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Originally posted by emptybox:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Emptybox Hug

They are an interesting bunch aren't they Laugh

Hope you've had a good day so far Big Grin

Not too bad a day thanks.

I haven't heard any of them mention that they've only got crates to sit on yet? Big Grin

Maybe they are hoping some of those doors are going to open revealing gorgeous furnishings Laugh
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by emptybox:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Emptybox Hug

They are an interesting bunch aren't they Laugh

Hope you've had a good day so far Big Grin

Not too bad a day thanks.

I haven't heard any of them mention that they've only got crates to sit on yet? Big Grin

Maybe they are hoping some of those doors are going to open revealing gorgeous furnishings Laugh

Laugh and note... as usual Suzy and Mollie's great minds think alike. Laugh
Temporary Listing as of today.
All these may not get to be HM's anyway.
HM Listing for BB10 - on Thursday 4th June 2009|
 Name      |         |        |      |          |
01-Freddie |         |        |      |          |
02-Lisa    |         |        |      |          |
03-Sophie  |         |        |      |          |
04-Kris    |         |        |      |          |
05-Noirin  |         |        |      |          |
06-Cairon  |         |        |      |          |
07-Angel   |         |        |      |          |
08-Karly   |         |        |      |          |
09-Marcus  |         |        |      |          |
10-Beinazir|         |        |      |          |
11-Sophia  |         |        |      |          |
12-Rodrigo |         |        |      |          |
13-Charlie |         |        |      |          |
14-Saffia  |         |        |      |          |
15-Sree    |         |        |      |          |
16-Siavash |         |        |      |          |
Originally posted by emptybox:
Can't help but think that I would enjoy it better if there were people in there? Roll Eyes

But they'll probably all calm down after a couple of days? Big Grin

yes maybe they will calm down, I can remember how much they cringe later on, when they are reminded what they said to get on the show.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Oh oh he told her it wasn't permament Eeker

Well she has to have the marker on for the near future anway.

I don't think he mentioned that either, oops

He forgot, just like a feller.
Save the bad news till she feeling better.Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Oh oh he told her it wasn't permament Eeker

Well she has to have the marker on for the near future anway.

I don't think he mentioned that either, oops

Big Grin oh well she didnt seem to care as long as she was a HM, because she said she had "worked" hard to get to be a HM. Big Grin
I should think she would get fed up if she has to do it too long though.
But like Emtybox said, she still looked good.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Nighty Night Everyone.Wave

Will record BB overnight to see what happens on their first night, should be interesting anyway.

Hicky... good job you are not working all week any more with all that recording to catch up on. Big Grin

Now watch you dont rub off your OH's recordings my mistake, else you will be in trouble. Laugh

and dont forget to tell your friends here if anything interesting happens. eg.. like who sleeps where? do you think 14 will have to sleep on the floor tonight?
Good night all wavey

no late night feed for me either Emptybox. I am in need of beauty sleep. Big Grin

the good thing about launch night is that we got you on board here, before we all retired to bed. Big Grin

I hope this happens again, so we can discuss our different opinions on the HM's, because as you know we oftne have different opinions on the HM's. Big Grin

wavey Goodnight all
Good Morning Suzie.Wave

Hi Mollie, i'll let you know what happened last night in the house when I see my recording later, if they recorded that is.

I know that there wasn't any furniture in the house, so I assumed it was going to be sleeping bags for those that aren't yet HM's.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* -A mixed day today weatherwise ---- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ But It's Happy Friday again -----*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Originally posted by emptybox:
I wonder what they do for food?
Haven't seen a kitchen area? Confused

Hi Emptybox.Wave

Not sure what the eating arrangements are, where is the kitchen, or maybe it's not open yet.

I would think eating will be a problem with so many different nationalities etc, doubt if they will all eat the same food.
Last edited {1}
BB are going to make it hard to get into the house as Bona-Fide HM's.
This is what they say.
The gang learned they are merely “house guests” and they were ordered to give up their clothes and wear special BB uniforms.

The BB house has been stripped bare and there is only one loo. Over the next two days, each contestant will be given a nasty challenge to determine their fate.

Those who pass, they will become proper BB housemates.

Those who fail face being booted out on Sunday.
You can also read about the 16 entries here in the D-Star paper.
For Mollie.Big Grin
Read all about it here (Click)
What happened overnight, from midnight.
PS. You have to start at the end.
05.26: So, the housemates are asleep and that's all folks from Day1 but check back again later for more gossip from the house as it happens.

05.21: Marcus is up and wandering around. He starts to strip off his clothes - must have been feeling uncomfortable. He looks very fetching in his white y-fronts and white socks.

He whips the socks off when he's settled back into his makeshift bed. On goes the eye mask.

05.07: All housemates are now trying to get some sleep. But the light is still on in the main house which must be very annoying, even with the eye masks.

04.56: Rodrigo is finally asleep.

04.42: Noirin says that Angel seems like a good laugh.

04.41: Real housemates are trying to figure out where the kitchen and showers are in the house.

04.34: Karly and Charlie have made a bed together and are lying down chatting to Sree and Siavash.

04.33: Kris turns out the light - housemates are giving sleep another shot.

04.31: Light is back on in the bedroom - that didn't take long. The foursome are discussing how far they have come just to be in the house. Lisa says: "The house is amazing!"

04.27: All of the real housemates are now in bed and trying to go to sleep - Kris turns the light out and climbs into bed. The non housemates are finding it harder to get some kip on the uncomfortable living room floor.

04.24: Noirin says she keeps looking in the mirror and thinking she looks like a cat because of the pen on her face. She is about to get into bed. Lisa is getting ready for bed in the bedroom as well.

04.21: Ciaron is called to the Diary Room by Big Brother.

04.19: Siavash and Charlie are also in the garden with Karly talking about riddles. In the main living area Ciaron and Beinazir are trying to sleep next to each other.

04.18: Kris tells Lisa that he is pleased with the standard of totty in the house. The pair go into the garden for a fag while Rodrigo is in bed. They turn the bedroom light out for him on their way out.

04.15: Lisa and Kris are returning suitcases and blankets to Big Brother.

04.08: Noirin is unpacking her suitcase, or tipping it into drawers to be exact ... we have a messy one in our midst. Sophie has her eye mask on and is lying down. Saffia is settling down to sleep next to Marcus.

04.06: Sophie flashes her bum as she lies down in her tiny pants. Everyone has decided to settle down to gt some sleep so they can feel fresh for the day tomorrow.

Sophie is whipping off her bra. She appears to be planning on sleeping in full make-up.

04.02: Lisa tells Rodrigo: "You can't be afraid to be yourself."

04.00: More housemates are looking ready for bed, Sophia has her eye mask on the head and is looking in desperate need of forty winks.

03.59: Lisa and Rodrigo are back in the bedroom having a chat and polishing off some more of the food and alcohol.

03.58: Saffia and Kris are cuddling under a blanket in the garden. Karly gets in on the act and pulls the blanket over all three of them.

03.51: Sree and Noirin are lying in the garden having a chat.

03.50: Housemates are told to return their bags, suitcases and uniforms back to the Diary Room.

03.48: Rodrigo gives Sophia a cuddle and they feel each other's hair. Sophia moves on to give Lisa a hug, she's feeling very cuddly this evening.

03.36: Freddie is having a cigarette and chatting to Ciaron, Sophie, Karly, Siavash and Kris in the garden.

03.25: Karly is in the garden telling non housemates about her boyfriend who is in New York. Lisa has gone back into the main house.

03.19: Freddie and Siavash are chatting. Posh Freddie says: "It's so lovely to be around so many lovely extroverted people, such characters."

03.17: Rodrigo says he needs to get in the gym and build up his muscles a bit. Lisa replies: "Well you won't have a problem with our personal trainer, Angel, out there."

Meanwhile in the main house Sree is boring Beinazir to sleep. She is literally struggling to keep her eyes open.

03.13: Rodrigo is getting changed and chatting to Lisa about pants in the bedroom. Lisa says: "I love mens' clothes." Rodrigo says: "Yeah we like all the same clothes." They are both very tidy with their clothes.

Lisa is showing Rodrigo her underpants and boxer shorts. Rodrigo says: "Very nice. You like modern and colourful things like me."

03.12: Karly is blowing up a pillow but says that it's "quite soft". Beinazir and Sree are singing and consequently E4 have muted the sound.

03.11: Non housemates are torturing themselves with the thought and sight of the food that is sitting in the housemates bedroom.

03.10: Sophia is out of the Diary Room and chatting to Beinazir.

03.08: Sexy twosome Kris and Sophie are chatting in the bus shelter in the garden.

03.02: Housemates are changing their batteries in their microphones.

03.01: Sophie is prancing around in her knickers - already.

03.00: Kris and Lisa go out into main house and Saffia and Charlie yell at them: "You've changed, you've changed you have, that champagne's gone to your head."

02.58: Sophia goes to the Diary Room.

02.56: Kris is sat on his bed sipping his champagne. Lisa says she loves Noirin's Dublin accent.

02.53: Noirin and Rodrigo are talking about what they expected from Big Brother. Lisa is tucking into strawberries. Rodrigo says: "You look very at home, just like me. I feel very at home already."

Noirin says she is going to ask Big Brother if she can take the pen off her face.

02.48: Karly, Charlie and Sree are in the garden. Karly asks: "Do you like pulling pranks and stuff? Coz I need a mate that'll do stuff with me."

02.44: Kris excitedly cracks open his suitcase and Lisa follows his lead. Noirin wonders what time it is. Kris says: "About twelve, half twelve." Lisa is more on the money saying: "I'd say two, half two, me, probably later."

02.41: Big Brother announces that the bedroom is now open for full housemates. Kris and Lisa head in for their first taste of champagne. Noirin and Rodrigo follow them in and tell them to eat away.

The four of them agree that the 'get to know each other' game was worthwhile.

02.40: Sree and Karly are having a chat. Sree says he thinks he might be boring compared to other housemates. Saffia is talking to Kris and Charlie.

02.37: Angel says she is going to ask for the heating to be turned up in the living room so they can sleep there more comfortably.

02.31: Sophia tells housemates that her sister died three years ago from lupus - which she also had when she was younger. She says she now believes you should live every day like it's the last and appreciate every moment. She also tells HMs that she is single.

02.29. Sophia's up now and promises to keep it short and sweet.

02.25: Marcus says his motto is "do better". He says he is always looking to be a hero and make a difference.

02.22: Marcus says he only has his mother and brother in his family and they aren't very close.

02.20: Wolverine Marcus is about to tell his tale. He says he's lived in london most of his life. He sculpts and makes action figures for fun and makes sash windows for a living.

02.15: Now it's Rodrigo's turn. He says he is trained as a journalist. He says he is doing TV production now at the University of Bradford. He tells HMs that he loves learning about different cultures and is proud to be in Britain.

He also adds that he fancies boys and girls. He says: "I like everybody, I like to have fun." He adds: "We need to pull together and make this show the most fun ever."

02.10: Karly's next and makes a point of telling people how seriously she took her job as prefect when she was at school. Obviously her biggest achievement to date...

02.04: Geordie Charlie says he was once attacked on the Tyne bridge.

02.01: Charlie says he's been with more girls than boys but he would consider himself gay. He adds that he "goes with lasses" when he's had a drink, but doesn't "make a habit of it". He says he split up with his boyfriend in February. He tells housemates the story of how he told his parents he was gay.

01.57: Saffia's next and bursts out crying. Karly moves over to comfort her. She says: "I feel really guilty being here and leaving my kids. Millie's seven and Albie's not one, he's tiny, that's the hard part.

She says the gang that she chose to be a single mum rather than staying in a relationship and being unhappy. She says: "When I'm happy, my children are happy."

She says she would like to have more children and maybe adopt, but she can't see herself getting married. Then she shocks housemates by saying: "I'm not gay, I'm not bisexual, but I've had bad luck with mewn, a s***** time withe men so who knows, maybe I am gay, who knows, we'll see."

01.55: Lisa has the mug and tells people she is single but still loves her ex-girlfriend of two and a half years and wants to win her heart back. She says: "She was the one and she's absolutely stunning."

01.50: Siavash is next and tells people that he is Iranian. He says he had to leave Iran ten years ago as he father was a politician out there.

01.48: Ciaron points out that he is the youngest in the house and tells his new pals that he loves all types of music. He also tells them that he has three brothers.

01.47: Kris is next up and tells HMs that he went to Manchester University doing fashion studies but failed so he went and did some modelling in Sweden.

01.46: Beinazir tells housemates she was named after Benazir Bhutto.

01.44: Sophie is up next and tells housemates that she raised ÂĢ10,000 for Help For Heroes last year. She describes herself as a single "unlucky in love" promotions girl.

Noirin tells housemates that she has five brothers and a sister and admits that she has done a reality TV show before - although she won't say what it was. She agrees with Sophie saying that she's "unlucky with boys".

01.42: A very tired looking Freddie with an eye mask on is up next. He describes himself as a promiscuous musician but not a promiscuous lover. However he says that he's rarely monogamous.

He says he is strictly speaking bisexual. "After a few drinks all bets are off," he says. He admits to housemates that he has slept with men.

01.39: Angel starts a new informative game where housemates pass around a mug and have a minute each to speak about themselves if they are holding the mug.

Sree starts with some sickly spiel about how priviledged they are to be in the house. Marcus yawns in an exaggerated manner.

01.37: Most people have given up on charades. This lot have a short attention span.

01.31: Charlie suggests pictionary but then remembers they aren't allowed pens and paper. He's a genius that boy!

01.30: Charlie kicks it off. Its a film with two words. Charlie's Angels was guessed very quickly by Kris.

01.29: Housemates are debating whether to play charades.

01.23: Kris and Lisa emerge from the Diary Room but say nothing really happened in there.

01.22: Siavash tells non housemates that he doesn't that Davina McCall. That's practically sacrilege on this show isn't it?!

01.18: Lisa and Kris are called to the Diary Room.

01.17: No surprises there then, Lisa chooses her bessie mate Kris. He jumps up and hugs her.

01.16: Big Brother speaks to the house and tells everyone that Lisa must decide who becomes the next housemate. Cue shocked faces.

01.15: Nearly time for Lisa to make her mind up ... who will she choose?

00.59: The BB phone rings and all the housemates jump for it. Lisa answers. Big Brother tells Lisa that by answering the phone she has earned herself housemate status.

BB tells Lisa that she has 15 minutes to choose fifteen minutes to join her as a housemate but she cannot tell anyone.

00.58: Noirin has a truth, Charlie asks her how many people is the most she has slept with in one night. She says one. He says: "I knew it! You're too innocent."

00.57: The game is putting me to sleep never mind the housemates, way to liven things up Saffia!

00.49: The game is finally underway but people seem confused.

00.47: Housemates are finally sat in a circle inside hearing Saffia explain how to play 21 involving truths and dares. Even the mysterious Charlie has appeared for the game.

00.45: Saffia is in the garden trying to persuade Siavash to join in with the game. Sree and Noirin are chatting inside. Sree is reluctant to join in with games whingeing: "I'm a bit tired."

00.44: Sree asks Noirin to get him some water. Lazy.

00.43: Sree calls Angel 'sexy'. Saffia tries to get a bonding game going again.

00.42: Karly says she's "buzzin" after all her exercise. Hmmm, all twenty minutes of it.

00.40: Saffia tells Noirin that she has a little girl, Millie, who is seven. Noirin looks shocked. Saffia says she loves being a mum but lets her hair down at the weekends when the kids go to see their dads.

00.32: Sree tells Marcus and Siavash that he's married ... but then says he was just joking. This chap is a barrell of laughs.

00.31: The exercise class is over but Angel is showing Karly how to do crunches properly. She stands on her feet and yells at Karly like an army commander while she does sit ups.

00.28: Angel is on to stretching now while Sophie rearranges her ample bosom.

00.24: Sree and Marcus are chatting about the BB rules in the house. Marcus doesn't see how Big Brother can decide whether people are faking a romance or not.

Sree is worried about a fly that's in the house.

00.21: Beinazir is very enthusiastic and Sophie has no co-ordination. Saffia looks to be really getting onto it though, wonder who she's imagining she's hitting.

00.20: Angel is getting housemates in the garden to take part in balance improving exercises. Now it's time for Boxercise she tells them.

Angel says: "Remember Charles Darwin? Remember, he said survival of the fittest, so come on!" Wow, she's a hard task master!

00.18: Angel is getting an exercise class going in the garden. Rodrigo and Noirin are in the bedroom chatting about being real housemates. They are munching on sushi and snacks in the bedroom while non housemates have to do without any food.

00.13: Saffia says she needs her sleep so people need to be respectful of each other in the house.

00.12: Sree laughs at the smoking area being a bus stop. Hilarious stuff.

00.11: Karly tells Lisa and Kris: "I knew they'd f*** up the cases, man, but I was'nee shavin my eyebrows off." Lisa says: "Me neither man." She's shaping up to have the volcabulary of Tracey from series 8.

00.09: Charlie, Marcus, Saffia and Sree leave the Diary Room. They tell 'housemates' that they are not allowed to sleep outside.

Rodrigo has drawn a moustache and specs on himself in solidarity with Noirin. Bless.

00.05: Sophia and Noirin are chatting about how tired they both are as they have been up since six this morning. Ciaron, Kris and Lisa are resisting games and are sat having a chat in the garden.

00.03: Siavash ushers people indoors for some bonding games. He says to Noirin: "For the sake of bringing us all closr, maybe no drinking in here." Ouch. He then says he was only kidding. I'm not so sure he was ...

00.01: Beinazir asks Angel if she can give her some boxing tips. Boring Sophie says she's ready for bed. Come on guys liven up, it's the first night!

Noirin has changed into her casual clothes so must have been given her suitcase back. She's sipping on champagne which must be riling the others.

23.59: Sree is lounging in the bath in the garden. Rodrigo, Sophie and Sophia are sat in the bus shelter in the garden having a chat. Lisa heads outside for a fag. Siavash is trying to get games started, but no-one seems particularly keen.

23.50: Kris is having a nice little chat with Lisa in the living area. Rodrigo, still in his normal attire, goes over for a chat. Kris says: "Looking good, mate!"

23.49: Siavash, Ciaron (wrapped in a blanket) and Freddie are checking the garden for anything that might have been hidden away.

23.48: Sophie and Freddie go into the garden to chat to Siavash and have a nosy at what the other non housemates are up to.

23.45: Sophie tells Freddie about the glamour industry - she warns him about the perils of coming across fake and self-absorbed girls. Although she is just herself, of course.

She tells Freddie that she has two needy chihuahuas that she dresses up - such a cliche!

Having said that Sophie is growing on me, she seems sweet.

23.44: Big Brother warns housemates that they must not discuss the auditions process.
Good morning everyone wavey

Suzy..hope you cope ok today with the no smoking.

Hicky wavey
thank you so much for that link, I need that because, apart from a couple of them, I just can't remember who is who yet.

and thank you for writing all that stuff up from last night. I will have a read now.

From the time you posted, I take it you are on a work day today?

If so, hope you enjoyed your work brekkie. Smiler

Nice morning here today again, still very warm though.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good morning everyone wavey

Suzy..hope you cope ok today with the no smoking.

Hicky wavey
thank you so much for that link, I need that because, apart from a couple of them, I just can't remember who is who yet.

and thank you for writing all that stuff up from last night. I will have a read now.

From the time you posted, I take it you are on a work day today?

If so, hope you enjoyed your work brekkie. Smiler

Nice morning here today again, still very warm though.

Good Morning Mollie.Wave

I didn't write all the overnight details, I got it from a media source, i'm not soft.

Yep, i'm at work, just had brekkie as well.
Should have an easy day really, hopefully anyway.
wavey Hicky

I just read it all, and wondered how the heck has he managed to watch and write all that up, and go to work today? But now I now. Big Grin
Thanks for posting it here. Very interesting to read.

Eeker BB is going to sort the tough from the whingers, doing tasks like this. Day 1 all night on the floor, no suitcase, and the light on, cannot of been easy. Seems strange how the HM's are not being selected on how they cope with the tasks though, but are being selected randomly. Oh well, cant complain too much, I guess it is different and is a marked improvement on the one where we had just female Hm's go in.

If they get to choose a friend to go in with them, as we all know, many HM's know each other quite well by the time they get in the house from the auditions and dummy runs, so wonder if that is why Lisa chose Kris?

Wonder what previous reality show Noirin has been on?
Laugh at how quick Sophie has been to get that body on view. Maybe she thinks she best get a move on, incase she does not get chance later, if she doesnt get to be a HM.
Angel sounds like she is going to be a livewire.

It is going very grey here now....
what did you have for brekkie?

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