glad you had a good day weather wise.
Yes you are right about Three Kings Day, I only knew about that term this year because someone I know in Glasgow mentioned it, I assumed she knew about it as she was Scottish, but perhpas that is not so, as you don't know about it.
I knew the 12 night thing was a big thing in Europe, and children in Spain have their pressies on 12th night. I had heard of Epiphany, (same thing), so I read up on it and it is quite complicated, depends on which calendar is used, and some think it commemorates when Jesus was baptized. (se link below).
They made a giant pasty in Mexico to commemorate and it is 1440 meters long and weighed over 9000kg. Even HIcky couldn't get through most of that!
Goodness me, no chance of me squeezing you out on the work front in my "working" boots, and definately no steel caps in sight! As the carer said today, my boots look lovely, but don't really look like they would cope well in bad weather. It's the shiny red velvet you see, and the black fluffy bits where they do up.
Thanks for the boot piccy Hicky. Yes I can see how those ones would support my ankle, and what I need really to ensure my ankle does't twist again. Wonder if they do themthose in pinky/red velvet?
Good for you going out for brekkie. Where did you go? Is it a help yourself like at Toby or waiter servery like Weatherspoon we go to?
Glad you got in the garden, hope you can sort the gardner out to help you now.
That is good you get the fuel payments already, yes when you get over 80 like your mum, it goes to ÂĢ300, which is great as she feels the cold so easily.
That is nice you got a few things whilst away. How odd Hawaii took your knife away, but the other places didn't.
If you google FT and "America in deep freeze as Australia fries", it is a story about 120 degrees difference in temperatures! Gosh, good job you missed that Hicky.
Looked after mum all afternoon today, but didn't take her out as the sea breeze was a cold Arctic one today! But we did take the dog a quick walk round the seafront park beforehand.
I enjoyed the Voice. Loved the duet between Tom and Jennifer.
And really enjoyed Dancing on Ice, gosh it is hard work compared to Strictly. I think they all did really well.
CBb... I am enjoying it and I don't mind the new males who have entered, they were badly needed, those women on their own were dull, dull, dull. Such boring conversations.
The only one I dont like so far is India. So negative and disrespectfull to her elders, and I am tired of her continually flaunting her body. No one else has.
Quite cold here today, but lovely and sunny.
Goodnight both xxx