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Evening Both.

Just finished a post, was on the last page, didn't see the new page, press a key and the post dissappeard and as on the next page where Emptybox was, but no post, just an empty-box, pun.

Cloudy today, 14c light winds.

Had bacon tomato and black pudding for brekkie with toast.

Had visitors this afternoon after school, son with o/h and 2 young lads so a bit late getting food so decided to ring up order food and go pick it up as it's quicker.

Had Beef & Tomato with chips, delish, was going to have a frozen meal of mine, Tomato Rice, quite a coincidence.

Quite shocked at how much fruit could be on the grape vine, will have to keep an eye on that, have got about 5m of cane with fruit coming every 6" or less, might have to stop some shoots.

The cherries are growing so quick, good job i put the cage up when i did, everything is growing so quick, will post a pic when you can see easier, going to be a load of Raspberries soon as well, they are just ready to flower.

Mollie, I'm stuck now, your post is on the last thread, wait, i'll make another tab, right, done, i sit on the swing whenever the sun is out, love it.

I had a bird bath and table at the other place put can't control what comes to feed, the starlings eat anything so had dozens of those, crowds of birds then all the food that got kicked around started to grow, oh dear what a mess in the lawn.

Not too keen on the Almond milk, will just carry on with black, the DIL that came today just drinks coffee black.

I don't eat a lot of cheese, mainly because it might effect my sleeping which is quite good really.

Glad your trip away went well, and good weather thats great, 

Thats a lot of washing to come home to do, 8 loads, omg.

Loved watching the 5 yr olds, so interesting to watch.

Emptybox, Glad you had some good weather, nice to get a few jobs done eases the pressure a bit.

You would need a bigger van i suppose to get 2 mowers in with all the rest of the stuff.

The gardener was next door finishing off the flagging he did, i gave him the hand chainsaw i bought for him, it should be handy for awkward places and getting roots out of the ground.

Not sure what to do about the milk problem.



both xxx


that's good the good weather enabled you to get 4 jobs done.

Don't blame you carrying on as if nothing had happened, when the mower conked certainly did show a bit of professionalism which was good especially as you had people watching.

Never thought of trying cashew or rice milk , I will give both a try to work out which one out of them all I prefer.

I agree Innocent is a great drama. I haven't a clue who dunnit. Plenty of legit suspects so far though. It was about time we got a new good drama to watch.

Hope Hicky had a good day and got in his garden.

It was rainy a lot of the day, but cleared up near the end. I went to Cardiff so I could get a few things from Primark, got a summer flowery top for ÂĢ5 and 2 pairs of glittery sandals and 2 nice coloured hoodies for cooler days, and some leggings.

I am pleased to see the forecast is good. Let's hope they are right.

Time to get ready to watch Innocent now.

Have a good evening both xxx



Hi both.
A bit windy and chilly this morning, only 11 or 12 degrees, but the sun came out this afternoon and it got up to 15 degrees. Very pleasant for working.
Got 6 or 7 small jobs done, including cutting a hedge.


Hicky. That new page thing always seems to fox you.
That was nice, having family visitors, but it does put your schedule out. Good idea to get a carry-out meal.
Yes, things are really starting to grow now.


Mollie. Yes, I'm really liking Innocent.
It wouldn't surprise me if all of the obvious suspects turn out to be red herrings, and it turns out the lovable brother/uncle is the culprit.
(no idea what the motive would be though)


Pity you got the rain today.
But at least it was an excuse for retail therapy.
Sounds like you got some bargains again though.


Evening Both.

Not bad today, 15c with sunny intervals, light winds of 4 rising to 9 later.

Had bacon and tomato sandwiches for brekkie, for tea had the freezer meal i was going to have last night, added more rice and chopped chillies, now it is too beg, darn it.

Ordered a breadmaker, it's not one of the big ones, it only makes up to 1.5lb but it's more to try it than as a final machine.

To be able to make bread cakes, dough, jam etc with about 18 settings plus setting for other stuff.


Have been cutting up old plastic plant pots as it takes up less room then, am trying to get together what isn't needed now.

I might be able to start cooking /making meals again next week if i can get the amount of food i store down enough.

Mollie, It was dry all day so pleased about that, i am saving a few jobs for when the weather gets a bit warmer as nothing urgent at the mo.

Emptybox, It was only 7c here early on, some places had frost, on the East Coast.

For some reason i expect that when i refresh the page it would got to the end of the thread, not the end of the page, it's not very user friendly is it.

Will have to make my shopping list tonight as well, don't need much this week.



HI both xxx


glad to see the weather was just perfect for you yesterday to get all those jobs done. Hope the weather was good again today, and that your mower behaved. 


I am sure you will get good use from your bread maker. The smell of newly baked bread is lovely.

That is good you have no urgent jobs so can please yourself when you do them.

How is your eye now? I hope the treatment you had has continued to be effective. 

Fortunately we never get starlings at our bird table, mainly robins and pigeons. 

Nice for you to get visitors and a good idea to get food via the phone as it was getting late. 

Lovely day here today, I met mum's older carer today for coffee in Sainsburys (she is retired), which was very nice as I am glad to keep seeing her now. 

Only had 5 washloads today, so am caught up now from being away for a few days because it dried well in the sun and wind today. 

I managed to get a swing on my chair in the sun today too and the dog sunbathed with me in her basket outside. 

Did you go on your swingchair today HIcky?

Last episode of Innocent, yes a brilliant series Emptybox.

The clever way it has been written means I still don't have a clue who it could be, or even if he was really innocent.   Brilliant script, brilliant actors and great camera work. 

Goodnight both xxx


Another nice sunny day here. Up to 15 or 16 degrees I should think.
Nice for working in anyway. Did a lot of strimming and mowing.


Hicky.  Hope you can make some good stuff with the bread maker.
Have you been cutting up the plant pots in order to recycle them?
Don't think it got that cold here last night - maybe 8 degrees overnight.


Mollie. Well, who's a clever boy then? I got the culprit right on 'Innocent'.
Either means I should be a detective, or the plot was too obvious.
Was a really good series though.
The first of a new series of 'Humans' tonight as well.


That was nice, meeting one of your Mum's carers for a coffee.
And you and the doggie got a swing and a sunbathe.


Evening Both. :

17c here, sunny intervals, light winds around 7.

Still on my theme of using up meals i made earlier, so had Cauliflower Pakora for brekkie with a nice dip.

for tea looked again in the chest freezer, got out a chicken curry and had some frozen rice which i zapped.

My 3 baby grafted cucumber plants came, posted through the letterbox so have planted in some clear pots so i can monitor the root progress.

I have been taking growth from the outside grape vine as it has too many shoots, took 12 off which could be up to 24 bunches of grapes but on watching videos it shows the spacing and when to thin them, which is now.

The Breadmaker has been dispatched.

No shopping today, o/h didn't go to work wasn't feeling good, but i do have massive stocks in.

Am a bit late tonight as Windows wanted to update the computer, didn't realise it would take so long.

Mollie, Yes, the smell of fresh bread, last time i got that was when i was young and used to give a local baker a hand during the night, mother had often to come and fetch me in the early hours, but i always got a sample to take home.

My eye is really good, not so far from what it was before all these eye problems, very pleased, not sure how the next eye clinic will go, whether i still need injections or not.

Thats nice, having a coffee with your mums carer, she will have quite a bit of spare time now she's retired.

Yes, lovely weather for drying clothes, ideal, yes, swing chair in use, had 2 grand children on as well yesterday, great fun.

Emptybox, Am getting excited about the bread maker, dying to try it out, was looking at 1 video and it was to make breakfast rolls, but you use the machine setting to make dough then you use the oven and baking tray to cook the rolls, can't be bad, also love the cake setting and the jam setting, wow, how cool is that, all i have to do is pour the jam into pots, wow.

I cut the plant pots up to make less bulk, have so many, i asked next door if she wanted some more Asparagus, i gave her some a couple of days ago, it grows so quick, had another dozen or so spears ready so gave her them.

Then i asked if she needed any plastic plant pots, anyway, gave her all the ones i hadn't cut up, don't need many these days really.

I suppose my tomato and melon plants will come next week now.


Hi Hicky.

Another lovely sunny day here, and calm too. Up to 20 degrees this morning. Bit hazy this afternoon, so not as warm.

Got a lot done, because I want to have tomorrow off. Partly because of the wedding, and partly because my own grass is in desperate need of a cut.


That's good that your cucumber plants came. Can't be very big though, if they could get them through the letterbox?

Pity you had to prune some of your vines, but as you say, better for the grapes in the long run.

Sorry to hear your OH wasn't feeling well. Your shopping will just have to wait.

That's great that your eye has improved so much.


Is that you getting the update to version 1803 of Windows 10 just now?

My computers got that a couple of weeks ago. Took quite a long time right enough.

That's interesting that you used to work for a baker when you were a lad. Worth it for the free samples alone.


Do most bread makers make jam as well? Seems like two very different processes? Anyway I'm sure you'll have great fun when it arrives.  





Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A lovely day here, 20c sunny and light winds of 4 to 7.

Just had bacon rolls for Brekkie, o/h went to work but couldn't stay so got the shopping in and was home by 8.30am.

One of my lads came today, he borrowed a garden fork to get some trees and roots out a while back but he broke it and got 2 more, 1 each but kept forgetting to bring it when he came, it's a beauty and very posh, only need it for the compost heap really.

Haven't done much today because of the royal wedding, very enjoyable, wow, so many turned up, more than came to mine.

Have been writing down info from videos of what people are making with their breadmaker, it has so many settings, have a feeling a lot of people just use it to make dough, you can do what you want with it then, of course you have to use the right ingredients depending on what the final result will be, 1 setting is Jam and it's so simple to make, far easier than doing it like i do, which is quite a problem really as i have to stay by the bucket pan and watch or stir.

It will make Yoghurt, cakes, some have 19 settings, the one i'm getting is just a small one but it still haves all the settings, it just can't make a massive loaf in one.

One of the 19 settings is Rice Wine, Jam, Yoghurt, Desert, Sticky Rice.

I think they all make Jam, so simple.


The cucumbers were plug plants, they sent them as soon as the graft has taken, the plants are only about 8" tall, the little plastic clear pack was designed for 6 plants., hoping will get the rest next week.

It was strange last night, after the massive updates it asked me if i wanted a or b etc for many things, i didn't want any of them, but i noticed on viewing a video i had no sound, i also noticed a notification in the corner for Windows so i clicked it, it advised me to get a clean copy of Windows to get rid of all the stuff i didn't need or didn't want, and many apps etc, so i said yes, why not, took quite a long time, didn't cure the sound problem and all the settings in windows said they were working, all my Opera links had gone, had to find everything again, after trying a few things to try and sort the sound out i plugged my earphones into the earphone plug on the front of the puter and that worked, will have to look at the back of the puter and see if i can spot anything.

Yes, just checked, version 1803.

Last edited by Hicky



glad the continuing good weather means you caught up job wise so could plan to take today off.   Hope you enjoyed watching the wedding and got your lawns done.


thats nice your lad came to visit and bearing the gift of a nice garden fork for you too.

I am surprised your bread maker can make so many other things in addition to bread. We have a bread maker somewhere in the garage but haven't used it for awhile. Only OH used it, he did make a lot of different breads, but found loaves other than the standard white ones often went wrong. I bit of trial and error were involved. We haven't used it for ages though as we ran out of room on our kitchen top. Hope you enjoy using yours, let us knwo what you make with it.

How is your OH now? Hope she is feeling better?

I too enjoyed watching the Royal wedding today. It looked perfect to me,..... bride so gorgeous and classy, kiddies so cute and weather just perfect. The queen looked great in her outfit too, incredible for a lady in her 90's.

Didn't have chance to post yesterday, we went to view at the auction. Lots of stuff yesterday. I am hoping for some sheets and a few other little things. OH has his eye on a car, but depends what is bid on it. There was even a 1989 bus for sale this time! I expect someone could do it up and convert to a carvan type thing.

Then in the evening I was out late, I'm not used to being out late, so felt tired today. We went to son's college end of year evening do. It was a fund raiser towards their Nashville trip. Some of the students did a concert of 1970's singing, they were very good, and we had a meal included with the tickets. OH had plain chicken that he said was so well cooked, it just fell off the bone. I had a delicous vegatable lasagne, and we both had chips and peas with it.

Went for brekkie early today, so I could get food shopping done and then come home and enjoy the wedding. Gosh wish posh sprice would smile and wear something else other than dull colours, after all she is supposed to be a fashionista. Thought George Clooney's wife looked lovely though.

Time to watch Britains got Talent now, then Mrs Brown's new show on bbc1.

Have a good evening, let's hope this lovely sunny weather lasts for all of us for awhile.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.
Another lovely day here. Not sure of the temp as I didn't go out in the van, but probably about 20 degrees.
Got my grass cut after the wedding.

Yes, the Royal Wedding was lovely. Everything went perfectly.
Only slightly annoying part was when the American preacher seemed to take over, and went on and on. But even that was funny in places. And the weather was perfect.
Thought Meghan's mother did really well.


Hicky. That was nice of your son to buy a replacement garden fork for you.
Was it because she still wasn't feeling well that your OH had to come home early?
That's obviously a very versatile bread maker that you've got.


The Windows notification you got was to get rid of the Windows.old folder from the installation and other stuff left from the update. You probably got it because your hard drive hasn't much free space. I got it for my tablet, but not on my other PCs.
Not sure why your Opera bookmarks vanished though?

The Windows.old folder takes up a fair few gigabytes, but would disappear automatically after a month anyway. Getting rid of it means you won't be able to roll back to version 1709 if you can't fix your sound issue.
You may have to update your sound drivers in Device Manager to get back sound from your speakers.
Seemingly quite a few had similar sound problems after the update.


Mollie. Sounds like you had a nice evening out at your son's fundraiser.
A nice meal as well.
That's interesting that your OH is wanting to buy a car at the auction.

Not sure why Posh never smiles?
In the old days I think it was because she didn't have good teeth, and also because she thought it made her face look chubby.
But I'm sure she's fixed her teeth since then, and she couldn't really be any thinner?
Perhaps it's just habit now?


watched a bit of BGT but didn't see anything interesting on it, apart from Amanda having to explain to Simon what a 'bag for life' was.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Nice again today, 20c here, sunny, light winds of 7 to 9.

Had bacon and sausage on the BBQ for brekkie, O/H made a roast dinner at 2pm.

Next doo had one of the suns and grand daughter round, they were pruning the Oak tree at the bottom of her garden, it cuts so much sun off us during the day, better now, i asked the grand daughter if she wanted some baby Fig trees, showed her the garden and she took 2 about a couple of feet tall and 2 about 9" tall as i have so many, nowhere to put them.

O/H got me 1ltr of Alpro Soya milk to try, it's not bad really.

I've made a check sheet to show when i feed the trees as some can't be fed yet as they are in flower, fed the Cherry trees today.

Mollie, I've seen them mess up using the breadmaker, you can do some pre-mixing before you set the menu to what you are making, also, some have taken the cake out before it has cooled, a nono.

Not sure where i will keep it but i have plenty of room on worktops.

O/H didn't go to work today either, but she is a bit better, she is eating again and not feeling sick or dizzy, will have to see how she is tomorrow, i would have made the roast if she wanted.

That was nice, going to sons end of term parts, as you say, out a bit late, but it's not all the time, and you got a meal, nice.

Yes, Posh Spice really looked awful, a dark dress, no smiles, dreadful.

Nice not having all the countries dignitaries there, they are too demanding and need special security.

Emptybox, The garden fork was a light weight one i use for the compost heap, the one he bought is very posh, a real corker.

Yes, o/h would never have time off work, she was too bad so they sent her home, not sure what the problem was but she seemed a lot better today.

Windows said it would put a clean copy of Windows on for me but i wouldn't be able to go back, an awful lot had disappeared, Opera had no info from the previous so must have been installed new, every tab i had to look up my user names and passwords, even the version of Paint had changed, it's gone to the 3D one, which i don't want and i've got adverts on pages but Opera says there isn;t any.

I just ran my TinyCad to make the new tree feed listing and went to print and the printer had gone, so had to sort that out.

And in some of the youtube videos they won't play in Opera so i have to run MS Edge to view them, very strange things going on, but it was the same since the earlier update before this one.

The update gave me a list of what wouldn't run after the update because it gets dumped, it was a big list.

I've got 825 GB free so no shortage of space on the drive.

My device manager says all the audio is working and they don't use drivers, maybe they bare built in somewhere, anyway, haven't looked into it yet, i'll look on the web as well, might get time tomorrow.

Last edited by Hicky

both xxx


that is good you managed to cut your own grass after the wedding.. If it is anything likes ours right now, it will soon grow back quickly though! This year ours seems to be covered in daisies within days after OH cuts it.

Oh yes, I too did not like how the American preacher went on for so long at the wedding. I just shut off at that point, he seemed to be saying the same thing over again and again.

Yes Megan's mum did so well considering the huge significance of the event, and the fact she was very much on her own a lot of the time.

I thought the littlies looked so cute too. This photo made me laugh...what a little darlin.

Yes Posh probably does find it hard now to smile in public as she has got so used to pouting.

Day off your gardening today for a Sunday?


that is good your neighbour's pruned back the problem oak tree, so it is an improvement for you. I bet they are pleased with the fig trees you gave them.

Good idea to look things up regarding the mistakes made with breakmakers. OH seemed to have most problmes if he was making stuff like granary bread, but never a problem with a plain white loaf. That's handy you have plenty of space to fit it

Glad OH is feeling a bit better and enough so to make a roast. But best not to go back to work until she is herself again.

How annoying you have had a problem with the windows update, it sounds so confusing. Mine keeps asking me to do a longer than normal update, but OH cancelled it. So not sure how much longer I will be able to keep cancelling it for.

Been real hot today, but luckily cooler overnight and not humid.

So I managed to get all the washing dried today and had a nice swing and read on the swingchair.

Went to costco and got a bit of shopping. Had lunch there, jacket potato with cheese and coleslaw, good for ÂĢ1.50.

Just had salad bread rolls for tea tonight as it was so hot in our kitchen.

Watching Antiques Road show, then the Jeremy Thorpe documentary.

Good night both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Came back on to edit my post but no need know.

Just spent 2 hours changing setting for the sound output for the speakers.

Been watching loads of videos, all gave different methods to try, tried most of them, but the last one i tried said disable the speakers then enable them, that worked, so pleased.

I was using the earphone socket but can't get the volume control that i can get from the speaker unit as it is powered so it has it's own volume control.

I've changed all sorts of driver but i better not go back in and change them back now, best leave it alone.

O/H's next shift is Tuesday, will have to see how she is.

I will get quite a lot of more sun now the tree has been pruned, there's another one, well it's off the same tree, the tree made 3 branches, 1 is cut, the other 2 grow but one is overhanging the school playing area which is too hard to get at.

You will have to get the updates for the computer/laptop or it will install it anyway, it's a big one, didn't really want it, lots of new features i don't use or want.

O/H is thinking of not renewing the Costco card next time, looks like she will stop going, we don't need all the stuff and i think she's trying to lose weight, well i say that she has lost a lot and had to get all new clothed.


Evening both.
Cloudy windy and cooler here today, but not too bad. A bit of sunshine this afternoon when I went to Sainsburys.


Hicky, That's good that your neighbours have pruned their oak tree that was cutting off your light. You're probably quite glad she took some of your fig plants away as well.
Hopefully your OH is on the road to recovery now.
Hope the Soya milk suits you better than the Almond stuff. I bought some Oat milk in Sainsburys today. Haven't tried it yet.


Actually sounds more like you did a Windows reset rather than just cleaning up the update files? A reset is more or less a re-install of Windows, and you then have to re-install some of your programs yourself afterwards.
Anyway, glad you seem to have solved your sound issue for now.


The only one of my PCs that had any problems with the update was my Windows tablet. And it is Google Chrome that is having issues on there.
The trouble is, these six monthly major updates are equivalent to a complete re-install of the operating system, for what are quite often only minor improvements or changes, so cause more trouble than they are worth, in a lot of cases.
But if you don't keep Windows 10 up to date then you lose the support of security updates etc eventually.


Mollie. Yes, it was quite nice that Meghan had all children as bridesmaids/page boys, rather than adult bridesmaids. And Princess Charlotte is going to be a star.
Turns out the woman that was straightening her veil as she got out of the car to go into the church was the designer of the dress.


That's good that it was still warm with you, and you got your washing dried and a swing in the sun.
That sounds like a good value lunch in Costco.


I watched the programme on Neanderthals at 8pm, then The Jeremy Thorpe thing with Hugh grant at 9pm.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Another nice day of 20c+ sunny and light winds.

Had a bacon/sausage roll left over from yesterdays brekkie, for brekkie.

My Breadmaker came, it is only small but it's to practice on, i would have had to save up for a bigger one but this was only ÂĢ50, pretty exciting, no idea what to make yet, so many options, been getting more recipes from the web, all sorts of cakes and breads.

Found a new way of making wrappers for spring rolls and Samosa's, very simple as you don't actually make pastry, i'll post it if i can find it again.

Also found a recipe for making Apple Pie Spring Rolls, wow, it looks rather good.

Carried on feeding the trees have have passed the blossom stage, only the Bramley to do as it's in flower, will do the Fig trees tomorrow, they want 10.10.10 but i can only get Growmore which is 7,7,7, and Fish/bone/blood is 6.6.6. but i haven't got any of that, need a tub.

the Windows did tall me it was originally installing updates, tons of stuff i don't want, later the notification section said i need a whole clean copy of windows to get rid of lots of stuff i don't need, so i can understand why things had disappeared, just glad i got my speaker output back, how strange, and so many people had the same problem with all different ways of sorting it out.

For tea i had the chicken which was left from yesterday so made a curry with it, but it made quite a lot, oh dear, now i will end up with more stuff in the freezer, i was going to use up some of the spring rolls.

I passed some of my bigger tubs over the fence for my neighbour, she is going to give them to her grand daughter that i showed around the garden yesterday, they are 1 x 30L, 2 x 50L and 3 x 50cm saucers, i have some larger ones if she wants, i just don't have the room any more and will be glad to see them go.

The Soya milk is quite nice in the coffee, but i put more in than i should, but i don't think it's the right stuff to stop phlegm. it might make it.

Thin spring Roll wrappers.

Crunchy Apple Pie Spring Rolls.




 both xxx


glad you got a bit of sun to see you on your way to Sainsburys. Did you buy any treat foods from there? 

Was the weather ok for you to get some jobs done today?

How is your health lately? Hope your problem is under control and not bothering you too much. 

Parts of the Jeremy Thorpe drama were filmed in our little town.  It was real strange seeing it on screen, they must of filmed it real early in the morning as no one was around. The guy who wrote it is Welsh and was a writer for Dr Who too, ....most of that was filmed in Cardiff. 


that is good you got the sounds worked out ok. 

Nice that you now have more light, but what a shame the school ones are too difficult to get to. 

Probably not worth renewing your costco card if you don't buy much from there. Because we are a big family we make good use of it, so it ends up costing us nothing to renew it, so is ideal for us. 

Your OH has done well losing a lot of weight, it is not easy, I am always struggling to lose too. Has a special diet helped control her diabetes problems? 

The apple pie spring rolls look delicous, I am sure you will enjoy making those as much as you will enjoy making different breads with your new bread maker. 

Is your OH fully well again now? 

The Jersey potatoes are in the shops again, so had them for tea. They are so tasty. 

Real warm and sunny here today, managed to quickly get all the sheets dried. And sat in the swing chair and read my book for awhile too. 

We just had a quick shower of rain, which was strange as the sun still shone all through. The house feels horrible and stuffy tonight. Must be because it is humid now. 

Watching Corrie tonight, then the new series of 24 Hours in Police Custody.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi both.
Grey and cloudy here today, but quite close, so still up to 18 or 19 degrees.
Stayed dry all day, so managed to get my work done.
Supposed to be much cooler for the next two days though, until it warms up again at the end of the week.


Hicky. That's good that your bread maker came. Gives you a new toy to play with.
Still experimenting with the spring rolls as well I see.
That was generous, giving your un-needed tubs to your neighbour.
Yes, I don't think the soya is supposed to be good for phlegm. Probably best not to use too much in the coffee.


Mollie. Glad it was still sunny for you. But not pleasant if it's too hot at night.
My health is just the same. Mostly fine, but with days when I get symptoms (seemingly at random). I can cope with that, as long as it doesn't get worse.


No I just got the staples from Sainsburys really. I tell a lie, I bought a packet of cheesy balls, as i like cheesy crisps. But they are a bit of a disappointment, as they aren't really very cheesy.

Oh yes, I just looked up that Jeremy Thorpe thing, and it was written by Russel T. Davies, who was the show runner on Dr Who for a number of years.
That's interesting that some of it was filmed near you.


I watched Police Interceptors, then 24 Hrs in Police Custody.
That was a very strange guy that was the suspect.


I see they've released 3 official portraits from the Royal Wedding.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Another glorious day here, 19c sunny with winds of 9.

Turned the watering off for the raised beds, greenhouse and bug hotel this morning as non needed water, things are growing at an alarming rate with this weather, gave feed to the Fig trees, just the Bramley to go, it's in flower.

Had bacon and egg sandwiches for brekkie, just heated up a veg Biryani from my freezer, added some chillies and pickled onion.

My lad popped in with a lovely small gardening fork, this one is for using in tight spaces and matches my small spade, i had searched everywhere on line for one, he looked at a tool shop and saw it, he has already replaced the one he broke, but he wanted to get me this one as well, it's mainly for the compost heap but also for some of the raised beds.

The rest of my grafted plants has been posted, might come tomorrow, got the dentist in late afternoon.

Not sure what to make 1st with the breadmaker, it also makes Rice Wine and Sticky Rice, saw a nice recipe for a Lemon Pound Cake.

Mollie, It's a shame we don't use Costco so much now, we mainly get the kitchen rolls and toilet rolls, i love the stuff they sell but you need to a big family for it to pay, we have to pay ÂĢ1.70 each way to go through the tunnel.

Not sure if o/h is on a particular diet, more just being very careful what she eats, she is so fussy anyway.

The humidity in my room is 60% the temperature is 21.2c.

The Jersey potatoes are really good, have them a lot.

Emptybox, Yes, love new toys, no much i don't have mind.

I'm dying to make more spring roll wrappers, and to use the breadmaker, what to do next is the problem.

Yes, not sure about the Soya, sure it was on the don't drink list, i didn't ask for it, i think i mentioned Alpro, and that what came.


both xxx


that is good you managed to get your work done ok again yesterday. HOpe today was fine weather for you too.

Glad to hear your symptoms are not too often meaning you can cope ok.

I have tried those cheesy puffs balls and the only ones I find tasty is the M and S ones. But most other types are tasteless. So I generally stick to cheese and onioin crisps, my fave ones. I always buy the supermarkets own make though.

Interesting that Russell T Davies was the runner, i thought radio Wales said he did part of the writing for Dr Who. But maybe I misunderstood and they said he was the writer for Jeremey Thorpe. I am glad we have another 2 episodes to look forword to.


glad you too got the great weather today, we did too, hope Emptybox did too.

That is good your garden produce is growing so well in this weather.

The daisies on our lawn seem to be taking over this year.

I am sure you will make good use of the garden fork gift from your lad.

Gosh you certainly have a broad choice of what to make with your new breadmaker.

That is a shame you have to add the cost of the toll to the cost of joining Costco,.... as you say, it does not pay for itself when there is only 2 of you.

I got some of the Alpro coconut milk to try. I think soy is nice in coffee too, but as you say if it is bad for phlegm, it defeats the object of replacing ordinary milk, so I will carry on trying alternatives.  I was not keen on their oat milk I tried, so will rule that one out. I have yet to try their almond milk though. Somone told me goats milk may be better for phlegm, what do you think? I love goats cheese, it is so tasty and is my fave on pizza.

Lovely day again, got the rest of the family's sheets dried today. Got a nice little swing on the chair too. And Jersey's again for tea.

And we collected the stuff we bought at last weeks auction.

Will tell you about that tomorrow.

Watching The Split now on bbc1. Am enjoying this drama. You watching it Emptybox?  I think you might like it,... one of the leading ladies (the one with the dark hair) is extremely attractive. I love her sophisticated fashion sense. I never seem to achieve the same level of smartness, even if I try.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi guys.
Nasty day here. Raining all day and cold. Don't think it got above 10 degrees.
No use for work.


Hicky. That was nice of your lad, giving you another fork.
Hope your plants come tomorrow, and you don't need much work at the dentist.
Is there anything the bread maker can't make?


Mollie. I found some cheesy things in Lidl once, shaped like little trumpets or cones, can't remember what they were called, but they were really nice and cheesy. But I've never seen them in there again unfortunately.
(ETA: I think they were called Cheese Bugles)

I like cheese and onion crisps as well.
I usually have a packet of crisps with my lunch when I'm out in the van, but i always go for ready salted, because i think the flavoured ones take away from the taste of whatever I have in my sandwich.


When I said that Russel T Davies was the "show runner" for Dr Who, I meant he was the guy that ran the show; i.e the head honcho, the main producer. He did the casting and decided on the way the story went, plus he wrote some of the episodes himself as well.
I didn't mean he was the errand boy. (I should probably have written it as 'showrunner')
I think he worked on Dr Who from 2005 to 2010, when Steven Moffat took over.


No I haven't been watching The Split. I watched A&E Live with Davina instead.



Last edited by emptybox

Good Evening Both.

Another glorious day, wall to wall sun, 20c with light wind.

Had smoked salmon with crispy seeded crunchy biscuit thingies.

Got my tooth done, needed an injection, but only in the gum this time, the it's dead for hours after they finish, it was just repairing an old filling.

Just had an old prawn curry from the freezer, o/h gave me some salmon but i put it in the freezer for tomorrow.

Gave my neighbour another pack of Asparagus, she loves it with salmon or Bass and it grows so fast.

The Grape vine must be growing at a few inches a day, can't believe it, unlike most years i have worked out a pruning program for this year.

And after 6 years i have finally worked out how to grow and prune the Kiwi Berry Vine, or Hardy Kiwi as it's called, they normally need about 5 or more years to get established, thats if you know what you are doing, but as i've probably wasted a few years not much i can do, at least i know now.

It isn't today the veg are coming, it says they only sent it yesterday, they only send it 2nd class i think.

I've ordered 7 seed pack to make seeded bread, and Falx seed, which are Linseed.

Lots of flowers on Raspberries and Tomato plants.

Mollie, I think i have tins of coconut milk as i use it in some of the curry recipes, might try a drop, but when you cook with it, it turns to oil.

I will try goats milk, another idea.

I seem to watch Antiques Road Trip most and later, Life Below zero, they really are crazy.

Emptybox, yes, the small garden fork is of a quality second to none, and guaranteed for life, not sure who's life.

The Breadmaker is sitting and inviting me to try it, I have a list of items i need, i want to make certain cakes, so for that i need lemons, coco, i need other stuff, mentioned it to o/h, she is so fussy, she said get the seed off the web, which is done.

got the Urology clinic tomorrow, this could be interesting.

We have some small trees in fairly small pots in the front, as well as a type of raised bed, o/h noticed that one of the trees looked rather sad with the leaves about dead, she asked why was that, i said, it hasn't had water since we had all that rain, she said, well neither has the other 2 but they aren't dead. then she said, you haven't sprayed that weed killer by it have you.




pity it went cold again for you yesterday  plus too wet to work. Hope it improved today so you could get some work done.

I know those Bugles. I have tried the BBQ ones and they too are really tasty.

I love the Lidl cheese and onion crisps. But yes I agree if you eat them with something else, the strong flavour covers the flavour of the other food.

I thought Russell T Davies was a bit old and far too experienced to be what I knew as a runner for Dr Who!

As a runner is where they start on tv... my lad was a set runner trainee last year for the bbc films. Did bits of everything, and yes including making the coffees/tea.   In fact, Russell Davies was there at the awards ceremony son went to, as he was one of the professionals presenting the prizes to the traineees.

I recorded it, so have watched a bit of Davina. I think she came over as really nice wth everyone in A and E.


glad you got the good weather.

Did you get a lift or have to get a taxi to the dentist?

I bet you are dead proud you got the kiwi worked out at last. Sounds like you are in for a good crop of grapes too.

How nice of you to keep your neighbour well supplied with asparagus. Nice for you to know how much she enjoys it too.

We will look forward to hearing what you make first with your breadmaker, you have a difficult decision to make there.

Do you reckon you had killed that tree because of the weedliller then?

Hope the urologist visit goes ok tomorrow.

Do you have a lift to go there?

Really hot today, I did sit on the swingchair for awhile, but it was just too hot to get comfy today, so came indoors again.

Took dog out before 8am today as it was cooler that time of day.

We bought two old things we liked beause of their character from the auction.

One was an old pub table with heavy cast iron legs and a pattern of a face on each of the 3 legs. It is small but incredibly heavy. We also bought a heavy wooden box with an old working latch, and 1930's date placard with a reference to a big Estate as it held the old mortgage deads. It looks great in our lounge and we can store stuff in it.

I am watching a bbc1 programme nowa bout toddlers mixing with elderly people with dementia at a day centre. What a good idea it is.

This day centre takes dementia people in 5 days a week, just like one mum used to go to. Really good places these day centres are for dementia people.... the staff are so professional, they entertain them according to their ability and give them a cooked meal each day. Like it was for my mum, music is important to them, and there is one lady with dementia there who holds a doll each day, just like my mum did as the dementia progressed. I bet they all enjoy the bus journey in too, as my mum certainly did. She felt she was going out each day. This group on tv have certainly enjoyed the young children visiting. My mum also loved being with the carers children and pets.

Forecast for rain here tomorrow, but don't mind as it has been so hot here the last few days. But hopefully it wont rain for too many days.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Bit better today. Dry anyway.
Cloudy and still cold this morning, but quite sunny this afternoon. My van was still only saying 13 degrees, but it felt warmer.
Got quite a few jobs done anyway.


Hicky. Pity you needed a filling replaced. Yes, you only need your tooth numb for a few minutes, but it lingers on for hours afterwards.
I'm sure your neighbour was grateful for the asparagus.
Good luck for the Urology clinic tomorrow.

That's great that you've worked out a pruning plan for your grape vine and your kiwi plant.
Hope your home made seeded bread turns out nice. I always buy seeded bread when it's available (gluten free).
Pity one of your small trees seems to have died. Maybe the roots haven't established as well as the other trees, so it was more affected by not getting water?

Mollie. Pity it was too hot for you today. But good idea to take the dog for her walk early.
I know exactly what you mean with the heavy pub tables. We had 3 of them in the pub down the road (when my Dad owned it).
I think ours were 'Britannia' tables, with Lions faces in between the legs, and claws on the feet? similar to this, but in better condition
The old box sounds nice as well.


I didn't see that dementia programmes, but it sounds like it brought memories back for you.
I watched 24 Hrs in A&E, so gave Davina's rival A&E prog a miss for tonight.
Then I watched Rich House, Poor House on +1.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Another glorious day, made some greenhouse water paint up for the glass on parts of the roof, but it looks like rain tomorrow so can't spray it yet.

Just had eggs on toast for brekkie.

Hospital rang to see if we could go early so we did, instead of 4.30 was there about 2 hours early, they said cime with a full bladder, when i got there she said i was going to have a flow test so drink 5 plastic cups of water, did that, Registrar had a chat then said i need to carry on with the tablets and was concerned about the kidney stones i have so sent me for an X Ray, no flow test then i can go home, he said he's see me again in 1 year to see if the stones have grown.

I was going to have that Salmon o/h gave me yesterday with Jersey Royals and home made Parsley sauce, seeing i have Parsley in the greenhouse, but o/h was starving so we went to the Restaurant on the way home, i had a starter of Lamb Cofta  or something with a main meal of chicken tikka something.

Shopping list tonight, will put a few extras on this week.

Rang Suttons about the plants, it seems they didn't send them Monday they sent them Tuesday, someone had been over enthusiastic and pressed the go button in error, should come tomorrow.

Mollie, O/H took me to the dentist, it's ok if the times are right.

The tree in the front, it's in a pretty small tub so it won't hold much water, we have had so little rain i thought they would die, i don't want to start watering them as i look after the trees in the back, o/h is supposed to look after the front, i don't want to get roped in, set the expanding hose pipe up for her though.

Yes, o/h took me to Urology, no problem.

That sounds like good stuff you bought from the auction.

Yes, it's very good what they do with the dementia sufferers.

When o/h asked if i had got to near the tree with the weed killer, i just laughed, hadn't even been within 5 metres of the tree, as if.

Emptybox, Glad you were able to get some jobs done, thats the main thing.

The tree in question is a young weeping willow type, it was late producing catkins as well, way behind the other made which is the same. 

I watched 24hrs in A&E, don't usually.

To feed all the trees and the raised beds too about 80 litres of Tomorite.

Have ordered more Neem oil and soap to go with it, it's a pretty safe spray as it's natural.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
A lovely day here after a cloudy start. The the rest of the day was sunny with blue skies. About 16 degrees with a little breeze. Just right for working.


That was handy getting an earlier appointment. But a bit annoying being asked to go there with a full bladder, and then not even doing the flow test. I think I would have insisted, if only to empty my bladder.
That's good that they are not too concerned about the stones, if they only want to see you in a year?
At least you got a nice meal on the way home.


Hope your plants come tomorrow.
Oh, so it was your OH's fault that the tree out front is in a bad way?
Maybe it'll recover if it gets proper watering from now on.
That's a lot of Tomorite to feed your trees? Is there not a cheaper alternative?


Watched 'Love It or List It' then Humans.




Evening Emptybox.

A light rainy day today so did little, 18c though.

Forgot to say, had bacon and beans on toast for brekkie, o/h wanted me to cook the boned lamb leg for tea with mash and gravy.

My plants came, if you saw the tweet you will have seen the opened box showing how they arrived.

Can't save the tomatoes, hope the melons make it as they have no more, i will post the pic for Mollie to see.

Made a type of cake scone today, but o/h said it wasn't cooked so put it back in.

All my shopping arrived so will be able to play with the Bread maker.

I went into the X-ray dept with a full bladder. went to the loo before we left the building.

They might check the X-ray i had so will get a call if there is a problem.

I mentioned that they were going to zap them in 2007 but because of the AAA they forgot about them.

Don't think o/h realises small trees in small tubs need water, i thought they would die, they did well.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Yes I saw the pic on Twitter. They should have packed your plants more carefully. Hope some of them survive at least.
Must have been disappointing seeing them, after waiting for them to arrive.


Nice morning here, and was sunny and warm up until about 3 pm, when it turned cold and windy. Quite an abrupt change.
It's been raining here this evening.
Mind you the plants need it as it's been reasonably dry up until now.
I got a few jobs done, but I'll have to work tomorrow if it's dry.


Hope the scone was up to your OH's expectation after you rebaked it?
That's good that your shopping arrived, so you can get down to playing with the bread maker now your ingredients are here.


Unfortunately my Brother and SiL had to have their dog put down today.
She had kidney problems and a form of dementia. Plus she had lost some control over her back end, and had become incontinent in the house. So they thought it was the best thing for her.
They think she was about 15, but as she was a rescue dog, they didn't know her exact age.


both xxx


glad you got a good day's weather in so you could get a bit of work done after the rainy day.

We had the rainy cool day today, but didn't mind as it was getting extremely hot and humid lately, and it is due to come back.

Interesting you had those pub tables. Yes our table was a Britannia one, very similiar to the link. The face was different though, but the legs the same. 



that was good they got you in early for your hospital appointment. Let's hope the x ray proves problem free. But it is good the consultant was happy to keep you on your same meds and to not see you for a year. 

Oh dear sounds like your OH is guilty of neglect with the trees, and you and your weed killer are completely guilt free.  Its fortunate you didn't lose them all though. 

I look forward to seeing your photo. 

Was the cake scone ok after you put it back to cook some more? 

I am sure you will enjoy experimenting with your bread maker now your shopping has come. 

We had yummy Jerseys again for tea, all the family enjoy them. 

We had a 33% off voucher, so we all went for tea at Pizza Hut yesterday. Their salad cart is really good, so much varitey and you can help yourself to as much as you want. 

caught up with paperwork today, managed to sort business insurance out, as hate doing that. 

Then later went to view stuff at auction. Lots and lots this week. Someone there told me there would be lots more commercial stuff soon, as Jamie chef guy closed 23 of his places! I am sure Hicky would like to see the commercial cooking stuff. So interesting, huge pans, cookers and utensils etc. And lots of tables/chairs. I like to look at the old pub stuff. Last week they also had 2 lots of blocks of lockers, they even still had the stickers on saying peoples names. 

watching Corrie, then Gogglebox tonight. 

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

Not too bad today, Cloudy for a while, 20c sunny intervals, light winds picking up to 15 later.

Had bacon and tomato on toast for brekkie, then decided to make a cake, i have downloaded the pdf file for the instructions of the big Panasonic Breadmaker so i can compare recipes ans timings with mine, the Panasonic one tells you everything, mine doesn't tell you much.

I decided to make a Lemon Drizzle cake, made it in a big bowl so i could just put it in the machine to cook, put it on for 50 mins but it was raw, gave it another hour, still not done, have put it back on for another hour but will keep an eye on it.

Had Salmon with Jersey Royals and home made Parsley sauce, with Parsley from the greenhouse, nine.

Got a load of deliveries today, my bread seeds, Jell-o, Linseeds, Neem oil and soap.

Gave the neighbour one of my Fig trees, it's only one in a 6 to 8" pot.

Mollie, The registrar wanted to me next year about the Kidney stones, he said get here early so you can go for an Z-ray.

No, the cake/scone didn't cook enough so i binned it, i had given it more time but i know what wattage this machine is, will look when i can turn it over as it doesn't seem to say anywhere.

That sounds like good stuff at the auction, Jamie, wonder whats happening with his restaurants?

I don't have money to get much, just bits and pieces, i only get pocket money.

Emptybox, I was a bit concerned about drinking a lot of water as i'm never really holding it for any period as i go before it gets serious, but after all that water i didn't even want to go.

Bad news about Brothers dog, but best really.

O/H's sisters dog had to be put down last week as it tool a fit and went berserk.

Abandoned the scone as a bad job, this machine doesn't have scones on the list so i was guessing really.

Parcel as delivered.
box of 4 veg plants in pots, what a mess.


To see bigger picture, right click on picture and select 'Open image in new Tap'

Last edited by Hicky

 both xxx


didn't see your post yesterday, so we must of posted around same time. Great minds and all that.... 

Hope it was drier today for you to get a few jobs done. As you say, we did need a bit of rain for the plants. 

Aaaww that is so sad your brother and SIL had to put the dog down,   never an easy decision to make, but it was a good age, and it sounds like the poor thing had some really nasty health problems so it would of suffered if they had let it drag on. 

Yes re the auctions... I do have to show self control as it could be so easy to get addicted to the auction and end up buying stuff I don't need.  The secret is to only go for cheapo stuff and not bid any higher if anyone else goes for it. 


Shame you had to abandon your cheese scone, so I hope your lemon drizzle eventually turned out ok. I love lemon drizzle cake. My OH did have a lot of problems with our bread maker other than making plain white bread, so I think it does take a lot of trial and error. 

I bet your home made parsley was delicious, especially with those Jerseys. 

Gosh those plants look like they have just carelessly been chucked into any old box. I hope they are ok. Are you going to complain about how they packed them? 

Its good to know they are checking you regularly on those kidney stones.

What a shame, that must of been a shock for OH's sister if the dog had a sudden fit then went strange and had to be put down. Vet treatment is so advanced now, that we know if they say it is best to put the animal down, we know they will have considered all the options.  

Not a bad day today, bit of rain, not much sun, but quite warm. 

We went to costco and had nice free food samples then I had jacket potato with coleslaw and cheese. Very nice. 

Watched BGT, then Big Weekend music, that was coming not far from us in Swansea. I saw Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith and enjoyed both of them. Noel Gallagher on now, but not so sure I am keen on his music. 

Taylor Swift heading tomorrow night, so that should be good, also Florence and the Machine, and Rita Ora are on earlier. 

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Not bad day here. Quite a lot of sunshine and about 16 degrees, with a slight breeze. Just right for working.
Got 2 big grass cutting jobs done, so I'm now up to date work-wise.


Hicky. I like a lemon drizzle cake, so hope yours turns out OK.
Sounds like your breadmaker isn't very powerful though, if you had to keep putting it on for longer? And you couldn't get the scone to cook.
That's good that a lot of your deliveries came today.
Those plants were certainly in a mes when they arrived.


That's not good about your OH's sister's dog.
The 'dementia' made my Brother's dog a little unpredictable towards the end, but she was a very placid dog normally. It was mainly that she forgot when it was meal times or walk times etc, and did a lot of aimless pacing about the house.


Mollie. Yes, My Brother had put off the inevitable for a while, but the little dog was only getting worse, and wasn't enjoying life.

Glad you enjoyed your Costco free samples.
What channel is this Big Weekend music on? I might tune in tomorrow for Florence and the Machine (although I'm not a big fan).
I watched Ch4 tonight. Didn't bother with BGT. The I watched an episode of Game of Thrones on Amazon.


emptybox posted:


What channel is this Big Weekend music on? I might tune in tomorrow for Florence and the Machine (although I'm not a big fan).


Hi Emptybox x

it is on bbc1 at 7.30 till 9pm tonight, showing Taylor Swift and Paloma Faith. Then it switches to bbc2 at 9pm for Florence and the Machine because  "Very Englist Scandal" is on at 9pm on bbc1. Which going on what we saw last week, promises to be good. Gogglebox as you can imagine was just hilarious this week when they reviewed the naughty bits on "English Scandal". Their reactions were so funny,   Jenny couldn't work out what was going on with the pair of them, in that scene when they were on the London Bridge. She thought he was just looking for his keys.  

So I am not sure which side to record tonight. Not complaining though, a choice of 2 shows at the same time is better than nothing to watch!

We also have BGT all week and I have my Corrie big storyline coming up, so should be a good week tv wise.

Has been pouring with rain here, but stopped now, so out to get some ant stuff, damn things have been running over our kitchen units again!

Is it shopping today for you Emptybox?

That is good you are up to date work wise, so don't need to worry today about having a day off. I heard many places had lighting storms, nothing here though.

Hope you can get in your garden today Hicky and your bread maker is successful.


Hi Mollie.
Thanks for the info. I think I'll record Florennce and the Machine and watch the Jeremy Thorpe thing.
I like Paloma Faith as well.


Lovely sunny day here, up to 22 degrees when I went to Lidl this afternoon.
Had to rush round though, so missed a few things.
I was having symptoms today, and Lidl doesn't have a toilet, so I had to dash round picking up what I could.
Probably should have gone to Sainsburys, which does have a toilet and cafe, but it was Lidl's 'turn'.


I was having a problem with ants a few weeks ago, but haven't seen any for a while. I put all my open packets away in tins, and made sure there wasn't any crumbs on surfaces, and hopefully that stopped them.
Never did find out where they were coming from.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not too bad here, 23c cloud rain showers, sun and light winds.

Had egg on sandwich for brekkie, midday i had shrimps sandwiches, for tea i had some cheese on crispbread with lime pickle.

Sprayed shading paint on one side of the top of the greenhouse as the sun is so strong, it's only mixed with water at 8 to 1 and i have lots of small 1.5L sprays.

The element in the Breadmaker is only 500w in mine so not a lot of heat, o/h says the Lemon one isn't cooked, it's too deep probably because the recipe was for a different machine.

Watched the F1 from Monaco, what a horrible track.

It should be nice here tomorrow, got lots of stuff for BBQ in they want one and the weather is good, it should be, have sausages, BBQ thin sliced steak, steak Burgers, rools etc, salad stuff.

Mollie, It wasn't a cheese scone, just a scone recipe but getting anything to cook is going to be the problem.

Yes, i don't know how the kidney stones topic cropped up to be honest, after 11 years it crops up, strange, but of course it could play a part in my waterworks problem al along.

O/H sisters dog was old and could hardly walk, how he survived so long i have no idea.

I think you just go to Costco for the food, or do you get something else as well

Emptybox, Glad you have caught up with your jobs, it takes some of the pressure of you.

Yes, hard to believe anyone could send out plants like that.

The ants send out scouts to locate food source, if you just see an odd one thats the scout, if you see a procession then thats the food distribution network in action.

Last edited by Hicky

both xxx


oh dear, sorry to hear you had symptoms today and had to dash round Lidl. Yes that is the problem there, being a cheaper no frills, there is no cafe or toilet in their stores. Hope your symptoms ease. I know it is hard for you to pin point a cause, but could this return of symptoms right now be connected with the increase in temperatures and humidity that you have had, and have been working in recently? Did you remember to greatly up your water intake? Let's hope it eases soon.

Yes I think I too will watch Jeremy Thorpe then go back to the music weekend. I am watching music till it starts at 9pm though.


shame the lemon cake wasn't cooked either. Hopefully you will soon work out what it is capable of though.

Who is coming to visit tomorrow for a BBQ? Is it your lad and his family?

Funny you should say, we do like Costco for the food, and buy stuff like toilet roll, kitchen roll, dishwasher tablets there etc, but this week OH bought these

....they cost ÂĢ35 in store and are very good quality. Our garden is real bright now when it gets dark, so at least we can see where the dog is when we put her out.

Started off wet here today, then as it dried up, the sun came out and it got sunny and up to about 23 degrees, so after we went shopping for the ant stuff and other bits, I got 5 lots of washing out and sat on the swingchair.

Time to watch Taylor Swift in Swansea now,... wish I had gone as it is so close to us. So glad the weather was good for them all weekend for this.

Gosh I think you will approve of her costume Emptybox! She sure knows how to do the sexy look.

Have a good evening both. Fingers crossed this gorgeous weather lasts for us all.


Hi both.

Hicky. Pity your lemon drizzle wasn't properly cooked. It looked OK in the picture.
Good idea to use paint on your greenhouse, if the sun is so strong. I never bother, because the sun isn't as strong here, and also I really only grow tomatoes, which seem to like the sun.


Hope you get the nice weather to enjoy your BBQ tomorrow.
Yes, I think I only saw the scout ants, and I killed as many of those as I could, so hopefully they didn't have a chance to report back.


Mollie. Definitely the symptoms have got worse in the hotter weather. I'm trying to drink as much as I can, and that certainly helps, but I can only drink in breaks at work, I can't keep going back to the van to drink. Perhaps I should buy one of those hats that have a built in drinks holder?


Yes, I don't know many Taylor Swift songs, but I definitely approve of her costume.
I didn't see the beginning of her set though, as I was really only interested in seeing Paloma Faith.


Evening Both.

Warm today, 23c sunny intervals, light winds of 7.

Had tomato & cheese on toast for brekkie.

Didn't do much as it was pretty hot out, put some sun cream on though.

Have messed up the grape vine some, sprayed it with a treatment but got the ratio wrong, oh dear, hope it can survive, i tested on one of the non good shoots but mustn't have left it long enough, i had used the 1 gallon dose for 1 litre, a lot of the small leaves have shrivelled and some bigger ones don't look too good, if the growth is stunted that will be a problem.

The pack of vitamin C came this morning, that reminds me, must chop the apples and freeze them, didn't know you had to immerse in vitamin C to keep the colour before you freeze.

Might make a seeded loaf tomorrow.

Lad didn't come as the weather was so hot he took his family and dog out for the day.

Mollie, I thought the cake must have been cooked, after all that time it had to be, it had the lemon drizzle running through it which maybe made it looked uncooked, anyway, only the first.

Those Solar lights look a good buy, cheap to run as well.

I saw Taylor Swift, the costume didn't really attract me, much.

Emptybox, I still think the cake is cooked, it's pretty solid but tastes ok to me.

The sun really was a scorcher, the shading on one side helps a bit, the greenhouse is facing the wrong direction because i didn't have the room to build it the other way.

You might be able to get a drinks belt that you can wear and the flask would be ideal, you could take some sort of drink container in the van, take a flask even and drink between jobs of when you are leaving.


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