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Hi both.

A lovely sunny day for a change here. Up to 20c Took me by surprise.
I was back to a short sleeve shirt again.
Got a few jobs done, mowing and strimming.
Unfortunately the grass was still wet from the previous rain, so the day wasn't perfect. But not bad.


Hicky. That was annoying that your car conked out. Lucky you were able to get someone out, and were able to replace the battery. Did you not used to carry one of those jump start units around with you?
Perhaps it was you listening to the radio that drained the last dregs out of the old battery?


That was a nice bonus, to receive a cheque from the bank.
Handy that your OH picked all the plums. Saved you a job.


Trouble is, Roxy has a history of wrongly accusing her male co-stars of hitting her. Seemingly it's been an open secret in the industry for years.
The other HMs have said that Ryan has done the shadow boxing thing to them as well. He's obviously a boisterous idiot. Doesn't mean he should be accused of assaulting someone when he did nothing of the kind though.


Ah well, perhap0s Hardeep was being a bit over enthusiastic in bashing his spatchcock chicken?
Oh dear, those eye tests don't sound much better than the injections?


Mollie. Haven't done that hedge yet. It's a job I usually only go to on a Tuesday morning. If I don't get it done next Tuesday I'll have to arrange another day I suppose.
If I go on a Tuesday morning I can just turn up, but the woman there says that if I want to come on a different day I should ring up first.
I don't like ringing people up, as you know.


I thought you only had to start paying back student debt after you start earning a certain level of salary?
Or are you choosing to pay it back early to save your kids from financial problems later in life?

As I understand it Scottish students going to Scottish universities and colleges don't pay any fees. But English students going to Scottish unis do have to pay fees.
I was reading recently that Scottish universities have started limiting the places available to Scottish students in favour of fee paying students from elsewhere. So sounds like the system may be breaking down.
The Scottish Government probably isn't properly funding the universities.


Pity you are feeling a bit achy today, but probably a sign that the aerobics are working.
I'm glad you think I'm physically fit. Must admit I sometimes don't feel it.
I seem to get more aches and pains nowadays, especially first thing in the morning. And the mower seems to be getting heavier to lift in and out of the van now.


Yes, I'd prefer Sally to go rather than Hardeep. Although I don't care enough to vote myself.

Last edited by emptybox
emptybox posted:

Hicky. That was annoying that your car conked out. Lucky you were able to get someone out, and were able to replace the battery. Did you not used to carry one of those jump start units around with you?
Perhaps it was you listening to the radio that drained the last dregs out of the old battery?

Gosh I never thought of that when I read Hicky's post!

But I think you are right that is exactly that happened when our car battery went dead. We had stopped in a service station and was listening to the radio whilst OH went in the shop and got coffees. Turned engine off when he came back and it wouldn't start. 


Evening Both.

Cool today, 15c cloud rain and sun, quite a mixed bag, some light winds as well.

Had to sign in again, but i notices it said Next and Previous, is that new but it let me know there was another page.

Didn't do much, made a soda loaf, not wort the bother really, not a good idea in the breadmaker.

Had black pudding on toast for brekkie, and made a big plate of Nacho's for tea, was going to take a picture but it wouldn't click for some reason.

Had one of the sunset apples that fell, they are ripe, will have to do something with them, other apples in same area are ripe as well.

Have gone over to the cold weather clothes, long sleeve shirts, long trousers, undies, socks and Crocs instead of sandals.

Mollie, We had been listening to the radio, but after the battery was flat so we couldn't start i realised that the battery is in use as long as the key is in the lock because beeps go off if a door is opened which means the security computers are all running all the time.

I used to have one of the back up supply units but when i tried it last it failed, it was saying it was charged when it wasn't.

I will get a new one, the new ones go in the glove box and can run your phones etc as well, and it has lights and can run a compressor to blow up your tires.

But the fact that the battery died meant it had had it, it meant it wasn't holding enough charge, using the radio really uses very little, that battery in this car is pretty small, it's like motorbike size.

Yes, these Uni fees are a problem, it does seem strange that some area don't have the problem.

Emptybox, I will watch the eviction tomorrow, haven't seen CBB for a few days as there's noone i want to see really, don't think any deserve to win but the way things are going Hardeep might, what a disaster that would be.

Funny we haven't seen Ryan shadow boxing to anyone else, can't really see why the fact he punched her is questioned, she said that hurt, and he said, sorry did it, would he say that if it didn't touch her?

They haven't said how long i have to have these tests for.

The other night i was in the bathroom when i noticed what i thought was a dark stain in the bath inside on the side edges, i was trying to wipe it off with a tissue but it wouldn't move, then i touched the overhead clothes line which is pulled up and down over the bath, it was a shadow, oh.

SCD starts Saturday, another 3 weeks of Ozy LI, love that.


both xxx


that is nice you had a taste of summer again yesterday. Let's hope we all get a bit of an Indian summer.

I agree I too think Ryan is a bit of a boisterous idiot, (good description that)   but I think he is harmless and certainly didn't deserve to be accused of a delibarate assault. I notice he is feeling unwell now, not surprised after all that upset and stress he had. Poor thing.

Yes it is quite an eye opener how many have come forward claiming Roxy has done the same to them. 

I think Nick and Kirsty are my faves now.

I guess that does pose a bit of a difficulty for that job if you get lots of wet Tuesdays. Fingers crossed the next one is dry. (and I do understand about the phone, I don't like the phone either and my kids avoid talking on it like the plaque!).

Yes we are trying to save our kids having debts in later life, and the student finance people having a hold on them. My friend finds it a pain as she has lots of hastle with them regarding her sons debts with them. Her son works abroad on and off and if she doesn't inform them where he is and when, they put his interest up to 12%!

Interesting what you say about Scotland education, not surprised they are having troubles financing it too with all the cutbacks.


I had to sign in again too yesterday.

Oh yes daughter told me soda bread is not one to make in a bread maker, something to do with it is a bread that doesn't rise.

Aaaww what a pity we missed out on your photo of your nachos. Hopefully you can work it out next time you make some, I'd like to see them.

My OH bought a back up battery thing for the car from costco after we had the problem last time. A good idea for you to have a new one.

Oh dear at you trying to clean away a shadow. just the sort of thing I would do too!

Is tomorrow the last eviction before the final? (not sure when final is though?).

Not a bad day today, bit cloudy but ok.

Went swimming with my freind , she went to hydro and I went in pool.

Then did some paperwork.

Back to CBB, am still enjoying it.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.

Sunshine and showers today, and cooler than yesterday.
I got a couple of places done in between the showers, but again the grass was soaking wet.


Also the drive cable broke on my B&Q mower. I'll see if I can source another one, but for the moment I made a bodge fix with some wire. seems to wok OK, but may not last.


I decided to finally order a delivery of heating oil. I was waiting for the price to come down, but it doesn't seem to be doing that. In fact it was edging slowly up again. So I thought I'd better jump in now.
Cost me ÂĢ314 for 500 litres. Just slightly higher than when I last bought in January. Might last till the New Year, if I don't use the heating too much.


Hicky. Not surprised you've changed to warmer clothes. I haven't been able to wear shorts for the last few weeks, as it's been too chilly in the evenings.

If your battery is healthy, then having the radio on for a while without the engine running, shouldn't affect it. But if the battery is on it's last legs, then leaving the radio on, or leaving side lights on, would quickly drain it.
Depends on what sort of sound system you have I suppose, but a powerful one could be drawing 30 watts or more.


I always keep a jump start unit in the van. It's one of the larger type, and cost me about ÂĢ100 I think. Haven't needed it yet mind you. You have to recharge them every 2 or 3 months to keep the battery in them healthy.


at you trying to wipe a shadow from your bath.


I didn't realise you had to pay interest on the student debt. Does that mount up even if you are not earning enough to start paying it back? Could end up being a massive sum.


I think tomorrow must be the last eviction, as I think the final is on Monday night?
You are keeping up with the swimming I see.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

16c today, light rain early on, light cloud some sunny intervals, brisk winds as well, 19 to 21.

O/H got my shopping, only a few things as i have loads in all ready so can make so many meals anytime.

Got more goats milk, got the red and the blue this week.

Had black pudding and bacon for brekkie, for tea i just had some crackers with sliced ham and smoked salmon bits.

Had one of the scrumptious apples this morning, nice, they are ready, got quite a lot of them, i'm going to move the Braeburn apple tree when it has fruited over to another 3 apple trees, and when i move the Olive tree it will leave just 4 plum trees in a line. 

Mollie. Yes, i agree, soda bread won't work in the breadmaker, the rising effect takes place when the buttermilk mixes with the soda, but all the kneading is stopping it working.

The camera stopped working once before then started again a few days or weeks later.

I think it's the last eviction tonight.

Emptybox, Thats not good about the drive cable on the mower, thats not a new mower is it?

Best to get the oil before it goes up again, but you never know when it will go up.

I agree, with a healthy battery using the radio and the other security features cans have shouldn't matter for a short time, but the plates in wet cell batteries buckle and it only takes one bad cell and the battery charge holding decreases rapidly.

This is the battery backup i will get.

I had the same problem with a battery on a big Volvo in London, the garage tested it and the test was good, but it went again a few days later so just changed the battery, so the old battery even fooled the test.

The sound system is just a normal car radio, but the cars these days are run by computers and these are on all the time, they aren't controlled by the key or ignition.

I was annoyed the stain wouldn't come off the bath, no wonder.




that is good the weather meant you could get a few jobs done. What a shame the cable broke though, hope it holds good till you can source a new one.

Weekend off, or work tomorrow only?

Shame the oil price didn't drop, but let's hope you don't need to use what you bought too soon.

Yes indeed the student debts have interest added right from the day they borrow it! So it means interest is added onto interest and is currently 6%, so is real hard on those not earning enough to start paying it off soon.


that is good you have such a decent apple crop this year. More apple crumble to come I guess?

Hopefully you will be fully equiped against future battery problems now you have ordered that battery backup.

Good job your annoyance about the bath stain was short lived.

Went to docs this morning (after a 4 week wait for the next appointment!). She has told me to go to physio in hospital about where I fell, and the ankle/leg swelling I still have there. She said the ultrasound should see if there is an underlying problem they can treat. She is sending me the leisure centre referral I asked for as exercise will help the sore knees. So I too will be able to do the hydro gym my friend does. Being in the pool does seem to help.

Went with daughter to dentist as her teeth have been bothering her. She only had them checked and x rayed 3 months ago and all was fine then. Dentist has put a temporary cover on one of her wisdom teeth and said if it works she will be able to do a filling, but if not, it may have to come out. Gosh I hope it works.

Also had nice walk on seafront as the weather today was lovely, a cool wind so I needed my hoody fastened up agains the wind, but at least it was sunny.

CBB eviction time....hope Hardeep stays, as he is so annoying and contrary.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.

Heavy rain over night and raining this morning. The sun did come out at 4pm, but too late to dry anything up. Was no point in me going out.
I stayed in and did my invoicing.
I'll have to work tomorrow if it's a dry day, as I'm behind again because of the stupid weather.


They delivered my oil at 8am in the rain. They must be desperate for business, as I only ordered it yesterday. In fact I was a bit worried about water getting into the tank while they were filling it.


Hicky. That's good that your shopping came, and that your apples are ready.
That jump starter should do the job, and is much smaller and neater than the one I've got. But then I've got room in the van for mine.

The mower was new in March. I suppose I could ship it back to B&Q and try to get them to fix the drive cable, but I can't be bothered with that.
They do say in the guarantee that professional usage is strictly excluded, but perhaps I could pretend that it's just had a hard 6 months life?
Unfortunately I can't seem to find a replacement cable online, so hopefully my fix will work.
I've had mowers that have gone on for years with my bodged repairs.


Mollie. Yes that is hard for students that the interest starts right from the off.

That's good that you finally got to see the doc, and she is going to send you for physio. Also good that you can join your friend for the hydro therapy.
Hope your daughter doesn't need a wisdom tooth out.


Pity hardeep went out, but I guess he'd had a good run.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not very nice here, rain all day, 17c with moderate breeze.

Strictly starts tonight as well.

Another couple of apples dropped, different trees, both tasted lovely.

Had bacon on toast for brekkie.

Made a beef hotpot for tea, enough for a few meals, it was rather nice, got loads of beef so i might as well use some.

Going to experiment with a sourdough, but going to use the buttermilk for a laugh.

Have taken the mint out of the large pot, wow, the roots are very thick, they are about 6mm and go round and round from each plant, if it was in the ground the garden would be covered in mint by now, thats why you mustn't plant it in free ground as it takes over.

Talking about roots, this year the tubs in the greenhouse had no saucer, some roots left the pot and headed through the slate into the next pot and carried on to another, a few roots even left the greenhouse, but with having weed matting covering the whole garden it isn't a problem.

Edit: i powered down the mobile, when it powered back up the camera worked again, it's done that twice, it gets locked out, freezes somehow.

Mollie, I haven't ordered the battery booster yet, will get it nearer to the winter.

The Ultrasound should see if there is a problem, the Leisure center will be good for you.

Hope the Wisdom tooth will be ok for your daughter.

Watched my CBB recording, quite surprised Hardeep went, although i wanted him out.

Emptybox, i hope today is better for you as it's hardly stopped raining here.

Yes, that was quick but it's better to have it in stock ready.

I didn't know B&Q mended stuff, thought they just replaced it if it's faulty.

Can you get spares for B&Q stuff, didn't think you could, thats why i say don't buy their gear as it's bad stuff, it might as well be fake as it's usually just a cheap copy of the real thing.

If it's in the guarantee take it back, nothing to lose, only repair it yourself if all else fails.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky. Pity you had the rain.

Not too bad a day here. Mostly dull, but calm and quite warm. It was dry until about 4.30pm, when the rain came on.
Got one big grass cutting job done this morning and 4 much smaller jobs done this afternoon. So managed to make up a bit of ground.


My fix on the drive cable held, but that's only for one day so far.
There's a helpline number on the mower that you are supposed to ring if the mower needs a repair, rather than ringing B&Q directly.
I might ring them if my repair doesn't work, to see if they could send me a drive cable, but i would almost certainly have to pay for it.

As I say, the guarantee doesn't cover professional work. Plus the last time a drive cable went on a mower, and I tried to get it fixed under the guarantee, they claimed that cables weren't covered, as they were a 'consumable' item.
That wasn't with B&Q, but with the local firm I used to deal with.
So I don't think there's much point in me trying to get it fixed under warranty TBH.


There are plenty of Mac Allister drive cables on Ebay, but not for this model for some reason. It has an atypical connector at the handle end that I haven't seen on another cable. The cable ends in a sort of 'T' bar that fits into a hole in the handle. The other cable on the mower is the same.
Mind you, that was the weak point of the cable, because the T bar broke off leaving the frayed end of the cable.
I've made a loop in the end of the cable, secured by wire, and then used a stronger piece of wire to go between the loop and the hole in the handle.
There's adjustment on the cable, so i can tighten it up if required.
It's a wee bit softer than before, but might just need tightening up a bit.


Your hotpot sounds nice.
I made a big batch of my Bolognese sauce today. I had one portion tonight, and froze 5 portions for using in subsequent weeks.


Yes, mint is very invasive if not in a pot. As I've said before, I've some at my back door. It was planted in a pot, but has escaped and moved along the bed, as well as coming up through the flagstones outside the back door.


Watching tonight's CBB I'm now glad that Hardeep was evicted. He was just trying to manufacture a row about race when there was no need for one.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

18c here today, light cloud and rain, winds of 18.

Didn't do a lot, just had beans on toast for brekkie, picked 10 apples off the Ellison's Orange as it has so many anyway, made some apple pie mix for my spring rolls, it took a lot to get the apple to soften, although a cut the apple into very small pieces, i didn't peel the apples.

When it had cooled i made the spring rolls, have frozen them as doing all that work i didn't feel like standing frying them.

I was going to have the other beef hotpot but there was a half chicken going free so had that with some Mango Pickle.Celebrity Island on tonight so will watch that, will watch, or more likely record the final of CBB Monday, BB starts soon anyway.

The drive cables are not consumables, absolute rubbish, consumables are consumes, eg, in and paper for a printer, brake shoes in a vehicle, tyre's, clutch plates,control cables are not consumed, if they break it is either bad design in routing or fixing or bad construction.

Hope you fix works ok anyway.

Thats good making all the Bolognese sauce, ideal.

If the mint root had got out in a garden then you would not be able to control it, this tub was in a saucer filled with water so the roots could get out.



both xxx


glad you managed to catch up after that rainy day.Good job your cable held. Pity it hasn't lasted long without playing up. Hope if you do have to pay, it doesn't cost much.

You are well organised making all that bolognaise.

I agree about the mint, we found some at the bottom of our garden last year and it has grown like mad! Fortunately the bunny likes eating it though.


your big crop of apples sounds like they are going to keep you busy. Good job you have a good freezer to put your apple dishes in.

Yes I am sure the HM's are glad to see the back of Hardeep. He was so argumentive and the snoring must of been so hard to put up with all night.

Last night we  went to the premier of the films me, OH and son were extras in. Me and OH did catch sight of ourselves but only in the distance among the crowds. Blink and we'd of missed us!  (that's probably not a bad thing though!).... I thought I looked so fat on camera! I'd better stick well to my GP exercise programme when it comes through.
In one of other films, we could clearly see son though. 
I got son to take a couple of photos me with some guests who had been invited to present prizes. 

So last night I was actually photoed with a dame you know of her? She was lovely, with such a nice speaking voice. She was married to Peter O'toole and has appeared with Richard Burton too.

And I had a photo and chat with this guy, who was lovely too. He had lead role in recent itv Cilla programme, War and Peace and was in Dunkirk film. (with Harry from One Direction).

Went to a free food fayre at outdoor museum today. It was very good, but whilst I was waiting for a burrito, the woman serving knocked a metal sign off the counter onto me and cut a long cut in my leg! ouch...she did apologise several times and give me the burrito for free and gave me sterile wipes and plasters. I had to put 2 plasters on next to each other to cover it as the cut was so long. Son was with me so helped me. It really stang for awhile but calmed down now. 

Time for X factor, then CBB.

Tomorrow we are going to this in Oxford and staying overnight....

So I won't be around till Wednesday.

Enjoy the final...I will record it.

have a good evening xxx


Hi both.
Sunshine and heavy showers here today.
There was a very heavy shower when I was in Sainsburys, and it sounded like the roof was going to come in. Luckily it had turned to just drizzle when I came out and had to load my shopping into the van.


Hicky. Great that you are getting so many apples.
Yes, I agree that cables should not be seen as consumable items, but that's the attitude they seem to take to get out of the guarantee.


Mollie. That's good that your bunny enjoys eating mint.
Must have been funny seeing yourselves on film. They do say that the camera adds a few pounds to you.
I've definitely heard of Sian Phillips. Hadn't heard of the other guy though.


That was was clumsy of the woman to knock a metal sign on to you.
Sounds like you got a bad cut.
A free burrito was the least she could do to make up for it.


That Tolkien exhibition looks really interesting, especially the original artwork. Hope you enjoy it, and your overnight stay.


Watched CBB and recorded Celebrity Island and The Bodyguard.
Also watched that Ghost Hunt thing with Rylan, but wished I hadn't. What a load of nonsense.


Evening Both.

17c today max, rain at 6pm, and it might go on till Thursday which looks better.

Had sausages for brekkie, then gave some toms to next door, sent apples and tomes to MIL and gave my other next door neighbour a dozen mixed apples, i just have so many.

Will record CBB final, not going to watch all those adverts.

Have ordered test weight for the scales i have as 1 set seems to make up weights now and again.

Have ordered the Joan J new canes for the Autumn and have ordered the sourdough starter kit to generate the culture etc.

For tea i had the other beef hotpot, very tasty.

With me covering 1 tree in net another tree is coming under attack so will see it i can cover that one up.

Mollie, Yes, i will be slowly buried in a pile of apples, still have to make some storage are in the garage for them.

I don't think anyone likes to see themselves on film etc, or to hear themselves.

That was horrific, having a metal sign fall onto you, wow, as if you haven't enough problems to contend with.

That exhibition should be interesting by the looks of it, enjoy Oxford.

Didn't recognise any of those in the links.

Emptybox, I think you should stand your ground about the mower cables, ask to see where it says that the cables are classed as consumables, and if it says that then you will write to the company and complain, take his name etc.

That was lucky, the heavy rain easing when you left with the shopping.


Hi Hicky.

Dull but dry this morning, up to 13c. The rain came on at 4pm, and I was half way through a job so soldiered on for another hour. Luckily it was more like heavy drizzle, so didn't get too wet, but not ideal.

It's been raining all evening as well, so not looking too good for getting my hedge cutting job done tomorrow.


That's great that you've got so many apples to give away.

Sounds like you've been ordering quite a bit of stuff today?

Yes, I guess if you protect one tree, the pests are bound to go for the other ones.


The 'cables are consumables' thing was about a previous mower, I haven't contacted anyone about the B&Q mower, because professional use is strictly excluded, so the guarantee wouldn't apply to me anyway.

They might be able to source me a cable, but I'd have to pay for it.


As you are both recording the CBB final I won't say who won, but let's just say that I was very disappointed, and wanted the runner up to win.


Evening Emptybox.

It started off wet, dried up and wasn't a bad day, it was max 17c with winds of 13 to 16. the suns out now of course.

For brekkie, had bacon on toast, then made a soda bread, later i found out it wasn't cooked as the center was slightly doughy, so put it back into the oven.

Had Ribeye steak with mushrooms for tea, then did 6 of the apple pie spring rolls, but they were Samosa's, with a sticky toffee dip i made.

Going to try the Soda bread tonight, if it's baked.

I emptied the 70 liter mint tub, but with the state of the compost i will have to riddle some as it could have some root in, took all the root out i could get hold of as it was so thick.

Am going to move the Raeburn apple tree close to that position when it's fruited, and if i move the Olive tree to the front garden i can space the 4 plum trees out.

I see the weather is controlling your work again, such a pain, hope it clears up for you.

I think it's going to be a problem with all these apples, have got to sort out some bedding for them, the vine in the greenhouse is doing well, wow, can they grow, of course they are all grafted these days so they have a vigorous rootstock.

Yes, professional use would void the guarantee, but something is wrong if the cable goes, no doubt about that.

I knew who won from the forums, don't think i'll bother watching the final anyway, hope BB is better.

O/H is off tomorrow, she has put in her order for me to make, bacon, sausages, tinned toms and fried egg, then we go to the butchers for a ride, and a few goodies.

Have just tried the soda bread toasted, it's ok, made it by hand, harder than i thought.


Hi Hicky.

Quite a nice sunny day here, but windy. Up to 15c. Been raining again this evening though.

I managed to get on with that hedge this morning, and a couple of other jobs this afternoon. Surprisingly the sun and wind meant things were quite dry.


The unfortunate thing with using rechargeable hedge cutters is that the batteries only allow me to cut for about an hour before the juice runs out. I'll have to buy more batteries for my Bosch one for next season, as it's annoying to have to do large jobs in small chunks.


That's good that your soda bread turned out OK.

Looks like you've got your orders for tomorrow?

Hopefully you've got all the mint roots out.

Nice to see you've got big plans for moving your trees around.


Watched Celebs in Solitary Meltdown. Not exactly riveting viewing, but might fill the BB hole until Friday.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Not as good a start t the day as was hoped, 17c sunny intervals with winds of 12 to 15.

Change of plans, got some workmen next door but their garage (not now, it's a room) has it's side on our drive, by our garage and they are replacing the gutters and soffit so we had to open the big door on the drive for them.

Then we had brekkie, nice bacon sausage, egg and tinned toms with toast and tea, so we have delayed the butchers trip till tomorrow Thursday.

For tea i had baked spuds with cheese over and ham, not bad.

Threw the soda loaf out, made a new seeded loaf, it looks nice, not had any yet.

Done more garden planning, will have to wait for the Autumn so the fruit have finished and the leaves fallen.

Am planning what to do with these grapes, wow, it looks like i will have to make juice, jam, jelly or all of these, there is no way we could eat all these and not all are sweet, plus they are small and the skins you don't want to eat.

About your battery hedge trimmer, it would be almost as cheap to buy another trimmer the same, that way you get 2 batteries and a spare trimmer.

Didn't watch celebs in confinement, not my thing, i watch the zoo, supervet, life below zero, border force australia, 24 hrs in a&e and i have a few recording of Ozy LI to watch, plus robot wars.




hard for you to decide about the hedge trimmer,as just 1 hour a time as you say is not good enough for a big job, but depending on costs Hicky's suggestion might be a good one?

Hope the rain held off for you to get some work done today.


gosh you are bogged down with apples and grapes, so you are definately now an "A1" home produce grower. 

Shame you threw out the soda bread, but I know how you like your seeded bread. My daughter got the 2nd soda bread she baked just right, but like you, it was not cooked properly in the middle first time. She said to get it right, it took far longer in the oven than the recipes said.

Did your OH manage to buy all she needed for her up and coming hospital visit? How is she coping with her knee whilst she waits for the op? Must be difficult at work for her.

We got home latish yesterday from Oxford. Enjoyed ourselves, but it was real tiring as lots of walking. Hard for me with the bad leg and achy knees, but I managed to do what we wanted. We enjoyed seeing the Tolkien exhibition. The uni accommodation we stayed in was so full of history, an old chapel and beautiful gardens attached and a huge old fashioned dining room surrounded in old paintings, used in Harry Potter film, was where we sat at a huge wooden talbe with others for a delicious brekkie. Students at Oxford certainly live in a "bubble like" world of history and prestige. We also looked round the 17the century indoor market, had a delicious fresh made lemon sorbet ice cream there, then and had a tour round the library that was 400 years old. We were supposed to not talk, so of course I started giggling, especially as we had to wear this weird ear microphone to listen to the guide.   (just like I was back at school again!)... We had to walk up a lot of stairs to the old library, so it was me of course up the back of the line. If you take an old book off their shelves, an alarm goes off, they were in Latin. This elderly guy couldn't hear this microvphone very well and thought the guide was telling him to take one off the reached for it and everyone shouted "no, no"...and I was laughing more then. So much for keeping quiet in this library.

Although the ancient rooms we stayed in were great, really large and very clean...the bed was so uncomfy, and there was no tv, but I managed to watch the CBB final on OH's tablet. We were on top floor so had to climb this steep winding old wooden staircase, no wonder I was done in!

Today was washing catch up day and food shopping and friend and her friend called in for coffee.

Daughter still in Oxford as she is doing it is keeping her busy, hope she enjoys it.

Looking forward to BB on Friday, will watch Joanna Lumley tonight as I like her travel shows.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi both.
Dull but dry here. Quite windy and up to 13c.
Got a few jobs done, mostly mowing and cutting a hedge.


I have thought about just buying another hedge cutter and keeping the present battery as a spare. It's an option.

Hicky. Hope the workmen didn't make too much mess?
Yes, you'll have to work out what to do with all your grapes.


Mollie. Glad you enjoyed yourselves in Oxford, despite it being tiring at times.
The university accommodation sounds very quaint and interesting.
Very different to the 1960's 'modern' blocks that i stayed in when I was at Edinburgh University.


You obviously can't be taken anywhere where peace and quiet is required?
Does sound funny though.
That course your daughter is doing sounds good.


Glad you managed to catch up with the CBB final, despite not having a TV. Shows real dedication.
Tonight I watched GPs behind Closed Doors, and then Celebs in Solitary again.


Evening Both.

Nice today, 17c sunny and winds of 14 to 17.

Just had fried eggs on toast for brekkie, don't even need oil with the new frying pans, they really are good.

Went to the butchers, got a T-Bone steak, a couple of their pork pies, which we had in the car outside, sirloin of beef for Sunday, 2 racks of lamb, 1 each, and o/h got a chicken cushion and 2 steak and gravy pies, which i had for tea, tasty.

Just potted about in the garden, can always find bits to do, had a few swings as well while the sun was out, pity i had no bare skin, apart from hands.

Have got a dish of apples and pears for o/h so she can take what she wants whenever.

Mollie, The soda bread wasn't as good as i hoped, we both had some, very heavy though, it was the standard recipe, made bu hand, it looked exactly as it should but wasn't cooked in the time as recipe said.

Yes, o/h has got all her stuff ready for the hospital now, she is limping a bit but can manage.

Your trip and stay in Oxford sure sounds interesting, not too good for your leg though, alarmed books, ha, thats seems a strange few days for your daughter, didn't understand what it is.

Yes, BB tomorrow, also got F1 tomorrow and this weekend as well.

Emptybox, Yes, i think having 2 hedge trimmers the same gives you 2 hrs of cutting plus you always have a standby trimmer as well.

The workmen clear up after them very good, they had a labourer with them for that, he did most of the strip out as well.

Yes, over 30 bunches is a lot of grapes.


both xxx


that's good you got a few jobs done yesterday, hope the weather was passable again for you today.


gosh those are clever pans if you don't even need oil to make fried eggs.

That is good your OH has all she needs for her hospital visit now. I bet she just wants it over and done with now.

Thats lucky the weather was good enough to get a few swings in too, I love our swing chair.

30 bunches of grapes! you could open your own winery. I hear they are very popular now.

Went to aqua fit today at a different smaller place, but didn't like it as it was run by an older lady playing older music. I preferred the larger sports centre in town run by the younger lady who plays modern music like "5 seconds of summer" and George Ezra. The younger one also fits the moves to the music better. So will stick to the larger sports centre next time.

Daughter on train home now from Oxford. The 3 days were 3 full days of lectures at Oxford Uni given by university lecturers about fantasy fiction and how to write it, as daughter likes writing and reading that sort of stuff.

Managed to get around 6 washloads out and dried today, which is good.

Got some food shopping from Lidl.

OH has joined an evening class in drawing tonight. Only ÂĢ15 for 10 weeks, so good value. I am considering doing the make up one that starts in a few weeks.

Looking forward to BB tomorrow. Hope we like the HM's.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi guys.

Just a quick post tonight as my internet is off, and I'm on my phone.

They say it should be back on by tomorrow afternoon, but we'll have to see 

I'm also having a power cut for most of tomorrow, as they are going to be replacing a lot of the poles around my house, so that'll be fun.

And just to add to the fun it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so I'll probably be stuck inside.


Rain this morning, but better this afternoon, so I did get one job done. But it was quite cold, only about 12c.


Hicky. That's good that you got good weather, and could potter in the garden.


Mollie. Pity you didn't enjoy the Aquafit as much today.

That sounds an affordable and interesting course for your OH.


Evening Both.

Didn't do a lot today, 16c cloudy and winds of 17.

My shopping arrived, they had no Jam sugar.

My Sourdough culture came, 80g have started feeding it all ready, gave it 80g of warm water and 80g of flour, it needs feeding every 12 hours or so unless i keep it in the fridge, then it;s once a week, but i need a couple of cup fulls for the loaf.

Had bacon and black pudding for brekkie, with my toast of course.

For tea i'v had the T bone steak, did it on the BBQ of course as i didn't fancy frying of grilling it, very nice it was, well with fillet and sirloin it can't be bad.

The workers finished this morning, i noticed the cast iron cover on the grid was smashed, could have been when they were removing the cast iron drainpipe, i've made a temporary one from the steel mesh i have, it's an awkward size at 20cm and a cast one is about ÂĢ10, i have told the neighbour, it seems a bit petty as it is in our garden anyway.

Got so many programs to watch now as well, and BB starting tonight, can't catch up on Oxy LI.

Mollie, Yes, these granite finish frying pan set is great, wish we had them years ago, it does say you don't need to use oil, but i will need to season them with oil when i get them hot, but you should really get the pan hot before you put anything in it.

You are funny about the music to keep fit, can't you tell her to modernize, tell her it's the wrong music, i would.

Fantasy fiction, oh, can't stand any fiction anyway, never did understand the point of it.

Thats cheap for a course, ÂĢ10, wow, hope it's what he wants, sounds good.

Yes, do the makeup one, you have the time now, but don't wear yourself out.

Emptybox, Oh dear, weather, blackouts and internet problems, what next?

I've got F1 this weekend as well.


Hi Hicky.
Still no home broadband. Something has obviously gone wrong.
I called again this evening, and they had me playing around with resetting router etc to no avail.
They now say they'll have to call in Openreach, and could be 4 business days, so might not be working till the end of next week if they can work out what stupid thing they've done wrong.


I've worked out how to tether my phone to my PC, so I can type this normally. But I've only got 1 GB of data per month on my phone, so it won't last long.


They did the electricity work around my house, replacing loads of poles and cables. My electric was off till about 2pm.
I stayed in because they needed in to reconnect my meter, when they had finished.
I went out afterwards and did a couple of smaller jobs.


Glad your sourdough culture came.
Pity the workmen did damage to your cast iron cover. What were the workmen supposed to be doing? Drains?


At least I can watch BB tonight.
Will take my mind off my internet problems.

Last edited by emptybox

both xxx


oh no what damn bad luck losing your internet just when BB is due to start! That Openreach are a nightmare to deal with too!

Have you thought of changing and having Giffgaff on your phone? They are the "uswitch network of the year winner for 2018", and because they are flexible and cheaper with internet useage, they might suit your changable needs. All my family one by one changed to use them.

And not good how you had no electric till 2pm, as that lost you a mornings work!

Please not to get too stressed about it, and relax with your tv, as you don't want your symptoms to rear their ugle head!


hope your sourdough gives you good results.

What a shame the workmen damaged your cast iron cover. They really should take more care especially if it is in someone's own garden.

I am not sure the majority of elderly regualrs at the old fashioned aqua would appreciate me (as a newcomer) telling the trainer to modernise, as they all seemed rather set in their ways.  

Yes it is strange for me to have chance to do stuff for myself after all those years of looking after mum and kiddies before that, so I think I will be brave and register for this cheap college course now I have started tackling the aqua fit. Don't fancy the academic or language or diy courses, but fancy the make up one.   They even do grow your own veg one, which I reckon you could be the tutor for Hicky.   All that digging though and mud might be a bit too much for my ribs and too mucky for my sparkly shoes.

Not a bad day today, bit breezy but mainly dry.

Went to viewing at auction, which I love doing.

Did a bit of food shopping and some tidying.

Enjoying launch night so far.

Let's hope some other channel take over BB.

Enjoy the launch. xxx


Hi Mollie.

I had a look at those Giffgaff plans, and they are certainly cheaper than EE.

I could get 20GB of data for ÂĢ20  month, whereas at the moment I am paying ÂĢ11 for my 1GB plan.

The only trouble is that Giffgaff use the O2 network, and I don't think there is much coverage here.

Worth looking into though.


Yes, go for it, and sign up for that course if you are interested.


I see they have confirmed this is the last BB on CH5.

Enjoyed the launch show, but not sure who might stand out yet?

The Brazilian girl looks nice though.


Evening Both. :

18c today, dry, cloud and some sunny spells, winds of 12.

Didn't do a lot fed the sourdough culture, had bacon and black pudding for brekkie.

Watched F1 for most of the day, only practice and pole position today.

Decided on having oven cooked Fries with beef curry form my stock, yummy.

Didn't do much in the garden just positions a 2 by 2 wood tiling section and leveled it for when i move the apple tree from the plum row.

Enjoyed the BB launch, good, not on tonight i see.

Have got tomorrow planned as o/h off for a week, we will have brekkie at 9.30 i will make, then for 2.30 we will have a roast sirloin joint with veg and potato, yummy.

Mollie, I'm just feeding the starter until i have enough to use.

Yes, maybe the gardening course not the thing for you, unless they have one with raised beds.

You are enjoying these auctions, it's ok while you have room to put what you buy.

Yes, it will be a disaster if noone buys the program from C5, unless they are just loaning it, which is probably the case.

Emptybox, The loss of broadband such a blow, what on earth is happening.

The workmen were replacing the guttering and downpipes on next doors garage, the wall is on the side of our place, the old stuff was cast iron, have a feeling they let the heavy drainpipe go and it smashed through the grid cover which was cast iron as well.

The HM's are an interesting lot thats for sure, should be good, love the money theme, easier to get them to do stuff.

Have got to make a loaf tomorrow afternoon as SIL coming for brekkie Monday, will give her a few apples as well, she said the Shallots i gave her were lovely.


both xxx


what a shame giffgaff uses O2 that you don't have good coverage for.

Let's just hope they can get your internet sorted sooner rather than later.

I thought you would be impressed with the Brazilian lady, what a pretty looking lady she is.

Let's hope someone else takes over BB next year, and that it is not Sky, as none of us have Sky now do we?


hope the weather was ok for you to get in your garden.

Have you decided what to do yet with your huge crop of grapes?

Not a bad day here today, still mild, only a few showers.

Went out for brekkie, then a walk down the seafront.

Wonder if they are stopping BB for good on Saturdays so it doesn't clash with X factor? Or if this week is just a one off?

Looking forward to watching X factor now.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi both.
Not bad day here. Started off cold, was only 8c when I went out, but got up to 15c this afternoon.
Did one job this morning, then cut my own grass this afternoon.


Hicky. Ah yes, I remember you said the workmen were going to be working next door. How careless of them to damage something on your side then.
That's good that you've already got plans for your OH's time off work.
Hope your loaf turns out OK for SiL's visit on Monday.


Not sure what happened to my broadband. I don't think the router even sees broadband on my line, which suggests they forgot to turn me back on after their outage? But i really don't know.


Mollie. Last time I checked O2 didn't cover my area, but that was a while ago. I don't know anyone with an O2 phone to check though.
I'll have another look at their coverage map once my broadband is back up.
At the moment I'm only doing the minimum on the net to preserve my data allowance, although I can buy more data from EE if I really need to.


Could well be one of the Sky channels that take up BB, or one of the online ones like Netflix or Amazon.
Don't think they are going to be showing the civilian BB on Saturdays at all.
I see the little Scottish girl has been kicked out already. For silly social media posts she made when she was 14 apparently?



Evening Both.

Dry today, 17c cloudy and sunny intervals, wind at 17 down to 7.

Didn't do a lot with F1 being on all afternoon.

Made us brekkie with o/h being off today, had the usual, long pork sausages, rather special back bacon, tinned toms, fried egg and toast.

Made a roast dinner with a sirloin joint, cabbage and cauli with mash and gravy.

SIL not coming in the morning as MIL's appointment changed and she then takes her for lunch, so instead of the bread for her brekkie going to make a sourdough loaf as the starter is ready to be used.

Something has taken a nip from a couple of apples, the teeth marks are like this <        > and i can only think of a squirrel or a rat maybe, haven't see a squirrel all year, i wonder.

Mollie, I have got more jam sugar now and will need it for the grapes, i have a recipe, but will it be a strong enough flavour without adding some raspberries?

Never seen grape jam.

I think BB have stopped the Saturdays and the Sunday is 90 minutes.

I don't know if i will watch X-Factor as i have so many recording to watch.

Emptybox, I see it's starting to get colder up there, frosts not far away now.

It's going to be awkward when o/h has the op, we will probably be trapped in the house, but i am ok as a carer, no problem to me.

With SIL's visit cancelled as not enough time to fit the call in, so going to try a sourdough loaf instead.

Strange about your broadband, so annoying.


Hi Hicky.

Not too bad here. A little drizzle but mostly dry. Up to about 14c.

Yes, the frosts might not be far away for me.
Went down for the paper this morning, but they didn't have the usual one, so had to make do with the Sunday Sun.

Went to Lidl this afternoon.


I succumbed and bought another 10GB of data from EE for ÂĢ20. That should see me through till my broadband comes back, presuming they can fix it.
They say they will refund my usual bill, for the time I've been down, but I'm sure they won't refund me for buying extra data.


Pity your SiL's plans have changed, but allows you to make a sourdough loaf instead.
Pity something has been nibbling at your apples. You don't want any more pesky squirrels.
I'm sure you'll find a way to cope for the time your OH will be recovering.


Yes it's good that BB is a 90 minute prog tonight.


Hi both xx


we posted same time last just spotted your post.

I too have never heard of grape jam. Yes might be a good idea to increase flavour by adding raspberries.

I love sourdough bread, hope yours turns out ok.

Gosh wonder what coud be nibbling your apples with those unusal teeth marks? Maybe a big breed of bird?


hope you managed to find all you wanted in Lidl today.

I guess you could try and request a refund for you data? Let's hope you get it back soon.

Yes it is great we have 90 min BB but pity it is so late. Wonder if it is always going to be the 10 oclock slot now?

Still very mild here, around 20c. Me, OH and son met my friend and she treated us to brekkie at Weatherspoon. Very nice as usual.

Had some quite heavy showers, so had a day off washing.

Must get dish washer and tidy kitchen so I can watch BB upstairs tonight. Can't watch too late in the lounge as my elderly dog needs her sleep in the quiet and dark.

Enjoyed X factor. I think Louis is a great judge. Such empathy with the contestants and tries to advise them.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie.
That's nice that you are still getting warmer weather.
Nice too that you got treated to brekkie.

Unfortunately, although my phone is with EE and my broadband is also with EE, the two accounts are not connected. I'm going to see if I can join them together for the future, as it'd be more convenient. But that's not much help for this current problem.


In my experience dogs can sleep anywhere, and through anything.
Doubt very much if you need to vacate the lounge for her?
Not keen on Louis as a judge I'm afraid, although I am appreciating Robbie's wife more.


Evening Both.

22c today, cloud and sun, winds of 7 to 14.

Had bacon and black pudding for brekkie, i could live on that, but i like to keep changing what i eat.

Made a soda bread in the machine as the one i made yesterday didn't rise so scrapped it, tried a piece toasted, not good enough Don't think this one today is much good either, it doesn't look as though it rose, it needs an awful lot of kneading, more than i can do, i used the wrong flour as well.

Will go back to my normal bread, probably make one of those tomorrow as o/h is going to her sisters.

The apple that was slowly being eaten had disappeared, can't find it anywhere, very strange, something is testing stuff for sweetness i think, noone has seen a squirrel this year but the teeth marks can't really be anything else, maybe it's on the night shift.

I fancied having spagbol  tonight but with Tagliatelle, had run out of beef mince so used Turkey mince, it was ok really, i.m full now, you get a lot in the big Dolmio jar.

O/H just said she doesn't know how i used the wrong bag of flour as they are different coloours.

Mollie, still not sure about the grape jam, i can find the recipes ok.

The teeth marks are the same as the ones i got last year, it can only be a squirrel but noone has seen one this year, maybe they are back, there's not been much for them to eat all year but now is a bonanza i suppose, but if they have been here a while why didn't they have some figs. 

Emptybox, As you say, they won't refund you for buying data.

I think i will give up with the sourdough, will use the starter to make some pancakes, i have the recipe.

I used the wholemeal flour for this loaf, a mistake, didn't see the [wholemeal] word.

I'm recording the BB shows, will watch the day after without ads, i won't be recording Rylan, no point, don't see the point of his show, just a waste of an hour.

Last edited by Hicky

both xxx


any news how longer this broadband is going to be before it gets fixed? Hope they get a move on.

Hope you managed to get out and get some jobs done.

Your attractive Brazilian lady on BB looks like she is going to be quite the alpha female doesn't she?


what a shame you didn't notice the wholemeal ingredient so your soda bread was not up to scratch. I remember when my OH made bread, he always found the wholemeal ones the hardest to get right. At least you have perfected your seeded bread. And I am sure you will enjoy the pancakes. I love home made pancakes with lemon and sugar best.

Good job you had turkey mince to hand as you run out of the other mince.

Warm again today in the 20,s. Mostly cloudy but we did have a bit of sun.

Managed to help son get his student finance forms out, which is good as he is back at uni tomorrow.

Went food shopping in costco, enjoyed the food freebies and had tea there, nice jacket potato with beans and cheese and ice cream with strawberry sauce. ÂĢ3.10 for both.

Enjoying this competitive theme on BB. Good to see which HM's are determined.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.
Funny day here. Cloudy and windy, but quite warm, up to 17c.
Still cooler than both of you though.


Hoped to hear something about my broadband so stayed in this morning, but didn't hear a dickie bird.
Still I got my van washed, and ironed quite a few shirts.
Went out this afternoon to do a job, so at least the day wasn't wasted.


Hicky. Pity your bread making isn't really going to plan.
You'll have to remind your OH about your colour vision problem.
So the squirrel has snaffled the whole apple now? Greedy beggar.
When I use a big jar of Dolmio it makes me six portions of Bolognese.


Mollie. Didn't manage to catch much of BB last night as my Brother phoned in the middle of it. I kept watching with the sound muted, and saw the Brazillian one was crying at one point, but no idea what it was about?
Also saw the little Scottish one in the diaryroom, presumably being thrown out. Silly girl.
But BB really should have picked up on those tweets before they invited her to be a HM. Would have saved embarrassment for all.


That's good that you were able to get your son's uni finance stuff sorted out.
Sounds like a nice Costco tea.


Looks like they are going to continue having BB on at 10pm, which won't suit you Mollie.
I might have BOTS on in the background, but agree Hicky, that it's a wasted hour.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Evening Both.

Not too bad today, 20c cloud with sunny intervals, brisk winds 21.

Didn't do a lot today, made a white loaf, cooked a chicken for o/h.

Found that some of the Kiwi berries are ripening so brought in a cupful for o/h to try, i have been feeling the biggest to see if they were softening, which they are, but the smaller ones are ripening first, oh.

found a half eaten Sunset apple on the tub, they are well ripe.

A few pears had fell off with the wind, been blowing all day.

Had bacon and sausage with beans for brekkie, for tea had some of the chicken i cooked and some pickle.

Watched the recording of Oz LI and BB.

O/H's birthday Thursday so could be having a meal out.

Could be brekkie out tomorrow as o/h getting her hair done then free.

Mollie, Have given up with the soda and sourdough bread, will concentrate on messing the normal bread up.

I keep forgetting to make the pancakes.

I used to get big packs of mince from Costco, i see you had the usual there again, nice.

Some strange ones on BB but am enjoying it.

Emptybox, Oh, maybe these aren't the big jars, the normal size we get though, will check what size.

I think it must be a squirrel, very strange, may just come out at night, i am on the case.

Still no broadband eh, what a blow.


both xxx


how annoying that you stayed in and still heard not a thing about your broadband. Hope you heard something today.

Gosh you do make your Domino go far. A large jar goes in one sitting with my family too.

Fancy your brother phoning mid BB! Not a lot happened last night though, so you didn't miss much. I think with civilain BB it takes awhile for real personalities to emerge.

Yes looks like BB is going to be on at 10pm each night. (maybe not Fridays though with any luck).


hope the bread making worked out ok today.

And hope nothing has had any more nibbles of your produce.

Not a bad day, bit windy but warm, only a bit of rain.

Son went back to uni today, all went ok especially as he has the rest of the week off.

Have a good evening both xxx


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