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Good morning all wavey
Another hot one today. I have all the windows and doors open to try and cool the house down, but there doesn't seem to be any cool breeze today.

Hi Bagel Smiler
hope all is well with you.

Hi Emptybox... I was fast asleep when you posted last night. Big Grin Glad you managed to get plenty done in the nice weather yesterday. I used to quite like BBLB when Dermot did it, but thought it was awful last year. Will watch the launch on Thursday though.

Hicky... hope you enjoy your day off. Did you have a lie in? What are you up to today?
Good Morning Suzie, Bagel, Mollie, Kev & Mike.Wave

Got my Remote TV set up now Mollie, I have the TV at the side of the monitor, my new Sky HD remote control works as well so I can watch my recordings without going down to the Sky system down stairs.

The Transmitter & Receiver was delivered at 11.30 and it's all up and running ready for BB10 launch.Big Grin

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Afternoon Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* No Sun here today, as yet. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you all have a nice day. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Good afteroon all wavey

Hicky.. glad you are all set up for BB, now all we have to hope for is that we have some decent interesting HM's, and plenty of tasks. I'd like to see some enthusiastic ones willing to show enthusiasm in tasks, instead of the usual laziness we get. But of course we do need decent tasks too. Hope we get them. Enjoy the rest of your day off.

wavey KingKev..
enjoy your Terminator 4.

Hicky.. thanks for the Rachel pic, I agree, she is looking very nice. Smiler And I think she is looking a lot more classy in those pics, than many of the other exHM's pics I have seen before now. Good for her, for refusing to strip off, because of her career. A sensible girl.
I'm back from watching Terminator: Salvation. It's a great terminator film, fantastic chase scene in it. Don't think they'll ever top the 2nd one though, I watched that aswell this morning. Laugh Sad geek aint I. Laugh
You have to watch this film at the pics though cos of the special effect, there's some massive machines. I almost expected Chris Barrie to pop out. Laugh
Hello. wavey
All I've done Suzie since waking up is read for an hour, watch Terminator 2 (it's 2 and a half hours long), then go and watch Terminator 4.
Oh and I watched The Wright Stuff this morning. Laugh
How's your day been?
Getting any cravings yet or feeling any tension?
I hope not, some people find it really easy, maybe you are one of them. Don't let us down girl. Thumbs Up
We'll still love you no matter what though. Hug Valentine
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hello. wavey
All I've done Suzie since waking up is read for an hour, watch Terminator 2 (it's 2 and a half hours long), then go and watch Terminator 4.
Oh and I watched The Wright Stuff this morning. Laugh
How's your day been?
Getting any cravings yet or feeling any tension?
I hope not, some people find it really easy, maybe you are one of them. Don't let us down girl. Thumbs Up
We'll still love you no matter what though. Hug Valentine

Ooooo what are you reading Big Grin That's alot of telly watching you'll end up with square eyes Laugh
My day was okay, It was absolutely sweltering at work so that was not good.
No cravings for ciggies but am having probs in knowing how to channel emotion. Will get there in the end Big Grin Probably with a punch bag and a pair of boxing gloves Laugh
Theres so much wrong with me , the best thing I can say about myself is that If I was a dog they would of put me down by now
Hey ho ....thats life

Going to Pictures in a bit to see Terminator looking foward to it ...
Im a sad geek so should love it

thanks Hug

Suzie Angel
Really Pleased you still being a good girl with the No Smoking ....Well Done Clapping Thumbs Up
Mike Strutter
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Theres so much wrong with me , the best thing I can say about myself is that If I was a dog they would of put me down by now
Hey ho ....thats life

Going to Pictures in a bit to see Terminator looking foward to it ...
Im a sad geek so should love it

thanks Hug

Suzie Angel
Really Pleased you still being a good girl with the No Smoking ....Well Done Clapping Thumbs Up

Mike Valentine

Hey whatever needs to be righted we are all here to help if you need us. This community helped me through redundancy and now no smoking so they are all a really great bunch of peeps Big Grin
I'm pretty pleased with myself Big Grin still a bit miffed at OH for not eeven knowing when I gave up though and haven't seen daughter since friday Eeker
Enjoy the pictures it sounds like another film I wouldn't have minded going to see Big Grin
Just testing out my Code for the BB nomination Hickygrams.
This is one from the 3rd Eviction on BB9.
                   /   \
                 /       \
               /           \
       /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-\                  ^
      /.-.-..-BB9 Birdhouse -.-.-.-\              /     \
     /.- - - Third Eviction - - -.- \           /         \
    /.-.-. Friday 04th July 2008 -.-.\        /             \
   '=================================='     /_________________\
     \||   Jen             Rex    ||/      | My Outside Banner |
      ||    _               _     ||       |------------------ |
      ||   ('<             <')    ||       |Bye Bye Jen,       |
      ||__\(_)_____    ____(_)/___||       |You shouldn't have |
     _||__________________________||_      |Turned Nasty.      |
      |____________________________|       |___________________|

     |                                                      |
     |    (The last Words before this weeks Eviction)       |
     |     ----------------------------------------------   |
     |                                                      |
     |(Jen):I Don't know why they nominated me.             |
     |      I'm only looking for the Perfect Man     .      |
     |                                                      |
     |(Rex):I'll be glad to get out of this place           |
     |      They don't seem to understand that I am Right.  |
Here's one of the betting code sheets I did.
You can see who was Fave and who wasn't.
It was taken from one of the betting sites that do the BB each year.
You can do them yourself if you use 'Notepad', with the Font set to 'Courier' which is a standard width fixed Font.
The text have to be preceded by the word [code ] with [/code ] at the end, then it's just pasted into the post.
Betting Predictions at 18.30 25th Jun '07      |
These are not odds, just related positions.    |
 Name     | Next    | Top    | Top  | Top      |
          |Eviction | Female | Male | 4 Finish |
Amanda    |    11   |   2    |      |          |
Carole    |    5    |   6    |      |          |
Chanelle  |    9    |   1    |      |   3      |
Charley   |    1    |   7    |      |          |
Gerry     |    11   |        |  3   |   2      |
Laura     |    6    |   6    |      |          |
Nicky     |    4    |   5    |      |          |
Sam       |    11   |   3    |      |          |
Tracey    |    7    |   4    |      |          |
Ziggy     |    8    |        |  4   |   4      |
Billi     |    2    |        |  5   |          |
Brian     |   10    |        |  2   |          |
Jon       |    3    |        |  5   |          |
Liam      |    12   |        |  1   |   1      |
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Evening Wave. Did some Revision earlier for my exam next week, but glad it's been hot and cool again today here Big Grin. Looking forward to watching the Apprentice semi final tonight, just waiting for my food too Laugh.

Hiya Darloboy Hug

Is there alot to revise for the next exam ?
Work for me was stifling, I thought I was going to melt at one point Laugh
Hope your apprentice watching goes well and enjoy your meal Thumbs Up
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Evening Wave. Did some Revision earlier for my exam next week, but glad it's been hot and cool again today here Big Grin. Looking forward to watching the Apprentice semi final tonight, just waiting for my food too Laugh.

Hiya Darloboy Hug

Is there alot to revise for the next exam ?
Work for me was stifling, I thought I was going to melt at one point Laugh
Hope your apprentice watching goes well and enjoy your meal Thumbs Up

Not much, most of it is common sense stuff but it's best to still revise so you remember more stuff. Thanks Big Grin, hows your day been Suzie?.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Not much, most of it is common sense stuff but it's best to still revise so you remember more stuff. Thanks Big Grin, hows your day been Suzie?.

That's not too bad then Big Grin
I'm fine thanks Thumbs Up glad to be home and cooling down a bit Laugh

Soon as I got back home from College earlier, it was straight to revision before I even thought of coming on here Blush. It's been busy here again, it always is because theres loads of us Laugh. Glad you had a good day Smiler Thumbs Up.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Good evening all wavey

Suzy..glad to hear you have still not succummed to the smoking. It can't be easy for you, but good luck with it all. Hug
It has been sweltering too here today, will be glad for a bit of a cooldown that they are forecasting soonn. lovely it is to see all your BB artwork stuff again. Glad to see it is all in good working order over here too. Smiler and I look forward to seeing it on the next BB. Smiler

Suzy... yes it is a shame you never made it to Off Topic, with us. But I am glad we found you over here, and I hope you stay around here posting with us. Smiler

Kingkev... glad to hear you have enjoyed your film viewings today. Smiler

Mike... enjoy your film tonight. Wonder if you get tempted by those hot dogs? Big Grin

Darloboy...Good luck with the revising. I too am really looking forward to the Apprentice. I am watching the extra show about it now.
I heard Philip on This Morning saying he is still with Kate now.
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Soon as I got back home from College earlier, it was straight to revision before I even thought of coming on here Blush. It's been busy here again, it always is because theres loads of us Laugh. Glad you had a good day Smiler Thumbs Up.

I know these exams are really important to you so will let you off for not coming on here straight away Big Grin
It can't be easy to revise with the housefull you get Eeker
Thanks Hug
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Suzy..glad to hear you have still not succummed to the smoking. It can't be easy for you, but good luck with it all. Hug
It has been sweltering too here today, will be glad for a bit of a cooldown that they are forecasting soonn.

Suzy... yes it is a shame you never made it to Off Topic, with us. But I am glad we found you over here, and I hope you stay around here posting with us. Smiler

Hiya Mollie Hug

I'm still doing well and not had any cravings yet. Will need to know what to do with stress and overflowing emotions though as I used to head straight for the ciggies to clamp it down. Haven't found any tai chi lessons yet maybe I should get a DVD and do it at home Big Grin

I never thought about going into OT at the time but hey I'm in the lounge now and really settling in well I think Big Grin
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey lovely it is to see all your BB artwork stuff again. Glad to see it is all in good working order over here too. Smiler and I look forward to seeing it on the next BB. Smiler

I'll try and do the artwork again this year.

Am watching the Apprentice Final five at the Mo, it's handy having it at the side of the Monitor.

The only problem so far is that when I change the channel on my Sky+ from the Puter room, it changes the Sky+ system the O/H is using in the Front room. Eeker

The Video side seems to be ok as I set up different channels for that, but I think the remote control radio signals are getting mixed.
I've just turned the Transmitter box that the O/H uses off for now.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Soon as I got back home from College earlier, it was straight to revision before I even thought of coming on here Blush. It's been busy here again, it always is because theres loads of us Laugh. Glad you had a good day Smiler Thumbs Up.

I know these exams are really important to you so will let you off for not coming on here straight away Big Grin
It can't be easy to revise with the housefull you get Eeker
Thanks Hug

Big Grin, it's quite fun lol I love it with our busy household Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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