thought after the boot comes off.

I would be quite happy in India, i lived for 18 minths in Singapore on National Service, loved it, and the food, ideal for me a spice lover, no good for Mrs H though.

We haven't finalised the next meeting with my Lad in Oz but it could be in Thailand, Phuket as the accommodation etc is 100%.

You keep yourself safe, don't take risks or chances, stay happy and sleep well.




Aaww sorry to hear the sad news of the loss of MrB's cousin.  A horrible time to lose anyone with all the restrictions still in place.

Glad to hear you are all prepared shoe wise now for when you finally ditch that boot.

I did enjoy the Marigold thread thank you.

Yes i saw Gogglebox, but I did not like the elephant story, fancy showing that on disney. Yes also a bit too much of covid, its nice to escape it now and again. Agree, Jenny and Lee are so funny.

Gosh no way could I live in India, I do not cope well with heat and humidity and like HIcky's wife, I can' t eat spicy stuff.

Yes lockdown would be really bad with no internet.

Take care now.


yes you must not even try to shovel or carry, it would be too much for you.

Worth considering decking instead of slate as the grass is too expensive if you thinkg chippings of slate might dammage it.

I thought you would be impressed with that car.

It's not even in the showroom yet, just parked outside, round the back of the showroom..., still has cardboard inside the doors, plastic on the steps to get in it and seats etc. It was covered in bird poop when we saw it today! Son noticed it was parked under about  6 security  cameras.

Its something to look forward to is that holiday meeting your family. Good job you hadn't booked it for this summer.

A lot cooler today, too cool to sit out. Needed a jacket to take doggie a walk again. Had pizza and chips for tea for a change today. I made a simple oatmeal crunch for desert, it was very tasty.

Watched BGT.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I have priced the decking around the grass area but it comes to about ÂĢ500 which is a bit much really, it's only a total of 11sqm but with the supports and sub-frame with the decking etc it adds up.

I'll get the slate taken up just don't know what to change it too.

Yes, the new Mercedes is real nice, would love one of those, that would keep you safe, it hasn't gone on sale yet so maybe thats why it's still covered up, strange it's outside.

Yes, a very good job we decided on a year off from a holiday abroad with Oz son, it could have been a disaster, i could have been stuck in Oz for months, how awful, Lol.

I ate a tub of strawberries yesterday, couldn't stop once i started, had some raspberries today, too many to eat at once.

O/H made some Cinnamon Whirls so i had a couple of those, i've got the sausage meat for the sausage rolls.

Yes, this daily moderate breeze is annoying, well it is when the air temp is low, mind you it's warming up, i suppose it depends on the wind direction, coming from the Arctic doesn't help a lot at times, it's the Jet Stream, 

Saw BGT, not too bad, don't understand how some even get on, just time fillers i suppose as they don't have enough good acts to fill the time.

Stay safe and keep smiling, this will end soooooooooooooooooooon enough.



Good Evening All.

Not too bad a day with 16c sun and cloud all day with a moderate breeze.

Didn't do a lot, had bacon on the BBQ for brekkie, for tea made a casserole with lamb leg fillet, a jar of casserole stock, wow, some new spuds and carrots, it has made 2 servings so will freeze one.

The decking around the grass area is out and in is 45cm square Bret Paving Ultra Buff @ ÂĢ19.13 a sqm and i need 18 at least.

The gardener didn't turn up yesterday, he must have had a job on.

Keep safe and stay alert, sleep tight and stay smiling.

Some nice face Masks:



both xxx


hope you had a good day and your ankle is not too swollen


shame the decking is so expensive. So did you decide on decking and paving?

Pity the gardener didn't come, hopefully it won't be too long till he can make it.

Understandable you could manage to eat a whole tub of strawberries at once, because they are so nice this time of year. I have a shopping delivery tomorrow from Morrisons, so hopefully I too will have some to munch on tomorrow.

Yum...cinnamon swirls sound delicous. Now I think I fancy making some of those.

Yes indeed some of those on BGT were not so good at all.

Another day with those horrid cross winds here, so only manged a quick sit on the swing chair, wearing my coat and jumper though!

Glad you enjoyed your casserole. Did your OH have some too? We had oven bake rolls with salad and brie cheese for tea.

Sunday mornings OH and I have started to have a cooked brekkie with our son. (the other 2 prefer a lie in).   So I had mushrooms, tomatoes, beans, fried bread, followed by toast and marmalade, and OH had squeezed and chilled some oranges for fresh fruit juice. That was really nice.

That link shows very nice facemasks.

Watching recordings as tv rubbish again.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

The decking wasn't more expensive than any other means of covering but o/h didn't want decking so we have changed to small buff flags as a surround, no more decking no more slate, the slate will have to be barrow'd to the garden paths futher down the garden.

There's no hurry for the gardener as the wood surround doesn't come till June so they can only make a start on moving slate and bringing in the ton of Grano from the front.

I offered o/h some casserole but knew she wouldn't, she is very fussy what she eats, the casserole sauce was called 'Steak & Real Ale' it really is superb, i think i got it from the farm shop a while back, will be getting more, its the best casserole sauce i have ever tasted, made by The Marmalade Tree


I have frozen a portion, it really is so good.

The bacon on the BBQ is so good it is thick bacon so the fat drips and burns which makes it even tastier.

Keep safe, sleep tight, enjoy your brekkies and stay happy.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Warm , but overcast here at the moment , but it’s forecast to be 26 degrees on Wednesday I’ve hoovered , and done a large washing load , and , as usual , cleaned the kitchen ....but apart from that I’ve done naff all today  Only 4 days to boot chucking day Hope everyone else is enjoying their Monday 


Mollie , can I come to yours for brekkie please  Like you , I can’t eat spicy food any more ....or anything with onions or garlic sadly .. I developed ibs about 3  years ago ....which is a total pain ! Hicky , we had our drive and back patio done the year before my husband died , but we went for block paviers and were very pleased with the result . I think my gardener is due to come and mow the lawns this week ....but I will have to check the calendar 



Anyway, I hope you both have a good evening ...I am going to be glued to the Best of the Chelsea Flower Show at  each  night this week Take care both , and stay safe 

Last edited by Baz

Evening Baz.

Yes, cloudy here as well, 16c though but a fresh breeze.

Thats good, only 4 days left with the boot.

We had the parking are at the other house block paved before we moved, a fantastic job they made, at this place the front is blue slate we did it when we moved in, the front is open to drive in as well as the corner is open to the road with dropped paving area.

TThe back garden is pretty big so loads of room to put a 4 x 4m fake grass area between the Gazebo are and the decking outside the utility room, there is a lot in the garden, a garage, a gazebo, a summerhouse, a garden shed, a greenhouse, 5 raised beds 2.4m x .6m, 18 big tubs of either trees or veg.

The grass we get won't need cutting, but inding the righ flag stones to go around it seems a problem, most places don't answer when i ring.

Keep smiling and keep safe.



both xxx


I think you have been busy enough from what you say. You don't want to overdo it.

Horray only days to go until you shed the boot.

Sorry to hear you have IBS , not easy  to live with that I have heard.

Wish you could come round to mine for brekkie.  Its taken me awhile but at last I have perfected my fried bread  now. Shame no visitors are allowed to anyones right now though. My friend is missing coming over to mine for her fave cheese and tomatoes on toast.

Do you have Netflix? If so there is a new programme I think you will enjoy. It is like Bake Off/Sewing Bee for flower arrangers. It started tonight and I enjoyed it. Its called "Big Flower Fight".

Hope you enjoy the Chelsea Flower Show.


Breezy here too today. But I did manage a quick sit on the swing chair. Sounds like you have the fake grass area well planned. Hope you can get hold of someone to sort the flagstones though.

The Marmalade Tree must be a well made sauce manufactuar. Have you tried any others of theirs.

Had a pie made out of sliced carrots and sliced potatoes mixed with cheesy sauce for tea and grilled to melt the cheese on top. Very nice. Daughter made an apple/caramel upside down cake for afters.

Our shopping delivery from Morrisons came. Their produce is of a high quality and I can always get a delivery recently, but they do tend to not have all I order. Never mind, can't complain, nothing I can't manage without as I got all of my basics I needed, plus a few nice treats too.

Watching Celeb SAS now, as there is not much else to watch tonight.

Goodnigh both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Forget to say what i had today, brekkie was 4 chipolata sausages with fried tomatoes on toasted sandwiches, for tea decided on sandwiches, ham, cheese, tomato, red onion and spicy chili in mustard oil pickle.

O/H wants 2 shades of Charcoal colour riven slabs for the paved section, need about 76 in all, its just things are harder now than they should be, so many people working from home.

The Marmalade Tree sauces are sold in the Farm Shop so can get them anytime, i have had others, can't wait to get back there.

You are doing ok for food anyway, you won't starve and with your daughter making caramel upside down cake, wow.

Glad you got your food delivery, Morrisons is good food, you'll never get all you ask for, thats the one problem with online shopping.

Stay safe and sleep tight.


Evening All.

17c today with mainly cloud all day and a fresh breeze.

Sun out now and wind has dropped.

Had bacon sausage egg and beans for brekkie, for tea had mixed grill with lamb chops, bacon, tinned toms, fresh tom, egg and a thick pork sausage, black pud.

Didn't do a lot, had an hour on a vid call from Spain, one of  my brothers fancied a chat, he's had a couple of medical problems but he's loving it there, it was 26c in his house, he's only 78 but had lost a lot of weight, put a bit back on again, nice to see him.

Might go and get some ice cream, i could eat that all night.

I was checking on the fruit i see on the trees, the apple trees look great including the Bramley, the pear tree has plenty as well also lots of flowers on the Kiwi Berry vine, i cut the Fig trees down nearly so they can regrow, have got 3 of them.

Haven't got through to anyone about the flags yet, no hurry.

Have a good day, keep safe and sleep well.




hope you are ok today, and you ankle is not swelling too much.


how nice your brother fancied a chat again. It's so much easier for those living abroad to chat to us here in the UK now with the new technology.

Glad your fruit trees are coming on well. Sounds like you are due for a good autumn crop.

HOpe you can sort your coloured slabs ok, as you say, things are slower in business right now.

Did you get your ice cream. We have some Cornish vanilla in our freezer, as that goes with most things.

You haven't had a mixed grill for awhile have you?

For tea, I managed to get some Jersey potatos with the Morrisons shop, they were delicous. Had them with some cheese and onion pastries and veg.

A bit warmer here today , so managed a sit on the swing chair.

Did not feel well last night and this morning. I did a bit too much yesterday though. So rang the doc's surgery and doc called me back. They only do phone consultations now. (not that I would of gone into the surgery anyway).  I told him I get these breatheless periods and he said it was normal after pneumonia, so to take the inhaler and he would put it on repeat prescription for me. He said to try and get a bit more exercise, but admitted it is hard with arthritis. I also said I kept getting numb hands in bed, he said it is probably carpel tunnel syndrome, and told me to try and massage the base of my thumbs to relieve the swelling I get from arthritis there. He has also put painkillers on repeat for me, but I try not to take them unless really needed. It is cocodemol.

Took the dog our usual walk today round the mercedes garage and our fave car has gone. OH thinks it may in the service part of the shop to readay it to go in the showroom for sale.

Watching the A word now, as I enjoy that, but couldn' find anything else any good to watch tonight.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, my brother on an island off Spain hasn't been well, i suppose he like to chat about his daughters and his house etc, he was happy enough and when we finished he was going for his daily afternoon siester or whatever it is.

Very pleased witht he trees this year, wonder if it is anything to do with changing the watering system and removing a 50cm saucers? last year the Bramley had no apples on it and the pear wasn't too good, a lot different this year, also, the Kiwi Berry vine had flowers last year but they all fell off and there was only 1 berry, lots of flowers on now, just hoping they turn into fruit.

I saw another tub of vanilla ice cream in the freezer so had some of that, nice, i'll tell you what to look for in Sainsbury's, a couple of years ago we bought Mango Smoothie Ice Lolly, they are so good it's almost impossible to just eat 1 they are magnificent, about ÂĢ2,50 for a 4 pack, i will fill the freezer next time i see them, haven't had them since we moved house.

Yes, it's awkward with the docs these days but you must use the inhaler and pain killers when you need them.

Numb hands isn't good, you aren't blocking the circulation any way are you, it's easy done.

The garage could have been waiting for space in the repair shop to take the new Merc in to get it ready for the showroom.

I have just been flicking through the stations for something to watch, when i run out i go to recordings.

stay alert, keep safe and sleep tight.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny and very hot here today ....but I am willing to admit I’ve actually been a busy Baz today  I’ve changed the bed , cleaned the bathroom and kitchen , done two loads of washing and ironing , and even got out in the garden (as gardener hadn’t arrived ) and did some pruning ....which felt really good  Hope everyone else is enjoying their day too  I forgot to add I slept quite well last night . I ordered some pillow spray from Boots ....I’ve tried other brands before ....but this one appears to work fingers crossed.


Mollie , I’m sorry you are still feeling poorly But I think pneumonia can do that . I had it as a child ....many , many moons ago , and it left me prone to being chesty* For years . As for the numb hands hopefully they will settle down Anyway, if you’re up to it , it’s Sewing Bee’s lingerie and sleepwear  Hicky , hope your brother is ok I agree about the mango smoothie lollies ....we had some too many years ago ....they were really yummy Yes 


Anyway, whatever you are doing this evening I hope it’s a good one . Take care and stay safe 


Evening Baz.

Nice here today with 23c and sunny with hardly are wind.

Had 4 soft boiled eggs for brekkie, they weren't soft though as the eggs were too small, but still nice with toast.

For tea, decided to boiled a slab of belly pork, when it came to the boil i plonked it in the oven of couse as it is so cheap to run, for 90 minutes, then cut some half inch thick slices and put 3 of them on the bbq, very nice, they render down pretty good.

Still trying to get the paving slabs, have looked at some on the company that delivered the Grano Dust, picked some out, lady said she would call me back when she checked the stock but didn't come back.

Will try again tomorrow, some places say not available till after Covid.

I also need a bulk bag of sand for the mortar and the cement to go with it.

Had a chat with the gardener, it's his mate who does the flagging etc usually, i showed him the planning, he said we need 5cm of cement and get the flags down before sorting the grano and the grass.

You have been busy, don't do too much, no medals for overworking.

Glad you got some sleep, it makes such a difference the next day, what is the pillow spray supposed to do, i don't like anything that goes into my mouth or nose as it could stay in my lungs.

I am in the process of trying to get some of the Mango Smoothie ice lolly's.

Stay safe and keep smiling and sleep well.





gosh you have been busy but glad you felt good today and that your pillow spray was ideal.

Gosh we are back to sewing Bee week already. will see you there later.


that's good you too got the good weather there, very warm here too. so swing chair for me and OH cooked 2 small chickens and jacket potat on his BBQ.

that will be great if your new watering system has done you job and you get a much better haul in this year.

Mmmm Mango soothie ice lolly sounds great.
hope they get back about the paving slabs.

Good job you have the gardener to help advise.

Feel a lot better today, managed a short walk with doggie but did get breathless, so didn't go as far as normal. I think the heat makes me more breathless.

Time to watch Sewing Bee.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

If you take the blue inhaler out with you you take it when you get short of breath.

That was handy cooking the chickens and spuds on the BBQ, could even be cheaper.

Yes i'm amazed to see all the fruit on the trees, might even have to thin some out so the fruit size is bigger, loads of growth on the Kiwi Berry vine as well, just hoping the flowers turn to fruit, may be a couple of weeks before i find out.

I made out my shopping list, have put the mango smoothie ice lolly's down.

I agree that the heat could make you more breathless so be aware if you go walking while it is hot outside, try to avoid the hottest times, usually 12 till 3pm but at times it stays hot out till 7pm.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Good Evening All. )

Another nice day here, 18c sunny intervals with a moderate breeze.

had bacon on the bbq again on a couple of bake yourself rolls.

For tea i made sausage rolls using a pack of sausage meat and a pack of puff pastry, divided the meat into 4 and divided the pastry into 4, sealed with egg, baked on 200c which is 180 on my oven and it took 25 minutes, oh my, they were fantastic, just happen to have another pack of the sausage meat and puff pastry.

Rang the Flag place that didn't come back to me last night, got through, it was a different staff, they have the 450 square flags we want, also a ton of sand, 5 bags of cement and 3 bags of Silica sand for the turf, that should be delivered next week sometime

O/H did a shop at Sainsburys but forgot to get my Meds so had to order a taxi to go and get them.

Got loads of Bananas and strawberries etc, and got the Mango Smoothie ice lollys.

Keep safe, stay happy and sleep tight.

Last edited by Hicky

both x


hope you had a good day today and nice weather.


I must remember to take the blue inhaler with me each time I go for a walk with the dog now. (that is the only place I go out now).Yes I do get worse if it is hot and humid, so now I will either avoid going out till late or not go for a walk at all if hot. How often do you need your inhaler and when do you find you need it? Is it weather dependant with you or if you are busy?

We too had a nice day weather wise, so got the washing nicely dry and sat on the swingchair. OH made a BBQ of potatoes,Heck Italia sausages, and chicken skewers, which we had with salad. Thses are the sausages...

That's great you got a nice day weather wise. I think my family would really enjoy your home made sausage rolls.

That's good you got your flag stuff sorted now. Hope it doesn't take too long to come.

That's a shame you had to get a taxi for your meds. I mentioned to the doc's repeptionist about ordering a taxi for my meds and she said I could get  it delivered if I rang a number that she gave me, which I did and now that works really well. Could you try ringing the doc's receptionist and ask if they can get prescriptions delivered because you are self isolated? It is a free service for us.

Watching Marigold Hotel now.

Nearly lost my post as I pressed an odd button and a black box covered my post, so had to call son to get rid of it.

My chrome played up too today, so he had to fix that too. Comes in useful having a son with a Computer degree.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I think you should go for a walk, just go before the sun gets too hot, to wait for it to cool would be too late for a walk really.

I don't normally need to use the inhaler, i carry it with me, the only time i may need it is when i am carrying or working, anything that uses my energy makes me breathless and needing a wee, normally i wouldn't need the inhaler.

My next health check is April 2021, so it says on the prescription.

Those sausages look ok, had never heard of them mind.

The sausage rolls only took 5 minutes to make so you could make them very easy.

Very pleased to have sorted the flags etc out now, didn't think i would be able to, they said they would ring me on the day of delivery, they are so busy like many companies struggling through this 2m lark.

I could probably get the medication/prescription sent to another pharmacy that does deliveries, it could be set up i suppose.

I watched the Marigold, i enjoy that.

I use Chrome and Opera, i have tried them all but depending on what you are doing certain ones work, some don't, one browser won't log on to Natwest online banking, 1 browser won't run videos, i have tried all browsers since computers came out as i needed them for my job as i was writing software, i used specific software so didn't have this problem with browsers at work but of course at home i had my own computers as soon as they came out.

I remember when they first came out i was in a computer shop and ordered the BBC Micro, a metal monitor, a printer, a desk, a swivel seat and everything i needed, also an interface, it was a cassette player as they had run out of CD drives, the cost was ÂĢ1,600 and that was a lot then but i was on good money.

Have a good night and sleep tight.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky It’s sunny , but very , very windy here I’ve not done an awful lot today ....just the usual washing and cleaning . I did go out to feed the birds and empty the bins, but I nearly got blown away 


Apart from that it’s Officially boot the boot day  Having said that I’m still going to wear it to go out in the garden ....cos I don’t feel safe enough in a normal shoe quite yet....and also to do the housework , cos it’s easier at the moment . Anyway , I hope everyone else is having a good day and not getting blown away !


Mollie , hope you are ok ....and feeling a bit better . Did you watch Marigold Hotel ? We did , and enjoyed it ....apart from Britt Eckland , who drove us all mad  Looking forward to Gogglebox , but hope there isn’t too much covid, or politics included !Hicky , I get my medicines delivered ....have done since before my husband died ....and now I’m glad I had it already set up We had our first computer custom built in about 1996 .....cost us well overÂĢ1k and , compared to today , it was huge 


Anyway , hope you have a good evening ....stay safe both  


Evening Baz.

Yes, only take the boot off when you feel confident, no hurry while this virus is going round.

The winds are gales here, very scary even in the garden.

I bought the BBC Micro as soon as it came in the shops, it would be early 82 probably, after than i bought a few computers when the Microsoft stuff came out, then i started building them for people for something to do, i used to go to all the computer fairs to buy the parts and got talking to one of the stall holders and started helping her sell the computer parts and of course i could get stuff pretty cheap, i had loads of computers at home and used to link them together in a bedroom so the 4 of us could play the games, and on each screen we could see each others code name, that was with 3 of my lads.

I was building a computer ever couple of weeks, if i remember, think they all cost at least ÂĢ1,000

I was pulling up a few weeds that have got rooted in some veg tubs, pulled one out and realised it was growing from another nut, it looks like a Pecan nut i think, have transplanted it into another tub for now, it had a tap root about 10" long (25cm) no idea if it will survive.

The Walnut tree i found last year or earlier is growing well. 3 ft high now, had to move it outside into a big 100L tub.

Oh dear Mollie, hope your Lappy is ok, stay safe and alert all.


Hi both xxx


very windy here too today, glad you did not do too much today, it would not be good for you to be blown away so recen'ty after your accident!

Well done on reaching the boot the boot day, but very wise to leave it on when you need a bit of security. You still need to take care.

I did watch Marigold on catch up and enjoyed it. Thought the choccie shop mix up was funny and poor Chuckle Brother with that nasty leg.

I bet computers have changed a lot since you got that first one back in 1996.


I see you too got the windy day.

Those early pc gaming days with your lads sounded fun all round for you all.

I bet the pecan nut plant was a bit of shock. Wonder how it will come on now?

Gosh your walnut tree is doing very well, I bet not many have managed to grow a walnut tree.

We did get a bit of sun, so managed a quick sit in the swing chair, but it was very windy. Took dog a walk and needed my jacket again. But at least my breathlessness was a lot improved in the cooler weather.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes to link the computers we had loads of leads, no USB or anything like that, think we had to install communication cards, i think it was before windows, we even had to configure the card etc, a real problem, Windows 1 came out in 1085 before that we just had MS-DOS which was quite a problem to get stuff to run, even when windows came out you hac to use compatibility mode and each new version of windows gave me more problems as more programs wouldn't work with it and it was a 16 bit system which was very slow.

I wouldn't have known what the walnut tree was if it hadn't got the nut attached, samw with this, i was looking on the web for images of nuts in the shell, when i pulled it up the nut looked like a larde black grape and the only nut that looks anything like that seems to be the Pecan, no idea where it came from.

That wind was awful, the sides of the garage roof are flapping as the last few inches had nothing to fasten to.

Stay safe and stay alert, windy tomorrow here as well.


Evening All.

Hope you are OK Mollie & Baz.

Still very windy here but 16c with sunny intervals and a strong wind/gales.

Had bacon on the BBQ, made a tray of crusty cob rolls, pretty nice as well, O/H has had 2 all ready, will post them.

Had a big bowl of banana and strawberries with ice cream last night, wow, so good, will have another soon

Just had one of the rolls filled with fried king prawns and Mayo, wow, was going to make prawn curry and rice but no room.

Have a good evening, stay safe and stay alert, think the wind stops soon.

Crusty White Rolls
Crusty Bread Rolls.


Last edited by Hicky

Hi both xxx


hope you are nice and comfy and doing well without the boot.


very windy too here today. But at least it was dry. Doggie seemed to enjoy her walk though, think she prefers it to the heat, but of course she does have to wear a thick black coat,  so that must slow her down on a hot day.

A piece of our garden wall had blown off, lucky it didn't land on neighbours car not far away!

Your crusty cobs look delicous, no wonder your OH quickly ate 2 of them, they are best eaten fresh.

Glad to see you enjoyed your fruit and ice cream, I had strawberries and fresh cream today. Strawberries are so good now.

Enjoyed BGT tonight. Liked the "mind reader", very funny and the son and father singing Sinatra.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

When you say your dog has to wear a thick black coat are you referring to her fur? anything black absorbs heat i was wondering if there is anything that could go over the black, the surface needs to be white to reflect the sun, but of course it would have to be non man ,made material, say cotton, or something that would let the dog sweat, or else only take the dog out when there is a wind or if its sunny not between 11am and say 3pm.

Not surprised the wind blew some of your wall over, you better check it over as you could be liable, or the LL would be,

Yes. o/h had one with freshly cooked chicken but went back for another, i struggled with 1 full of freshly cooked prawns, will have another for brekkie full of bacon or sausage, had bacon this morning, so sausages.

I got 2 packs of bananas this week as i can eat the odd one during the day, the strawberries don't last long enough, will have to go to 2 packs of them as well.

I recorded BGT as i can't stand waiting for adverts, i have to skip.

Stay safe, alert and sleep tight.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It’s been a busy one chez Baz I’ve hoovered , changed sheet and pillowcases , done two loads of washing , cleaned the bathroom and kitchen ....and anti bac all the shopping and put it away .....and after my lunch I’m going to hit the ironing ....if I don’t konk out first Hope everyone else is having a more relaxing Sunday than me 


Mollie , glad you are feeling a bit better  now . What did you think of Gogglebox ? I thought Jenny and Lee were even more hilarious this week ....and what about that Harry Rednapp programme ....brought a whole new meaning to keeping your eye on the ball Hicky , it was very windy here too ....but luckily everything survived intact . Hope your garage roof was ok . Do either of you watch Bake Off the Professionals ? If so , the new series starts on Tuesday 


Anyway , my lunch calls , so have a good afternoon and evening ....and stay safe 


Evening Baz,

It was ok here today, less windy, 17c with light cloud and some sun, with a fresh breeze.

I had sausages on one of my new bread rolls, going to make a loaf tomorrow.

For tea cooked 2 chicken thighs in spices and had some boiled new spuds and carrots with chicken gravy.

I think you are doing too much in a day, but not sure why, spread the work over a week, how can you hav so much to do, it's like your doinf the same thing every day, people don't do that much with 5 people in the house.

The garage roof survived, going to have a look if there's any way i can secure the loose side of the corrugated galv sheets.

I might watch Bake Off but i get so annoyed with them getting stupid challenges made to make them look stupid, done for no other reason, they just lead them into a trap.

Good Evening, stay safe and sleep well.



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