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Evening Both.

Another mixed bag of weather, cloud, rain sun with wind ranging from 8-20 and 42 at 7pm.

Didn't do much, thinned out the pears on the Asian pear tree, took 33 off, it seems the smallest are falling off anyway, the tree knows the score.

We are booked into the Shangri-La Hotel Sydney, 5 * for 3 days to start off.

Made an Omelette for brekkie, didn't go out, o/h wanted to eat in, used mushrooms, onion, bacon as the filling.

O/H just made a Pork roast dinner and i gave her a big Bramley apple out of the garden to make the apple sauce, yummy.

Have ordered a welders Bib Apron to protect my clothes while using the grinder and wire brush side.

My pain is certainly easing some, got some sleep last night, was in bed at 9.30,

Mollie,  Yes, i read that shingles can last 3 to 5 weeks, i've had it 3 now.

It's hard to tell what the calamine does, it cools it for a while, the spots are not the problem now as they are almost healed, i think the pain is just my nerve endings.

Didn't realise Strictly was on, saw it mentioned on another site, watched it on my tv using on demand bbc iplayer, enjoyed it.

Didn't realise X-Factor was on either, saw it tonight though.

Glad your cold is almost gone, and brekkie out, well deserved.

Emptybox, I didn't use the whisk for the soup, i used an adapter with a knife blade underneath, it chopped everything to shreds, even the tomato seeds.

Yes, a painful arm doesn't seem to effect me eating, pleased about that.

It's strange, if i lie back in a chair with my hands behind my head the pain stops.


Hi Hicky.
Yes mixed weather here as well. Very wet when I went into the supermarket, but luckily it had stopped by the time I came out, so I didn't get soaked loading the van.


That's good that your pains are easing, and you got a reasonable night's sleep.
Yes I think shingles affects the nerves.
I expect you'll just about be able to cope with a five star hotel?

 X Factor tonight, then Victoria
Bet Mollie will have been in tears. Lord M and the dog in one episode.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Another cool rotten day here, cloud rain and a glimpse of the sun with strong winds, some 43 with temperature of 15c.

Didn't do anything today, weather put me off, didn't want to keep dodging the rain, have a few jobs to do but no hurry.

Just had scrambled egg for brekkie and had a dish of cauliflower cheese with a few frozen chips, the little pack you do in the microwave.

Just been watching TV mainly.

I woke more last night because i was so hot, i really boil in bed, always have.

I'm not really used to 5 star hotels, another experience, o/h very interested in all the views and sights, i'm only interested in the food.

X-Factor was ok, some good singers.

Hope Mollie's cold has gone and she doesn't have pain from her ribs. 


both xxx


hope it dried up a bit for you today so you could get some work done, and hope the mower behaved.

I have only had chance to watch 1st half of Victoria so far...but don't like the sound of what is to come, I have noted both the doggie and MrM are not fairing well in the first half.


Hope the pain is carrying on easing.Pity you got overheated in bed. Could you try a thinner quilt and not having any heating in the bedroom? I did read that getting overheated was not good for the shingles, as I guess it aggravates the itching. I always get warm in bed if I have a thick duvet on, even if I do start off feeling cool, so need to have the bedroom quite cool. Hope you sleep better tonight.

Sounds like you had a tea I would like as I love caulflower cheese, goes nicely with chips too.

Your son is certainly looking after you making sure you stay at the best hotels. It will be nice for you to be spoilt for a change.

Gosh it was real windy here last night, got up to find swing chair upside down in middle of garden. The wind gradually eased as the day went on, but we had some real heavy showers on and off. Definately not a hang my clothes out day today.

Son was working in a Cardiff  theatre back stage last night .

I wasn't sure whether to go, as I was worried my ribs would hurt and I felt tired after this cold, and I knew it would be a late night, but I managed and  enjoyed it.

But this morning... and this is 1st time I have done this....I was so late home last night that I forgot to take my phone to bed. I left it downstairs in my bag and of course it had to be the very occasion when the agency needed me! When I eventually managed to check my voicemail (that was playing up and askng for a new code!), there were  2 voice mails saying the carers couldn't get in the flat, and they arrive at 7.45 at mums. Oh no!
I rang the agency back and by then the carers had got in the flat. They rang my private carer who is on holiday in Ibiza and she told them which was the landlord's flat so she could let them in. Week days they have to get mum ready for 8.45 for the bus, so it is panic stations if they run late. Looks like last nights carers had forgotten to put the key back in mum's outside key safe. So it was lucky my private carer answered her phone early morning whilst she was on holiday abroad!

Have a lot of tv to catch up now from last X factor as I love it, and the rest of Victoria. Managed to catch up with Corrie though.

Watched Liar tonight, looks interesting.

Have a good evening both.



Hi guys.
Started out cool and cloudy, but then the sun came out for a while. But we had heavy thunder showers later in the afternoon, so I had to finish early.


Unfortunately the mower was really playing up today, so when I got home I had a proper look at it.
I don't think the problem is the automatic choke (as I previously thought), as that seems to be working as it should. I tried changing the spark plug, but that didn't have any effect.
I took the carburetor partly out, and made sure there was fuel getting to it. I didn't take it apart to clean it, but might try that later.
The thing is, when it starts it runs perfectly normally, it just seems not to catch sometimes, and you have to keep pulling and pulling the cord (hence why it broke the other day).
I'm wondering if it might be the coil playing up?
Also I've read that the engine is prone to sticky valves.
I might end up having to buy another mower, if I can't get it started at all, but if I can get to the end of the season, I could then try to get this one repaired at my leisure .


Pity you didn't get much done Hicky.
I like the actual bedroom to be cool, but I need to be warm in the bed.
Last night I woke in the early hours and was chilly in the bed and couldn't get back to sleep, so I turned the electric blanket back on, and that did the trick.


Mollie. Pity the carers needed to get hold of you on the very morning that you didn't have the phone in the bedroom. But at least they got it sorted, even if they needed to phone Ibiza.
Sounds like the wind was very bad, if it upended your swing chair. 
Sorry, I never considered that you wouldn't have watched Victoria yet. How do you manage to only watch half the programme?
At least you have been warned to have the tissues ready.


Thanks for the article about Sarah. I'd seen one of the photos that she'd posted (can't remember if it was on Twitter Instagram or Snapchat?), but I didn't know what it was for.


Watched the Jamie Oliver prog, and Superfoods. I was considering watching that Liar thing, but as I like Joanne Frogett I didn't want to dislike her in this, if you see what I mean (strange logic ).
I ended up watching 'The Search for a New Earth' on BBC2, which was very interesting.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Another not very nice day here, 15c rain, sunny spells and wind at 15 with times at 40-50, wow.

Went out for brekkie, it started raining and o/h dropped me off at the cafe and went to park up somewhere, but, they were shut today so had to wait for her, we then went to the nearest garden centre for brekkie.

O/H called in a bakers on the way home for a loaf, bloomer and some pies, just had smoked salmon on toast for tea.

I lowered the bug hotel so i could put some netting over the bit that something is digging in the soil, could be looking for worms, but each time i put it right they did it again, so, sorted.

Mollie, The heating wouldn't come on in the bedroom as it is set to 17c at night and the house won't go that cold, 

Arm still in pain, the creams don't seem to make any difference at all, will just have to take the paracetamol more often.

Got my meds today, will have to sort the online ordering out though.

Maybe you should keep 2 keys in your mums key safe, with 1 kept for emergency like the other day.

I saw your link, it looked to me that all they wanted was to get their pictures in the paper, didn't see them helping out.

Emptybox, Strange about your mower, you need to clean the carburettor and the jet inside, points, plug gap, check for spark somehow, fuel supply, air intake check air filter, not much else to stop it working, fuel, air and spark is a must.

Was in bed again last night, might do the same tonight, the arm is just so annoying.


both xxx


how annoying about the mower, let's hope you can make it just last to the end of the season, so you have time to get it fixed. Such a shame if you can't now as we are so close to the end of grass cutting season. How did it go today, mower and weather wise?

Don't apologise about Victoria. I am only too glad I had a bit of a warning about how the episode would end. I rarely watch my fave shows on Catch up,  and dont' care who gives what away about stuff if I miss shows. I was behind with tv Sunday as I had to go out, and then it has taken me a couple of days to catch up with being busy, so that is why I had only watched half by last night.

The only thing I don't like to know is who is going in the BB house before launch night, I know some media places print it, but i think it is a shame to ruin launch night.

Gosh it was so sad seeing the dog lying there all deaded and Lord M's end in sight too. When Victoria was telling Albert about Dash. and saying he was always there and how she couldn't bear it as she'd miss him so much, do you think she was talking about LordM or Dash?


oh dear how annoying how after OH dropped you off, you found the cafe was closed. HOpe you enjoyed the alternative one.

So frustrating that none of the creams ease the pain in your arm. Let's hope as you have had it for so long now that it starts to ease and fade away.

Showery today, got 3 washloads out, then had to get them in shortly after again. They had started to dry though. Pouring down tonight, they said to expect wind overnight, 2 nights ago we already had it very windy, the night the swingchair ended up in the middle of the lawn!

Bake Off tonight, then Doctor Foster, I enjoy both of those.

OH and daughter have gone to see this tonight...'s-on/the-wipers-times/

Ian Hislop (off Have I got News for You) wrote it and will be there to ask questions after.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening folks.
Not bad morning, got a big hedge cutting job done. Cut some grass in the afternoon, but rain came on about 3.30pm.
Mower still playing up, probably getting worse.


Hicky. Pity you were thwarted in having brekkie at the cafe, but at least the garden centre was open.
Smoked salmon on toast for tea can't be bad.
That's annoying that you are still in pain from your arm. Be careful with the paracetamol, not to take too many.


I'll have to fiddle more with the mower when I get time. I've eliminated the spark plug as the problem, as I swapped it with the one from the spare mower, and it made no difference. And the other one works fine in the spare mower.
I might try swapping the carburetor and/or the coil as well, as the spare mower starts fine. It just doesn't run very well, as I hit a rock and bent the shaft on it. It runs slow and vibrates a lot, but it still works.
What I don't want to do is end up with both mowers not working, because I've over-fiddled with both.


Mollie. Pity you couldn't get your washing dry because of the rain. Hope the wind isn't too damaging over the next 24hrs. Think I'm only on the edge of it, so hopefully won't be affected (apart from rain).
That should be an interesting Play. I'd heard of the 'Wipers Times', but didn't know there was a play about it.
I think Victoria was talking about Dash, but we were supposed to think about Lord M at the same time.


Watched Bake Off. I quite like the Russian girl Julia.
Then I watched Celebrity Island.



both xx


what a nuisance the mower is still playing up. Yes must be awkward to know if a fiddle to fix will solve the problem or just make it worse?

At least you got a fair bit of work in before the rains started though.

How did things go today?

Did you get your oil order in as it looks like it is going up in price doesn't it, with those high inflation numbers just come in.

I too enjoyed Bake Off, there are a few who I like, and I fancied a tea cake when I watched it.

Dr Foster was good too.

It wasn't a bad day at all here today, I even managed a sit in my swing chair, short sleeves too as the sun was warm despite it being a bit windy. All that fuss about a named storm and the winds here were not even as strong as they were the other night the swing chair got blown in the middle of the garden. We did have some heavy rain, but not for more than an hour and it has been dry today, a good drying day for my washing. And the dog enjoyed her walk too.

Hope Hicky's pain is starting to ease and the weather was ok for him to get in the garden.

Think I'll watch GP show, then Long Lost Family tonight.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

Another rain and sun day, 14c with 22>13 winds.

Didn't do much because of the weather, had to extend the wire netting further over the roof of the bug hotel as the birds started digging were the original netting ended as i had just covered the area they were digging in, if this doesn't work i'll set up a bazooka and a bird sensor to sort the problem.

My arm was a lot better today, very little pain, about time, i cqn only say it seems to be on the way out.

Had sausage and tomato toasted sandwiches for brekkie.

Made a beef curry using Flank steak again, just added onions, had it with potato's. 

Fingers crossed, not had any blood since i started the new tablet for the prostate, it's a week now.

Mollie, Trust us to go to a cafe on about the only day of the year when they are closed for some reason.

You were lucky to get any washing dry in-between showers.

The link didn't work but i could see what it led to, sounded interesting.

I've stopped the creams on the skin as i can't see what they do, i can't tell if the tablets work, but it seems the same with or without.

Emptybox, At least you got some work done, rain stopped play again.

Bad news about the mower, it need more inspection to spot the problem.

I think swapping the carburettor would be a good move, it's a process of elimination and having a working machine to swap with is the best bet.


Rain all day today, so no work done.


spent most of the day fiddling with the mowers, but didn't get it sorted.
Swapped the coils over, which was quite easy, but had no effect on the problem.


Looked at swapping the carburettors, but the one on the current mower has an automatic choke, and the spare mower has a manual choke, and the spring on the butterfly valve thing actually works the opposite way. So they wouldn't be compatible. Or at least it would be a bodge to get it to fit, and you'd have to work out a way of putting the choke on manually.

Can find plenty of the carburettors with manual choke on Ebay, but can't find an automatic one to buy, as I think they only came out last year.
Tried cleaning the carburettor, but couldn't work out how to get at the jet thing, so the cleaning had no effect either.
So at the moment I'm back to square one
I've still got a feeling it might be a sticky valve, but haven't looked into that yet.
Seemingly that engine Honda GCV160 is bad for 'varnish' clogging the valve stem, which causes starting problems.


Hicky. Glad the pain in your arm is going.
That's good that the prostate tablets seem to be working. What is the name of those, if you don't mind me asking?
Pity those dratted birds are digging round your insect hotel, but I suppose they are attracted by the prospect of an insect feast?


Mollie. Glad you got good weather. Bit strange though, as Storm Aileen was supposed to affest South Wales I thought?
Mind you, I think they recorded the highest winds on the Isle of Wight, so maybe it ended up further South than they thought?
Haven't ordered any oil yet. The price is still lower than when I ordered in February, but I'm keeping an eye on it.
Will certainly have to order some before long though, as it can't be long before I need some heating in the evenings?


Watched Location then Long Lost Family, although that was a repeat. I thought it was a new series?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Not a lot to report, weather up and down, 14c cloud, rain, sun and wind of 15>20.

Had bacon/egg toasted sandwiches for brekkie, just love the bloomer bread, it makes such good toast.

O/H just made another lamb shoulder roast dinner, i'm spoilt.

My new leather welding bib/apron came so i can do more work on knives to get them single bevel.

Since i changed the small knives over to single bevel they haven't needed sharpening since i did them, i used to have to sharpen them almost every day, the change is remarkable, i've got more to do now.

The pain is easing in my arm and if i keep it still the pain stops which is good.

Can't you buy a de-clogging agent that goes into the cylinder and frees stuff, it might de-clog the valves/stems, if it clogs up it must be a mixture of oil and carbon i suppose.

If i remember right the jet is awkward to get at but i used to unscrew it and blow it through or used a very fine wire to make sure it's ok.

Still no blood, i'm made up, the tablets are Finasteride 5mg @1 a day.

It's a shame i have had to put wire netting over the roof flower bed on the bug hotel but thats all i could think of as they were destroying it.



Hi Hicky.
Not bad day. Rather windy and cold, but quite sunny.
Did 4 jobs. The mower struggles on.


That's good that your leather apron etc came.
Glad that your knife sharpening has been a success.
That's good that your arm is getting better.
No chance of you starving anyway.


Yes, I might look into adding a de-clogging agent to the oil or petrol in the mower.
When I had the carburetor off I couldn't get the screw that held the jet to loosen, and I didn't want to force it in case I broke something. I might practice on the one in the old broken mower that's in the shed (not the spare one, but the one previous to that).


Ah yes, I've heard of Finasteride. It's used to shrink the prostate, in people who have enlarged ones. Hope it works for you, but it'll be a long haul.


Watched 'Without Limits: Vietnam' on BBC1, about a group of disabled people travelling through Vietnam by car and motorbike. It was interesting to me because one of my cousins did the same route by motorbike a couple of years ago for charity (a group of them).
Then I turned over to BBC2 to watch 'Tribes, Predators & Me' about Gordon Buchanan in Mongolia.

Last edited by emptybox

both xxx


glad to hear you got some jobs done..., shame the mower is struggling, but better than not working at all I guess. Hope it hangs on awhile longer till the end of the season now, and hope if you try the declogging thing, it does help.

Was the weather ok for you to get some work done today?

That is interesting about your cousin in Vietnam. My friend is a teacher and taught there for awhile, she said she enjoyed it.


sounds like your knife sharpening is working well. Hope you are pleased with your apron. Does it have lots of pockets to put tools etc in?

So pleased to hear at last the pain is easing in your arm, and it is good news you can at least get relief now if you keep it still.

Looks like the meds are working a treat as there is still no blood.

How annoying you had to put the netting over the bug hotel, but I guess you had not choice if it was being destroyed.

Went to cardifff with family yesterday, was worried in case my ribs hurt, I was just a bit achy but not too bad. For once I did not delay in Primark.

Daughter got me some strawberries from Thorntons yesterday, they have a choccie fountain and cover the fresh strawberries in warm melted choccie, really yummy.

Watched the Manchester school programme last night, enjoyed it.

Gogglebox tonight. Will record Cold Feet.

Have to go to post office now.

My friend came this morning for her fave brekkie of cheese/tomato toast that I make in the halogen.

Have a good day both xxx


Evening Both.

Not a bad day really, 15c with sunny spells, 13 wind, didn't do much.

Had bacon batches for brekkie and just cooked pork ribs for tea with a slice of fruit cake, love that.

Pain is easing, but it seems to come back at night, not sure why.

Watched the F1 practices 1 & 2 today, will have to watch more tomorrow.

My shopping came, yummy, got another tray of cauliflower cheese as well, i don't need a lot as i just order what i am running out of, need more Flank from Costco as well, but i keep a stock of ready made curries that i have made so i always have food to fall back on.

Emptybox, That was good getting 4 jobs done, it all helps.

Not sure how shrinking the prostate stops the blood vessel bleeding though but i'll try anything, it's a week now so very pleased so far.

Haven't tried the leather apron yet, i will be doing so very soon.

You need to be careful with the jet as i'm sure it is only brass, which as you know is very soft, you might need to get the correct tool to remove it, it's probably a very small socket or box spanner.

I didn't watch Tribes, the are so many stations now and i am trying to not record too much as i can never get the time to watch them.

Mollie, No, the leather apron has 1 pocket on the bib part, it's not a work clothing it's just for welding or using the grinder etc, the grinder gives off a stream of very hot sparks when you are grinding steel.

Well, the netting stopped the birds digging in the bug hotel roof, they would have destroyed to lot i think.

Glad your ribs were ok in Cardiff, and getting strawberries in chocolate sounds delightful.

You can't beat cheese tomato toast, love it.


Evening both.
Not bad day. Mostly cloudy but a bit of sunshine too. Rain later, but not till after 5pm.
Got two big grass cutting jobs done. Mower annoying, but keeping going.


At lunchtime I bought two de-clogging agents from CarParts4U. One goes in the oil, and is supposed to clean valves. And one goes in the petrol, and hopefully cleans the carburetor. I put some of both in, and after an hour or so of cutting the mower seemed to be starting better. But after two hours it went back to starting badly again, so who knows?
They may need time to do their work.
I'll persevere with the petrol one anyway. You can only put so much in the oil, unless you change the oil at the same time.


Mollie. Glad your ribs were OK for your trip to Cardiff.
Chocolate covered strawberries sound great.
That's nice that your friend enjoys your cheese and tomatoes on toast.


Hicky. Pity you are still getting pain at night.
Perhaps the Finasteride will shrink those blood vessels down?
My Dad used to strip the carburetors of my mowers down, so I must have the right tools for getting at the jet. Just a matter of laying my hands on them.
Good idea to keep a stock of home made curries for when you get hungry.


Watched the motorhomers in Scotland, then Jane McDonald.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, dry cool 14c sunny spells and light 9 wind.

The squirrel is outfoxing me, this second one is so strong and clever it's escaping every time, it's the equivalent of Houdini i think, to work out how to escape through a trap door that is held by a bungee cord, on the original one way doors it just chewed through the tie wraps which have been replaced by wire now, but it's back to the drawing board on how to stop it opening the entry door once it's triggered shut.

I re-ground the carving knife today, that only took ten minutes, tried out my leather apron, great, got another to do but am going for a meal tomorrow midday as one of o/h's brothers is down from the South and has invited us with other relatives to a Lunch somewhere, saves us cooking anyway.

Just had 2 egg batches for brekkie with a curry for tea, from my stock.

Watched F1 this weekend but will have to record the race tomorrow, the road courses don't suit Mercedes, but it's going to be an interesting race thats for sure.

The additives can help if that is the problem, glad the mower let you get the jobs done.

The pain is strange, defo getting less and less but sometimes i can't feel any and others it hurts.

I watched the 5 motorhoming, it's not a good setup, 3 fellers in 1 caravan, they aren't made for that, and both sets seem to do their own thing, and they don't have 4 wheel drive which is needed, it's a total shambles i think.

I recorded Jane McDonald. 


both xxx


well done getting 2 big lawn jobs done, good job the mower managed it, but shame it was still annoying. Let's hope the declogging things do some good work on it. Have you managed to find the tools you were looking for yet?

Hope you enjoyed your spab bol and beer today.


glad you are pleased with the leather apron.

That is good the pain is getting less, hopefully it won't be much longer now till it disappears.

I recorded Jane and the cruise and The Motorhome show as I watched Gogglebox.

Havent had chance to watch it yet, as we went to costco today and got a few food treats from M and S. I got some tea cakes. As They made them on Bake Off this week, was what made me fancy buying one.

Lots of nice free food samples in Costco today too,

Enjoyed X factor.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Rainy here today. Very heavy this afternoon.
Didn't do anything with the mower or carburetor.


Hicky. Pity the squirrel is getting the better of you. They must be cleverer than they look?
That's nice, to get an invite out to lunch tomorrow.

Mollie. That's funny, I wasn't impressed with the teacakes on Bake Off at all. Thay seemed very dull. They would need to have been covered in chocolate to interest me.
Yep, beer and spag bol as usual for me today.


Watched X-Factor then a couple of sci-fi films on CH 4.


both xxx


pity it was so wet and you didn't have much chance to do anything with the mower.

HOpefully it was better weather today. It certainly was here, sunny intervals,then a bit of cloud, then sunny again, but no rain.

We got our walk down the seafront and a hot do nut from the fair. So yummy, just melt in your mouth.

OH and son cleaned mum's carpets with a carpet cleaner we have.

At the seafront pub there was a rock and roll band with singer outside, lots of people enjoying the singing and seafront market.


hope you enjoyed lunch out with your OH's brother and the rest of the family. Where did you go to? You said he is from down south, whereabouts?

Wonder what you chose to eat?  I am guessing a Sunday roast.

We went to Weatherspoon for brekkie this morning with OH and son. Really good value and nice food.

Looking forward to X factor and then Victoria.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

Not a bad Sunday weather-wise, 15c with cloud and sunny spells, rain was expected but didn't see any, wind at 6>11.

Didn't do much with going out for lunch, went to the Village Hotel Bromborough, pretty posh, 5 courses as well, but 4 courses you serve yourself, which does me fine, it included a carvery, we had Champers as well, there were 8 of on the table.

Only had 2 waffles for brekkie before we went as i wanted to leave some room.

Had to record all the F1 of course but the new box if brilliant, love it, far easier than the last one to sort out, well worth the money and it's on the web so can pick up any youtube video's & all the options i never had.

Mollie, Yes, the pain is less les each day now, after 4 weeks it need to, still a little pain at times, but as long as it's going, that all that matters.

I'll be needing to go to Costco again soon, but we go when it's quiet but the opening hours are a bit late so you can't go when it's slack.

Haven't watched Jane yet with being out for so long, still watching the after talk of F1.

Emptybox, This squirrel is pretty clever, to work out how to get out of a trap takes some brains and strength, each time it got away i changed the design, changing some tie wraps to copper wire, i had the trap horizontal and think it gave it the power to escape with it being on it's feet so going to change stuff and have it vertical with the entrance at the bottom, the trap door was held open with a 4" screw with a monkey nut over the point, so if it was knocked over the door shuts, but one time i have breakable material holding the trap door shut and it chewed through it, clever devil.

One of the problems is i can't leave the trap overnight as if it has too long before i get to it it can work out how to escape.

The occasion for the meal, didn't realise but it was to celebrate O/H's Brothers wedding, mind you it's not his first, he is a lecturer at Cambridge.

Just watching the darts, love watching the Power Taylor. it's in Cardiff as well.


Hi both.
Not a nice day here. Showery all day.
Just went to the supermarket and also got fuel for the van.
My left knee is sore for some reason. Only thing I can think of is that I was kneeling on concrete for a long time on Wednesday, when I was fiddling with mowers. Hope it's not arthritis coming on.


Mollie. Glad you got a nice day for your seaside walk and seafront rock 'n' rolling.
Hot doughnut sounds good.


Hicky. Sounds like a posh meal, and Champagne as well?
OH's brother's wedding? I suppose you're never too old?
I expect you'd get a bit of a shock if you went out one morning and you'd actually caught the squirrel? You'd then have to deal with it.
Yes, great that you can just rely on your telly box to record whatever you want, and in perfect quality as well.


Watched X-Factor then Victoria then a recorded episode of '100 year old Driving School'.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day really, cool, dry till 4pm sunny spells 14c light wind.

Didn't do much, had a nice brekkie, bacon, egg, hash browns, tomato's toast.

Cooked a boned rolled lamb shoulder just to cut at, made a couple of batches with some and put lime pickle on of course.

Gave my neighbour a bag of cherry toms as she had run out, with a cucumber, bit tom, 3 apples, a small jar of pickled cucumber as she had run out and a jar of pickled cucumber made with a different recipe.

Not sure how many squirrel's there are where i live but clever as they are they aren't a match for yours truly, wonder how many more there are, i won't dwell on it but it's squirrels 0 me 2.

the cucumber plant has really given me it's all, very pleased with the output, also the tomato plants, the 'big boy' in the greenhouse has huge toms just waiting for them to go red-ish. 

You know you shouldn't kneel on ground, never mind concrete, always have a kneeler handy.

It's a long time since i had Champagne, used to drink quite a bit many years ago when o/h's sisters o/h had a restaurant and we spent lots of time drinking because it was almost impossible to leave.

I really don't think 100 yr olds should be driving, it's crazy, hate to think how quick their reactions are or how they react in an emergency.


both xxx


shame you had it wet again. Hope it was better for you today as it is a work day. And I hope the mower behaved if you did get it dry enough for work.

Yes Hicky is right, you don't want to be kneeling on hard concrete as it is not good for you and you will get knee pain. I bet you can buy those cushions in places like B and Q or off Amazon. Hope the pain has eased now.

I saw a bit of 100 year old driving school on Gogglebox. But haven't seen the show, it did look funny but as Hicky says maybe a bit dangerous to be on the road that age? But of course going on stats it is young men who cause most accidents, but I guess there are not many really older drivers around.


Glad you had a nice meal, fancy it being a wedding and you had not even realised. Good job you hadn't eaten much all day as it was 4 course help yourself. I looked it up on the website, sounds quite a bargain for all that on a Sunday for ÂĢ12.95.and looks a nice hotel group.

Don't really understand about your squirrel thing but I hope you have been letting the squirrels go free in the forest and not killing them because if you are killing them, I am truly appalled and shocked, and I don't want to know or even think about it. 

I refuse to eat any meat or fish, let alone ever kill a beautiful animal. I even hate fishing.... so cruel putting hooks into fishes mouths and either killing them or throwing it back. How they can call that a sport, defeats me.

My friend went vegan years ago. I really should do that too and was thinking of giving it a go, but would find it hard as I had trouble with my thyroid,...consultant told me post op I am supposed to have calcium from cheese, yogurt etc.

Did you enjoy the champagne? I do like champagne but as it is so expensive we only have it for Christmas day and New Years day. I buy it from Lidl, at ÂĢ10 bottle and it is a good one for that price.

A lovely day here today, got to read my book for awhile on the swingchair and dried about 6 washloads today.

Hope you both got nice weather too.

Am watching Corrie then Liar on itv, Vic Reeves is on Corrie tonight.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening guys.
Not a nice day. Cloudy misty and drizzly at times. And cold (10 degree high). Back to wearing my padded gillet and woolly hat.
Got a few jobs done, but the grass was soaking wet, so the mower was making heavy weather of cutting it.
Very reluctant to start at the beginning of the day, but got a bit better when it had warmed up. I'm thinking it's the valves that are at fault, but not really sure?
Leg still a bit sore. Well stiff rather than sore really.


Ah I see Hicky. You've already caught two squirrels? I won't ask any more.
That's great that you were able to give your neighbour all that produce, including your home made pickles.
Yes, my tomato plants have got a lot of big tomatoes on them this year as well. Just hope that at least some of them go red or orange. I've got plenty of them to eat at the moment anyway.


Yes, it was a bit silly kneeling for a long period. Especially as I know my knees are a bit dodgy anyway. There was a kneeler thing to hand that my Dad had, but I didn't think to use it. Now I'm paying the price.


Not that keen on Champagne TBH Find it a bit too dry. Although I don't mind a drop of Prosecco.


Mollie. Glad you got a lovely day. It was supposed to be nice here, but the weather didn't really oblige.
They're now saying tomorrow will be good, so we'll see.


The 100 year old drivers were a mixed bag. There was one guy of 102 who was still reasonably safe and nippy on his motor bike/scooter, although he insisted on going over all the speed bumps.
But there was one lady in her nineties who was deaf as a post, and just giggled whenever the instructor asked her anything. She kept driving over the kerb and couldn't work the gears any more.
I've got a client of 102, and she's as sharp as a tack, but I wouldn't like to see her driving.


Watched Jamie Oliver, then Superfoods, then the documentary on Paddington Station.

Last edited by emptybox

both xxx


gosh at only 10 degrees, no wonder you are back to wooly hat and jacket. Think it is about 17 here.

Yes can't be easy cutting grass when it is damp and quite cold. So hope the forecast was right and it stayed dry for you today. OH did our grass yesterday and the ground was quite damp here too when he cut it.

Sounds like you are going to get a good crop of tomatoes this year.

Hope your leg is ok today and the mower behaves today, and remember the knee pad next time! 

Gosh a client of 102, that is a grand age!

I forgot to say, I agree with what you say about tea cakes being boring. Remember I bought some as I fancied them after watching Bake Off last week, well they were exactly as you said, dead boring, even with lots of butter, still rather tasteless compared to hot cross buns. I wouldn't buy them again. Tonight Bake Off is caramel,now I know I like that!


hope your pain is continuing to ease and you got the nice weather too today.


Lovely day here so far, lots of sheets drying on the line today, and managed to sit out at lunch time on the swing chair with my book. Gone a bit cloudy now though.

Son's first full day at Uni today, hope he gets on ok. He just went for an hour introduction yesterday.

Looking forward to Bake Off then Dr Foster tonight, think Suranne Jones is real good on Dr Foster. 

Emptybox..I watched "Liar" last night and I can understand if you liked Joanne Frogatt why you chose not to watch it, it is a very good drama and as expected she is playing her part really well, but so far, it is not a likeable character at all.

Carrots, mash, peas and sausages (Quorn ones for me) for family tea today. Daughter will cook it all. Forgot the get the onions, never mind.

Doggie walk now.

Have a good afternoon. xxx


Evening Both.

Quite a nece day, 15c foggie at first but a sunny day, slight 4 wind.

Didn't do much, just had bacon and egg on toast for brekkie and shrimps midday with cauliflower cheese for tea with a little microwave packet of chips.

Was talking to my neighbour over the fence and a cheeky squirrel wanders along her back fence towards my garden so i chased it off.

Mollie, the pain is a lot easier, the numbness almost gone, it should be clear by the weekend, hoping anyway.

Hope your sons introduction at Uni went ok.

I keep forgetting to watch the new Baking show with them showing the old ones at the same time.

Emptybox, Yes, bad news cutting wet grass,

Yes, you aren't allowed to release grey squirrels as they are vermin, you have to take them to the vets, no charge.

Not sure if your leg trouble is caused by you kneeling, could be but it could have another cause.

We had Prosecco as well i was informed after we left, it seems the groom supplied the Prosecco for the meal and my MIL had ordered a bottle of champers, i found out on the way home. 

We don't drink but i don't turn a free one down.

Stopped drinking after i left the army, never drank again.


Hi both.
Better day today, sunny and dry. Still only up to 13 or 14 degrees, but an improvement on yesterday certainly.
Think the leg is a little better today, but the knee feels weak, and is sore if i twist the leg unexpectedly. 
But it didn't stop me doing anything, and I was up and down ladders this morning.


The first job was OK, as it was strimming and hedge cutting.
But for the second job I got my mower out, and it simply refused to start. I had to load it back on the van and come home, where of course it started after just a few pulls.
I took the carburetor out again (using the kneeler this time), and this time managed to get into the jet and sprayed it with cleaner. However after putting it back together, it made no difference to the problem. So I don't know?
I think I'll use the spare mower tomorrow and see how I get on with that.
I can see myself having to pay out to have this one repaired.


Mollie. Hope your boy get's on well at Uni.
Yes Bake Off was good, with the Millionaire Shortbread.
My only complaint is they always seem to be running out of time, and things ending up under cooked or un-set. Don't know why they don't give them a bit more time?
Glad you got a good drying day. I put out a load of washing, before I did my jobs, half expecting the jeans not to properly dry, but when I came back it was all dry.


Hicky. That was a cheeky squirrel, running along the fence when you were there.
I used to get aching in my knees years ago, but then I started taking Glucosomine daily, and the pain went away. But obviously the knees had some weakness in them, so perhaps I've now damaged the left one somehow.
Prosecco is cheaper than real Champagne, but i prefer it. Mind you, I prefer red wine more (or beer).


Watched Bake Off then Celebrity Island then the repeat of Gogglebox.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

No squirrel chasing today, weather quite nice, 19c sunny spells, rain at 5pm with light winds.

O/H fancied brekkie out so she got me a large, couldn't eat it all of course, then we went to Costco for a few bits, toilet rolls, tablets, brown sauce, Flank steak, a 2kg jar of stuffed olives etc, they would last years if they didn't go off.

O/H just made a belly pork roast dinner, very nice as well, she took my last Bramley apple for the apple sauce, it's so good.

You'll have to be careful with that leg, the problem is you don't really know what the problem is.

That mower is a pain, strange how sometimes it starts ok, but you checked the choke didn't you, but if the plug gets petrol on it, it won't work till it dries.

I used to have awful knee pain with it rubbing and cracking until a workmake said he takes the omega 3 fish oil. after taking that the problem went so now i take it morning and night.

I saw bake off and the Island as well, they really shouldn't be left on a island unless they have been given all the survival skills, they couldn't catch fish, the easiest thing in the world with a net, they moaned about the girl wanting to look after herself and i never saw any of them do anything except make a mess of building a raised bed, hopeless and getting food, hopeless at fishing, so why did they need her?


both xxx


thank goodness your pain is easing at last, the docs and online info was right with the up to 5 weeks thing by the look of it. Thank goodness you did not have this in November as you are going to be very busy then.

That was nice of MIL to supply the champers, don't think I have ever had prosecco but I know it is popular. I don't drink very often but enjoy a glass of rose if we go out for tea, or sometimes at a weekend.

Bake Off is really good on Channel 4, so you'll have to try and remember next Tuesday, especially now you have your new tv box, at least you can watch and record to your hearts content.


Glad you got better weather yesterday. Must of been good if you managed to get jeans dry, they always take an age to dry.

Good job your knee is not so bad now,  in your job, you don't want it playing up.

Oh dear how annoying the mower played up again. Do you think it will be expensive to get it repaired? If so,I  was thinking you might get a good reduction on a new one, as the summer is over if you look at sales B and Q, Argos? How did you get on with the the other mower today?

Yes that millionaire shortbread looked delicious. Didn't look easy to make though. I know Thorntons do a nice one though, so I will now be tempted to go there. (I bet HIcky could have a good  go at making it though!).  Yes it seems a shame they do rush them as if you bake at home, you don't need to rush like that. But I guess it makes it more of a competition if they are tight on time?

Son is enjoying his Uni course so far, which is good.

I went with him first thing this morning so i could do shopping in Tescos. I had a coffee/porridge with berry fruit in tesco cafe for brekkie before I started shopping, as it was a long walk for me from the Uni to the supermarket. (my excuse!).

Really warm and sunny this morning, then rain this afternoon, still raining now. Managed to dry washing though.

Had a simple tea of mash with melted cheese on top and peas today.

Going to watch Corrie as it starts double episodes today, then Dr Martin.

Have a good evening. xxx


Evening both.
Not bad day, cloudy but close. I saw 18 degrees at one point in the van. Raining this evening though.
The spare mower wasn't too bad at all. At least it starts consistently.
Main problem is it vibrates a lot, and the engine runs a bit slow, so it's not as good at throwing the grass up into the bag, and tends to leave a bit of a mess. Didn't take me any longer to do the jobs today though.


Knee seems to be getting better, but still not right. Not as stiff today though, so I think it'll get better on it's own.
Got my big dental appointment tomorrow afternoon. An hour's session to fit the temporary crown. Just hope I don't have symptoms, or I'll have difficulty sitting in the chair for an hour.
Might get one job done beforehand, if it's dry.


Hicky. Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out before shopping.
I've started buying pork belly instead of loin steaks. Cheaper and just as nice (think I've said that before?)
Yes, I can't work the mower out. Will probably have another shot at fixing it before taking it to someone (at great expense )
I take Omega 3 tablets as well, but only in the mornings. I found if I take them at night they gave me heartburn.
Yes I think that girl on 'The Island' had the right idea building her own bed, because the others have said a number of times that they are going to build a shelter, and then nothing gets done.


Mollie. You don't need any excuse to have a porridge and coffee at Tescos.
Glad your son is enjoying his Uni course.
If I could find a small independent guy to fix my mower it might not be too expensive, but can't find anyone like that round here. There are a few places that sell mowers, and also repair them, but they could be expensive. The place I bought it from charged ÂĢ50 just to replace the drive cable on what's now the spare mower (a simple job), so to investigate the fault and fix it might cost up to ÂĢ200 I would think?
I might well look to see if they have any bargain mowers in at this time.
The B&Q around here has never had a large 21" mower in when I've looked previously, but no harm in checking sometime. Might look online as well.


Watched Location, then 'How to Stay Young' on BBC1, then another episode of 100 Year Old Drivers. They had a lady of 105 on this episode, and she passed with flying colours.


Evening Both.

A nice day here, 15c some rain showers in the morning with sun this afternoon, light winds really.

Didn't do much, had bacon and tomato on toast, just made Stuffed Peppers, got 5 peppers from the greenhouse and followed an online recipe i printed off, just waiting for them to cook, yummy.

Had a couple of the Kiwi fruits while i was in the garden, but noticed an awful lot missing, i can't see it being the birds as they are hanging under the horizontal web of plastic line that they run on, so it can only be squirrels.

Mollie, I can get the jab in another 3 weeks, i certainly need it if there a chance it will stop me getting this virus again.

Slept better last night so pain must be easing at night.

I watched the new bake off, it's a pain with them running the old series as well.

Emptybox, If the old mower starts ok all you can do is use it till you find the problem with the other, have you tried online to see if there is a solution.

If the old one runs slower it must be short of air or fuel surely.

Hope they fitted your temporary crown ok, an hour is a long time.

Pork belly is lovely, i now do it by leaving it uncovered in the fridge for 2 days then score the rind & turn the heat up to 200c, put the meat in an oven bag, seal and put some cuts in to let the steam out, cook for about an hour, it makes lovely crackling as well.

Maybe i should only take an Omega3 tablet in the morning as well, probably don't need 2 a day anyway.

The island crowd see as stupid as the last program, they just don't seem to be able to do anything, i would hate to be on the island with them. 




we posted together yesterday as your post wasn't there when I posted mine.

Glad you got a nice day there, we did too, warm, dry and sunny.  Hope Emptybox did up there too.

That's good you are at last sleeping better, so it is finally going. I didn't realise you could get a jab to prevent you getting this shingles again. You certainly don't want to go through this again if you can do something to avoid it, especially with this special holiday to come.

I guess you could try cutting the omega down to 1 a day, you can always go back to 2 if it doesn't work. 


I hope today at the dentist went ok. I hope you didnt' get any symptoms whilst there as I am sure you must of felt anxious. (I did when I had it done). Now don't panic if it feels really uncomfy and senstive, mine did. You have to keep telling yourself it is only temporary so is not going to feel right in your mouth. Hopefully you can still eat ok, or just use one side if it is uncomfy.

That is good you didn't have too much trouble with the second mower. Hope you can sort a new one out in the sale or get the other one fixed.

Going to watch Supervet and the Manchester school tonight.

Took dog a walk and dried my washing today as it was so nice.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
A rainy day here. Quite heavy at times. It brightened up late afternoon, but I didn't think it worthwhile going out after my dental appointment, as I didn't get home till 4pm.


Dentist visit went fine. No symptoms thankfully. Good job as I was in the chair for about 1 hr 10 mins, as he had to do the impressions 3 times, as the first two weren't accurate enough for some reason.


The temporary crown seems fine. They make it from a mould of your old tooth, from a fast setting plastic material, and stick it on with some adhesive or filler.
TBH, apart from being a bit rough around the edges, it feels exactly like the old tooth, even to having the same little chip out of it. Just looks like any other tooth. If you'd done it while I was asleep, without telling me, I wouldn't know anything had changed.


I presume the proper crown is made more to a standard design? No point in reproducing the surface of the old tooth, which was mostly filling.
Have mostly been eating on the other side so far, but haven't felt any sensitivity in the temporary crown to hot or cold. The dentist did warn me that there could be though.


Hicky. Pity your kiwi fruits have gone missing.
Hope you enjoyed your stuffed peppers.
Must say with the belly pork strips that I buy, I just defrost one in the microwave then bung it in the oven on a tray for about 25 mins.
Not sure what you mean about Bake Off running the old series as well? Presumably you are watching repeats of it on some channel somewhere?


Mollie. Glad you got nice weather for your dog walk.
The only thing I was anxious about was the time I'd need to spend in the chair.
I don't really like lying there with people guddling around in your mouth, but i wasn't worried about it as such.
It's the bill that gives me palpitations.


Watched 'Without Limits: Vietnam' then 'Tribes, Predators & Me'.






Evening Both.

A cool miserable day with 14c mainly rain with a sunny spell, 13 wind.

Didn't do much, had a nice brekkie of bacon, egg, tomato and mushroom with toast.

Midday had shrimps in a home made sauce, like a prawn sauce using tomato sauce, mustard, mayonnaise and lemon juice, on toast, just had crackers with tinned tongue.

A parcel came, it was like one i was expecting with my vine in as it was either coming today of Monday, anyway, i took it to the back door to take to my shed but it was raining so i brought it to my office, i was looking around the box to see what it said when i noticed it said Flowers, oh, checked the label and it was for o/h, i took it to her and we opened it, it was from 1 of my lads, the card inside, i read, oh, it said, Happy Birthday, i then realised it had been her birthday on the 20th, missed it again, i was thinking it was in October, wrong again.

Anyway, this afternoon my plant came, it's in good condition so i've put it in the greenhouse for now till i sort out what to do.

Mollie, yes we must have posted together last time, 

I slept well last night, can go to bed a bit later now, can feel a bit of pain during the day but it's not effecting what i do.

Yes, i'll get the jab as soon as i'm able, i would hate to go through this again, 

I'm going to take the Omega capsule in the morning and the Glucosomine at night. 

Emptybox, Didn't realise you were buying belly pork strips, slices, i do that sometimes as well.

The GBBO is confusing, i think the new baking show is on Channel 4, the original was on BBC1, but it's showing on channel 017 which is 'Really'.

I watched Tribes, quite good.

Glad your tooth episode wasn't too bad.


both xxx


so pleased the long dentist visit is over. Yes I realised you were worried about the time you needed to sit in the chair incase your symptoms started during such a long appointment, especially after your recent trying visit to the optician.So thank goodness you coped ok. It was the impressions for mine that took so long too. But I know they have to be very accurate. So glad the temp cap is not bothering you too much, my temporary one was rather unpleasant, but the real one was great. It just feels like a normal tooth, and one in good condition at that. So I am sure as even your temp one is good, the real one will be fine. (as you say, not so good the money you have to pay out for it though!).

Hope you managed to get a bit of work done today as you missed a day yesterday, and hope the mower was ok.


sounds like you had some creative food menus today.

Oh no, what are you like forgetting your OH's birthday again? Good job she is used to it by now. My OH only remembers my birthday because it is a few days after his. He usually forgets our anniversary though. But I don't mind. You wil have to make it up to her by treating yourselves to a special meal out somewhere nice.

Pleased to hear you are a lot more comfy at night now. Hopefully it won't be long now till it goes completely.

You will have to dig those summer clothes out again that you just put away, in preparation for your hols soon. Apart from New York where it should be nice and Christmassy, it will be nice and warm where you are going in November.

Gogglebox tonight, and I will record Cold Feet as I like both those shows.

Lovely morning, got lots of washing out, then it started to rain, so rushed to get it in again.

Went to doc today about my ribs. The pain was 4 weeks ago, but had to wait this long to see doc. This doc I saw today was new to the practice and instead of being dismissive (like the last one I saw with the same complaint) she was not dismissive. She thinks it is nerve damage but said it needs to be checked that the goitre has not come back. (especially as I still have this cough), and she said I need a blood test too to check the thyroid. She said that if the pain comes back, there are better meds than those I have from over the counter more suitable to nerve pain, so to ring next time I get it and they would prescribe over phone.
So am off to hospital Monday for chest X ray and blood tests.
My cough has been real bad tonight, so now of course I am worried incase it has come back. But at least it is being checked this time.

It was quite late when I got back from the docs, so we went to Toby for tea. I love the help yourself veg, Yorkshire puds etc. Son had extra large as you get sausage with that too, OH had turkey and daughter had gammon. It came to ÂĢ22 including  drinks for 4 of us with our 33% off voucher.

Time to watch Gogglebox, have a good evening both xxx


Hi both.
Not bad day today. Started off cloudy with a small shower at lunchtime, but then a sunny afternoon, if a little windy. High of about 15 degrees.
Got quite a few jobs done with the spare mower.


It was probably wrong to say the spare mower is running slow. The RPM is probably correct, but since I hit a stone with it, the engine hasn't been running as smoothly and it's not throwing the grass up into the bag with as much power.
But it starts first time every time, and it's probably doing a good enough job at this time of the year. Would be a different story next summer,  when conditions are dry, and customers expect a good looking result. But I should have found a solution to the other mower by then.


Mollie. Really hope your problems haven't returned. But at least you've now got a doctor taking it seriously, and you'll get properly checked over. Hope you don't get too anxious waiting for the results.
That was a good value Toby tea.


Hicky. I'm surprised you can't even remember the correct month for your OH's Birthday? Can't you write on a calendar to remind you?
That reminds me, my SiL's Birthday is in a week's time. I'll have to remember to send her a card.
Glad your vine came.


Watched the Motorhomers then Jane McDonald. Last in the series for both.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A warm but miserable day, mainly cloud but dry, 17c with 13 wind.

Didn't do much, i was fitting so,e thin curtains to the glass area's each side of the front door, we were going to get blinds originally but it isn't wide enough, so i had to fit very small hooks to retain the curtain wire, but it worked out fine.

Picked more raspberries, i have a good store now to make jam.

Gave my neighbour a few of the Kiwi Berries to try, pity most have been robbed.

Will have to order the John Innis compost so i can get ready to plant the vine and have whats needed to repot the Kiwi if i can.

Just had scrambled egg for brekkie with a curry from the freezer for tea.

Mollie, I've got to sort the visa's out for travelling, what a pain, and the baggage on the way out is 30kg, but on the way back it's 2 x 20kg which is awkward.

If no-one reminds me of birthdays i usually forget them, i can remember phone numbers, but it didn't help.

I am so glad i can sleep again without pain, such a relief.

Thats bad news about your cough, but the tests should help point to the problem, nerve damage is a pain on it's own.

That Toby meal was good for you all, vouchers can be very useful.

Emptybox, Glad you got some jobs done, coming to the end of the grass cutting season, it's coming into the leaves on the floor season.

Yes, it's worth finding out about the mowers during down time, need to sort for the spring.

I watched the Motorhome program, not the best people to make a show.

Watching Strictly, then it will be X-Factor.


both xxx


so glad you got the good weather so got a few jobs done, just when you needed to. Yes good job you can manage for awhile with the working spare mower now.

HOpe your temp tooth is ok and copes with the sphag bol well tonight.

I forgot about Motorhome show, so I'll have to get it on catch up. Did they go anywhere near you, as I think they were on their way to Scotland?

You'll have to stay thanks to Hicky for reminding you it is SIL's birthday.


Can't you put a reminder in your phone calendar to remind you of special occasions?

Hope it was nice enough to get in your garden today.

It is Elvis weekend, so off we went to see the competition in the theatre. I was worried that ribs would be ok but a bit of fidgeting and positioning my cardy behind me and I was fine. The whole town is full of people dressed as Elvis and lots of women in rock n roll dresses.  One of the Elvis singers was great, and he was only 16.
We went to chippie for tea and I had cheesy chips and baked beans with mayo...yummy.

Son and daughter have gone on the train to the EGX in Birmingham. They are staying overnight as it is a long way, OH has to go to Newport to pick them up because there are no trains back to Cardiff due to work on the track. The road tunnel at Newport is also closed for road works, how ridiculous they do this the same day, he will have to allow extra time to travel now.

Strictly Dancing on but I only watch till X factor as it annoys me as I think you know on week 1 who are likely to make it to the top few. It is the ones who have danced before in eg stage school,  drama groups or whilst in performing professionally on stage and for their videos, so they will find this competion easy.  eg Molly King,  JLS guy, Alex singer,  must of done tons of dancing peformances already, compared to eg Simon chef, Brian Conley, Ruth etc.

And I feel sorry for these with no previous experience when they get criticised so badly by the judges, eg just seen them say how bad poor Simon chef was, but Alex was a "forerunner"! Of course she is, she has done professional videos and performances whilst singing/dancing, and he is a cook! It still seems very popular though. But I prefer X factor.

Have a good evening both xxx


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