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Both xx

At last, it is here! December, so it is advent day 1.

As daughter is making Christmas cake this week, it is a cake piccie.


that is good it was nice enough today for you to get a couple of hours outside. What a nuisance your OH had to travel to the hospital just to give blood sample. I suspect the change is to do with saving some money somehow!

Oh dear your poor OH's sister, with her OH with broken hip and now health problems herself. A shame they live in a house rather than a bungalow. Let's hope they get some help and advice from social services and the hospital when they are due to come home.



Yes sounds like your tomatoes really do like warm sunny weather and not cold rooms! That is good you got some nice weather and got some jobs done.


We had another real cold day, but it was beautiful as again it was very frosty all day but sunny too. As it went dark this blanket of freezing fog has fallen though. The airport has been disrupted as it is so bad. OH took extra half hour getting home, but that is not too bad on that busy M4.


time for IAC, loving it, I too was surprised Jordan went. Think Wayne or adam should of gone, was real annoyed Carol went too.

did you enjoy Missing Emptybox? I didn't have time to watch it, but heard it was good.

Enjoy the show.  xx


Evening both.
Another mild day here. No sign of frost, and a warmish sunny day. Had to take my fleece jacket off at one point as I was sweating.  
Was cutting a big holly hedge and also pruning roses and bushes.
The advantage of no frost and no rain is that everything was bone dry and easy to cut. When there's a frost everything is wet after it melts, so not good for work.


Can take a day off tomorrow as I have been round everybody I need to this week. Don't want to visit them twice in a week. Got plenty more to do next week though.
I bought a motherboard on Ebay, to try to fix my computer, so i might have a go at that tomorrow.


Hicky. Pity your OH's sister is now having problems as well. Not nice that they might both end up in hospital.
What a nuisance that you now have to go to hospital for a blood test. At least you got a meal out, but not a very nice one by the sound of it.
Not sure what a beef rub is? Don't you end up smelling of meat, if you rub it on? Good job there aren't any flies at this time of year.
Gardener still elusive? We don't like to appear too willing you know.


Mollie. Advent? Well I suppose it is December? And I do like Christmas cake.
I see you are getting the frost now? Pity your OH was delayed.
The Missing was a brilliant series. Very gripping. If you get a chance to watch it on catch up or a box set then i would take it.


Pity Larry went on IAC. Guess I'll have to root for Scarlett now.
The Apprentice was good. I'm glad Grainne survived. There's something about her? Bit of a hatchet face at times.....but when she smiles.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.

Another 8c day, not bad really, cloudy with hardly any wind.

just pottered about in the garden, picking leaves out of the tub saucers, god, they stink when they are rotting in water.

I was surprised that Larry left the Jungle, i liked Larry.

Where is everyone, hope you are all ok.

O/H's sister has delayed having an Op on herself for a while so she can get her O/H home from the hospital, unless her pain or other things mean she has to need urgent surgery.


Hi Hicky.
A nice day here without frost, though a bit colder than yesterday.

I didn't set foot outside however, as I was rebuilding my computer with the new motherboard. As always it took longer than expected. all those little header connections are very tricky, and all the little screws very elusive.
It all seems to work now anyway, and I even managed to get Windows reactivated OK.
Just reused all the other components from the previous build.


We seem to have had more leaves this year than usual. But I think I've more or less finished raking them up now.


Hope your OH's sister manages to avoid hospital herself, so she can help her husband recover.


Glad those two left IAC, and that Scarlett is in the final four.




hope your SIL can avoid the op until her OH is sorted. Those smelly leaves don't sound nice, good idea to keep an eye on it.



that is good you managed to rebuild your computer, even though it did take  longer than expected. Well done on finishing all your leaf jobs.


I was a bit disappointed Martin left as he was entertaining, but glad Wayne went. Yes I think Scarlett will win this, I'd prefer her to Adam. Sam has done well considering she was unknown. She does seem nice though.

Because I missed yesterday advent day 2, and we went to Cardiff to see this, so this is yesterday's advent day 2 piccie.....

Image result for images christmas carol

It was a lovely seasonal singing family show, and we went round Winter Wonderland. Huge big wheel and ice skating. Very nice. I enjoyed some chips and mayo. Always taste nicer when eaten outdoors in cold weather.

Looking forward to IAC and X factor tonight.


Lot milder here today and no frost.

have a good day both xxx


Evening Both.

I must have been too early for you yesterday, never mind.

Didn't do anything today, O/H went over to her sisters as she has got some stuff for her, getting ready for her O/H to come home from the hospital, probably Monday.

It was only 7c today but warming up next week, a couple of days will be back to 12c, hop the gardener comes then.

Mollie, oh yes, love the Advent pics, isn't time flying, wow, thats nice having your daughter making a Christmas cake, i'm the only one that likes Christmas cake, O/H doesn't so wouldn't buy one, i like the baby Christmas puddings, warmed up with double cream.

Yes, think the idea is, when he gets home from the hospital, if he gets upstairs he can stay there, won't need to come down until his leg is able to, mine was fine after a day or so so he could be ok.

I wonder who will go tonight, after 2 going last night it will probably be Sam.

Emptybox, You have beed busy, thats some good jobs done out of the way, if the frost stays away you are laughing, next week looks good anyway.

Hope the Motherboard sorts the computer problem, when i helped at the massive computer fair i could buy stuff so cheap it was crazy, I loved Asus boards.

Did i say beef rub instead of Rib, Ha Ha, mind you, yes it would do my skin good, but stick to high heaven.

Watched my Apprentice recordings, not many left now, not sure who will win, i am liking the ones that have such good memories, even Karen and Claude seem amazed so they must be in the top few, good memories are a real bonus, my ex boss had an amazing memory, i even had to ring him one day to find when we moved into my last house around 32 years ago and he even remembered the day, and that is impressive, and that why he did so well in business.


Hi both.
Not bad day here, but it started very misty. Some sun though, after the mist had cleared.
Didn't do much outside, apart from washing my van.


Also did some more playing with my computer. Yesterday I got Windows working, today I got the three Linux OSs on it up to date as well. Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Arch Linux.
I know....I don't need 4 operating systems on the one computer....but it's fun to have them.
The motherboard that stopped working was an Asus one Hicky. The new one is an Intel one. But the Asus was a better board....when it was working.


Glad you enjoyed your show in Cardiff Mollie. And eating chips in the cold.
I really hope Scarlett wins IAC, but I think it could be Adam.


Pity your OH doesn't like Christmas cake Hicky. Hope her BiL makes a swift recovery after his new hip.
Ah, beef rib? I didn't realise you'd made a typo. I thought "beef rub" was an actual thing.
Yes, it's supposed to get warmer mid week. I'm forecast for 13 degrees on Wednesday.


Really enjoyed X Factor tonight, despite the Christmas theme. Really hoping Saara gets through to the final. Thought her first song was brilliant, but didn't like her second one. She's definitely the best singer though.
Think I want Grainne to win the Apprentice. No idea if she's got a good memory or not?



Last edited by emptybox

Good morning both xx


I am a day behind so this is advent day 3 piccie, day 4 to follow later....

Image result for photos christmas reindeer


I too hadn't noticed the beef rub typo and just thought it was something I didn't know about!

Let's hope your BIL does recover quickly at home, especially as your SIL has health concerns too. Yes shame your OH doesn't like Christmas cake, but hopefully you will get to enjoy a bit of Christmas pudding with double cream.



glad you got some nice weather, enabling you to end up with a nice clean van. Sounds like sorting out your computer has kept you busy too.


Yes I too enjoyed X factor. I am not keen on the boyband, ,don't think they sound good at all despite how the judges rave about them, so would prefer they left. I'd like to see the 2 girls and the lad in the final, but can't see the producers wanting that, think they'd pefer to keep the boy band in. Can't believe it is the final next week already.

Looking after mum this afternoon, it is a lovely sunny day, so will get out as many washloads as I can before I go to mum's.


Have a good day both xx


Evening Both.

Not a bad day really, 7c and sunny all day, forecast said lots of cloud, wrong again, collected a lot of leaves up, the wire tanged rake works a treat on the slate and the leaf grabber thingy graps them up loads at a time.

My lad came to get the Christmas stuff from the loft, wow, so much.

Emptybox, Never heard of having 4 OS on 1 computer, wow, i know you can only have one running at a time.

Strange that the motherboard that went was an Asus, something bad happened to blow that one.

Yes, strange O/H doesn't like Christmas cake, she doesn't like Christmas pudding either, very fussy some people.


Mollie, Love the Advent pics, can't believe it's December, my lad and his O/H are taking me out for a meal at an Indian restaurant to celebrate, love Indian food, had a beef madras i made tonight, add diced potato into it as rice soaks all the gravy up.

Beef rub, thats so funny, i've never even heard of that, ha ha.

As far as i know SIL is staying at home for now and has delayed any Op if needed till her O/H is able to manage the stairs and look after himself.

Looking forward to the IAC final tonight, don't know if Adam or Scarlet will win though.


Evening both.
Very frosty this morning. I had to scrape the windscreen before going for the papers. But a dry day anyway.
Just went to the supermarket.


Thanks for the reindeer pic Mollie.
Hope you got plenty of washloads done before looking after your Mum?
I don't see what the judges see in that boyband either? As you say, they probably are trying to get them into the final. Mind you, Louis wasn't doing them any favours, as he was asking the viewers to vote for all the acts. Perhaps he didn't realise that if they voted for the other acts then his one wouldn't get through?


Hi Hicky. Well done on getting the leaves raked.
Hope you enjoy your Indian meal out.


All my computers (except for the tablet) have more than one operating system on them. The others just have two, one Linux and one Windows, but this computer has four, because I use it for testing various versions of Linux.
But as you say, you can only boot into one at a time.
If you used a program like Virtual Box you could run a number of them as virtual machines at the same time. But I prefer to install them properly and dual boot (or quadruple boot in this case ).
So I'm glad to have this computer back working again.


Don't really know what happened to the Asus motherboard? It started playing up occasionally, then one day wouldn't come on at all.
I bought it second hand in 2012 and got 4 years use out of it, but it was probably about 8 years old.


Looking forward to X Factor and IAC final. .





I am as fussy as your OH then, as I don't like Christmas cake or Christmas pudding either.

Glad you had a nice day weather wise, so were able to sort the leaves out. Sounds like you have a lot of Christmas stuff to sort out.

When are your lad and his OH taking you out for the Indian meal?



glad you got some nice weather. Did you buy any nice treats from the supermarket? Do you go to Sainsburys?

Yes great to have IAC and X factor on tonight.


Took mum to the Christmas fayre today. It was cold, but the carers had dressed her in 5 layers with hot water bottle and a blanket, so she was fine. The reindeer there were so cute.


...and as Hicky's son has got his decorations out for him, advent day 4 is put up the decorations themed.

Enjoy IAC and X factor.


Hi Mollie.
Glad you enjoyed the Christmas Fayre.


Really glad Scarlett won IAC, and Joel came second.
TBH I found Adam rather annoying.


Didn't really buy any treats at Sainsburys. I bought a bottle of red wine, but that's for taking to my Brother's at Christmas.
Oh aye, and I bought some mince pies. But I allow myself some mince pies now it's December.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Quite a cool day here 1c this morning, warmed to 3c though, didn't do much, walked the garden but came back in.

Watched a recording and the TV really.

Emptybox, glad your Computer is running again, gives you more to play with.

Loved the Jungle Final, though Scarlet would win, thought Adam would be 2nd though.

I agree about Adam, he can be a bit much.

Mollie, Yes, you are as fussy as my O/H, my lad is taking me out on the 17th or 18th, depending if her older girl can babysit.

Yes, the tree is up and decorated, not sure if it's finished, i keep out of the way.

Love the Advent pics, not so long now, and it's only 16 days till the shortest day, so it's starts getting lighter after the 21st.





that will be a nice pre-Christmas treat to go out with your lad for tea the week before Christmas.

That is great that you can now choose to have a nice relaxing day watching tv and recordings on a cold day like today.

Gosh you are dead right, not long till the shortest day is over and done for this year. Doesn't seem 5 minutes since we were complaining the days were going to get shorter.



Glad to hear you are joining the advent spirit by treating yourself to a few mince pies.   How long will you stay at your brother's for this Christmas? I don't like red wine, but like rose. One red one I did like though is one I sampled at Costco and it was a chocolate red wine.

Did you get to do your gardens today?

I hung my washing out, but it did not dry very well today.

No IAC, so am watching Robbie Williams, don't mind though as I like him. Me and daughter went to see him in Wembley a couple of years ago, brilliant and we have booked to see him again when he comes to Cardiff next June.


I so agree about IAC. Scarlett was a worthy winner.

And Adam was so annoying, I am glad he didn't get any higher than he did.

Have posted all my Oz cards, need to start my others now.

Advent day 5 .... is some hot choccie to go with Emptybox's mince pies.


Goodnight both xxx


Thanks for the hot choc Mollie. Very warming.
Will just be at my Brother's for a couple of days.
Chocolate red wine sounds good. Never tried it though. I prefer red to white or rose, but I'm not fussy.


Everything in deep freeze here today. Very hard frost that stayed all day. And it's frosty again tonight. No point in going out when it's as cold.


Good idea to keep out of the way of the tree decorating Hicky.
I don't do mine for a while yet.
Ah, you're not going out for the meal till later in the month. I know what that date is.


Early this evening I was watching Saara at her Homecoming gig in Helsinki. It was streamed live on the internet. A huge crowd outside the Helsinki cathedral. She was very good.
You can see most of it here -

And I discovered that she has a sister Suvi, who sings almost as good as her.
Saara and Suvi - Defying Gravity 
But I'm not obsessed with her (Saara), not at all.


I also watched the Robbie Williams concert Mollie.


Also made my first casserole of the season. Very good it was. have frozen 5 portions for other times.

Last edited by emptybox

both xxx


hope you had a good day today. I bet your little bungalow looks festive now. Is it your OH who puts up the Christmas tree etc? When my OH and son put our lights up, 2 lots for some reason decided not to work! So he had to get some more. Good job they are not expensive. We have a mish mash of different types and colours of lights outside the front of our house now!



gosh it does sound cold up there again. It has gone milder here again, but is horrible and damp and drizzly, so I'd prefer the cold sunny weather we had before.

Glad you enjoyed your first casserole of the season. I bet is smells really nice in your house when that is cooking.

Thanks for the links. I wonder if they will show her in Helsinki on Saturdays X factor, so that is why she went back? It certainly did look cold there. Her sister has a good voice and is very pretty too.


OH been to Costco tonight. Told him to get a bottle of this vodka for Christmas.

We had a sample of it last time we were in the store and it is dead yummy. Plus it is ÂĢ10 cheaper in Costco than in the shops. Now the problem is can I resist it till Christmas?   The tin of Celebrations we had only lasted a week so is well gone before Christmas.

Going to watch the Secret Life of 5 Year Olds today.

And for advent day 6, we have a young lady...not sure if she is 30's, 40's or 50's style?

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

8c here today, 13c tomorrow and quite warm the rest of the week.

Didn't go out, watched tv most of the time, O/h was putting decs up on the guttering and outside, i was setting the timers, such a hard but important job.

Cooked a small pork leg joint to get a bit of crackling, don't like the meat much.

Mollie, Yes, looking forward to the Birthday meal, another of my lads text me today, he wants to pop in to see us in Christmas week, he has a little lad we haven't seen yet.

Another good Advent pic, i often have a Cadbury's choc drink that i make on my drink machine.

Emptybox, I've changed my browser which i use for the news links and news video's from Chrome as it crashed all the time, i'm using Opera now, and it doesn't have adverts so i'm made up.

I just used to get in the way if i tried to help so now i keep well away and pretend i'm dormant haha.

Yes, she was very good, sisters eh, i'll watch the video you posted, I can tell your not obsessed, course i can, Saara, love the spelling, a bit like Dutch, double letters.

Thats a big Casserole to get all those helpings, such a good idea to freeze the portions, i have a load of those plastic food dishes that you put meals in, like what the Indian shops use for takeaway meals.

PS, Did you know Nico Rosburg has retired from F1 and Mercedes, wow, that was a shock to me, didn't like him though, don't think he liked being 2nd.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening both.
Frosty again this morning, but it cleared by noon. However it was replaced by mist and damp, and it's raining this evening, so no good for work.


Pity your Xmas lights failed Mollie, but I'm sure the mish mash looks festive.
That advent girl looks like she's from the 40s I would think?
They'll probably just show a little clip of Saara (and the others) Homecoming concerts, on the show on Saturday.
You'll have to try to resist that flavoured vodka until nearer Christmas.


Hicky. Yes, setting the timers is the important job. Leave the easy part of hanging the lights off the guttering to your OH.
Finnish seems a funny language, not really related to Swedish or Norwegian. Lots of double letters and long words.
That's interesting that you've got another, as yet unseen, grandchild.


I've tried Opera in the past, but it's interface seemed rather fussy, but I think it's improved a lot lately. And as you say, now incorporates it's own ad blocker.
I use an ad blocker on Chrome, but Chrome uses a lot of RAM, so I might give a look to Opera again?


Watched the repeat of that 'Our Queen..' doc, then turned over to BBC4 to watch Alice Roberts in the Digging For Britain prog.


Hopefully it'll be mild and dry in the next couple of days, to let me get a bit of work done.
Looks like Thursday might be the best day for that?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not a bad day, 15c in the garden, pruned the Raspberry canes, didn't do much today, watched TV mostly.

O/H went to Costco, picked a few bits up, some beef flank for my curries, toilet rolls, tins of sardines, i have them for supper sometimes, coffee mate, have that in my coffee and it's so cheap, and Omega 3 Fish Oil we both use that.

Mollie, We posted together yesterday so i missed yours.

Yes, the Bungalow has the coloured lights on the gutter, a Led lit Snowman standing on the Gas Cupboard with an Led lit Raindeer standing by the Snowman.

The inside of the porch is lit with Led figures from 9am till midnight, the inside of the house has so many lit ornaments and arays etc that i couldn't count them, the tree has hundreds of lights on it.

I watched the 5 year old, super isn't it, they are so good to watch.

Emptybox, Yes, i have loads of grand children, not sure how many really, think it's only 9.

I'm pleased with Opera so far anyway, i couldn't stand chrome crashing all the time, i sent a crash report about 20 times, that was enough, asked a few online what they used and they said Opera.

I'm still using Firefox for 8 tabs, have cut the tabs down with all the crashing, maybe i should change all the tabs to Opera, might think about that.

PS. Meant to tell you, got a letter from hmrc telling me i owed ÂĢ50 now for January, the letter was dated November, and as i pay my tax on a weekly basis to cover my pension it made even less sense, rang them, was talking to a computer who was trying to get me to use the website, after half an hour and a long wait i got a human, spoke to her and she checked, she said my latter and the 6 pages of weekly payments was out of date, i said i only got it today, it was send by a computer, she said she had an up to date schedule she could send me and it doesn't show i owe anything at all, she said you have got an outdated copy, how crazy is that.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Mild but damp day here. Up to about 12 degrees I think.


Got my invoices and accounts done, then did some ironing. Then went into town to deliver some of the invoices (probably cheaper than the post nowadays).


Your bungalow sounds very colourful, inside and out.
Yes, I think HMRC is in chaos. It's surprising they don't make more mistakes.
And it's really bad that you had to hang on for half an hour before you got to speak to someone.

I hear they are doing away with tax returns in 2018, and giving everybody a digital tax account. Whether that'll mean more mistakes or less is anyone's guess.
That reminds me, I've still got to fill in my tax return (online) this year.


Watched the Junglies coming out show, then the drama 'In Plain Sight' on ITV1.
Now watching 'Finding My Twin Stranger' on 4.

Last edited by emptybox



how nice you are getting to meet another youngster for the 1st time. Is it a new baby, or just that you don't get to see this family very often, so it is an older child? 

Wonder if your OH got to try some free samples when she went to Costco?  Samples are my fave thing about Costco.

I too seem to have problems with chrome. How do you get this opera thing? I hadn't heard of it before.

Gosh that HMRC are rubbish! Good job you didn't owe them anything though. They sent a copy of a letter to me recently to our old accountant who we haven't used for 10 years! 

Sounds like your OH is doing a great job on making your bungalow festive, with your help of doing the timer.



bet you can't wait to see your heroine on X factor on Saturday.

Hope it is mild and dry for a few day so you can get out to do some work.

For advent day 7 piccie, I have a little tale.....

Today I did some shopping, then looked after mum. Gosh those carers made me laugh today. They like to decorate mum's flat, so I got an elf on the shelf from the Pound shop to go in her flat.
The carers have decided the elf gets up to mischief each day.
They showed me the photo from yesterday...., there was spilt porridge on the kitchen unit and the naughty elf sitting next to it.
Today I noticed this when I got there....


Naughty elf had stolen the toilet roll, and mum's Christmas sunglasses and twisted them all round the curtain and curtain rail!  
He also stole one of the carers rubber gloves, blew it up, and wrote HO, HO, HO on it!

Believe it or not I never noticed this till I had been in mum's flat for a couple of hours.  


Hi Mollie.
I can see how you would easily miss the elf and his antics. He looks like he's holding on for dear life?
I suppose the carers have to take what amusement they can out of their job.


Yes I'm hoping tomorrow will be a nice day so I can get some work done. Friday is forecast to be wet.


Can't wait to see Saara on Saturday.
Not really expecting her to win, but she'll at least have gained a lot of UK fans, that will allow her to work here if she wants. She's already well known in Finland, but that's quite a small market.


both xx


hope you had a nice relaxing day.


hope today was drier for you than it was here today! It wasn't pouring, just really damp and drizzly. So hope you managed to get out and get some work done. Yes the cost of posting has gone up so much, it is probably cheaper to drop your invoices off if they are not too far away.

A digital tax code! Gosh can you imagine what chaous it will be when they introduce that?

Private carer had mum as I needed to do food shop today. She rang me in a panic whilst I was shopping as it was nearly 4.30 and mum wasn't back, she usually gets back at 4. Told her not to panic though...., turns out bus man was just stuck in traffic. She had to rush to feed mum in the time she had though.

Watching The Apprentice tonight as haven't seen it for awhile whilst IAC was on.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie. Thanks for your puppy in a snowstorm pic.
Pity you didn't get the nice weather.
Must have been heavy traffic to hold the bus up for half an hour? Just good that the carer was able to hang on to give your Mum her supper.

It was a dry day here. Quite a sunny afternoon too.
Got out to do some work. Cutting back and tidying up.


The new tax thing could be chaotic right enough. I think the idea is that small businesses keep all their figures on an app, and the app submits them to the HMRC quarterly, rather than having to do a yearly tax return.
And ordinary tax payers would have a digital tax account where they can go and add any extra income at any time of the year. Just hope their computer system will be up to it.


Really glad that Grainne was saved again on The Apprentice, although I don't know whether she deserved to be.

Was also watching a programme on BBC  iPlayer called 'The River' , all about the river Tweed and the Scottish Borders countryside and Borders life.
I forgot it was on the telly, so found it on catchup. Haven't seen anyone I know yet, but I know the towns featured obviously.


Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Just posted this, it's from yesterday, crazy system here, why didn't it go?

Not a bad day really 15c in the garden, didn't do much, a bit of shredding in the shed.

Sorted the Lobster tails in the freezer, found 9 of them, love them.

Emptybox, glad you got your invoices sorted, a job out of the way, yes, it will be interesting if they stop these darn tax returns what a problem they are, so complex for most people.

I saw them coming out of the Jungle, they really appreciated all that food, don't wonder really.

It was raining this morning but the sun came out so it turned out ok.

Mollie, this grandchild is about 2, they were supposed to come a while back but things didn't work out, think they are overcareful with the baby as it was, and even now they say they can only stay an hour as they have to get home for his 1pm nap.

You just download Opera here and install it:

It's amazing what these Elves get up to, i've banned them incase they are naughty like your mums.

Thats a good picture/evidence


Last edited by Hicky

Evening Both.

Don't know why the last post didn't go.

Not a bad day, 13c but very cloudy damp air as well.

Didn't do much, gardener never came, might have to cover the tubs myself, was hoping i didn't have to.

I saw the Apprentice, they are all crazy i think, the one that went was a bit bossy.

I wonder if a digital tax system will work, i suppose it should be ok for me as i'm not working.

I signed up for self assessment on the hmrc website, it was talking about a Gateway ID, i have one but it seems it's a different one for the hmrc the one i have is the dvla which doesn't work for hmrc.

CBB starts 3rd Jan, but 2 more go in on the 6th, can't wait.





shame your post got held up, better than losing it I guess. I have lost a few posts since they changed the forum.   It is because I have to remember to press the "reply" button.

Yes that was funny how they were putting away all that food when they came out of the jungle!

Oh well I guess an hour with the little one is better than none. Perhaps they find it easiest to fit to a routine as the kiddie is so young? I know my kiddies when young got grumpy if I had to keep them from their usual bedtime for some reason. Or maybe they are a bit over cautious  if it is their 1st child?  I found the more kiddies I had the easier and more relaxed I got.

I agree, they are all rather bonkers on the Apprentice this year. Interviews should be interesting next week, I bet they have told a few porkies on their cv;s.

That is great news that CBB starts on Jan 3rd, some thing for us to look forward to in the new year. I hope they don't leak the names of all going in this time and I hope they aren't all Geordie shore ones!

Thanks for the opera link.



glad you got the good weather and got some work done.  It will be nice for you to be up to date with Christmas coming up. That is good your fave was saved on Apprentice, only I reckon though!

I have my doubts about the computer system over at HMRC sorting all that out!

thanks for the Scottish border link. I will try and find to give it a view, tonight is Gogglebox night though. Do you still watch Gogglebox? I always enjoy it.


My private carer had mum tonight and she texted me worried again that she was real late home. She didn't get home until the 2 agency carers were due to arrive to put her to bed! Turns out the day centre had taken her to the college pantomine and forgot to tell me! So her tea was cut short again tonight! I'll have to tell tomorrow mornings carer to feed her up. Can't complain though as I think it was great they took her to the pantomine.

Goggle box time. Have a good evening both xxx


Advent day 9, and today it is Christmas tree day.

This is our tree, and we have before and after photos. Photo 1 is of the tree we chose in the field. We looked at lots and chose this one. It is a noble fir. It has a blue tinge to it. We went for a smaller one than we usually have, because the noble was the more expensive than we normally have, and also because the smaller ones looked nicer because it was a fuller tree. It is about 4ft 11ins. After we bought it I saw it on "This Morning" and the tree expert said this was the best kind as it doesn't shed. I can confirm it certainly doesn't and we've had it 2 weeks, the most it has lost is 2 needles. He also said on tv they are quite hard to get hold of in the UK, but are very popular in America. Perhaps we found one so easy here though because they like it in Wales, with all the rain we get! 


Hi both.
Mild but windy and drizzly here.
Didn't do a lot, but got out to do a little tidying in my own garden, when it got drier late afternoon.


Pity your gardener couldn't come Hicky.
Hope you get to finally meet your newish grandchild, if only for a short while.


Don't know what a Gateway ID is? I usually just need a tax number and a password to log in to the HMRC self assesment site. Hope they haven't changed it from last year?


Oh dear. Your Mum late again for her supper. But good that she got a visit to the pantomime.


Watched Gogglebox. Nice that they got to watch Scarlett winning the Jungle.
Have heard a few rumours about the CBB contestants. Seemingly they might have some previous ex-CBBers returning in some capacity?


ETA: That's a nice looking tree Mollie.
What's on the top of it? Is it supposed to be Rudolph in a stripey scarf? Looks more like a Koala with a TV aerial on it's head.
Is the train set an early Christmas pressie for your OH?


I've heard of the Noble fir. Think the Nordman fir is more usual in the UK?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not too bad today, 11c but cloud all day, no wind.

Didn't do much, added more eternal fairy lights to the existing timers in the porch by installing 2 .5m extension leads, O/H draped a lot of lights around the 2 fake 1/2 standard trees by the front door, i also changed the timer on the snowman and reindeer to come on at 9am, they go off at midnight.

Mollie, Not sure how i didn't press the Post button, very strange as i always check.

Yes, they are going to find it hard this week, their cv's are usually ripped to bits and how good it is for LS will be interesting.

That was nice of the carers to take your mum to the Pantomime, a while since i've been to one, but they are so much fun.

Your tree looks good, all the rain, they should call it the submarine tree.

Emptybox, Yes, a blow the gardener not coming, i've put one cover on the trees but it's my back that aches really, the rest seems ok, might check the weather next week and give him a ring.

The Government Gateway i last got was for the DVLA and uses a 12 figure number, it seemed talking to an online advisor that i had to start again to get an ID for the HMRC system, but each time you log in they send a code through to your phone that has to be entered on the web page.

I read as well that some previous contestants are going in, i'm not that bothered though.

Looking forward to Strictly tonight anyway.


both xxx


Yes pity the gardener didn't come, it is hard to do too much yourself if your back bothers you. I can't do much bending since I had that op. I remember having a card with that Gateway system for OH, but it went wrong and I left the accountant to sort it out.

Your timers definately sound well organised. We do not have anything like that, we just switch them on and off when we remember them! You will have to put a photo on of it. 



That is good you got to do your own garden, even if you didn't get much else done. Do you have a big garden? We don't as this is a modern house, don't like it at all because it is also built on very damp land.

I agree it was nice to see gogglebox and watch them watching Scarlett win.

Yes it is a daft looking reindeer with a scarf on top of our tree.   Never thought of how he was like a koala with a tv aerial before though.


Watching the final of X factor now, enjoyed the dancing, but missed the end to watch X factor. Will watch the results tomorrow though.

We went to the college panto today, that the day centre took my mum to yesterday. It was very good just for a college one, I enjoy the cheesy jokes.

Hope they are good HM's if they have chosen to bring old ones back in again. Maybe they are running out of new ones willing to go on the show?

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening guys.
That's a nice advent pic Mollie.
Not bad day here, quite a lot of sun. 


Glad you enjoyed the pantomime Mollie. Yes, it's cheesy but traditional.


Pity your back stops you doing too much Hicky.
Just had a look and my tax ID is a 12 digit number, so that must be my Gateway ID, even though I didn't know it was called that. Had the same ID for years.


So so pleased that Saara got through to the final two. Mind you, she deserved to, as both her performances were fantastic.  
Think Matt is just the favourite to win, going into Sunday, but I guess it'll depend on how they do tomorrow?

I'd love for her to win, as she's always come second in all the shows she's entered before (The Voice Finland for example). But in some ways she might do better to come second, as the winner will be closely locked into a contract with Simon Cowell for a year, and he never seems to let them do anything.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not a bad day, 9c but just cloud, no wind, didn't do anything, O/H made a Sunday roast for 1pm

Got a hospital appointment tomorrow for a urinary scan, but they said i need to drink 1Â― to 2 pints of water an hour before the appointment time, i'm just testing to see if thats possible with the prostate having been made into a rather different type of prostate i which holding water doesn't seem to be top priority.

Mollie, I do have a few timers, use less with adding a multi mini extension lead so if the devices to be turned on and off are grouped then less timers are needed, the ones in the house are turned on and off by O/H which is rather a lot, many being battery driven though, the 3 timers i look after are for the 6 sets of LED stuff either outside or in the porch.

Didn't watch X-Factor but know who got through to the semi, i like Saara and hope she wins really as i don't like fellers singing.

Thats a nice advent picture, i'm sure as Santa's helper she would do a bit in the garden for me.

Emptybox, Yes, it does seem a problem when they win the X-Factor, they are subject to quite a lot of restraint, they can't do anything without permission and they aren't going to get that.

I enjoyed all those in Strictly, pity one has to go.

I see they are advertising the Voice so thats no far off either, so with CBB on the 3rd of Jan, a few weeks away it's going to be a nice new year on TV.

Only 10 more days till Winter and start of the days getting longer.


Hi Hicky.
Dull and cloudy here today, but reasonably mild.
Haven't done much except the usual supermarket run.


Good luck with the urinary scan Hicky. Is that an ultrasound one?
I had a ultrasound scan as part of them diagnosing my condition, and I was supposed to drink that before I went, but they forgot to tell me beforehand.
Or I think what happened was they didn't read the doctors notes properly, and didn't realise he wanted the prostate scanned as well as the other organs etc.
So they gave me a jug of water and a glass in the waiting room, and I had to sit drinking it there till they called me for the scan.


Have ordered an android mobile phone from Amazon. It's supposed to come tomorrow, so I'll have to wait in.
It's to replace the one that stopped working months ago. I've been using the sim in an older one in the meantime, but it's a frustrating experience, so I decided it was time to shell out for a new one.
The make is BLU, which is an American make, although they are made in China.
It's cheaper than the like of Samsung (ÂĢ145) and gets quite good reviews. But I haven't used one before, so it's a bit of a risk, but should be OK.


Yes it's not long now till the shortest day, then things will hopefully start looking up


Can't wait for the X-Factor final tonight.
Fingers crossed that my Uncle doesn't phone during it, as he did before.


both xxx


I hope the scan goes ok tomorrow. Don't worry too much if you can't drink all they ask you to, if you think it is going to be a problem. I remember those when I had a baby and I never drank as much as they said, it would of been far too uncomfy!

I think you do well with all those timers.

Yes that would be rather nice if you could have that young lady Santa helper to assist you in the garden.

It is good we have the Voice and CBB to look forward to in the New Year.



Probably good for you that you didn't have to drink all that water ages before the test!

Your Amercian mobile sounds interesting. Hope you are pleased with it.

Shame your fave didn't win X factor, I preferred Matt,as I was not keen when Saara sang high notes. but Matt hadn't been one of my faves.

Hope you had no phone calls interrupting you.

Such a lovely day today, took mum to amusement arcade and I had a coffee and fed her a banana. (for vitamins). Daughter came too. Lots out surfers there  today and the rugby guys practising on the beach in their skin tight shorts!


Hi Mollie.
That's nice that you got some amusement today. Both from the Arcade, and from the rugby boys.


Yes. really sad that Saara didn't win, but Matt was a very good singer as well (just not as good as Saara ).
Mind you, that Winner's Single is fairly dire, so I'm glad Saara doesn't have to sing it, and I don't have to buy it.


I think Saara will do well in the UK regardless. Well I hope so anyway.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.)

7c here today, cloud and drizzle most of the time.

Went to the hospital for the Ultra-scan, had to drink lots of water 1 hour before, but we had to wait an hour as 2 staff were off which was getting a bit uncomfortable, but after she had done the bladder and prostrate i could go for a wee, she then did the kidneys, i have cysts or something in them.

then i went for a haircut SB&S for now.

Emptybox, Hope the mobile will be OK, they are all probably made in China anyway, they seem to have a monopoly on all goods made in the world.

I didn't watch the results, maybe she lost because she wasn't from the UK.

Mollie, Yes the Voice could start on Sat 7th, Tom Jones, Will.I.Am, Jennifer Hudson, Gavin Rossdale, 2 from the USA.

Candles for advent, always remember when i was very little, Mother had a little Christmas tree on the sideboard covered in cotton wool to look like snow with birthday candle on the tree, not sure why, anyway, i wanted to see what it would be like in the dark of night with the candles lit, not too good an idea looking back, the tree went up like a Furness, Mother was in bed, can't remember now what happened next or how we put it out.

We did have fun when i was young, like when she brought a goose home to be plucked and i thought it might be quicker to set light to it, and when i found some lovely paint and painted the toilet seat only to find out it was security paint which stayed wet.

Rugby guys practising on the beach in tiny shorts and you want us to believe you went to there for you mum, come on now, you've been rumbled.

I'll have to google these kidney cysts, operator said very common, i hate common stuff.Lol.


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