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Evening Both')

A lovely day here, 15c and sun all day, light wind.

Managed to finish the second window, just need the pane to come.

Planted more peas and lettuce tape.

Considering taking down the kiddies play house and getting a greenhouse.

I was wondering if i could make an adapter to convert my garden shredder to take leaves as they need shredding but would need to make a hopper first.

Also wondering if i can buy plastic sheet to cover the raised bed which has the vines in it, from the bed to the wood frame is only 1.5m and 2.6m long, i think the vine would enjoy it.

Mollie, Might have to cover the trees tonight as a clear sky means trouble.

We don't go to Costco on a Saturday because it's too busy, enjoy all their food samples and their food counter is very good, we often sit down to eat, it's so cheap.

At least you have your swing chair when the weather is good.

Emptybox, Yes, we get 10% discount, can get more at times as a bonus, they don't give money out as bonuses.

I didn't watch the voice, with so many stations i zip through to see whats on, each one i fancy i press ok, then carry on looking, the best one from 100 will be what i watch.


both xxx


hope your tomatoes do ok this year, didn't you have a problem ripening them last year?

I do go back again for Costca free samples occassionlay, but only if it is something real nice and if they happen to have a change of staff.

Yes Mo does have a good voice. I think the standard of singers has been higher than it has been recently on the X factor.

yes not worth wasting your time on customers who are playing one gardner off against the other.


you are doing well getting your planting and another window.

I am sure you would make good use of a greenhouse.

Very handy getting 10% discount off .

Lovely day here too today. Managed both the swing chair and a walk with mum and the family down the seafront and an ice cream. So unusual for it to be so warm this time of year. Let's hope it continues.

Watching the Voice, then looking forward to Vera,

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Been watching a program about the Titanic, wow, it seems that what happened was part of a massive cover up.

The ship was on fire before it even left port but noone was told, the coal bunkers were full of coal, all of them, but one was burning, they were told to shovel the burning coal from the bunker into the furnace, this happened with 2 bunkers, which made them short of coal to complete the journey, but the heat of the fires had damaged the bulkhead and made it very weak, so when the iceberg damaged the side of the ship, the damaged bulkhead gave way and flooded the ship, it should have been ok for another 24hrs but the weakened steel couldn't take the water pressure.

But it seems after it sank the owners tried to get all those that knew about the fires back to the UK, and at the hearing all mention about fires or damaged bulkheads were dismissed, but a photo of the ship as it leaves port shows some strange colouring on the side of the ship were the coal hopper was, it was already on fire.

The captain was more interested in getting the people to the US as fast as possible, the ice flow was not a worry.


About the Local Explosion not too far away that did massive damage, it seems that things aren't as they look, i will say more when i see reports in the news as my information is second hand, the blast hurled parts of the building over 30,000 sqm and did massive damage to property that was quite a way away, a piece of wood like a door frame was blasted right through a door a ling way away, a wall of a house had a hole the size of a car in it, how noone died is a miracle.



Evening both.
Lovely sunny day here. Supermarket as usual.


My tomatoes ripened in the end last year Mollie, but they took their time.
Don't think it was as good a crop as the year before, but wasn't bad.
Oh yes, you'd need a change of staff to go back for second helpings at Costco. Either that or keep a different scarf in your handbag for the second run.
Glad you got to enjoy the warm weather. Wasn't quite as warm as yesterday here, but sunnier.


Hicky. Hadn't heard that story about the Titanic before.
Sounds like that gas explosion was worse than was reported?
That's good you getting the window done and the veg planted.
A greenhouse would be more use, if the kids are now a bit old for the Playhouse. Although I'm sure they made good use of it for a while.


Was glad that Mo won The Voice, but the duo were very good on the final song.


Aisleyne's on telly tomorrow night on 'How'd You Get So Rich' - 10pm Channel 4.
She's kidding on she's going to buy a mansion.
Well....I suppose she might?...


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, 14c with sunny periods, slight wind.

Started taking the kiddies wooden house to bits, got the roof off and the upper extension sections i fitted which raised the roof as the little ones grow too quick.

The whole thing was fitted with screws as i hate nails so it's coming to bits pretty easy, most of the wood i will keep anyway, i love wood.

I've taken the Bulb Transplanter to bits as it had the 2 sides joined by a spring loaded plastic handle, i prefer to control it by hand, it's simple enough, it's one of these:

That is what i want to use to transplant the seedlings, it's bigger than i really want but i can't find a smaller one, i would have to make one.

The greenhouse size is like this, i have room as well, this one shown isn't a 6 x 4 but i only have room for 7 x 5 but they are too dear.

Yes, i watch that program so i'll see Aisleyne, i really like Katherine.

Edit: just having a plate of Pork Ribs, I par boiled for 20 minutes then tossed them in a freezer bag with some of my magic spice rub, wow, have now used up the last lot i made, will have to make another lot, it's very nice.

Last edited by Hicky



glad you got a nice sunny Sunday.

Let's hope this year is good for your crop of tomatoes.

yes I guess I could atempt to try a scarf, sunglasses and a different coat for 2nds at Costoc.

Ais must of done real well if she is on a Howday get Rich show? Wonder if you get to see her posh house?


that is very interesting about Titanic. Makes you wonder what other things are big cover ups?   I know how much the big bank bail outs have cost the tax payer has been kept quiet, and look how long the true story of Hillsbourough took to came out.

Yes that explosion must of been absolutely huge, I did read that it could be heard miles and miles away, even in North Wales. So lucky noone got killed.

Glad you are enjoying your spices. I think you said your OH doesn't like spices does she? I am not keen either , I can only eat lightly spiced stuff.

Your greenhouse looks really nice, I am sure you will love working with produce in there.

Not sunny for long this morning, but at least it was dry. The temperature dropped quite a bit as the day went on though. (to be expected really this time of year though).

Son said his Uni interview went ok. He asked them a few questions and the ones he asked them, he was able to answer. But they only take on 13 students max, as it is a technical degree and they have to use the on- site recording studio. So he doesn't know if he will get a place. They asked him how long he had been studying music theory and luckily he has done that for 2 years at college now. He told them he was aiming to be a composer. Fingers crossed.

Other son and OH are doing up some of mum's old furniture. It looks quite scruffy but it is well made of solid wood, so OH thinks with a sand down it will look nice. It has certainly lasted longer than the Ikea ones we bought her that are collapsing now.

Did you watch Vera last night? Quite good again.

Am watching Broadchurch tonight after Corrie.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Dry here but windy and quite cold.

Got plenty done though and picked up 3 new small clients. Small of garden that is.
One of them is the mother of one of the others, and she's 101. And she came to the door and showed me her garden. Just a little deaf, that's all.
Probably only take about half an hour for each of their gardens, but it all adds up.


Well done getting the children's hut down Hicky.
That looks a nice greenhouse. Think mine is 8' by 6'?
Pity you've finished your magic rub. Yes, you'll have to make some more.


Mollie. Hope your son gets on the course he wants, but sounds like it'll be tough competition.
Yes, I think good furniture lasts much better than the flatpack stuff.
Vera was good again last night. She's a great actress.


Watched the How'd You Get So Rich with Aisleyne. She was looking round a ÂĢ4 million pound house that she was supposedly thinking of buying. I would be surprised if she does, as I think she'd have to sell all her other properties to be able to afford it, if even then. But it looked good for the programme.


Evening Both.

Not bad here today, not as warm early on but 10c isn'r too bad with sunny spells, the 14 mph wind was the problem.

Finished taking the kiddies play thing to bits, some good wood though.

The window plastic came this afternoon, so thats them finished, here's a picture

2 New Windows in Summerhouse.

The 2 New Windows i fitted into the side of the Summerhouse


Have started rearranging the Summerhouse tables, i have 2 large, 1 smaller and another smaller still, i'll have a big table each side to give me space in the centre.

Mollie, Hope your Son is ok getting the place, as you say, so many after the same position these days.

Thats a good idea doing up old furniture, some very popular programs into doing that these days on TV.

I don't watch Vera, i saw Aisleyne, very impressed.

Emptybox, Thats good getting new clients, it can start small but get bigger as they see how you are.

Yes, it was interesting seeing Aisleyne, as you say it looks like her money is in property, she won't buy that house, it's so big.

Here's a picture of my Gazebo, it looks a bit messy as it's not in use yet, mind you i sit in it sometimes.

A view of the Gazebo at about 5pm UK Time as the Sun has moved over to the West



both xx


well done getting some jobs done and some new customers too.

Hope you got another dry day today.

Sounds like Ais put all of her earnings into property then? .. and maybe a bit more, especially if she is viewing placea for ÂĢ4mill!


Well done getting the kiddies house down, and your windows look great in the summerhouse. So handy they both have openings too.

And I love the gazebo. It is such a nice thing to have this time of year as the days get longer and it gets milder. Hopefully you have plenty of time to come to spend in it.

Not a bad day here today. Got a bit of sun, enough to get a little time on the swing chair and my washing dry any way.


Am watching the posh Bake off programme on bbc2 now. Trouble is it always makes me fancy a cake!   But the judges are just so critical of them!

Then I think I will then watch the new series of the babies on C4.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
A nicer day here. Not as windy and mostly sunny. Not particularly warm though.
Got another couple of places started for the season.

Unfortunately the belt came off the mower at the second place, and I didn't have the tool with me to fix it, so I had to shove the mower without any drive for an hour.
Got it fixed quite easily when I got home, then I cut my own grass for the first time.
I'll make sure I have the tool in the van from now on.


Great photos Hicky. And a lot of sun round your way today by the look of it.
That's good that you were able to get the windows finished, and also the kiddies playhouse demolished.


Hi Mollie. Glad you got a little time on your chair, and got your washing dry.
Aisleyne does spend a lot on property, but she also has a penchant for expensive watches, especially Cartier.


I watched The Secret Life of the Zoo, then One Born Every Minute, now I'm watching the thing on 5 about Restless Legs Syndrome.


Good Morning Both.

Just getting ready for a day in the garden, after i make brekkie.

Got to sort all the now defunct sections of hut to see what i want to keep and whats for the tips.

Going to make the next measure of spices for the Meat Rub, i was making a tub of ground black pepper corns as i don't have a jar full, but it's hard work with a pepper mill, will have to remember to get a jar of ground black pepper from Costco next time we go.

Mollie, I was thinking of putting doors on the Gazebo, will have to look into what it needs.

I didn't watch that cake show, just a bit boring for me.

Glad you got your washing done and dry, O/H put some out to dry yesterday late on but left it out till today, it didn't rain overnight so shouldn't take long to dry today.

The forecast says could have frost tonight with a clear sky so will have to cover the pear trees again.

Emptybox, Oh dear, that belt is such a pain, you defo need to keep the tool in the van, or keep 2 of them.

I have all the screws i took out from the kiddies play shed, over 1kg and that not counting all the original nails that it comes with holding all the wood slats on the sides and base.

1 problem i noticed when taking it to bits is the floor inside the hut is just compressed wood chippings and when it gets wet it disintegrates rather quick so it didn't have long to live, the platform outside the shed is floor board so is ok but they really shouldn't use chip board at all, it's dreadful if it gets wet.

I watch the Zoo programs, and the David Attenborough  shows, they are so good.


Evening everyone.

A cool cloudy day, dry though.

Had a nice brekkie, an Omelette from Bacon, Chorizo, Tomato & Mushrooms, with 3 eggs mixed over, with 7 spice to liven it up and grated cheese over the top as it was under the grill to finish off.

still sorting the kiddies shed remains, trying to see what i want to keep and what to bin, pieces are too big to go in the car though, might have to cut up.

I have rearranged the summerhouse, wow, the same stuff still in it but now have the centre of 2,5m x 1.75m which seems an awful lot as it's only 3m x 3m when empty but by putting the big tables to the side it makes such a difference.

I have ordered sets of onions, white and red, shallots and  Garlic as i have so much space in the raised beds.

Hoping for no frost tonight, the minimum temperature is 8c so hope thats ok but the forecast did say a maybe, how can you have frost at 8c?


Hi Hicky. Hope you had a good day in the garden?
Think it's supposed to get quite warm towards the weekend. But the nights are still cold, as you say.

Bit cloudy and chilly here, but not too bad.
Got a hedge cut and also some grass cutting.


Always a good idea to keep all the screws. You never know when you might need them again.
Yes, I would expect chipboard isn't very good in the wet.


Probably GPs Behind Closed Doors followed by Benidorm tonight?


ETA: That sounds like a brekkie and a half.
Pity you will have to cut up the play house pieces to get them to the tip.
Well done making so much space in the summerhouse.

Last edited by emptybox


how annoying the belt came off the mower. Did your muscles ache after having to push it for an hour. so soon after your return to your new work season?

at Ais and her taste for expensive watches. I think the real posh ones don't lose their value though do they?

Is that restless leg thing where people can't keep their legs still at night in bed?


that sounded like a substantial but healthy breakfast.

Gosh a kilo of screws, that is a lot, but as Emptybox says you never know when you might need them.

It should be useful to put doors on your gazebo.

It is a strange thing this frost forecast. They said some areas by us could have a grass frost tonight, even though it is only likely to drop down to 5 degrees. So looks like the cold nights have not quite gone yet.

It has been a lovely day today, so out on my swingchair, the sundress came out. Going cool alreay though as the sun starts to set.

I am watching Masterchef tonight and the GP show.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

Had a strange tea, 2 fillets of salmon and a tine of Oz Tongue.

Emptybox, I don't really need the old screws as i have stocks of all sizes, just find it hard to throw them away.

Yes, having a chipboard floor within the kiddies hut creates a week spot, the woodwork is fine, well strong enough for adults never mind children.

Will be watching the same as you, GP's and Benidorm, watching Building Alaska, earlier watched the auction shows.

Mollie, It looks like you are going to get a lot of use out of the swinging seat, i have loads of room on the decking for one of them, might take it into consideration, could drop a hint, but want a greenhouse first.

I don't think it would be too hard to fit doors on the Gazebo but i can't use interior doors, maybe i should get some made, will have to do some thinking, Maybe they could be made out of fencing materials, that would then match the fence.

I just like to keep changing brekkies so i don't have the same thing 2 days running. 



Mollie. Yes good watches should hold their value well, provided she doesn't lose them. She's always losing her phones.
Seemingly she's already been targetted by fraudsters after revealing on the programme that she's worth a few bob.
The Sun - Aisleyne Fraudster Fear


Yes my legs were aching last night, after pushing the mower, as it was a steep lawn. And now my arms are aching tonight, after cutting the hedge today.
Yes, that's what the restless leg thing is. Though in some people it can be quite debilitating, and rob them of sleep.


Hicky. Salmon and Ox tongue. An interesting combination?
Surely the beauty of the gazebo is that it's open? Although I suppose doors would allow you to cook in it on a not so nice day?


Evening Emptybox.

A dull day here, 10c no sun, light wind.

Did more garden tidying, tried my new idea of transplanting the veg, it seems to work ok, sorted more of the old hut out, made sure no sticky out nails or screws to hurt someone.

Last night i put fleece on the cordon Conference Pear, so i can tell if covering the pears made any difference, but i don't think we had any frost.

I have discovered a strange thing on DS, on my threads i use the top post on each page isn't visible to me.

Yes, these scammers are so good, think Ais is in real danger once they get hold of her address (which they have) she needs to step up her security somehow, it's a pity she didn't check the scammers email address as it would have shown up as being fake.

It's a pity that the link on an email only shows text when it should really show the fake email address, then so many wouldn't be taken in so quick.

It's not much fun pushing a mower up hill, it's bad enough on the level.

the Gazebo is nice open but with a wind it can make it unpleasant, the doors would only be closed when needed anyway.

Made a new supply of Rib/Meat Rub, it doesn't take long.

Made a Stir Fry with chopped Ribeye Steak, Chorizo, mushrooms, chopped onion with Pad Thai sauce and fresh egg noodles.

Oh, found out why the top post on DS doesn't show, it's because i have the ad blocker on and they must have a glitch.

Last edited by Hicky



Yes I am not surprised you are aching as it was uphill mowing, and doing the hedge too! And I guess it takes your muscles awhile to adjust after not doing your gardens over the winter. But your muscles will soon adjust, how nice having a job that is all outdoors and keeps you fit at the same time.

Interesting article about Ais. Gosh that email does look convincing, no wonder she got fooled by it.



You certainly have some unusual brekkies.

Glad the weather was ok for you to get on in your garden again.

I guess if the gazebo doors protect you on windy days, you could get a lot more use out of it.

I certainly recommend a swing chair. It is so relaxing. OH has placed it in a corner of the garden, away from the wind and in the sun all day, so with the good weather again today, I have made good use of it. Love swinging away whilst reading my book.

I have also been busy sorting things at my mum's flat. Thrown out some of her old clothes now, and am only keeping ones that are easy for the carers to put on her. Have bought her some nice new ones recently from Primark.

Luckily daughter offerred to peel all the veg and make tea for us all to give me a rest time in my swing chair after going to mums. Daughter made me a lovely coly cheese, sweet potatoes, new potatoes, grilled tomato, peas, carrots and fresh whipped cream with raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. The rest of the family had Costco meat balls with a Japanese sauce. This was one of the free samples we tried there last weekend. A bit of good marketing by Costco again, as this free sampling idea worked again, in that we bought the product.


Watching Masterchef, then Prime Suspect 1973, really good last week.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Some cloud and some sun but not very warm.
Went to town to get my prescription then did some work. It's nice to have this dry period. The grass is easier to cut.

Hicky, if you haven't already found out, you can add a filter to the ad-blocker to make the first post on a page on DS show up while still blocking the adverts.
paste the text - into the appropriate box.
In Adblock Plus it is Options then click on the 'Add your own filters' tab, then paste into top box and click 'Add filter'.
The exact same text works on UBlock Origins as well, and probably any ad-blocker, but the procedure is slightly different.


No I don't think we had a frost last night, but it was certainly colder. Probably safer to have used the fleece.
Your stir fry sounds lovely.

Aisleyne was a bit silly, because seemingly she didn't even subscribe to Amazon Prime, so why would she try to cancel it, on the say so of an email?
Plus Prime costs ÂĢ79 a year not ÂĢ179.
But yes, you can be easily caught out if you're not vigilant.


Hi Mollie. Yes I'll soon get used to my working routine again.
Glad you had swinging weather again.
That's good that your daughter was able to make supper after you'd been sorting your Mum's clothes.
Even I would have liked that veggie supper that you had.  I had a sort of veggie supper myself. Chips cauliflower cheese in breadcrumbs and spinach.


Watched The Last Kingdom then Rich House Poor House.






Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not a bad day really, cloudy till 2pm but 11c with slight wind.

Been in the garden all day, cut up the shed pieces that are too big for the car, the window closer came so i fitted that.

Just made a mince curry with potatoes for tea, the spuds will do a few meals and the curry will do 2 as well.

I got the potatoes from the bottom drawer in the fridge, use by Jan 25th it said, it sure is a good fridge, they were perfect.

I used curry paste out of the jar, haven't made my mix up yet.

I've ordered the plastic sheet for the vine covering, not sure how it will go but worth a try.

Mollie, Thats a good idea sorting your mums flat out, make it easy to find clothes that are easy to get on.

I fancy some rustic doors on the Gazebo, will see what O/H thinks.

I sure fancy one of the swings for the decking, it really would be a bonus.

I find a lot of the fruit isn't really very tasty, i am getting Grapes from Sainsbury's and they are lovely.

I watched Masterchef, not a lot else on.

Emptybox, I tried that ad filter but i am using Opera, it didn't seem to work on DS.

Yes, Ais shouldn't have been taken in but sometimes massive companies pay bills on demand before they realise it's all fake, you have to be so careful these days.

I remember in the old days when i used to spend so much time travelling up and down the country, sometimes we would be accosted in the carpark by the white van men to buy something, the problem was what they had in the packages wasn't what was in the that which they showed you so when you got home you had been done.

I watched Rich House Poor House, interesting.

Looking forward to the F1 pole test tomorrow, they didn't get much done today as the weather was so bad, the Helicopters couldn't take off in emergency.


both xx


Yes of course the recent dry weather does make it so much easier to cut grass, so it must mean a lot less effort for you getting the lawns done whilst it is like this... and cleaner shoes too! 



that;s good you had weather nice enough to enable you to be in the garden all day.

How lucky your potatoes stayed fresh for so long in your fridge.

Rustic doors do sound nice for the gazebo. You will have to hunt around to price them up.

Yes some of the supermarket fruit can be tasteless. We now buy large frozen raspberries from Costco. REally huge they are and very nice, I just take a few out as I need them at a time.

Hope you didn't fall for the white van man fiddle when it was around.

Been another lovely day today, great for the swingchair and my book, it got so hot, I had to put the shade over me for awhile. So handy how you can adjust the overhead shade on the swingchair.

Me and daughter went to see Disney on Ice tonight. Very good, they were such excellent ice skaters, and lovely costumes. Lots of cutie little girls dressed up on princess dresses, and  a few little boys dressed in Buzz Lightyear costumes

We are going to see mum's sisters in Birmingham tomorrow, and staying overnight, so I won't be around for a couple of days.

So have a lovely weekend both, hope they are right about the weather to come being really good.

Watching Gogglebox now, love that show, funny and an added advantage of giving me ideas of shows to watch.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Another cloudy cold day here. The sun came out at 6pm, but I was back in the house by then.


Still, I've now got all my places cut for the first time, and one place given it's second cut. So it's full steam ahead with the season.


A mince curry Hicky? I had mince and potatoes myself.
Ah, the built in ad-blocker in Opera might be different? I don't know about that one.
Good that you got a day in the garden and your thermal opener came.
Yes, there's always been conmen, long before the internet.


Hi Mollie, yes Ash can be daft at times.
I agree that a lot of supermarket fruit can be tasteless. That's why I only tend to buy strawberries in the summer, when hopefully they'll be juicy.
Seems you had the heat? I could do with some up here, it's gone quite cold again. 

Glad you enjoyed Disney on Ice. Doubt if it'd be my sort of thing?
Have a nice time in Brum.


Seem to be mostly watching wildlife progs tonight.


Evening Both.

What a day, wow, so hot, 27 in the summerhouse even with the new window open, oh just realised i forgot to open the manual window, silly boy.

Done more garden tidying, took the slabs up that the kiddies hut was standing on and put slate in the gap made.

Gave all the trees  some liquid feed, trying to use up the rest of the that in the 100 litre tank, this year i'm going to make a tank of soluble feed from a box i have, you only need 20 tablespoons to make 100 litres.

Outside it was so hot i had to stay in the shade lots of the time.

Saw Hamilton get Pole for the race tomorrow.

Just tested my latest spice mix, wow, 3 teaspoons to a sliced up pack of Pork Ribs, shed in a bag, with a couple of table spoons of liquid chilli, cooked at 180 for 45 minutes, wow, very professional, it seems.

It was just like when i used to get them in Belgium but they wouldn't give me the recipe, no wonder they wouldn't give it me with that many ingredients.

Mollie, I haven't noticed the frozen Raspberries in Costco, will have to check next time.

Yes, i did fall for the white van trick once coming back home after being away.

That Disney on ice sounds good, Ant & Dec are broadcasting fro Disney Florida tonight at 7pm

Emptybox,  Thats good news getting all your places seen to, you just need some more good weather now.

When i start frying the mince i'm not really sure what i will do next, there are so many things you can make with a pan of mince, do i add a gravy, and veg with spuds, so i did the spuds anyway, then decided to add onion and mushroom, then 2 tbsp of Madras curry paste, then added some flour to thicken and some water, it's so quick really, the potatoes and rice take about the same time, i have the rice for the Risotto as well.

I've decided to leave the ad blocker on DS just turn it off to read the first post of a page, there was so many adverts everywhere i can't stand them.



Hi Hicky.
A lovely sunny warm day here at last.
Not nearly as hot as you, maybe early teens, but good enough for me.
Put the old sun umbrella out. Had the same one for maybe 30 years, so getting a bit manky now.
Had a seat for a couple of minutes, but then got bored and did something else.
I've never been a fan of sunbathing.


That's good that you could get stuff done in the garden despite the heat.
I heard that Hamilton got pole.
Made another batch of spice mix I see. I'm not a fan of pork ribs.
There must be some way to get the ad blocker in Opera to display the first page on DS?


Watched All Round to Mrs Brown's now the film Dredd.


Evening Emptybox.

Went out for brekkie to BurleyDam garden centre, lovely food, got 2 grafted veg plants as well, 1 tomato and a cumumber, meant to get a pepper as well, got some garden lime and then asked where the garden swing seats are.

they showed me one, i bought it straight away.

This one: http://www.burleydamgardencent...ock/c-23/p-4975#4975

I have to build it as it's a flat pack, but it adds to the fun.

I blame Mollie for sowing the seeds. LOL

Just made another great meal, fried onion, Chorizo and mushrooms then added a sachet of ginger and sweet chilli stir fry sauce then added some peri peri sauce and some fresh egg noodles, wow, a nice meal.

Enjoyed F1, it was a good race,  

I have a sun umbrella thingy but i can go in the Gazebo to cool off, I can't really sit in the sun sunbathing though, i can if i'm by a pool like on Holiday.

I've just see a spice mix to make potted shrimps and as i have a pack of shrimps in the fridge i'm going to make some.


Hi Hicky.
Not too bad day here. A bit cooler and windier than yesterday but dry.
Went to the supermarket as usual.


That was an expensive trip to the garden centre. Yes, you can blame Mollie when you are cursing at the thing for not going together properly, when you are trying to build it.
That sounds a tasty meal.
Good that Hamilton won the Grand Prix, but sounds like luck was on his side?


Fishcakes chips and peas for supper for me I think?
Vera on TV tonight.


Evening again Emptybox.

Watching the Golf, meant to say, the grafted tomato plant was 50cm tall, they are form Suttons so will be good, had to repot and put a cane to support the poor think, mind you it's very strong, the Cucumber was smaller, will keep them in the summer house for now anyway.

It says here, last frost by end of April.

Have potted the shrimps using my spice i made for it, will be interesting to see how it tastes, you are supposed to have it with fresh made toast.

I've put the fleece on the conference pear to protect it, not putting it on them all as i want to see if it makes any difference.

Never had blossom like this in the garden, and one of the cherry trees isn't even in bloom yet, got some buds ready to open on the Mulberry but never seen a flower yeat so you never know.

Hicky posted:
 then asked where the garden swing seats are.

they showed me one, i bought it straight away.

This one: http://www.burleydamgardencent...ock/c-23/p-4975#4975

I have to build it as it's a flat pack, but it adds to the fun.

I blame Mollie for sowing the seeds. LOL

Yes I well and truly did sow the seeds on that one, as I did kept on going on how much  I loved my new swing chair.

Hope yours went together problem free. I don't think OH had too much trouble with mine, Then I hope you are as pleased with it as I am with mine.

Put it in a nice corner sheltered from the wind, and hopefully we will have lots of nice dry weather for you and OH to enjoy it. I expect the youngsters will enjoy having a little swing on it too.

Yours is a the same colour as mine ,but slightly different seats.


Evening All.

Cooler today, 10c with sunny spells, 16 mph winds.

O/H took a car load of wood to the recycle place, all of the kiddies shed gone, any good wood i have kept as i love wood.

Been sorting my wood stock, it was lying on the floor on wood batons but it's not good like that so i have stood it all up, need to make an area that i can keep it in.

Have been killing the weeds at the side of the garden, they come through from under the concrete fence base, i put salt down, weeds don't like salt.

These light morning are confusing, i wake and find it light and its, 6.30 ish, so i get my head down again, it seems such a waste of daylight hours., and it's still light now at 8pm as it's just starting to go dark.

Had a pot of the potted shrimps, very nice, should have had it on hot toast, forgot about that.



Glad you both got the nice weekend weather too.


your sun umbrella is doing well to last some 30 years.

I too would get bored just sunbathing, so I always take a book with me to read. But in your job you don't need to worry about sunbathing to get enough vit D as you are always out and about in good weather.

Glad to see you have been making some good progress this year work wise. Amazing what you can get done when it is nice and dry.

I watched Vera last night too, I enjoy her series.


I see you really got some hot weather, but yes best to keep your tomatoes and cucumber in the summer house as it is still quite early in the year, and I heard them say tonight we may have a grass frost.

I bet all that blossom in your garden looks so pretty.

We had a nice weekend with mum's sisters and my cousin in Birmingham. The weather was really hot there too. I noticed on OH's car it was 24 degeres when we left but the cool change arrived in Wales earlier so it was only 14 degrees when we got home!

We had a meal together in the local pub with my aunts, I had mac cheese and salad with sweet potato fries, very nice.

OH and son helped do my aunt's garden. A so called gardener had come to do my aunts garden, it is on a slope so very difficult for her. But we were so annoyed,.... this bloke charged her ÂĢ450 to clean between slabs and put some sandy type stuff down the cracks so weeds wouldn't grow in the cracks. And he had missed bits of it, so it was nothing but a messy unfinished job. He had even jet washed the steps and left them loose, so she could of fallen. So OH and son went to B and Q to get concrete and stuff to finish the slab cracks. They spent all morning fixing the job, and concreting her steps. The stuff to fill the cracks was only ÂĢ18 a big tub from B and Q, so don't know how he worked out such a huge charge!  Aunt was very grateful OH and son tidied it up as she had to use her holiday money to pay this guy for the job.

Had a cool wind here today, but can't complain as it is only April and it was nice and dry. Got lots of washing dry any way.

Am going to watch Broadchurch tonight.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.
Cloudy morning, but not bad sunny afternoon.
Got a few jobs done.

Went back to that problematic place, and the grass had been done again.
But they are still saying they want me to do it, and they just didn't catch the other gardener before he did it. I think I showed that I was a bit annoyed this time, but said I'd try again in a fortnight.
I don't blame the other gardener, as he obviously thinks he doing what he's supposed to be doing, and will probably be as put out as I am when they tell him not to cut the grass.
It's the stupid client not being clear, or not bothering as long as the job is done by someone.
Oh well, it's all part of the fun I suppose.


That's quite tall to buy a tomato seedling Hicky? But I suppose it saves you growing it from seed. Mine are only about 3 cm high at the moment.
That's good that your OH got rid of a lot of the wood from the playhouse.
Never thought of using salt as a weedkiller. I might try that at home. Don't think it would look too professional on clients paths though.
Glad you enjoyed the potted shrimp. Yet another thing I've never tried.


Mollie, glad you had good weather in Birminham, and enjoyed a nice meal.
Sounds like it was a working break for your son and OH. A very high charge for gardening that hadn't even been finished properly. There are a lot of people who exploit vulnerable old folk.


My sun umbrella should be thrown out really, it's quite tatty; but I just use it as a sign of summer, so put it out when the good weather starts. I never actually sit under it.

Watched Police Interceptors then 24 Hrs in A&E.


Evening Both.

Cooler today, 11c but some sunny spells, 17 mph wind though.

Moved the covers round on the raised beds as one is smaller than the other and the bed with the peas in will be half tomato plants.

The first lot of peas are showing through anyway.

took a water sample to the docs this morning, the nurse was going to test it, they never got back to me, will ring in the morning in case there was a message for me.

I missed your post yesterday Mollie, we posted together, the swing come tomorrow, 

Yes, the blossom is fantastic, the apple blossom still to come out and a cherry tree ready to blossom, the first flush of raspberries is coming along fin, the canes from last year have sprouted and many new branches growing, i have summer and autumn fruiting so should have fruit all summer.

Glad you had a nice weekend in Birmingham, you usually put special sand between brick or flags so the water runs through instead of flowing across, it's called silver sand i think, very fine like salt, we had it when we got the drive done with block paving at the other place, you put the sand down then brush it into the gaps. 

Emptybox, Thats so annoying, it's as if they are too scared to tell him not to cut the grass, maybe you can beat him to it.

The salt to kill the weeds is supposed to be made into brine, the cost of rock salt what they use for the roads is dirt cheap, i made a watering can full to try it out, i suppose it matter how much salt you put in the watering can as well, it must not be used if it's on ground where plants will be grown as it's probably a ten year thing.

I don't think it will show white if you use brine, will have to do more tests.

I was surprised to see all the lovely veg, most of it was very tall, wish i had got the pepper as well, i had to put the tomato into a bigger pot because it needed a cane to support it, it was virtually lying down as it didn't have enough support, it only had the stick with the label on it, the lot of them looked very healthy, but at ÂĢ3.50 they aren't cheap, i could have bought small ones but i always get grafted if available.



Evening Hicky.
Cloudy cold and windy here today. Did get a little warmer towards the end of the afternoon.
Got a few jobs done anyway.


I don't really fancy getting into a fight with another gardener. Lawnmowers at 50 paces, and all that.


Hope your water sample is clear this time.
Yes, I well remember brushing in special sand between flag stones, when I worked for another gardener.


I wouldn't have thought salty water would have any lasting effect on the ground? I would have thought the salt would wash out over time. But then I guess only certain plants can flourish at the seaside. So it must have some effect.


Watched The Secret Life of the Zoo then Peter Kay's Car Share.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Cooler and windy here, 12c with cloud rain and wind, not ideal for me.

Was waiting for the Swing to be delivered, they didn't come till about 5pm, also came was my plastic sheet to cover the Vines, but need some time with no wind ideally.

The swing came in a big heavy box, well, i say heavy, 44kg (96.8 LB) anyway, the instructions are 3 pages, 1 is what you get, 2 & 3 are 4 sketches of how to build it, the parts all have letters and numbers on the drawing, (could take a while).

No, Lawnmowers at 50 paces would come down to the HP thats driving it i suppose.

I rang the Docs about the water sample with no hearing from them, she said it's been sent to the Lab, i asked about infection, she said (reading the notes) that there is something there but wait for the results, could be back Thursday afternoon, i'll ring then unless i have heard from them before that.

I have no idea how long salt would stay in the soil, i just read that don't use it if you will be wanting to plant later.

Had scrambled egg for brekkie, smoked salmon on water biscuits with soft cheese, Ribeye steak with onions and mushrooms for tea.

I often have a tin of Sild in Tomato sauce for supper.

The secret life of the Zoo is good, often watch that, very interesting, and another F1 race this weekend.


both xxx


Gosh this customer is really messing you about now. I can understand you not wanting lawnmowers at 50 paces, so that client really needs to decide which of her gardeners are, or are not, doing the job!

Yes from my recent past experiences with some people with my mum, and now with her sisters, I can see how common the exploitation of old folk is!

That is good you managed to get some jobs done, despite the cold wind.


Hope you manage to get the swing chair together ok. Sounds like what OH had to do when we got ours. He said some of the parts to ours were similiar, but the instructions on how to do it did make sense.

Your docs/nurses do seem not very organised and need to be chased up with your water results again. What a nuisance, but if it is not clear, and you may need meds, it is something you have to do.

Let's hope for a non windy day soon so you can sort your vines out.

Another unusual brekkie for you I see.

My best friend here for the last 14 years moved today back to Yorkshire, as she has taken retirement. I was upset as I will really miss her. Me, OH and daughter got to her house at 6.45am when her removalists arrived to help her. OH took apart her bed and shelves and daughter vacuumed, as vacuuming with a heavy vacuum can make my ribs sore. My friend left by 9.30am, so we went to Weatherspoon pub for brekkie. We had a very nice cooked brekkie with bagel and soft cheese to help cheer me up and because we were all freezing cold from helping her move with no brekkie.

Took doggie a walk on seafront this afternoon, gosh the wind was so cold! Not may people around, just a few kiddies eating ice creams though.

Going to watch GP show, then a show that reminds me of Big Brother, but in Italy on bbc2 at 9pm.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Just had a super, a small pack of microwave chips and a tin of orange segments with a tin of custard.

Anyway, it's the lab results of the water test i'm waiting for.

I've written out bags to put the small parts in, all the bolts nuts washers etc. to make it easier when it's getting built.

It's sad to lose a friend like that, but when you gotta go you gotta go, that was nice giving her a hand getting ready.

I don't blame you for going to Weatherspoons, you needed it after all that work.

Yes, it would have been nice if it wasn't for the wind, it spoilt the day.

I re-potted the grafted cucumber for something to do as i could see roots trying to get out of the pot.

Yes, Tuscany, i'm watching it now, give it a try, was watching Benidorm but it's crazy.


Evening Mollie and Hicky.
Better day than yesterday, more sun and a bit warmer, but still with a chilly wind at times.
Got a big grass cutting job done, and bought grow bags and tomato liquid fertiliser. Ready for planting my tomato seedlings out in the greenhouse now, but not till they are bigger.


Hope you can get the garden seat up OK Hicky. Yes better to wait for a calm day.
Some nice meals for you today.
You'll just have to wait and see what the result of the water test is.


Busy morning for you Mollie. That's good that you were able to help your friend move. Hopefully you'll be able to keep in touch.
Pity the wind spoiled you doggie walk somewhat.
Hadn't noticed that Tuscany prog. I watched Benidorm and now I'm watching the prog on the London Knowledge on +1.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

What a day, weather was ok, cool at 10c with mainly cloud 13 mph wind.

Built the swing, O/H gave a hand after she came in from her Mothers shopping, quite a struggle, had put all the bolts and bits into marked bags to make it easy to get hold of them, that worked fine.

Rang the docs about the results from the lab, she said a prescription had been sent through to the Pharmacy, rang them, they said they had prescriptions for me from 28th March, 3rd April and 11 April waiting for me. I rang the Docs again to see what was going on and who should be telling me that i have prescriptions sent and which tablets should i take, the 3rd Apr tablets are the same as the new ones, the 28th Mar are Nitrofurancoin, they said they would check with the doc and ring back, they rang back and said just take the latest ones.

I then ordered a takeaway delivery as O/H fancied one, i got Beef & Tomato with chips, wow, that was lovely, never had that before.

Some girls from in the nearby road came, my parcel had been delivered to the wrong road, happens all the time, they think the adjoining road is the same road, it;s not it has a different name, anyway, it was all my sets, onion, white and red, garlic and shallots., so a job for tomorrow.

They say that my Grafted Tomato's shouldn't be planted in growbags as they aren't deep enough for the roots.

The Tomorite is good, cheap enough as well. 

That was good getting a big grass cutting job done.

It's getting hard to know what to watch on TV these days.


both xxx



do you have any Weathespoons near you? We find them good value. How long does it take for the lab to do the tests?

Yes with a good bit of sorting you should be able to assemble quite well. My OH said some of the pieces did look similiar so you don't want to get them mized up.

Those grapes in Tuscany looked good quality.


glad to hear you were able to get a big grass cutting job done. Let's hope it stays dry so you can keep up with the workload as well as you have been.

Been quite cold here again, but at least it was dry.

Put lots of washing out to dry and carer looked after mum today.

Son and OH went to her flat to clean her carpets as they get dirty quickly with all the carers coming and going, and her wheelchair and the hoist being rolled around too. They said the carpets looked a lot better afterwards.

Think I'll watch The Detectives on itv at 9pm tonight.

Have a good evening both xxx


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