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I assume your neighbour has the same LL? If so, time for you too to complain and try and get that window done sooner, rather than later.

Glad you got work done yesterday, don't think it was bank hol there was it?

I forgot about that solitary programme. was it good?

I watched that drama on bbc1 that was written by JK Rowling under another name, quite good, but a bit slow.


sorry the pain is still bothering you, but sounds like it is starting to ease. Mine is too, but I still have to be careful, which is why I didn't post yesterday, and I got the carer to look after mum again. Lucky I have such a good carer.

It is amazing how awful insect bites can make you feel. You will have to get a good repellant when you go to Oz, mosquitos there are a nightmare! Hope you slept ok last night with it.

I think Singapore usually books flights with hotels for stop overs, we loved it there, so clean and safe, and such high quality hotels. Lots of nice touristy stuff too. I reckon you and OH will like the orchid gardens, they were beautiful. Will look at your hotel now. Are you in hotels in Sydney, Hawaii, LA and New York, or an apartment? It will be pretty in New York if they have snow at Christmas.

HOpe you are pleased with your new box when you change over.

Gosh 6 types of apples, that is a good choice. Lots of yummy apple crumble to come.

Really hot here again yesterday, but drizzle this morning, don't mind as the house has got sweltering over the last few days!

Didn't go out over the weekend because of my aches, but sat in the swing chair, which does seem to help.

Did you enjoy "Victoria" Emptybox? I did, so well made, she is very pretty isn't she?

Its odd we now have to hunt for what tv shows to watch again with no BB, let;s hope there are some good autumn shows coming up. Talking of which...Bake off starts tonight, I do think it will be just as good on C4 as it was on bbc1.

Have a good day both xxx


Evening Emptybox.

Pain/stinging has eased a bit, certainly on the mend.

A miserable day here, cloud, 16c with 11 wind, don't think i saw the sun.

Just had bacon and tomato toasted sandwiches for brekkie, O/H made a lamb roast dinner using a Rack of French trimmed chops.

Had nothing really to do in the garden, have ordered the monkey nuts for the trap, ordered a box of Bonemeal and i didn't need it, thought i had none, wrong again, ordered shading for the greenhouse, only a sort of paint.

Might make some more fudge tomorrow if weather not so good.

Installed the new Freeview box, wow, it's fantastic, will take a bit of getting used to as it has everything you need already built in, it's connected to my network as well, this is a new world to me.

It's hard to tell if the paracetamol help or not but i suppose they must, been taking a tablet once a day as well, the bites don't look so angry now.

The apples seemed ok last year, didn't have so many of the Scrumptious, O/H ate a lot of them, have got more apples this year than ever, same with the pears, i have a box ready for more lined with shredded card for them to rest on.

I had emptied the old box of recording, saw the last ones during the last week, scrapped most, with the new one you can plug in a spare usb drive.

I didn't watch that Solitary program, thought i would be bored.

Hope Mollie is ok, and not in too much pain.


Oh Dear, didn't see you Mollie, you were on the next page, this software isn't so good is it.

I slept better last night, still kept on waking though.

I don't know about hotels for the rest of the tour, think we will be with my lad, has has his penthouse in Oz anyway.

Missed the bakeoff, when i looked it was the old one being rerun, Strictly starts again before too long as well.

I can probably watch the new bakeoff on Catchup or something.

Hope the pain gets better, so restricting for you. 


Evening both.
Cloudy and cool here today as well. About a 16 degree high, but was mostly less than that.
Did a lot of hedge cutting and strimming today.


Mollie I know I should really get on to the LL about the windows again, but also I can't stand the thought of the disruption, and having a workman in the house, so I'm torn.
He's now spent 3 days at the neighbour's and replaced 3 windows (bashing and crashing away from 8.30am), so one day per window, and I've got two that need replacing.
He's still left a load of stuff outside the neighbour's house, so it's just possible he might be going to come to me tomorrow (but I'm secretly hoping he doesn't, even though I know double glazing would be much better in the big windows in the kitchen and sitting room).
I'll just wait and see.


Glad your rib pain is starting to ease, so keep taking it easy, so you don't get a relapse.
The 'Solitary' programme was OK, but a bit boring. One girl bailed out after just 4 hours. And George Lamb (who was doing the experiment as well) only lasted a day. But the others lasted 5 days, although one girl was definitely going a bit crazy by the end.
I quite enjoy Victoria, but liked Jenna Coleman better in Dr Who.
I watched Bake Off. Just seemed the same as before really. Prue Leith even sounds a bit like Mary Berry.


Hicky Glad you are on the mend from your bites.
Pity you ordered a box of bonemeal when you already had some. You'll just have to find a use for it.
Your new TV box should make viewing and recording easier, and you'll have no trouble catching up with the progs you've missed.


Watched Bake Off then Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

It's not Mozzy bites, it's shingles, darn it, no wonder i've been in so much pain, managed to get to see the doctor but this morning O/H mentioned it could be shingles, probably been talking to someone, got some tablets to help pain so i can sleep, 2 creams but pharmacy didn't have them in, will have to wait till tomorrow.

I thought it was on the mend last evening as it has eased, but when i was in bed it all came back so had a bad night.

Went out early to get some info for O/H from her docs so she can use the online service, while we were out we went for brekkie, surprise surprise.

Got a ribeye steak and some mushrooms while out for tea, will cook after O/H does her tea.

16c here, cloud and very little sun, rain expected later.

Love this new box, wow, was watching programs on Youtube, and the on demand is just an arrow away.

I was going to make fudge today but not had time.

Glad you got some jobs done, that will help you out.

The bonemeal is to be mixed with the soil/compost that goes in the hole with new planted tree's etc as it's a slow release fertiliser for roots.

I saw the bake off, it was ok, got fed up with mel and sue anyway.

This new box opens up many new options on what to watch, wow, it's endless.

Hope Mollie is ok tonight.


Hi Hicky.
Started out sunny here but turned to cloudy and windy again. Mostly about 13 or 14 degrees.
Strimming and grass cutting again.


Bad luck having Shingles Hicky, but at least you know what it is now.
Mollie did suggest Shingles when you first mentioned the symptoms.
Hope the tablets help you sleep, and the creams as well, when you finally get them.


Really glad you are so pleased with your new TV box.
Brekkie out sounds good. Hope you enjoy your steak and mushrooms.
You'll just have to plant more tree, to make use of the extra bonemeal?


Think it's going to be CH4 for me tonight. Location, location then 24 hrs in A&E.




oh dear, I said I thought it was shingles (as did Emptybox) when you 1st said  your symptoms. It sprung to my mind because that same morning I had watched "This Morning" and the doc on there was talking about it and said people over 70 catch it quite often, and the symptoms were the same as yours. So glad you have at last got it diagnosed and I hope the meds help you out. No wonder it has been disturbing your sleep. I had it when I was expecting my 1st child, and it made me feel so tired. Have you been feeling a bit off with it? I was told if you have been near children with chicken pox, it can set it off? Maybe caught it from doc's surgery? Did you got to walk in centre or manage to get an appointment with your doc because you rang early? I hope it does not last much longer now. Did they say how long they expect it to last?

Your new box sounds impressive, do you have a link to it? The Sky we have is so expensive now and OH can't even see most of the football he wants to see, so I am going to try and talk him into getting one of those instead.

So you might be staying at your lads penthouse, that would be lovely.

Gosh it does sound like you have a lot of nice apples to come.

Did you make more fudge and did the girls enjoy it?



I know just what you mean about not wanting workmen in your house, I absolutely hate that too! We have no lighting on the top 2 floors of our house and have been putting off getting it seen to, some fuse must of broken, but guess I'll have to soon as it is getting darker. Now I wonder did the workman come to you today after finishing the neighbour? Really though the LL should of told you if she intended to do that. If they did hope it did not disrupt you too much and they don't take too long to do it. It will be awkward for you to get out to work if they do come and do the window won't it?

Did you manage to get some work done today?

I too enjoyed Bake Off, I like Noel and Sandy on it, Sue and whatshername were beginning to get a bit stale I thought. And of course the cakes were of such a high standard.

Was raining this morning, but cleared up enough this afternoon for me and OH to sit on the swing chair and enjoy a glass of wine (he had a sticky toffee pudding beer from Asda!).  Got my washing dry too.

Feeling better again today, just a bit of niggly pain, but didn't have to take pain relief, so have to be careful I don't stretch or do too much.

Watching GP show tonight. and A and E.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie.

No, nobody came today to do the windows.
The stuff is still outside the neighbour's house, so the workman didn't come today.
As you say, I should be told beforehand as to when/if they are coming to me, so I can move furniture etc. And also I'd have to be here to let them in.
I couldn't afford to stay in for 2 or 3 days, so I'd have to go out and trust them in the house. Not ideal.


Glad you didn't need any pain relief today.
Did your OH have a sticky toffee pudding and a beer, or a sticky toffee pudding flavoured beer? Actually that might not be too bad?


Evening both.

Rang to see if the creams had come in to the pharmacy, no so went out with O/H to Burley Dam as she wanted some Christmas cards, which they didn't have, got some more tie wraps and other bits and bobs, had some food as well.

Picked a bowl of plums earlier before the wasps move in or the birds, have put them onto the kitchen window-ledge for now. 

My monkey nuts came, got some sunflower seeds while as was at the Dam, so have loaded the trap now.

The gardener came so we tried the branch cutter, it worked fine.

Emptybox, I can't imagine recording 4 programs and watching a 5th, wow, this box is a new world to me, will have to look into it more.

I know, i never associated some bites to Shingles, not knowing much about the virus.

I'd need to plant an awful lot of trees to use a box of bonemeal.

That steak and mushrooms/onions last night was fantastic, i slice into the steak at an angle and spead some of the rib mis i make over the steak, i also did a microwave box of mini chips then tossed them into the pan later with the mushrooms before it went on the plate, it really was lovely.

Mollie, It only made me tired in the day because it kept me up at night so much.

It can last between 3 weeks and 5, so i've got it for some time yet.

I managed to get an appointment yesterday with the doc, didn't think i would but got one for 4.30pm, it was in the morning that o/h said it could be shingles.

This is the one, i got it direct from Humax,

I haven't made more fudge yet, was going to today but didn't get time.

The girls enjoyed it as o/h took them some round.

Not sure where we are staying in Sydney, looking forward to all these different foods.

Hope the pain is under control, nothing worse, have just put this new cream on the spots/area, it's Aciclovir 5% w/w cream 10g



Hi Hicky.
Nice day here, quite a lot of sunshine and quite warm.
Cutting a hedge and mowing tidying etc.
Because we've had a bit of a dry spell I'm more or less up to date now. Hope it continues.


I bet you didn't ask your OH why she wanted Christmas cards in August? Best not to enquire.
Pity your creams weren't in at the pharmacy, but at least your monkey nuts came.
Bet your home grown plums taste great.
The gardener should start paying you to repair all his gear.


Not sure what to watch tonight?
Maybe 'Who Do You Think You Are' at 8pm then not sure what at 9pm.
Just going to make my supper. Not sure what to have yet.


  both xxx


hope you got some jobs done, or did the window fixers move onto you? As you say, it is going to be so annoying if this is dropped on you without notice. It would be better for you if it has to be done, it could be done at a time you are not so busy work wise, and plan to stay home.

It was sticky toffee flavoured beer OH had, here it is, he got it from Asda.



hope the meds have helped your shingles and it feels a bit better today.

You haven't had much lucky lately what with the water infection and now the shingles.

Hope the weather was nice for you to get in your garden.

How did the fudge making go?

Been really hot in the day here today and sunny, but at least it is cooler now at nights for sleeping.

OH and I sat out again on the swingchair till about 6.30, he had his beer again and I had a glass of rose. Daughter made a roast chicken dinner, I had mushrooms instead of the chicken. We all had Yorkshire puddings, daughter usually makes them herself but it is hard making a roast dinner for 5 and those from scratch, so she got some of those Aunt Bessie ones. The pudding fluid come in the cases and you just pop them in the over. Surprisingly, they were very nice.

Son got his Uni place so starts in a couple of weeks. He can study it locally so at least it means no debts. Daughter carrying on with OU, so she too can stay home and study with no debts.

Got my washing dried easily again today.

Nothing much exciting on tv tonight, but am looking forward to X factor this weekend.

Not been too bad today pain wise, just a dull ache, so hope that too will go soon.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie.
No sign of window bloke. All his junk (broken old windows etc) is still outside neighbour's house, where they normally park their car, so I would think they are getting fed up.


The beer looks good, mind you any beer looks good to me. Haven't seen it round here.
Glad you had nice weather to sit out again, and daughter made a nice meal.
That's good that your son got the university place he wanted.
Didn't realise X Factor was starting again.


Been getting quite cold at night here. I needed my electric blanket on to warm the bed last night. Autumn is nearly here.




missed your post yesterday as it came on after I did mine.

Hope the meds and cream have helped your skin. What a nuisance the condtion  lasts so long.

Your new tv box looks really good, gosh it can certainly do some different things, you won't be short of stuff to watch.

Good idea to bring the plums in as the wasps are a damn nuisance, we have had a lot of them around this year, so OH got some wasp catchers to put in the garden.

I thought the girls would enjoy your fudge.



Gosh I should think your neigbours are fed up of the junk hanging around if it is blocking where they park. 

Hope the weather was ok for you to get out in your gardens today.

Yes I saw an ad for X factor and it is on Saturday and Sunday, so that should be nice.

Not a lot to watch tonight as the blooming footie is on! Think I will settle on Celebs in a Motorhome.

Nice warm day again here, so got to sit on the swing chair with my book again.

It must be chilly there if you have dug your electric blanket out Emptybox.

I see on the forecast it is due to get chilly all over the country tonight, but I guess it is the start of autumn today.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

Got some sleep last night but whatever i take things don't alter much.

Some more deliveries today, got the box of Bonemeal, the Coolglass stuff fot the greenhouse roof glass to protect against the sun we don't get, also 500 coloured foil papers for sticky sweets, also the 3 2" paintbrushes i ordered.

Did a bit more work on the framework for the greenhouse vine, have a good idea what is needed now.

Watched a bit of TV during the day as weather nothing good, 16c again with so called sunny spells, 10 wind.

Emptybox, I know she wanted to get the Christmas cards all ready for Christmas as we won't be here, then she could get her mother to post them.

It's getting harder to find programs to watch.

Mollie, Haven't made any more fudge yet, mainly due to my right arm being half numb and the rest of it in pain, it doesn't go well with stirring fudge.

Yes, as you say, making a roast dinner for 5 is quite a job, i think buying in the Yorkshire puddings is a wise move.

Glad you son got his Uni place, cool, and Daughter at home as well.

We got some washing dried today, mainly the wind.


Evening both.
Not bad day here at all.
Started off cold with a heavy dew, and the morning was cloudy, but a lovely sunny afternoon, up to 20 degrees.


Got a couple of big grass cutting jobs done, but unfortunately my mower was playing up. The automatic choke seems to be misbehaving again. Sometimes it starts first time, sometimes it takes 10 pulls.
It was doing this before and righted itself after a while, so I'm hoping it fixes itself without me having to do anything (basically because I wouldn't know what to do).
Because I was having to pull the starter cord so much it broke, and I had to do a quick repair at one place.


Mollie. Glad you got another nice warm day.
I watched Celebs go Motorhoming as well. Lesley Joseph and Cleo Rocos are great.
Then I watched Cruising with Jane McDonald.


Hicky. Glad you got some sleep, but pity your meds aren't having much effect.
Yes, I guess it make sense to get Xmas cards sorted early, but you aren't going till November. TBH I'd use it as an excuse not to bother with cards this year.
That's good that a lot of your deliveries came.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Warm at 19c today, mainly cloud thoug, 7 wind.

A lot of pain last night, it doesn't seem to be getting better painwise although the arm is looking better not so sore looking.

Didn't do much today, too uncomfortable with my arm in so much pain, was going to make some fudge but couldn't face it.

Got my shopping delivery, although o/h was off work she went in to get the shopping.

Just had bacon and egg for brekkie, just had a dish of cauliflower cheese with some microwave chips and toast for tea.

I see they had dreadful rain for the F1 practice, Hamilton got Pole anyway.

Bad luck with the mower, another problem to hold you back.

I saw that program with the motor-homes, they are crazy, and can't drive very well either, it was funny though.




Glad you did get some sleep, but it does sound really nasty with half your arm being numb and the other half in pain. Shame nothing you take seems to ease it too. Let's hope it does start to ease and go away soon.

That is the good thing about wind, at least it gets the washing dry.

Good idea of your OH's to get all Christmas stuff done and dusted ASAP with you going away in November. I noticed the shelves in B and M have been stocked with Christmas gift boxes now. I was thinking myself of looking for Christmas cards in M and S soon too.

And with X factor on tonight, that means Christmas is just round the corner now.

I wonder if you will be able to get online now and again to see us when you are away?



glad you got the good weather, but how annoying the mower played up. You certainly don't need that at this stage in the year! Hope it was ok today (if the weather meant you could get out to work?).  Will you be able to get a replacement starter cord?

I watched the same tv as you last night, yes 2 great shows, and I see the motor homes visited not far from us, and are going onto North Wales where OH is from next week. Jayne was alos brilliant, gosh I was surprised by the posh underground in Russian, and so funny how excited she got by Abba, and the Abba clothes she bought.

Been to Costco today, lots of nice free samples. The advocado on toast was so good, I bought a bag of them, as I fancy this for brekkie in the week.

Didn't do too much though as I don't want the rib pain to come back, nearly all gone, just a twinge now and again. So I have the carer in to look after mum this weekend.

Been another lovely day here today, so got some time in the swingchair, and got washing dry too. Rain forecast tomorrow though.

Going to enjoy watching X factor now.

Hope you enjoy your sphag bol and beer Emptybox.

Wonder what Hicky is having for tea.

We had jacket potato/beans/cheese for lunch in Costco, so only had cheese/tomato sandwich for tea, but enjoyed it. (especially as I had a glass of rose with it,)

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
A lovely sunny day here. Perhaps up to 20 degrees.


Got a grass cutting job done. The mower mostly behaved itself, and only one time took a long time to start. Most times it started first or second pull. Hope it continues.
I won't need a new pull cord Mollie. I've just shortened the old one a bit, but it's still working. I managed to pull the handle bit off yesterday, and the rest of the cord disappeared into the mower, so I had to dismantle it to retrive the cord.


Hicky. That's bad that you are still in a lot of pain.
Sounds like you are on light rations as well?
Yes I heard that Hamilton has got a record number of pole positions.


Mollie. Good idea to take it easy and get a carer in this weekend for your Mum, and not risk your ribs playing up. 
Yes the Russian underground was very fancy.
Avocado on toast sounds good. A lot of people seem to have it for brekkkie.


X Factor quite good. 2 or 3 really good singers. Nicole is annoying me a bit though.


both xxx


that's good you got some good weather and you had managed to get work done because your mower fix was successful. Let's hope the fix lasts now.

I agree  X factor was good, and yes Nicole can be a bit OTT. Glad to see it is on tonight too, then Victoria after, which I love.



hope the pain is not so bad today, it sounds horrible. Did it disturb your sleep? hope not.

And hope you had better weather than us as it has rained all day here today.

Went to mums to pay the carers today and take her shopping over, but didn't have to stay to look after her, as I got carer to do that today.

One of my private carers kids like to go with their mum to help look after my mum. She told me her 5 year old boy enjoys it so much he has told her he wants to be a carer when he grows up.

Called in at the shops and I got a Greggs hot cheese and onion pasty, very nice.

Looking forward to tv tonight.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

Not a good day, 15c cloud and rain, 17 wind.

Stayed in most of the day, arm still in pain, nothing seems to help.

Went out for brekkie, saves me cooking while in pain, o/h made a roast lamb dinner just now.

Going to watch highlights from F1 on now.

Didn't get much sleep last night again, miracle i got any with all the pain.

Have ordered 2 sheets of polycarbonate to replace a sheet of glass in the greenhouse if i plant the vine outside instead of inside.

Mollie, Watched x-factor last night, it was ok.

Will be taking o/h's laptop with us i think, better than tablets.

Emptybox, Glad your mower was better, you need them to work all the time not mess about.

It's even hurting to post, makes it hard to concentrate.


Not bad day here, cloudy but not cold. Supermarket as usual.


I didn't fix the mower Mollie, I only mended the start cord. The reason it isn't starting well is something to do with the automatic choke, I think.
A Greggs hot cheese and onion pasty sounds delicious.
That's nice that the carer's son wants to be a carer too. Too young yet to understand the bad wages.
I enjoyed Victoria tonight.
Some good singers on X Factor again. Wish we had Alesha Dixon as a permanent judge, instead of Nicole or Sharon (either or).

Hicky. Really sorry that your pain is keeping you from sleeping properly.
Hope your shingles eases soon.
At least you had brekkie out, and your OH made the dinner.


Evening Emptybox, Another not good night, was in bed at 9pm to try and catch up on some sleep, only at 1 hour stints though, been feeling tired today, also keep getting blood every couple of days, it used to be every couple of weeks.

Didn't do anything as wasn't really up to it, the garden will have to wait, same as the fudge.

Been watching TV, got so much choice now so thats good.

See the consultant Thursday, that will be interesting.

Just had 4 little Waffles with butter and jam on for brekkie, had some grapes and just had spicy pork ribs that i had spiced and froze.

I'm sure i watched x-factor again, nothing special stood out.

Just going to put some more cream on the shingle spots, i believe it could shorten the time i have them.

Hope Mollie is ok and not suffering too much with her pain.


Hi Hicky.

Really sorry your shingles is having such a bad effect on you. The lack of sleep can't be helping your enthusiasm for doing anything either?
Hope it doesn't complicate your consultant's visit, as it sounds like you really need the blood in your urine issue sorted out.


Was quite a muggy day here, but has turned chilly tonight.
Cloudy morning but raining since lunchtime.
Got my monthly accounts done for July.


Not much on telly tonight. Think I'll stick to Channel 4.




oh dear Hicky, I am so sorry this shingles is making you feel so unwell. It is so horrible if you can't even sleep through the night with something like that.

And passing blood too, wonder if that has got worse because the shingles has weakened your immune system? Good job you are seeing the consultant on Thursday. Be sure to tell him it has got worse when you got shingles.

Yes all you can do is rest in the day with a bit of tv to pass time, and if the cream helps shorten the life of the spots, remember to keep applying it.



hope it was dry enough for you to do your gardens. It was drizzly on and off all day here.

At least you managed to do your accounts yesterday.

Yes I too really enjoyed Victoria, it is a really well made programme.

Thought X factor was good too.

Not much on at all tonight though.


Thankfully the rib pain is not bothering me now, but find I can't overdo it, else it starts to ache. But I am now managing to do most things.

And I seem to have a cold now, only a mild one, but throat is sore, so have taken echanacea, and honey/lemon.

Hope you sleep a bit better tonight HIcky.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

Another miserable day, just cloud all day, 18c with 12 wind.

Didn't do anything as the shingles is too annoying really, it is slowly getting easier, the constant pain has eased a bit, so thats hopeful.


The squirrel found the food in the trap but didn't find the way in, must be pretty thick, i have moved it to a better position with the entrance easier to see, he had a good look at the nuts etc inside.

Had waffles for brekkie with some bloomer toast and some old madras curry for tea.

Emptybox, Yes, with losing sleep and losing blood no wonder i don't feel like doing much, i seem to be tired all the time.

Glad you got your accounts done, best to stay on top of those.

Mollie, the spots can hardly be seen now but the shingles exists after they have gone it seems.

Wow, all those handy cures/remedies for shingles, i have the coconut oil and the turmeric, honey, garlic and most of the items mentioned, pity i didn't know weeks ago, it could have saved a lot of pain, possibly.

Not so long before Strictly starts again, love that show.


both xxx


good, that at last sounds like the shingles is working its way out, if the constant pain is easing. Such a nasty thing it has been for you.

Yes best to take it easy until you get rid of this, as you say, the blood loss and shingles is bound to make you feel tired and off.

Is it next Saturday Strictly starts? I am looking foward to seeing Ruth of "This Morning" on it, as I heard her say on the show last week that she is to be on it.

I hope you keep on improving now, and the hospital can help your other problem when you go Thursday.



hope the mower is holding up?

Was the weather dry enough for you to get in your gardens? Hope so. It won't be long till you will be moving leaves now.

It was showers on and off all day here today, and of course the worst one came when I took doggie out a walk! I should of taken her pram as she is so slow walking back, lucky I had taken the big umbrella out though.

Mum's usual bus driver was ill, so the stand in one was late bringing her home , meaning I had to ring round my private carers as she wasn't ready for the agency carers to put her to bed when they arrived, she had only just started eating her tea. Lucky I managed to find one, so they sent the agency care workers away and my own private carers put her to bed when she had eaten her tea.

Going to watch Bake off now, I am sure it will make me fancy eating a biscuit though.

Then the new series of Dr Foster.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi both.

Raining most of the day so useless for work.
Made a batch of tomato soup with some of my excess tomatoes. Yes, I've actually got a bit of an excess at the moment, but there are a lot of green ones that may never ripen.
Had one bowl of the soup for lunch and froze another 4 portions.


Hicky, That's good if the shingles are fading, and the pain getting a bit easier.
Hope you start to manage to get more sleep, so you've got more energy for your gardening projects.
Pity the squirrel didn't find it's way to the nuts.


Mollie. Pity you and the dog got a bit of a soaking on your walk.
That's annoying that you had to arrange an extra carer to put your Mum to bed, because the driver was late.


Watched Bake Off. I rarely watched it when it was on BBC1, but seems to be on at a more convenient time on CH4. Or there is nothing else on at the same time.
Then i watched Celebrity Island. Really pathetic that they'couldn't start a fire on their own after 5 days.


Got my optician's appointment tomorrow, to repeat the field of vision test.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

16c with cloud and sunny spells, 15 wind.

Still got pain, what a pain.

Had brekkie out, tried a new place, well one the has changed hands, expensive really, it used to be the twelth man, tons of choice all one price, but it had strange sausages.

Then we went to a Farm were you can get anything on earth, got some good curry's, venison steaks, it had all the grouse stuff etc

Just made a Madras Chicken curry with some of the curry, o/h had half the chicken she cooked and gave me the rest, i had had a meal from it and will freeze whats left.

I have put the heating back on and changed over to autumn clothes, long pants again and socks.

Mollie, I think Strictly starts with choosing the partners then it goes off while they practice, then come back a few weeks later, i'm pretty sure.

Yes, still feeling tired, got to bed early again, getting some sleep i suppose.

Emptybox, I've been giving away tons of tomato's, the plants are laden, picked more raspberries also, mush have plenty to make more jam by now as well.

Thats bad news, being rained off, such a blow.

Do you boil the toms, de-seed them, add spices and take the skins out, or not?

The squirrel found the entrance, pinched the teaser ones i left it, the entrance may be too small, that can be changed ok.

Didn't watch Celeb Island as they all seem so stupid and can't stand that, well they were on the last series, they couldn't do anything.




hope the eye test went ok today, and hope you did not get too stressed about getting any symptoms whilst there. 

pity the rain stopped you getting any jobs done, hope it was better today, but I guess with the eye test thing you didn't have much free time to get work done?

I bet your tomato soup is delicous.

I watched Bake Off, and enjoyed it.


sorry the pain is still so bad, but hope it starts to ease now. Hope you can manage to sleep tonight as it is so tiring if it disturbs your sleep.

That is good you got out for brekkie, shame it was expensive and the sausages were strange. I have quorn sausages some times, very nice. Tonight daughter cooked me some quorn meatballs in a special sauce we got from Costco , very tasty.

Oh yes, I remember now you say, Strictly starts then disappears again for a couple of weeks, for them to practice.

My cold is worse today, nose running and running all day. But luckily it is one of those colds that are annoying, rather than making me feel real ill. And I have been sleeping ok at night. But I will have an early night as it is tiring.

Sat on swing chair for awhile when the sun came out, but then it got chilly in the wind, so like Hicky, I think it is time to dig out the longer leggings and sweatshirts.

Got a private carer in for mum as don't want to give it to her.

Watching GP show tonight, but not much else of interest on.

Goodnight both.  xxx


Evening both.

Cloudy but dry morning but raining this afternoon.
Got one job done before my eye test, but it was raining afterwards, so I got my invoicing done.
The mower is still playing up a little, but mostly starts first time. Just occasionally you need to pull the cord a few times.


Went to the optician early afternoon and repeated the field of vision test. This time there were no problems.
I won't say it was easy to see all the green lights, but they seemed happy with the result, so all's good.
It was obviously my prostate problem causing me not to concentrate last time.
Thankfully no sign of any symptoms of that today.


Hicky. Hope the pain will soon go away.
Strange sausages for brekkie? Glad you could find some good provisions from the Farm shop though.
I've been wearing Autumn clothes for a while now, but I haven't put the heating on yet. I see the price of heating oil is creeping up again though, so I should maybe order some soon?


I followed a Delia Smith recipe for the tomato soup.
You chop up an onion and a potato and heat them in a pan with some olive oil, then you add the tomatoes (1Â― lbs quartered but with skins left on) and some stock and simmer for about half an hour while stirring. You also add basil, and I added some turmeric (because it's supposed to be good for you).
Delia says to strain it through a sieve, but I didn't do that. I put it through the food processor to mush it all up.
It does mean you get an occasional little bit of skin when you are drinking it, but I don't mind that, and it doesn't waste anything.
Much better than tomato soup out of a tin IMO.


Mollie. Sorry to hear you have a bad cold, but good that it's not making you feel ill. Yes, best not to pass it on to Mum.
I watched Location Location then Long Lost Families (I know you watched that as well ).


Evening Both.

A strange day, 17c cloud mainly, 13 wind, it said rain at 3pm but none came.

Saw the consultant, well his registrar anyway, said he was sorry for the delay, he told me the options, 1, surgery again, 2, tablets but they take 2 months to start having any effect and should be in operation after 6 months, so opted for the tablets for now, will have to see how things go.

The clinic was running 1 hour late so we called in at chippy for takeaway on way home, got chicken and sweetcorn soup with chicken curry and chips.

Mollie, The pain has eased some, the spots don't look too bad, o/h thinks she saw some new ones though.

I got some sleep, so hard to tell, go to bed earlier to get more of a chance.

I'll probably leave the heating on auto now, it's defo more chilly lately.

Hope your cold doesn't take hold.

Emptybox, Glad your eye tests were ok, pity about the mower though.

I see what you did to make the soup, the strainer would have taken the skins and seeds out but you mulched them which is fine really, you get more soup.

I might try making some as i have tons of toms.

Just watching anything that crops up on the tv, easiest way.


Hi Hicky.
Raining all day here so no work done.
Looks like it might be dry tomorrow, but then wet again at the weekend, but I can only get so much work done in one day, so I'll inevitably get behind.
Bit of a lost week really.


Hope the tablets work for you, to stop the blood in your urine. Probably a relief for you, that there is an alternative to another operation?
It'll take a while before you see if they are working though, so hope your condition doesn't get worse in the meantime. 
Annoying that they kept you waiting for an hour, but at least you got a takeaway on the way home.


Watched Who Do You Think You are at 8pm, then Educating Greater Manchester.

Last edited by emptybox

both xxx


hope the tablets help sort your problem. If they start working after 2 months, at least they should of started working by the time you go away. Shame about the hospital wait, but glad you managed to get a take away.

Glad the pain is continuing to ease. Good job you are getting some sleep, and a good idea to go to bed early as the rest will do you good. I too went to bed early last night as I was so tired with this cold. Think it is on the way out, just a blocked nose and dry throat now.


Pity about the rain just when you need to get on work wise. Hope it was a bit better today. That is great news about the eye test, so you were right and those horrid symptoms meant you couldn't concentrate last time. (no wonder really).

Yes twitter does sometimes give away the shows I watch, when I feel like making a comment. I don't expect to see you around when I comment on the Corrie tweets though.


Gogglebox back tonight.

Will have to record Cold Feet though as it is on the same time and I love that series. Then we have Jayne and her cruising, so will watch that on +1. Why are all the good shows on at the same time, then some nights nothing but rubbish on?

And of course we have the great Camper Van show on again at 8pm, and it is OH's territory of North Wales tonight.

Mum's birthday today, so sent a big Costco cake to her Day centre for them all to enjoy. It's massive and is personalised with choice of patterns, flavour, icing for ÂĢ13.99. The carers put banners up and balloons in her flat and opened her pressies/cards, they enjoy doing it. Shame I couldn't see her as I didn't want to pass the cold onto her, but at least I know she was well looked after.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Emptybox.

Another miserable day here, 16c, cloud, rain, sunny spells and 15 wind.

Didn't do much, my shopping arrived this morning, very good.

It seems the online ordering of my repeat prescription didn't work, when i rang the surgery they hadn't seen an order, oh dear, anyway they siad they would sort it.

Made some soup tonight, so many darn toms, only cherry ones but it turned out ok, had 1 meal of it plenty left.

Bad news about the weather, it really messes your schedule up, looking at the forecast ahead all i see is showers until a week today.

I have to give the tablets a chance, especially with me going away late November.

Yes, by 5pm the consultant passed my seat in the waiting room, he must have noticed me, i said are you running late, he said i'm not i'm finished and trotted off, i was seeing his registrar, he was Polish i think going by his name very nice man.

O/H got me some Calamine lotion to put on the spots, will try anything, still going to bed early, more chance of sleep i suppose, not bad last night, but the stinging is just 24/7 so can't do much while it's like that.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Not too bad today. Windy and cool at times, but with some sunny spells.
Got a few jobs done anyway. The mower behaved itself today.


Mollie. Shame you had to miss your Mum's birthday because of your cold. But sounds like the day centre enjoyed your cake, and the carers made a fuss of her.
Yes, as long as you use the hashtags on Twitter, I know to avoid your Corrie ones.
I'm in the South of Scotland, and I don't think we've ever seen the Northern Lights from here? It's cloudy tonight anyway.


Hicky. Pity you are still getting stinging from your shingles. Hope the calamine lotion helps.
Not more problems with your repeat prescriptions? You'd think they could get their act together.
Yes making soup is a great way to use your excess toms, as it freezes well.

Watched Celebrity 5 go Motorhoming, then Cruising with Jane McDonald.


Evening Both.

Missed you the other night Mollie as you posted at the same time.

Sorry about your cold, but no good spreading it around, glad it's on it's way out.

I am still going to bed early, might be to do with the meds i'm on now.

Only 16c here cloud, rain and sunny spells, 15 wind.

Didn't do much, but might have to pick the apples off the James Grieve tree as they seem to be ripe, will store in garage.

Had a block of sausage meat on toast with a bacon and toast as well. it's about 7.5cm square and 1cm thick, easier to cook that round sausages.

Just had a venison steak for tea, not impressed.

Emptybox, Yes, almost 3 weeks now with the shingles, having pain in one arm for that length of time is crazy, heaven knows how long i have to suffer for.

Don't know what went wrong with the repeat prescription, it's as if it stayed on the page of the month before.

I got 2 good helpings from the tomato soup, worth doing anyway, i zapped the mix with a rotary zapper that i found in the garage, had forgotten i had it, it has a whisk attachment as well.




glad you got a few jobs done and the mower behaved. Long may that last.

Shame it was cloudy so no Northern lights, it was supposed to come as far south as the midlands last night too.

Motorhome show was good, we drive through a few places they went to when we go up there. Gogglebox was brilliant, don't you watch it now?

Hope you enjoyed your sphag bol and beer.


oh yes, of course the meds might mean you feel more tired, but good to rest more to help you get rid of this.

Yes it must be so frustrating having this shingles pain for so long, hopefully won't be too long till it eases and is gone now, I read it is 3 - 5 weeks, that is what the doc told you isn't it?

Is the calamine any help? How about trying some of the other jome stuff if not? eg coconut oil?

Enjoyed watching part Strictly, then X factor, now Last Night of the Proms. I love the last well known songs on the proms.


Cold nearly gone thank goodness, managed to go out to brekkie with OH, haven't been out for ages with one thing wrong then another.
I had potato triangle thing, beans, fresh tomato, mushrooms and a slice of brown fried bread, yummy...

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Very wet overnight and a damp cloudy morning. Some sunshine in the afternoon, but I didn't go out to do any work.


Hicky. Hope your shingles symptoms ease soon.
That's good that you found an electric whisk thing for the tomato soup. I used a jug thing that goes on the food processor.
Glad you are not off your food anyway.


Mollie. Glad your cold is getting better, and you were able to enjoy a brekkie out.
Bit bored of Gogglebox now. I watch it if nothing else is on. may catch it on a repeat if I notice it.
Yes, I thought the motorhomers might have been going through familiar territory to you.


I watched X Factor. The female singer near the end was brilliant.
Then watched Jonathon Ross and am now watching the film 'United 93' (seen it before).


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